Bangkok Bathhouse Adventures

by Kiunga

2 May 2021 6516 readers Score 8.4 (58 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I grew up in a small town and Paul and I weren’t the best of friends, but friendly enough.

We literally started kindergarten together and graduated grade 12 together, and in the entire class I don’t think there was even much change except for two of the girls who got pregnant and weren’t allowed to graduate (gotta love small conservative farming towns).

When I left high school though, I didn’t really keep in touch with many of my classmates, many of whom stayed in town, married their high school sweetheart and had a dozen children. I went off to University and by the time I was 21 I was already living abroad and travelling the world for work so just never kept in touch.

But over the years I did start to reconnect and mostly through LinkedIn because I don’t use FB or others, and randomly out of the blue I got a note from a name I kind of recognized but had to follow the link to the profile. 

Sure enough it was Paul and he now lived in Bangkok.

Honestly, when I thought about him from high school days I remembered him being more of a stoner, or a goth and into things like Dungeons and Dragons, which is to say, I was intrigued how he ended up in Bangkok.

So I accepted the invitation and we began to converse back and forth catching up. 

His parents had passed away a long time ago, most of the remnant family had moved away from town so he also had not been back in a very long time. And he and his wife who was Thai enjoyed the life in Bangkok. He worked for a bank or something as an actuary.

As it happens because I travel for work all the time, Bangkok is not a usual destination for my line of work but on occasion I use it as a springboard to transit into another nearby place.

When I had last spoke to Paul he had thrown out the obligatory “If you’re ever in Bangkok, look me up,” and as I was heading that way I reached out and said I’d have a night in town, maybe could grab a drink.

It actually turned out to be a very pleasant night and I thought to myself it was a shame that he and I hadn’t kept in touch after high school because I found him quite interesting.

Much like myself he had wanted to get away as fast as he could from our hometown and had taken off to Asia backpacking, exploring, going to an English Language university in Korea and then settling in Thailand after working around with one of the large regional banks.

I was a bit jet lagged and through force of habit, have always stayed at the Mandarin Oriental so suggested we just meet there and have dinner.

This suited him fine and he teased me about “business being good” because in 15 years he had never set foot in the Mandarin as it was a “bit posh” for him.

But anyway, we had a great seafood meal and the went to the bar for a cocktail and just sat around laughing about how silly we were in school and who we kept in touch, and most fun, who we had crushes on. I confessed to being gay and the guys that I thought were hot. 

He didn't seem bothered that I didn't mention but come on, who wouldn't have a thing for the hockey jocks versus the goth stoner?

As we nursed a couple of drinks my phone went off and it was a text from the airline announcing that my onward flight for tomorrow was cancelled due to some unrest at the destination and unlikely to resume until Monday at the earliest.

“Well damnit,” I said.

“Whats wrong?”

“My flight is cancelled, I think there is a coup or something” I said chuckling in disbelief, “so it looks like I have no reason but to order another drink!”

“Aw man, that sucks," he paused and his face lit up, "but hey, if you’re here on the weekend, why don’t you come over for dinner and meet my wife? You probably don’t want to give up the Mandarin Oriental but you’re welcome to stay too.”

I declined the offer to stay over but did pop over the next evening for dinner after a day of sightseeing and thoroughly enjoyed getting to know him and his wife.

After dinner and more drinks, Paul and I were talking outside as I waited for my driver to come back and he asked what I was doing tomorrow night.

“No real plans.” was my reply.

“Look,” he said, “You’re in Bangkok, you should hit one of the bathhouses while you’re in town,” and he named off one very specific bathhouse and said, “It’s hopping on a Sunday night and good fun.”

I looked at him puzzled thinking about his wife and although I had confessed to being gay and married, I asked the obvious, “Uhm, how would you know it’s hopping?”

“Oh yeah about that,” he said, “we have a little arrangement, she’s totally cool with it, just on the side, variety and all, and hey, wanna go together?”

I was kind of turned on by this suggestion and I couldn’t in the heat of the moment think of one good reason to say no, so agreed.

He said he’d grab a taxi, swing by the mandarin at 10 o’clock tomorrow and we’d go together.

He looked like he was wearing the same outfit from the night before and for some silly reason, I dressed up in a tight polo and some hip hugging shorts with what I thought looked like the cutest plimsole like canvas shoes. I thought I was cute anyway.

“Who you getting all dressed up for” he asked as I got into the taxi.

“Confession, I’ve never been to the tubs in Bangkok, and I googled and I didn’t know what to expect.”

He just laughed and mumbled something about, “Well it is about to be pretty obvious.”

We got there, checked in, I had a room, he had one across the hall and we agreed to get changed into our towels and he would take me on a tour.

You got the impression he had been here before more than a few times as he nodded hello to a few cute little guys wandering and even pointed out to few with, “he’s a little firecracker in bed.”

After the tour was over, we split up and went our separate ways which suited me fine.

I wandered around the dark room, fucked some random guys bareback in the gloryholes and in the showers. For a long time, I was sitting in the porn room jerking and letting this guy from Germany suck my dick when Paul walked in totally naked.

My jaw dropped, the guy had a fucking elephant dick between his legs. It must have been ten inches which you know how it goes, its always the tall skinny guys that have the massive schlongs.

He nodded at me with a smile and sat down on the bench to watch the porn.

A least three very tiny muscle bottoms came in trailing him and ooo’d and awed over him playing with his dick, sucking him, kissing his body and worshipping him.

It was totally hot watch him be treated like a god by these guys and it made his dick so rock hard and in the dark light, it was a sight to behold.

Now I will skip straight to the end here so as not to build up too much expectation, but he and I never fucked that evening or even played with each other.

But we did spend the rest of the evening following each other around and I enjoyed watching him breed willing bottoms and at one point, I was being fucked doggy style in my room by my new German friend who had left the door open.

After poppering up and putting the bottle on the stand, I caught sight of Paul jerking his massive cock at the door to the sound of me moaning while I took a nice load of cum in my ass.

Otherwise, it was way late when we finally threw in the towel (literally) and he got us a taxi and dropped me off at the hotel.

Strangely, there were no hugs, no sentiment attached to our good bye but a very funny comment on his part;

“Make sure you get an STI test right away, those boys are filthy.”

I snorted and laughed my ass off as I walked back into the elegant confines of the Mandarin.

I will definitely be making the effort to keep in touch with Paul if only to have another night in the tubs with him or even better, getting that massive dick in my ass.

We shall see.

by Kiunga

Email: [email protected]

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