Back to Office Fun

by Adam

19 Nov 2020 8186 readers Score 9.3 (137 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In March I, like many in office type jobs, was instructed to work from home indefinitely. Within about week my husband received the same message from his company. We went from opposite schedules, and plenty of alone time, to never being apart. I'm sure no one would be surprised if there was some friction at first. However, after a while, we both picked up new hobbies and found ways for our own time. 

I decided, not long after quarantine started, that I wanted to get back into the shape I was in, in college. So, we outfitted our basement with the equipment I'd need - there is an elliptical, rowing machine, kettle bells, and a bosu ball. Every day after work, I have gone down there and worked my ass off...or more specifically, back on. You see, back in the day, my ass was my best feature. It was a nice, round, bubble butt that got a lot of attention on nights out. 

Nearing 40, in a relationship for 8 years, I had started to let myself go a bit. As a part of that, our sex life had suffered. My husband who, when we met, was a walking sex machine had all but lost interest. In fairness he'd packed on some weight as well, and his job demanded odd hours and intense deadlines. Now eight months on, and my clothes hang off my body like sacks, but I figure since I wasn't really going out in public it didn't matter. Then I got the email from our company, announcing they're going to be opening the office. 

I didn't go overboard, just a few things - some joggers and a couple new cardigans. I needed to have clothes that didn't look frumpy, I'd busted my ass the last 8 months and I wanted to show it off. 

With limited numbers allowed each day, we signed up for specific days we wanted to go in. I had chosen Fridays so that I didn't have to worry about too many people. 

That morning, it was like the first day of school - I was so nervous. What would people think about the changes, who would be there, would it be safe? I pushed those thoughts out of my mind while getting ready, reminding myself there was nothing to worry about. I stepped into the joggers I got, they fit me like a glove. I was a little nervous they were too tight, but decided to go with it. As I was digging for an undershirt, I felt hands on my hips as my husband pressed his hardening cock into my ass. 

"Fuck Mikey, those pants make your ass look so damn good" Andy said. 

As I turned, my eyes swept over his body and down to his throbbing 8 inch cock. He too had been working out, but his activity of choice was long, intense bike rides. So, while he'd leaned out, his legs were looking ripped. I grabbed his cock and used my thumb to smear his precum over the head, causing him to growl. 

"Don't get precum on my new pants baby, I gotta go to work." I gave him a deep kiss and finished getting dressed after a hard slap on the ass. 

"I'm going to fuck that ass so hard when you get home." he said in his husky bedroom voice.

"Promises, promises..." I said back teasingly. 

After our brief banter, I was downstairs grabbing my work bag and some coffee and I was out the door. To be honest, it actually felt wonderful to be on the road to the office. While I would normally be that asshole going 20 over the speed limit, I kept it only just over. I wanted to really luxuriate in the experience of going in to work. 

I won't bore you with the frustrations of technical issues that peppered my morning, having not been in the office in 8 months, but suffice it to say it was less luxurious than the commute. Though I spent the morning frustrated, when I went to get my lunch I saw the man I drooled over every day - Mike. 

Fuck that kid was walking sex - he was built like a brick shit house, covered in tattoos, had a baby face, and a deep baritone voice that made me ache for him. 

"Damn Mikey, you haven't been messin' around during quarantine, lookin good" he said to me when I walked in. 

"Thanks Mike, I figured it was a great excuse to get my fat ass in shape." I said back while my face burned from blushing. 

Looking me over, "I always thought you looked good" he said, before a deer in headlights look crossed his face, I think catching himself. 

"Thanks" I said with a wink, before he turned and walked away, glancing back just in time to catch me staring at his ass. 

After our little encounter, I didn't see him the rest of the day, as we work on different floors. The day went by surprisingly quickly after lunch though. So quickly in fact that I lost track of time, not realizing how late it got until the office admin came in to shut off the lights and startled me. 

"Wow, you're never here this late Mikey, do you want me to leave the light on for you?" she asked in her sing-song voice and genuine smile. 

"Thanks, that would be great Nina." I said back. 

As soon as she was gone, I got up and stretched, I'd been sitting there working through customer issues for hours. Grabbing my phone, I thought I should text my husband and let him know I'd lost track of time, since I was over an hour later than usual. Shooting that text off, I made my way to the bathroom. 

Seeing as my office is on the main floor of our building, the nearest bathroom is the main bathroom in the lobby. While the bathroom is spacious, that is a major design flaw - there are no dividers between the urinals, and when you first walk in, you can see whoever is pissing in all their glory. As I round the corner through the door, I see Mike standing there.

I think to myself as I see his ridiculously fat, uncut cock pissing, "FUCK, that is the last thing I needed to see on this man, he's so hot already."

"Hey Mikey, you're here late" he said as he shakes the drops off the end of his cock.

"Yeah, lost track of time, heading out now though." I say, trying desperately not to stare at his beautiful cock. 

"Yeah I probably have another 30 minutes or so, and then I'm out for the weekend too." He said as he walked over to sinks and started washing his hands. 

We continued with some casual small talk while he dried his hands, all the while I was doing mental gymnastics to try and keep my dick from going to a rager. After zipping my not totally soft dick back into my pants and washing my hands, I made my way back to my desk and packed up. 

Our office building is in a part of town that's mostly commercial and industrial. So, this time of day, it's usually deserted. There has been some gentrification happening, with breweries and distilleries opening up in some of the old warehouses, but most of those were several blocks away. All that to say, on a Friday night, getting to the freeway was always a breeze, because most people would have already headed out. 

I pulled out of the underground parking garage and pulled onto the road. I made it all of a block when my car lit up like Christmas. I momentarily panicked about getting pulled over. The back of my SUV was covered in bumper stickers - Human Rights Campaign, a pride sticker, black lives matter, and a Biden/Harris sticker. As I came to a stop, I was hoping this officer wasn't going to be an asshole. 

I pulled out my license and insurance and put them on the dash, then put my hands back on the wheel just as the cop stepped up to my window. 

"License and insurance" he says, plainly. 

"What seems to be the problem officer?" I ask as I hand them to him. 

"You rolled through that stop sign back there..." He said. 

Now, I have to say, I have a huge thing for men in uniform and this guy was massive. I would say, he had to be about 6'6", he had bulging biceps that his uniform shirt were valiantly trying to contain, and his uniform pants were struggling to contain his massive thighs. 

"You seem nervous, is there anything I should be aware of?" The office asked, when I didn't say anything. 

"No sir." I was able to squeak out, as I feel my cheek flush with embarrassment as I realized I was distracted by his good looks. 

"Step out of the vehicle for me, please" He said, clearly not asking permission. 

Not wanting to be cross with a police officer, I stepped out of the vehicle and he guided me around to the curbside of my SUV. As he was leading me to that side of the car, I realized what a compromising situation I was in. The street we were on was not well traveled, the lot next to the vehicles was a clearly closed business, it was relatively dark except for his flashing lights. 

"Place your hands on the vehicle for me, do you have any weapons or sharp objects on you?" He asked, he must have been close, I could feel his breath despite his mask. 

I placed my hands on the roofline of my car as he requested, and told him there was nothing he needed to worry about. I also realized that I had forgotten to put my mask on when I got out of the car, but thought better than to say anything. 

I felt his hands start at my shoulders, squeezing and moving down my arms, then he moved under my arms and down my side, then he crouched down and started at my ankles working his way up. 

As his hands worked their way up my legs, my body started to respond to the attention it was getting. When his hands got right up between my legs, first in front and the in back, I was starting to wonder if this was normal. One of his hands cupped my crotch from behind, and the both hands moved over my ass. This wasn't a light touch, it was enough that my I felt my cheeks separate in my pants. 

Seconds after feel, what can only be described as him groping my ass. I felt him stand directly behind me and I could feel that he was right up against me. 

"I just need to check one last thing..." He said, with a huskiness that reminded me of my husband's this morning.

I didn't move, just nodded, as I felt his arms move around my sides from behind and snake over my stomach, one moving slightly up and the other moving down. I felt it move over the belt I had on, and he kept going. I was nervous, he was getting dangerously close to my raging hard on. In order for his hand to get lower, I felt his body press into mine, and either he had a night stick on his belt or he had the same issue I did. Before another thought could register, his hand slid over my cock and down the length. Making me gasp and moan. 

With the hand that wasn't on my cock, he opened the back passenger door of my car. As soon as the door was open, both hands moved up to my belt and made short work of getting my pants open and down just below my ass. Just as the cool night air hit my ass, I was pushed down onto the seat in front of me. I never even heard him unzip his pants, but I heard him spit and felt the blunt head of his cock sliding between my ass cheeks. 

It had been quite some time since my hubby and I had had sex. With our schedules so different, and both of us spending our freetime working out, we hadn't made time for each other. This morning's interaction was welcomed, but uncommon. That to say, I knew this was going to hurt, and I hadn't even seen Officer force fucks cock. 

"Please..." was all that came out of my mouth. I'm not even sure what I wanted to say next.

I felt the precum covered head of his cock slide across my tight, puckered hole and heard a soft moan behind me. Again, it slid across my hole. This guy was using his precum and spit to lube me up. As that thought ran through my mind, I felt his head connect with my ass, and this time it didn't just slide over. The pressure built, his precum continuing to flow, and my ass gradually opening to his onslaught. 

"FUCK" I hissed through my teeth as his cock head popped through my opening. 

He didn't stop the pressure he was applying, he just kept pushing forward.

"God damn, you're fuckin tight." He growled behind me. 

I had no idea how big his cock was, but it felt like he was putting a tree up my ass. Just when I thought I couldn't take another inch, I felt the teeth of his zipper pressed against me. He stopped, thankfully, and I was able to adjust to his size but only for a minute before he started pulling out. As his cock was sliding back out of me, it felt like it was going to pull my insides out with it, until just his head remained inside me. 

"Please..." I said again, but this time I knew exactly what I wanted. 

"Please what?" He asked me, knowing what the answer would be. 

"Fuck me, please fuck me..." I cried out, before pushing myself back on his cock and grinding into his crotch. 

He didn't need more convincing and he started to hammer into me. Fucking me hard and deep. My moans filling the car, not caring who heard me, because it was the first time I'd been fucked in so long. 

"You're a little slut aren't you? You just needed someone to let it out?" He said without missing a stroke. 

"You feel so good inside me. Don't stop!" I cry out, not wanting to admit he was right. 

"Oh don't worry stud, I'm not stopping until I cum." he said with a hard slap on the ass. 

I was milking his cock with my ass, sliding back to meet his thrusts, feeling his cock twitching inside me. His cock was hammering right into my nut, and I was starting to shake from the constant pounding. 

"Oh fuck, you're going to make me cum...." I called out, feeling my whole body flushing.

He pulled back and slammed back in, and kept repeating that, letting feel the entire length of his cock sliding in and out. 

"I'm gonna cum too baby" he said, slamming back into me. 

Once all the way inside, his movements became erratic. He was jerking and thrusting. I could tell he was trying to hold back. 

"OH GOD" I cried, as I felt myself spilling over the edge. "Cum in me, please don't stop..."

"FUCK" roared out of him, like some kind of animal. 

The hold he had on my hips was so tight it hurt. He ground his cock into me as I felt myself filling with spurt, after spurt of hot seed. As the feeling of him filling me overtook me I went over the edge myself. 

"AHHHHH, fuck" I cried out, sliding back and forth on his cock. 

Twitching and shaking, I shot rope after rope onto the back seat of my car. Even though I was just fucked senseless, I had the mind to keep myself from collapsing into the pool of cum that had formed on the leather seat. 

I felt the officer's cock slip from my battered, bred hole along with a little cum. He stepped back, which gave me the room to move. 

"Fuck that ass was good Mikey" he said.

I spun around, trying to get my pants over my ass, "Why did you call me that?" I asked. 

He looked like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I have to be honest, I didn't pull you over by accident." He said with a sheepish smile. 

I wasn't sure what to make of what was happening here, there was no way he saw me out of the car, because I park underground. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice louder than I intended, I think startling us both. 

He fumbled in his pockets, "When did he have a chance to zip up?" I thought as I watched him pull his phone out of his pocket. 

"My husband sent me this today..." he turned his phone to me and it was a picture of me from behind, "He couldn't stop telling me how hot your ass looked in the pants you were wearing."

"Who the fuck is your husband?" I asked as it clicked in my mind. "FUCK....Mike is your husband? I didn't even know he was gay." I said more to myself without even letting him answer. 

He nodded and grinned sheepishly, "I'm Tanner" he said before showing me a picture of him and Mike together.

"Do you always fuck guys you pull over without asking Tanner?" I asked, kinda getting turned on by what just happened, now that I knew it was MIke's husband. 

"I've never done that before, but he was right, your ass looked so good. Then when I felt your cock was hard, I couldn't help myself." He said, looking so innocent standing there. 

I stepped toward him and grabbed his phone, "The next time you wanna fuck me, just ask Tanner." Pulling his mask down I gave him a deep kiss, "Now I have to get home to my husband."

Hopping back in the driver's seat I grabbed my phone, it'd only been about 20 minutes since I was pulled over. Checking my phone, there was a message from my husband saying he was going for a ride, but he'd be home later. I was thankful for that since I smelled like the cum filled whore Tanner just made me. 

The drive home was uneventful and quick. Walking through the door I called for Andy, but he must still be out. I made my way to the master bedroom and stripped down for a shower. As the water warmed up, my phone beeped. 

"Heard you met Tanner, I'm next..." followed by two pictures, one of a fat uncut cock, and the other of me bent over the back seat with Tanner's cock up my ass. 

"Next Friday I'm yours" I texted back before stepping into the shower. 

I let the hot rain pour over my body, lost in my thoughts, braced against the wall. I was only in the shower like that for a few minutes, and I felt a cool draft, and then felt the familiar cock of Andy, slide his cock up my ass crack as his arms wrapped around me. 

"Hey baby, I see you got ready for me?" he said, lovingly. 

Momentarily I was confused, and then I remember I'd taken out the douche so if he decided to fuck me tonight, I wouldn't be flooded with Tanners load. 

"Yeah baby, I'm ready for you..." I cooed back at him. 

I felt him pull away for a second, before his cock lined up against my battered hole and sank in.

"I missed this Mikey, you make me feel so good." he whispered in my ear. 

"Me too Andy, I love you baby" I said as his cock bottomed out inside me. 

He made love to me so deep in the shower, slowly sliding in and out of me. When he sat on the floor of the shower, back to the wall, and I straddled him for a reverse cowboy romp and ride, I was so glad we'd renovated the bathroom to include such a huge shower. 

"God damn Mikey, you feel so good...ride me..." He called out, echoing through the bathroom. 

The sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the room. 

"Mikey, I'm gonna cum baby." He growled at me as he pulled me back onto him. 

"OH ANDY, I'm cumming too" I cried, as my body was once again wracked with pleasure tonight. 

Looking down, I saw the dribbles of cum from my cock get washed down the drain. Momentarily pulled out of my love cocoon that we'd just created in the shower, by my quick thought of how glad I was that Andy didn't see that, because he knows I shoot massive loads. 

As that thought passed, I felt him slipping from me. I turned around and straddled him again, kissing him deeply. His tongue fighting for dominance, but mine fighting just as valiantly. My spent cock trapped between us, tickled by his hairy stomach. 

"I love you Andy." I said staring into his eyes. 

"I love you too Mikey" he replied. 

We playfully dried off, and slipped into our pajamas and Andy went off to make dinner. I went back into the bathroom to grab my glasses and my phone. 

Walking down the hall I open the phone without thinking, pull up the messages. Before I realize that I have Andy's phone, I see a message pop-up from a guy we both know from the gym. 

"Great seeing you today Andy" it said, quickly followed by a picture of the guy's cock buried in Andy's throat. 

Closing it quickly, I wasn't sure what to do. I just went into the kitchen and figured that I should try to slyly swap phones. 

by Adam

Email: [email protected]

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