BDSM Gay Sex Club Curiosity

by Baltcumcump

11 Sep 2023 3386 readers Score 9.1 (50 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I’d been chatting with some guys on Recon to further explore my submissive tendencies. Having recently dabbled in being restrained and flogged in somebody’s basement, I was ready to take things up a notch. The guys told me there was a weeknight men’s night and I’d be welcomed as a newcomer to alleviate my anxiety. They told me to wear all black if I wanted to fit in well.

I did more than that. I’d been in chastity for a couple of days now leaving my key with a regular fuck buddy. I wore a black 2” waistband Gym jockstrap (very classic), some tight black jeans with my black boots and a tight fitting leather vest I purchased at IML about 8 years ago and still fit me well. I’d shaved down my body entirely, even my scalp, with the exception of my closely cropped salt & pepper beard. There would be no doubt I was a sub, I wanted that to be very obvious.

Nervously, I took a ride share over to the warehouse which housed the club. After signing forms and paying the membership fee, I was given a key to a locker and told to dress any way I felt comfortable. I’m somewhat of an exhibitionist, so I stripped down to my jock and boots and began to explore the space, along the way seeing men in all sorts off gear, some just conversing, some engaged in various sex acts on the slings and benches, etc. maybe a crowd of 20-25 guys there at this time on a weeknight.

My wandering led me to a large room that fascinated me. I’d been watching, and getting off to, so much flogging and whipping porn, and this room looked exactly like the set of a scene. There were hooks in the ceiling, walls, and floor, ropes, a couple of crosses, a ladder, and on tables and walls were every impact play toy I’d dreamed of! My heart began to race. I was somewhat surprised nobody was using the room at the moment.

While slowly walking around that room, lingering, picking up the various implements, a deep baritone voice startled me, “You like what you see, boy?”

I turned my head and saw a very tall and beefy Black man staring at me. He was in a leather vest and black leather jockstrap, his chest puffed out. He had a graying moustache, probably pushing 60, but definitely confident and fit.

”Ummm, yes Sir” I said shyly.

”I’ve never seen you here before. I’m Master Rob”, and he extended his large hand out to shake mine.

”I’m Rich”, I replied, and my body began to sweat profusely now.

”No need to be nervous, boy Rich, I’m not gonna hurt you unless you want me to”, then he winked. “Tell me, have you done this before?”

”A few times, yes, mostly just in someone else’s house or mine, nothing like this. They told me a had a high pain tolerance, but I don’t know.”

”So you’re still an amateur, and show some respect and call me Master Rob. I won’t remind you again. Would you like me to restrain you and see how much you can take? I love to break in newbies like you, boy Rich.”

”I think so, Master Rob. To be honest, this is why I came here tonight. I wanted to do this for real.”

Master Rob brought me in for a hug and a kiss and then ran his hands up and down my entire body. “Ohh, this is going to be fun. I’m gonna love turning you pink! You ready to get started? You can say no and it’s fine, but if you say yes, I need you to trust me, boy.”

My heart pounded, I was facing the moment of truth.  I didn’t hesitate, “Yes, Master, I’m ready.”

“That’s a good boy. Before we begin, you need a safe word. Only use it if you want to stop. If you say it then the session is over, so be certain about it, boy Rich. Don’t be a hero, take as much as you can, but I want you to enjoy it, too. You understand me?”

”Yes, Master Rob.”

”Tell me then, what’s your safe word, boy?”

”Beaches!”, I screamed out.

”Well that’s a new one. Why beaches, boy?”

”Because the beach is my happy place, Master Rob! I always feel great at the beach!”

”Ok, beaches it is!”

Master Rob grabbed onto some rope and affixed my hands to a hanging hook above me. The knots were tight and binding, I felt my torso stretching and I was on my tippy toes. Then he brought over a metal spreader bar to spread my legs wide apart, and tied each ankle to a hook on the floor.  Then a bite bar was secured over my mouth. I had to remind myself this was exactly what I wanted, why I was there. I saw in videos that the  floggees would take deep breaths to relax their bodies. I closed my eyes and did just that.

I felt a small wooden paddle begin to lightly tap my pecs and then down the front of my stomach, down to my thighs, then the backs of my thighs, my back up to my shoulders. And then the first real “whack” of the paddle whirled through the air as it cracked down on my bare butt. I bit down hard on the bar in my mouth, but didn’t move mostly because I couldn’t, “whack, whack, whack!” They just kept coming landing across each butt cheek and then he came to my front side, demanded I open my eyes and whacked my abs twice as hard, then a few more landing across each pec. My body stung just a little. I felt the perspiration of my shaved pits drip down my sides. 

Master Rob stopped and rubbed my body all over with hands.

”How you doin’, boy? You want more?”

“Yeth Mather Rob!”,I yelled through the bite grip. 

“You’re doing great, boy. Such a good, boy!”

Master Rob then began to run the leather ends of a cat-o-nine tails flogger all over my body. It sent shivers down my spine! I once again took deep breaths and felt Master Rob began to use the flogger lightly across my chest, very slowly, he increased the tempo and weight of shot and soon he was going at my left thigh pretty hard. My feet planted and immobilized, I had no where to go, I wanted to jump or move away, but I couldn’t. It stung like hell, but I loved it. My mind raced as the blows continued to the other thigh, thinking of all those boundgod models in the exact same predicament as me, and worse. Surely, I could take it.

”That’s it boy, stick that ass out for me. Show me how much you want it!”

I slightly arched back to present my ass and I was rewarded with a very severe blow across my buttocks! Master Rob used the flogger like a windmill, beating my ass up with it before taking it back and swinging even harder, testing me. I howled but I was on an intense high! I stick my ass out again and again, wanting to receive those blows almost daring Master Rob to give me the best he’s got!

”Oh, you like this don’t you boy! You taunting me sticking that ass out like that? I’ll show you, motherfucker!”

Master Rob circled around me, stroking me with forehand and backhands, my back, shoulders, entire chest, ass, thighs, grunting as he laced into me. I was screaming now, and was cringing, but not ready to scream “peaches” just yet!

Master Rob dropped the flogger and once again used his hands to feel my entire body. “Fuck boy, your skin feels so hot! Didn’t expect you to take so much on your first time. You think you want more or want to stop?”

”More, pleath, Mather!” I lisped through the gag. 

Master Rob pulled his hard Black cock out from his jockstrap and stroked it as I watched. He unstrung my wrists and removed the gag. “Come on boy Rich. Show me how you suck cock! I’m sure you’re an expert by looking at you!” 

I was still standing with my legs apart when he pulled down on the back of my head and impaled my throat a few times. My wet mouth coated his dick real good.

”Fuck boy, I don’t wanna cum yet. I’m not done with you!”

Master Rob freed my ankles and marched me to the metal ladder towards a corner of the room. He handcuffed my wrists as if I was hugging the ladder and then my ankles. I was probably 3 steps above the ground, my body weight pressed onto the ladder. This time he stuffed a bandanna into my mouth. I’d only been caned once before, and it was a bitch. Master Rob spent the next 15-20 minutes using the length of the cane across my ankles up to my shoulder blades, even pulling down my jock slightly to get my balls under the lock. I was sure I was wearing zebra stripes by now. I’d seen the marks a hard caning could leave. As he hammered away at my ass I began to flinch causing the ladder to move forward. I’d slobbered into that bandanna, screaming wildly as he hit me with the sharp tool.

We’d now drawn a little crowd and another man said,”Well done, Rob. Look at that! And I think he wants more!”

”You think so, Paul, why don’t we ask him?

Master Rob pulled the bandanna out of mouth and asked if I wanted more. 

I was almost sobbing now, my entire backside throbbing in stinging pain, but now I had an audience. I couldn’t say no. I took a very deep breath and clearly shouted, “Yes, please Master Rob! More!”

Master Rob shackled me to the St Andrews cross my backside to the wall. He’d stripped me of my jockstrap, shoved it into my mouth and secured it with duct tape.  He brought the flogger right up to my cock and began to gently swirl it around, once again increasing the veracity, until my cock and balls were jumping. It was when he used a few hard swats to my junk that I almost erupted! Even caged, the feeling of some hard CBT was fucking incredible!

But then he went back to the table in back and placed the flogger down. In his hands were a basket of clothes pins. He began to place them all over my body, my thighs, my balls, sides, chest, arms, tits, etc. like 50 or more and I shrieked like a fucking baby with each one! A few men watching me now, I wasn’t going to quit. I was gonna power through this.

Master Rob had a single tail whip in his hands now, and as he flicked his wrist towards me, the clothes pins were snapping off one by one. This was the most painful yet, but I was in such a euphoric and endorphin riddled trance, I took each bite of that tail like a champ until all the clothes pins were knocked off, leaving the few on my balls for last. Mercifully, Master Rob did not whip my balls with the single tail, he pulled them off manually. Then he undid my wrists and once again forced my head down into his cock until he fed me a glorious load.

He undid my ankles and began to massage me, head to toe, whispering I was such a good boy, how impressed he was with me, etc. He kept asking if I was ok and I told him it was one of the best and most memorable experiences of my life. And then he hugged me and I sobbed, letting all the pent up emotions release from my body.

Gingerly, he walked with me to the locker room and helped me open my locker. I looked in the mirror and I was striped like a zebra all over my body! I had a couple of raises lacerations on various body parts, but nothing too serious.

Master Rob offered me a ride home after we dressed and when he dropped me off said he hoped to see me back at the club again, but I should wait for my body to properly heal.

When I finally got home, it was after midnight. I popped a few aspirin, stripped and lay on the mattress trying not to move around too much. I’d put my body through an ordeal, but it was worth it. I’m looking forward to doing it again and exploring more methods of restraints, bondage, other whips and floggers, and really testing my limits.  

by Baltcumcump

Email: [email protected]

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