America's Next Top Kinkster 2

by TieMeEdgeMe

12 Mar 2023 2074 readers Score 7.4 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

[Note: Been a while since I updated this story but im happy to be back in. I got a spark for it again. You probably need to re-read previous entries to re-familiarize yourself with the players again aha]

Team 1 floor:

Mark walked into team 1 headquarters to greet his new group. 

"Nice to meet you guys. I guess I'm being added late. I take it they will be merging the teams soon and want you guys to have advantage." 

Victor stayed seated and just shot daggers with his eyes. 

Tyrell and Paul politely greeted him but were skeptical. 

"Why would they add someone mid game? Their must be some other intentions here..." They thought. 

Team 2 floor:

Things were getting more intense between Seb and Nate. Nate loved teasing Seb with his toes. How crazy it would make him when he rubbed Sebs bulge and the spot of precum that would emerge. 

Dave groaned. How dumb would you have to be to get into a showmance with someone when their is prize money on the line, he thought to himself. He only had his eyes on the prize. 

Team 3 floor: 

Professor had his 2 slaves under control. Whether they liked it or not they would obey everything he told them to do. He saw an easy path to the end. He smiled defiantly as you stared down his 2 naked, frustrated followers Martin and Taylor. 

"I know you guys hate it. I know you want to tell me to fuck off so bad but you won't. Their is nothing you can do except what I want you to do. You'll be released from my control when I win this game." 


All the players arrived. 

Charlie explained today's kinky competition. 

"This is going to be the "Gross out" challenge. You guys will all be made to lay still while enduring a series of kinks that many may find gross. You are to lay still. You cant turn your head or body away. If you do, youre ejected from the competition.  You can drop put at any time. The last team with any members remaining will be safe. The 2 losing teams must nominate a player. Those 2 players will have a fetish battle and the loser will be the next eliminated from ANTK. Everyone understand?" 

Everyone said yes.

Professor pulled Martin and Taylor aside. 

"No matter how gross what happens here, you guys will stay laying down. You won't even have the ability to quit or move until the challenge is over." 

 The players were all instructed to lay on a series of benches staring straight up. 

"Alright guys. Here we go! Up first bareass face sitting!" Charlie blew his whistle to start. 

Suddenly 10 men hired by production walked in. They all stripped naked. 

Professor knew what was about to happen and that he didn't have to subject himself to this so he hopped up, making him the first eliminated. 

The men slowly sat down, spreading their cheeks so their bare assholes and cheeks eventually eloped the players faces. 

Victor shoved the man on his off of him. 

"Ughh fucking gross!" 

Victor ran to go wash his face off before sitting off to the side with Professor. 

After a minuet the men stood up, separating their buttons from the players faces. 

"OK round 2, some feet action!" Charlie said, blowing his whistle. 

The men slipped their socks off and slowly planted their bare feet in the players faces. 

This wasn't a challenge at all for Nate and Seb who were both pitching a tent. 

Mark didn't last long. The smell was just to strong and he turned his head away disqualifying him. 

Dave was next to break when his guy started to try and press his toes into his mouth. 

Dave and Mark sat with the other eliminated players. 

"Round 3, Saliva challenge!" Charlie said. 

The men started licking the faces of the players. They were very sloppy about it. 

Paul who was used to being a dom and mostly just centered on milking could not take that longer than a few seconds and dropped out. 

"Oh man, now it's all on me." Tyrell thought. 

While the men licked and used their hands to rub the saliva all over the players faces the remaining players seemed to be holding up pretty well. Until....

The men prayed open all the players mouths. 

They all started to slowly let down a long thick, stream of saliva that slowly was seeping down to the players mouths. 

Nate moved his head aside and dodged the spit line which plopped on the bench where his head was prior. 

When the spit entered Sebs mouth he thought he was fine but then it just heat going. Like a faucet of saliva. The man didn't let up and Seb hopped up and hurled. 

Seb and Nate joined the other losers. 

Now just Tyrell vs Martin and Taylor. 

"Round 4, time for the piss challenge!" Charlie said, giving his whistle a blow. 

The men stood by the players heads. They all started to piss all over their faces. 

Tyrells face shriveled up as he struggled to just lay and take it. 

Paul watched the other team and wondered how they could just be so still and unmoving throughout every single round. They just had pure blank faces staring up at the ceiling every round no matter what happened. 

"Something is up with that team, it just seems fishy...." He whispered to Victor and Mark. 

Tyrell broke and moved his hand to block his face, disqualifying him. 

"Congrats to team 3. You are all safe!" 

Professor smugly smiled. Martin and Taylor hated everything they just endured. At this point they almost kinda wanted to lose to be away from Professor. 

"Team 1 and 2, you will each need to nominate a player for the fetish battle" 

Team 1 floor: 

"So we're all sticking together like planned right?" Tyrell said. 

"Yes, we will vote in Mark." Paul said. 

"I will break the news to him. I'll let him know know it's nothing personal. This is a chance for him to prove himself." Tyrell said. 

Team 2 floor: 

Dave was having a clash with Seb. 

"You do realize he is just flirting with you to get ahead right!? It would be stupid to put me in. You can't both win this together. He is gonna turn on you when he feels!" Dave yelled at Seb. He was frustrated they were both nominating him. 

"It's nothing personal. He's my closest person. Sorry you're taking that way but it's just a game."

Dave called him an idiot and stormed off frustrated. 

Nate could hear the argument from his room and smiled, proud of his flirtmance for standing with him. 

Mark and Dave arrived at the fetish battle. They were directed to sitting in 2 separate tanks just large enough to fit a sitting person. 

Charlie began instruction. 

"In sticking with the theme of gross out kink, this battle will be gunge related. You will be quizzed. First to get 3 answers correct wins.  Everytime you get an answer wrong, different substances will be poured all over you while in the tank. The loser will be frozen in place with the feel, smell, and taste of all the slime on them. Let's begin."

Question 1: Who won last season of ANTK?

"Tyrell!" Dave shouted. 


"His name was Nate" Mark said. 


A worker poured a large bucket or red thick substance all over Dave. 

It was a mixture of ketchup, hot sauce, red paint, and.... Piss. 

Question 2: What was the 2nd round in today's gross out challenge? 

Dave was having a hard time thinking fast. Especially with the bad smell filling up his tank and being drenched in this gross mixture. 

"Feet" Mark said. 


The worked poured a 2nd large bucket. This time it was white. It was a mixture of white paint, mayo, and....loads of cum from the helpers earlier in the day of today's challenge.

Question 3: Who was the first person ever eliminated from ANTK season 1? 

"His name was Hayden!" Mark rattled off almost immediately. 


"Congrats Mark you're moving on. Sorry Dave, you're eliminated." 

Mark knew he would kill it. Of course he would. He has studied and trained very hard for this. He had entered this game with a mission and purpose and it was not just to win the money....

Dave was soaked by a 3rd bucket, filled with silver paint, spit, sock sweat, and an array of other condiments and substances that the works could find. 

The works took him out of his cage and with the help of the magic Mr.Grey they solidified him in his gross, smelly, wet, uncomfortable paint coated state. He didn't even have to to wipe the paint from his face/nose and spit some out that had gotten in his mouth because the workers moved to quickly. His clothes, pants, underwear also uncomfortably filled with all of these substances. He was now a living statue unable to do anything about it. 

Charlie looked at the Camera. 

"And their you have it. Another contestant down!

Who will be eliminated next? 

What fetish will the competition be based around next? 

And even more exciting....the teams will be MERGING and all living together in the next episode. Will alliances stick together? Will new enemies be formed? Find out next time on AMERICA'S NEXT TIP KINKSTER!" 

[Author Note: All the new characters in this story were created by and based on real people who enjoyed the first season of this series. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a character! As always, comments mean everything to me so if you enjoyed, let me know and leave your thoughts, favorite moments, who your rooting for, or anything really!