
by Lil Guy

19 Jan 2022 2124 readers Score 9.7 (87 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Scotty’s story

After Mom and Pop left our place, Brad and I talked for about a half hour as we cleaned up the kitchen. We were both in shock over the generous gift. We did some quick math and realized that with my signing bonus, the check from my parents, Brad’s year-end bonus and the meager savings accounts each of us had that we would open our joint savings account with a little over $50,000. Damn. We were doing pretty freaking good for a couple of young guys just starting out. We decided that I’d spend Monday with Brian getting him settled into our place, and Brad would go to the courthouse over his lunch hour to change his name. On Tuesday at lunch we would meet at the bank and open our accounts. We also decided to open an account for Brian with $1,000 seed money for college. I never felt like more of an adult than I did that morning talking about savings, college funds, which neighborhood we wanted to live in, and what kind of car to buy… something reliable with four doors, and good gas mileage. Damn, we were adulting pretty good!

We finished cleaning up and jumped in the Buru to head to Kev’s. Kev had texted to tell us to bring our swim suits because they were going to hang by the pool. I’m glad he reminded me, we usually just jump in naked. Mom would freak! When we got there we heard laughing and loud voices in the kitchen and when we entered I was pelted with a blob of powdered Sugar. Kev, Randy, my sister Joanie and Brad’s siblings were making French toast and having a powdered sugar fight. The place was a mess and all of them were giggling and screaming. We were dragged into the fight and having a great time until Mom walked in and broke it up. We all cleaned up the mess and finished making brunch.

I set the table with Dave, Joanie’s fiancé. He was a quiet guy and was doing his best to stay out of the middle of the family chaos but I could tell he was loving the show. It was just so nice to be amidst so much family with everyone blending and getting along. Brunch was awesome, the food was plentiful and awesome as always, but the best part was getting to know Brad’s family. They were so animated and happy. It’s like they were all being themselves for the first time. There was no strict, sadistic father monitoring their every word and move, guiding them to say and do the perfect things to please him. Brad told me later that he had never heard his sister Mary laugh until that morning. Brad couldn’t stop smiling. His dimples seemed to be stuck there permanently and I fucking loved it.

After we ate we all went out to the pool. Kevin pushed me in the water as soon as I walked out of the house. Brad retaliated for me and pushed him in too. Then Brian and Brad both jumped in. I swam under Brad and put him on my shoulders, Kev did the same to Brian... it was brother against brother in a game of chicken. We went at Kev and Brian with full force, Brad trying to knock Brian off Kev’s shoulders. They weren’t going to give up easy. I was so into it the game that I didn’t hear the two big splashes behind me. Suddenly we were attacked from behind. Someone grabbed me by the waist and pushed me under the water, Brad went flying off my shoulders. When I came out of the water I was face to face with Chip. Kevin had invited him and Alec over. I was so happy to see him!!! I was afraid I wouldn’t get a chance to hang with him before he left. We all splashed around for a little longer. When we got out, Chip and I went to the little patio off the dining room to talk. I told him all about Brian moving in with us, and all that was going on with the family, etc. He listened in amazement. “Holy shit Scotty, you’re such a family man!” He laughed. “Next time I visit you’ll be sitting in a leather armchair, reading the paper and smoking a pipe calling Brad “Snookums.” He said still laughing. Then he told me about their night with The A’s, and the night before with Marc. I hung on every hot word. Holy fuck I would’ve loved to watch the two ginger’s go at it. As I listened to him I couldn’t help but think about how different our lives were, yet how connected we were. Before we joined the rest of the group we agreed to facetime each other at least twice a week. It was a small gesture, but it made me feel good knowing we were going to do our best to stay in each other’s lives. He also invited us to St louis for Mardi Gras. Apparently St Louis has the second biggest Mardi Gras celebration in the country and both Brad and Chip’s dad live right in the middle of all the action. I told him I’d talk to Brad about it. With Brian moving in I wasn’t sure if we could make it or not. We hugged and started to leave the patio to join the others when Brian stepped onto the little patio. Chip left us together and went back to the pool.

“Hey, can I talk to you?” He asked in a shy voice.

“Of course. What’s up, Brian?” I asked curious to know what was on his mind.

“Um… I… well… Thank you.” He stumbled with the words

“For what?”

“For taking me in. I know you and Brad just moved in together and you don’t even know me, and…” He wasn’t really sure what he wanted to say, but he definitely wanted to say something.

“Brian, you’re my brother. I don’t really know you yet, but I want to. Brad missed you a lot.” I said trying to reassure him. He smiled at me. He had Brad’s dimple’s. Damn he was so cute, like a mini-Brad. “Listen, How about if you and I spend the day together tomorrow? I’ll pick you up after your on-line classes and we can have lunch, then go pick out paint for your room and get it all set up and move you in while Brad’s at work.” Shit, I sounded like and adult!

“You guys are gonna let me paint my room?” He asked with his eyes lit up.

“Duh! It’s your room” I said sounding like myself again.

“That sounds like fun, I wanna get to know you too” he said and then he hugged me. After that was out of the way the conversation flowed. He was excitedly telling me about how he hoped he could get into ASU, and how he thought he wanted to be a lawyer like Pop. We talked about everything. We started talking about our condo and his room, he was excited to see it. I mentioned that I had an Xbox and a TV in the storage unit he could have for his room and he went berserk! His Father didn’t allow that stuff in the house, but he played at a friend’s house. His personality came flying out of him as he talked about all the games he loved. I told him Brad had an Xbox in the living room too, the kid was freaking out. I was laughing just watching this mini-Brad get so excited. After about twenty minutes alone we made our way back to the pool where the chaos was in full force with everyone, even Mom and Pop in the pool. We joined them for a while, then got out and it was time to open gifts.

There was so much there. A lot of cash which Brad instantly grabbed for the joint savings account claiming “bigger house fund!” There were the usual gifts, coffee maker, pots and pans, dishes, etc. Which was great since neither one of us had nice stuff, just old crap left over from our college days or something we got at Walmart. Then there was a gift from Mauricio and Darren, Kev’s neighbors The card was taped securely on the top of the big, heavy, beautifully decorated box and on the envelope, written in Sharpie were the words “OPEN IN PRIVATE ONLY!”

Mom and Joanie were egging us on to open it when Kev and Randy both yelled “NO!!!!!” In unison. Everybody turned to look at them and Randy said “If Mauricio says open it in private, then you open it in private! Not in front of your family. Trust me.” Kev was behind him nodding adamantly in agreement with eyes that pleaded with us not to open it.

“Well what could be so bad?” Mom asked. Kevin looked at her and rolled his eyes, Pop finally caught on and said “yeah, let’s put that one aside.” Then Kev grabbed the box and said “I’ll put this in your car for safe keeping.” We kept opening gifts as he walked away with the box.

I looked at Brad and grinned. He leaned over and whispered in my ear “We’ll have to open that tonight. It’s our last night of privacy” and I chuckled as I ripped the paper off the next gift.

After all the gifts had been open Theresa said “Hey, we leave tonight and didn’t even get to see your place.” Mary echoed her thoughts.

“We’ve never seen it either” Kevin said “Why don’t we move the party to your place?” He said looking at us.

“We’ll bring left over food and booze” Randy added “It’ll only take us a few minutes to pull it all together.”

“It’s tiny, but why the hell not?” Brad said “Brian, you can see your room…” Brian got excited at that prospect, “Chip and Alec, why don’t you come too, we’re closer to the airport. You can leave right from there.” Everyone was keen on the idea, so Brad and I loaded the gifts into the car and left to get the place ready. Brad was extremely excited. “You know, up until your parents came by this morning, you were literally the only guest I’d ever had over. I’m excited to show my place off.”

“Really? You never had anyone over before me?” I asked very surprised by the statement.

“I lived under the radar, I was so afraid he’d find me. But now that everything’s out in the open and people other than just my family know what he’s capable of, I feel safer. I feel like I can be me.” He said, “and I fucking love it!” He screamed as he flashed that smile of his.

I smiled back as we pulled into the parking garage. We each grabbed a few gifts and left the rest in the car as we ran upstairs to get the place ready. I made sure I had the gift from Mauricio and Darren. The condo was pretty clean so I turned on the lights, lit some candles, put on some music and then cleared the counter so we could set up the bar and the food. We stashed the gifts in our closet for now. We barely finished when the doorman buzzed and our guests were all on their way up. Kev, Randy, Mom, and Pop led the pack carrying all the food and drinks. I led them to the kitchen and we set the party up.

Brian, Mary, Theresa, Joanie, and Dave all walked in together “WOW!” Brian said. “This place is so cool” his mouth was open in awe as he took the place in.

Brad ran over to him like a little kid greeting his best buddy, “Hey Bri, wanna see your room? C’mon” he said dragging Brian towards the office. “SCOTTY COME HERE” He yelled from the little room. I joined him and his brother “Tell Brian what furniture you have in storage for his room.”

“Pretty mush whatever you want. There’s a bed, dresser, a smaller desk, a night stand… oh and the TV, that’ll fit on the dresser…” Brian cut me off.

“And the Xbox?!” he said loudly. Brad and I both laughed.

“Yup.” I said, “And I think you could probably fit a chair in here too. I’ve got a couple in storage. You can pick out whatever you want tomorrow when we go to the storage unit.” I said trying to figure out what would fit in the little room. “Did you show him his bathroom?” I asked.

“I get my own bathroom?!” Then he looked toward big windows and saw the sliding door, “My own balcony too! This is so awesome. I can’t believe you’re going to let me live with you. I swear you guys, you.. you won’t regret it… I’m going to get a job and pay rent, I’ll be quiet and neat, I’ll help clean up, I’ll be the best roommate ever!” Brian said. We both chuckled, it was awesome to see him so excited.

“Just worry about finishing school and getting into college, Scotty and I will pay the bills for now” Brad said in a fatherly tone. “Later this week I’ll take both of you guys down to see the pool and weight room.”

“A POOL TOO?!!” Brian yelled. I heard the others snicker at his excitement from the next room. I looked at Brad and couldn’t help but notice how Brad beamed around his baby brother. It made me so happy.

After we showed Brian his room and talked about what he wanted to do with it, we joined the others. by now Alec and Chip were there and our tiny little home was packed wall to wall with people eating, drinking and laughing. It felt like home. We were having a great time.

Chip and Alec just stayed for a little while, they had a plane to catch. Mom and Dad left about two hours later to take Joanie, Dave, and the girls to the airport to catch their flights. Randy, Kev, and Brian stayed behind and kept our little party going. We had so much fun, the five of us brothers. Damn, it felt like we were one big family. It was going to be great having the five of us living so close to each other. The reality of it all was really starting to set in and it felt so right.

Kev helped me clean up and then the three guys headed back to their house about 8:00. I promised to pick Brian up  in the morning to get our day together rolling. Once they cleared out I was finally alone with my husband.

“It’s just you and me husband” I said throwing my arms around Brad.

“Well, you, me, and that fucking mystery box from Mauricio and Darren” He said with a gigantic grin. We both laughed and ran towards the bedroom to grab the box out of the closet. It was wrapped beautifully. We ripped the card off through the packing tape and opened it. The card was obviously written by Mauricio, we could hear his voice as Brad read it our loud: “Dear Whoopsie and Bradford” Brad stopped reading, looked at me with raised eyebrows and said “Bradford?” I laughed and he went back to reading. “They say marriage is boring. Not if you do it the right way! Here’s wishing you years of happiness, love and lust you two hot little men. Congratulations and welcome to our little group! Love Mauricio and Darren.” Brad dropped the card on the bad and we ripped the rest of the paper off the box. It was a big, sturdy, glossy black box with a top that came off. Brad lifted the top. It was a fucking toy box! Brad dumped the contents on the bed on top of the discarded wrapping paper.

“Holy shit! Lookit all this stuff” Brad said with wide eyes and a devilish grin. There were two leather jocks, some leather restraints, a blindfold, a cat-o-nine-tails, a HUGE bottle of lube, a couple bottles of poppers, a couple of different sized butt plugs, two thick metal cock rings, and a few more things that I hadn’t quite identified yet. There were hundreds of dollars’ worth of “marital aids” In the sturdy box.

“We are gonna use the fuck out of this stuff” I said grabbing one of the jockstraps and losing my clothes. I put on the skimpy little strap and stood in front of my husband.

His jaw dropped “Damn, I didn’t think you could look any sexier than you already did” he said wide-eyed.

I threw the other jockstrap to him “Here, put this on.” He caught it, dropped it on the bed and started to strip. I gathered all the wrapping paper and threw it away to clear the bed. When I turned back around, there he was. His perfect, lean swimmers body adorned in the hot leather jock. “Fuck that’s hot” I said as Brad examined the other items that were laid out and started moving the items back into the box and off the bed. He found a couple of leather arm bands and threw one to me as he put the other around his well-defined bicep. Fuck he looked hot.

Then he picked up the Cat-o-nine-tails and smacked it against the wood floor making a cracking noise that made my leather clad cock hard as fucking cement. I was married to the sexiest man in the world. FUCK, I can’t begin to describe how fucking hot and masterful Brad looked at the moment. He cracked the whip again sending chills down my spine and more blood to my already over-engorged cock. Brand approached me with a purposeful gate, gently moving the whip on the floor as he did, cracking it every so many steps to remind me it was there.

When he got to where I was, he lifted the cat-o-nine-tails to my chest and slowly ran it down my torso, then my abs, then letting it rest on the leather jock covering my hardon and leaned in for a hot, passionate kiss. He moved the whip up to my chest again and started pushing me backwards towards the bed until I fell back on it. In one swift move, he produced one of the leather restraints and tied my left wrist to the bed. I tried to free it with my right hand but he was way too fast and swiftly tied my other wrist to the bed too.

He reached in the box for more straps and tied my ankles to the foot board and I was spread eagle on the bed wearing just the leather jockstrap. Next he reached for the blindfold and covered my eyes, then kissed me hard.

“Cute, Brad. Now let me go”

He just laughed an almost sadistic laugh under his breath, “I’m just getting started.” Then he kissed me again and licked down my body upper body to the leather jockstrap, then back up. Licking every fucking inch of my broad chest and stopping occasionally to bite my nips until I yelped in pain and pleasure. My cock was so hard it was peeking out of the top of the jock. Brad noticed and licked the head playfully driving me fucking wild. The sensations were fucking intense, especially without my sight. If it had been anyone other than Brad, the man I trusted most, I would have been terrified. Instead I was turned on beyond belief.

I felt the leather tips of the cat-o-nine-tails lightly touching my muscular torso, then down my hard abs and teasing the tip of my cockhead as it poked out of its leather pouch. I was moaning, writing and begging for more. Brad hit me with the whip, and I jumped and screamed, pulling at my restraints. “Oh shit! Are you okay, Scotty? I didn’t mean to hit you that hard” I could hear the regret in his voice and was afraid the moment was lost.

“It’s okay, baby.” I whispered “You just startled me. Keep going, I fucking love it!” I couldn’t see through the blindfold, but I was imagining his huge, dimpled smile coming back as I felt the touch of the leather on my soft skin again. Moving around my body, stimulating every crevice and pour. Oh my god it was so intensely sensual, stimulating, HOT!

Brad put the whip down and I felt him kneel between my legs. The leather jockstrap was pulled down my legs and off my feet. I heard it fall on the floor as he tossed it away. I felt his hot mouth envelop my big toe, then lick my foot, then move up the inside of my leg reaching my upper thigh driving me freaking insane. Then he moved up to my taint and licked hi way to my scrotum, taking it in his warm mouth, swirling my balls around. At one point he sucked hard and pulled back stretching and squeezing my balls together. The pain! The pleasure! The euphoria of being lost in the moment! Every last one of my senses was focused on the pleasure. When he finally touched my aching cock it just exploded. No warning. I shot an intense load, releasing stream after hot stream.

I heard Brad giggle and moan at the same time saying “whooooooaaaa” And then felt his mouth cover my spurting dick and heard him gulping. He cleaned my cock with his tongue then moved on top of me and kissed me. Well, it was less of a kiss and more of a cum swap. It was sensual, dirty and hot as hell. He laid there with his full body weight resting on my still-restrained body. As I breathed heavily basking in the afterglow.

“Did you like that?” Brad asked as he pecked me on the lips. I could smell and taste my own cum.

“Hell yes I did!” I whispered as he removed my blindfold and his dimples lit up my world once again. I had to have the biggest smile ever on my face. “Now let’s take care of the hardon.”

He kissed me again and said “Not tonight, this was all about you. Consider it a thank you for bringing pleasure back into my life.” I almost cried. This man changed my world and yet he seemed to think it was me that changed his. I guess we really were meant for each other.

He started to remove the restraints and I said “How the hell are we going to have sex with Brian in the next room?” I was half joking, but I was really concerned. I wanted to repeat this night a billion times. I wanted to explore everything. I wanted to return the pleasure!

“Brian will make friends, he’ll get a job, he won’t be here 24/7. Plus we can always go to The Resort and explore if we need a break. Trust me, we aren’t done playing my hot little husband” he kissed me softly “we’re just getting started.”

As we lie in bed with me spooning him I flashed back to Kevin and Randy’s wedding. When I was officiating I had said “Finding the person that makes you the best version of yourself. It’s what we all dream about.” I had found him. My dreams were coming true. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

To be continued…

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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