Aaron Smith's Life Adventures

by Danny Galen Cooper

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I sat in my room thinking about what had just happened, and I couldn’t believe that I had done it. I had wanted it to happen, and I was glad it had happened. It must have been the way he looked up at me. And that smile. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. I thought back to how it felt with his body on mine as he pushed in and out of me. My hand moved down to my crotch. I was hard. What would it have been like if we’d had more time, and he’d let me inside him? I rubbed the outside of my shorts.

A knock on my door startled me. I sat up. The door opened. “Aaron?” It was my mother’s voice.

“Yes.” I stayed, sitting on the edge of the bed and hoping she couldn’t tell that I had a raging hardon in my pants.

“Were you downstairs talking to one of the guests?” Her tone was hard.

“I went to get a drink and a bite of food. Some guy asked me about my t-shirt. I told him I didn’t know where we bought it.” I tried to breathe normally as I repeated the lie that Jordan told his girlfriend. Or was it his wife?

“I don’t like it when you talk to Daddy’s co-workers. Next time, I’ll just make sure you have things here in your room.”

“He talked to me first,” I said with a little anger in my voice.

“Maybe, but you upset his wife.”

“Talking about my t-shirt upset her? Does she have some psycho problems? I mean…”

“Enough. You stay up here.” She left without closing the door behind her.

I went to the window and looked down at the party. I saw Jordan with his wife clinging to him as a spider holds onto its prey. He never once glanced up at the window. It was his life after all, and his choice to make.

I had my own life and my own choices to make.

The summer semester at the college was a bust. I’d hope to find a couple of cute guys to hang out with and maybe do some more exploration or even find a boyfriend, but no such luck. Plus the classes were so fast-paced with such a large amount of work that I had no time for anything else.

The fall semester had a slower pace, and I noticed three prospects during my first week of classes. One of them turned out to be married, so I counted him out. The jock in my math class only wanted to talk about baseball and hockey; I tried to keep up with him, but I had no idea what he was talking about most of the time. He never mentioned any girlfriends, so I didn’t dismiss him.

The third guy, Jerry, was in my computer science class, and we had a lot to talk about. We had both been into computers and programming since elementary school. My plans after college were to go into the Air Force. I hoped my assignments would include some top-secret stuff. Jerry was interested in cyber security. We talked before class and after class, and during the fifth week of class, we met for lunch at Whataburger. It was during this lunch that he invited me to his apartment to watch the “Forbin Project,” one of his favorite movies.

When he asked me, I said ‘yes’ immediately; I leaned forward and put my hand on his leg. “It sounds like fun.”

He didn’t pull back, “Maybe you could bring your favorite movie and spend the night, too.”

I smiled really big. “I’ll bring some clothes for the next day.”

“What if you bring more than just your favorite. We can have a marathon. And you can stay until Sunday if you want.”

“I’ll bring two sets of clothes,” I said with a giggle.

Jerry bit his lower lip. “I can’t wait for Friday.”

I grabbed a few sci-fi DVDs and threw them in my backpack along with some extra clothes. I told my parents that we were going to have a sci-fi marathon after we finished working on our assignments. “I’ll be back on Sunday.” They seemed annoyed.

When I arrived, I found his apartment rather easily. Hamburgers were frying on the stove, and he let me in and rushed back to them. I put my bag down by the door and followed him to the kitchen, one of those tiny galley-styles with a washer and dryer in an open alcove on the end. “Those smell really good,” I told him.

“What about me? I used a new cologne.”

I leaned in toward his neck. I made sure to brush my nose against him. I noted a tangy, masculine scent, just barely there. I felt my heart rate increase by being that close to him. “It’s really nice.” I also touched his ear with my nose as I whispered into it, “It’s very sexy, but don’t burn the burgers.”

He laughed as he played with the spatula and turned slightly away from me. I could tell that his cheeks turned slightly red.

I put my hand on his shoulder. “What can I do to help?” I wanted him to grab me and kiss me. “Other than staying out of your way?”

“Well,” he said as he put cheese on the burgers. “I have Cokes, and I have some whiskey. I thought I might need it to calm my nerves, I don’t have company very often and I was worried about getting the place cleaned up.”

“It looks great.” I opened the refrigerator. “Oh, you’ve got root beer.”

“I love root beer,” said Jerry.

“Me, too. How about I pour us each a glass?”

“That’ll be perfect.”

I wanted to say how I thought that he was perfect, but I didn’t want to embarrass him. I grabbed the bottle of soda.

“The glasses are on the table; just two cubes of ice for me,” Jerry told me.

“OK,” I replied. I filled the glasses and went back into the kitchen. He handed me a plate with sliced tomatoes, sliced onions, pickles, and lettuce. Before I had a chance to place it on the table, he came out with a place with a cheeseburger on an open bun.

“Fix it how you want it; I’ll get the fries.”

I piled the fixings on my burger and pushed the top bun down as Jerry brought out the French fries.

“They’re extra crispy.”

“Just the way I like them,” I replied quickly.

He scooped some onto my plate with a pair of tongs and sat down to prepare his burger. I waited for him to finish, and we ate with barely five words passed between us. Each time I looked at him, I felt my cheeks get flushed, and each time I caught him looking at me, he would turn to look through the blinds of the window next to the table.

“Really good,” I told him as I finished my sandwich.

“Thanks.” He got up and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I carried in the plate with the tomatoes and onions that we hadn’t used. He covered it with plastic wrap. “I thought we might spend some time working on that simulation assignment.”

“OK,” I agreed. “How far have you gotten?”

“Just listing out the problem in a sort of flowchart way. What were you thinking?”

“I’ve set up a base class for the customers, and I thought about using a queue for those whose orders are available right away. Once they’re dequeued, I’ll delete them. The problem is that the orders take different amounts of time. Maybe I should use a linked list and pull them out when the order is done. And then how do I keep track of the time that the order is taking?”

“I was wondering if I should use a linked list for that, but then I’ll need to scan the list continuously to determine whose order is up.” Jerry shook his head.

“I know,” I laughed. “This problem makes me feel stupid. I’m missing something.” I sat back and looked at Jerry. His eyes were lost in thought, and then he looked at me. Our eyes locked together. I wanted to tell him that I was attracted to him, but I was concerned that he would reject me, reject our friendship, push me away. I looked down at my paper.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“I’m just confused,” I admitted.

“About the assignment?” His question seemed innocent, but it irked me.

I looked back up at him. I wanted to scream, ‘Really?’

“It’s about me, isn’t it?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s about me. I like you, Jerry.”

“I like you, too, Aaron, but I think I more than like you.” He looked down at his feet.

“You do?” I smiled. “Look at me.”

His eyes locked again with mine.

I bit my lower lip. “Do you like me the way best friends do or like me as a lab partner or do you like me the way that boyfriends do?” I saw sadness flash across his face.

“I don’t want you to be mad at me, but I think you’re sexy and…”

I smiled a smile of relief. “Oh, shit, Jerry. I like you the same way. You give me chills when you look at me, and I keep wondering what it’d be like to kiss you.”

“You do? Then let’s find out.”

I stood up from my chair and moved next to him. I bent forward and pressed my lips to his. I’m not sure what our mouths started doing next, but it all seemed so natural. His tongue explored my mouth, and at one point I became so light-headed that I had to pull back.

Jerry was breathing heavily, and his eyes were begging me for more. I pulled him to the couch, and we sat next to one another. “I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, and when I met you, I hoped you’d be the one to kiss me.”

I moved against him and he leaned back so that I was half on top of him as we continued to kiss. His right leg was between my legs, and my right leg was between his. I could feel him push up to rub his crotch against my thigh. I slid toward his right side to allow me room to unbutton his shirt. I continued to attack his lips and jawline as I fumbled with his buttons. I finally opened enough to slip my hand over his pec and massage his nipple. That perk little button hardened further and invited me to open more of his shirt. Once both nipples were free, I rolled one between my teeth while my fingers teased the other.

Jerry began to moan in response, and I couldn’t help sliding my hand down and under the band of his underwear. My fingers wrapped around his hard shaft and caused his body to spasm. “Oh, Aaron.”

Hearing my name sent shivers down my spine. I sucked his nipple into my mouth. He responded with a tiny squeal.

I pressed my lips to his ear. “I don’t know what I want first. Should I blow you, fuck you, or let you fuck me?”

Jerry squealed again and blew his cum all over my hand and up and out onto his belly. I chuckled in response and pulled my hand out to smell the seed that now dripped from my fingers. I had a strong desire to plunge my fingers into his mouth, but I also wanted to taste his cum for myself.

He seemed to sense my indecision and chuckled slightly.

The door to his apartment flew open. “I’m home, fucker. The weekend was canceled.” In the doorway stood a six-foot-two muscular man with a duffle bag in his hand. He closed the door as he stared at us. “Fuck me,” he bellowed, “you’re gay!”

by Danny Galen Cooper

Email: [email protected]

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