A super costume party

by Redouant

25 Sep 2021 7089 readers Score 8.3 (33 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Josh! Please stop being so lame again! Just join us, we will all be in costume and joke around! ”

Dave’s voice was kind of harsh. It was October, Halloween, and that meant that Dave, my best friend was going to force me to go to one of the costume parties in town again. He loves those dress up Halloween parties. Unfortunately, I kind of hate those parties.. I hate dressing up, as I prefer to just come as myself. I was deciding to not go this year. Last year was a disaster. Dave had the stupid idea to dress up as Bert and Ernie. Of course, I was Ernie…

“I’m sorry man, I already told you... I am not going this year”

“Yeah you will! you are not going to bail on me. I really don’t understand why you are so paranoid about dressing up, it is not that serious dude. Just let go and have fun”.

It is not that I do not understand why grownups like dressing when a party is involved. I just don’t like the way people start acting. Girls just dress like sluts and men either put in zero effort or act so masculine that they seem dumb! Strutting around like they are some army guy or a lifeguard. I could never act around like that… maybe it is my own confidence…

Without much more persuasion Dave left our apartment for the rest of the day. I was sleepy, watched some tv and fell asleep tired of thinking of a way to bail out without hurting my best friends’ feelings.

In my sleep I had the weirdest dream. As I floated above the sky, above the city. There was no way for me to get down as I floated, just a weird voice echoing somewhere in the distance. “Be confident and you will be able to soar above everyone you know. You will be the biggest most bulky guy around town, no one will be able to resist you…”. The voice was making me nervous and sweaty as the thought of being a huge dude makes me uncomfortable. I get so sweaty, that I wanted to wipe my body off with my hands. I shouted out in discomfort as I felt my naked body. I was covered with big bulging muscle, so full and bulging that they feel blown up. My plump full pecs bounced as sweat dripped on top of them, my thick strong thighs were contracted and well defined. My skin was shiny because off the sweat, I felt like my body was not my own. Yet my dick seemed to enjoy it. Right before my hand was able to reach it, I woke up!

I heard people. Confused I looked around. My penis was oddly a little hard from my dream, but I wanted to quickly forget it. As it seemed so real.

I jumped up embarrassed when I saw several people in our living room, hoping people would not have seem me having some weird wet dream. “What is going on!” I said awkwardly. Dave showed himself behind the guests. “sorry man! I forgot to tell you. We are having a party at ours tonight this time! We just came in”

I Immediately became angry “why did you not tell me!”. But Dave calmed me down and led me to his bedroom.

“okay... I am sorry man! But you just always dislike my plans! I figured I just do it to show you that you can have a good time at these parties! You eventually always do! And I still have an idea for our costume together!” he walked to his closet and took out a skirt and top, and... a cheap superman outfit... “we are going to be superman and Lois! I am going to be Lois, you will be superman…”.

I stopped him there. “no no no no.. no man! I drew the line at Bert and Ernie... I am not going to be superman! Why the hell did you go out to buy an expensive costume like that!”

“Dude it is just for fun! It was not expensive. I got it for like 5 dollars at a secondhand store. You don’t have to do anything! Just stand next to me the whole night! I promise! I will deliver some jokes I thought of. You can just have your beer and get to know some people…”.

“DAVEE! Come check this out!” somebody shouted from the living room. “I am coming!” Dave shouted back. Before he left the room, he turned around to me. “Please Josh… Don’t be such a bummer this time...”.

I was left alone in his room feeling sad for disappointing my best friend. I looked at the cheap superman costume Dave provided for me, laying on his bed. It was stuffed with filling to represent muscles, but they did not remotely look real. The cape you had to attach with Velcro. The costume seemed worn, like it had been in possession of someone for quite some time.

Fuck this shit, this will look so stupid. I thought of the pretentious dudes who wear superhero costumes to parties. How they joke around with girls... For a moment I held the costume in my hands but then I shook my head and turned around to tell Dave that it was just not for me.

But then that voice came back, the weird echoing voice form my livid dream… It startled me. “don’t walk away from your destiny Josh… You are meant to be big and strong... you are meant to show off and safe your best friend”.

I laughed, some weird fantasy is not going to put me in an awkward situation.

“But your best friend relies on you Josh..”. This time it felt like the voice was coming from the costume laying on the bed. It weirded me out, but my feeling of betraying Dave became quite strong. My hand moved to the costume. Well, I know Dave is right. What could be so embarrassing about dressing up as superman… It is not like this suit is skintight anyway. So, I striped down to my undies tossing my clothes aside and put on the cheap superman costume. It was looser than I thought, and the fake muscles moved around every time I took a step. It did not make me feel more confident wearing it, but somehow wearing it, I was ready to do this for my best friend.

I stood there in front of the mirror. Laughing at myself with the fake muscles. I am not this kind of guy… But why does this bother me so much! just do this shit and have a laugh! So, I took one courageous breath and stepped out into the room were all the guests were already drinking and having a good time.

All of them were men. Probably friends of Dave. They looked around at me when I walked in and started laughing.

“Look guys! Superman came to safe the party!” “WO WOOOOO!” Said on one Dave’s friends.

I laughed as I walked towards the people. My head became red. But I stuck to my role and did some superman poses. People laughed, Some guy dressed like a party girl in a wig ran to me. “Oooh safe me!! Hold me!” he said jokingly. He was clearly already super drunk. In the moment I felt very awkward and did not want to act on it. But the voice returned, “Look, these men want you, they are starting to feel your strengthening presence, Hold him!”. I was confused, the voice was starting to feel like my own thoughts, but I was certain I did not want to think that thought. But it did make me react to the guy tossing himself in my arms as I tried to lift him jokingly. He almost fell but laughed as I helped him up again.

Dave walked towards me and at first was confused but then smiled. “does anyone need saving?” I say to him jokingly.

Dave laughed. He was clearly happy that I did put on the costume but also a little confused that I put it on before we could show off together.

“I just wanted to get into my role before you join me” I said to him.

“Its okay man, I really appreciate you join the fun for me. And… you look kind of fine man… you look more confident when you show off”.

His expression changed when saying that. A feeling of weird brotherly love struck me. He never complimented me like that. but was it brotherly? I smiled back at my friend and did some smug joking poses as he laughed. It felt amazing being looked at like that by him.

Then I felt something weird. the fake padded foam muscles around my chest randomly started sticking to my body. Awkwardly I tried to get them off, they would loosen again but after a while kept sticking to me again. Am I getting this sweaty under the costume? Dave started talking to somebody else, so I walked to the kitchen feeling under the suit with my arm. I was not sweating but the padding in the suit felt weird. After I loosened the padding away from my chest, I removed my arm from under the suit but then the padding would stick to my arms and legs. Maybe it was just some suction because the suit is so cheap?

Awkwardly I joined the guys again, some dude was talking to Dave. “I really like this crappy superman suit man. Luckily it is a little loose and not that tight spandex shit. I saw some guy wearing one yesterday and he looked stupidly skinny and sweaty. But this looks funny!”

I laughed “well those dudes just are searching for a reason to show off that they visited the gym once, it looks ridiculous” I said mockingly.

Dave grinned “Who cares if it would be a tight suit though. You would look fine either way.” I laughed and blushed looking at Dave while holding my chest up to make it seem bigger. That made the padding feel even more weirdly clingy. I moved around in my suit to try to loosen it again, but the voice would not let me.

“He complimented you… Your presence is starting to get bigger. Do you feel their envy? Do you feel how good it feels to get stronger?”

It weirded me out and made me want to get out of the suit. But in a weird way it was enjoyable, like this was meant to happen.

The padding became so attached to me that it felt like it was merging with my body. I pulled at the fabric trying to get it to loosen but it would not let go anymore. And it felt… good. After pulling at myself several times I did lose the will to fight it as I did not want to come off as awkward.

Dave’s friends started to look at me while I was still struggling a bit to fight it as I tried to get to suit off one more time. My mind was shifting from wanting to get the suit off of me, to enjoying it somehow merging with my body.

“Are you okay dude?” Some friend asked.

“Sure! I just am a little sweaty. Don’t mind me” I responded as I could not help wiggling around a bit.

“Are you sure? That suit of yours seems to look different as a few minutes before…”

“I think the suit is falling apart from the inside, it is quite cheap. And… You know I have been hitting the gym, so I thought why not show it off a little”

I weirded myself out for saying that, as I had never in my life hit the gym. But for some reason I needed for those guys to know. My body even felt a little bigger as the padding was not coming off anymore.  

“Ahh I see man! I thought you did not like guys who wear costumes to show off their gains”

“I was joking! Those guys still look puny. I on the other hand…” I said as I flexed my bicep for the guys. Only then I realized a muscle had grown under the cheap costume, it clearly pressed against the material as I flexed. This made me snap out of my moment of showing off.

“Yeah! Sick gains” The guy says a little awkwardly as he clearly did not expect me to say something like that.

I turn away from the conversation and quickly make my way back to the bedroom. There I find Dave in his underpants as he is changing into his costume.

“Dude where did you get this superman costume! I am feeling weird, something is happening to me, I think I need to take it off” I say to him a little desperately.

“From a secondhand store, I am already told you man. Just relax if you feel uncomfortable, I will be out in a minute”

“No, dude listen to me! It is doing something with me physically. The material is changing my body!”

“don’t de weird man…”

“Feel my arms man!” I ask him desperately. Dave reaches for my bicep and starts to squeeze it.

“Yeah, you do seem a little more buff man. But that’s nothing new! I have seen you getting that workout in”

“What are you talking about! I have never worked out in my life. These muscles just popped out of me form nowhere, and the padding in the suit is gone!”

“Don’t be ridiculous man. Just be proud that it shows now” Dave says as he passes me by. Am I going crazy? I think as I feel around my body, my arms and chest clearly having a little more mass to them that just a moment before. The ugly muscle-padding inside the suit is all gone, and I had not even noticed it. For a moment I stare at myself in the mirror as Dave leaves to the bathroom.

“Weird…” I say as I feel at the suit. I do look quite nice tough, a little more mass is never wrong. I want to see those gains for myself quick. My hand reaches for the zipper in the back, but I can’t seem to find it anymore.

“Dave, Dave! Can you help me find the zipper?” I shout at him at the restroom.

“Zipper? There is none” He shouts back.

“What do you mean? There was one just a few minutes ago”

“No there isn’t. Those spandex suits never have a zipper in the back”

“Spandex! This is not Spandex… I would know if it was, Then I would definitely not worn it.” I shout in confusion as I turn my head towards him walking in. My hands reach for the back again, and my eyes get bigger as I feel silky smooth spandex on my back. My gaze quickly goes to my chest as I feel the costume becoming tighter around my torso. A wave of tightening goes from the upper part of my body down to my legs, swiftly morphing the loose fabric into tight lycra all around me.

“What… Spandex” I say softly and confused, still reacting to Dave’s answer as I wiggle and observe my arms and legs which are now tightly clad in blue shiny lycra.

Dave’s hands reach for my shoulders as I check myself out. “Why are you acting like you did not put the suit on yourself, man. People are not that weirded out anymore by guys wearing spandex costumes! You look super sleek with it on. That ass of yours is popping in it too”

“Dave what the hell is happening to me… I cannot go out like this…” I say a little shy.

“Huh, of course you can dude! Just show off a little! You love showing off!”

“What do you mean? I don’t! You don’t understand! I think this suit is slowly turning me into…”

“Shhh… Relax man. It is just some tight material, nothing is happening or changing. I am just happy you wanted to go out as superman for me dude! So let’s go and check on the party out there, impress some people with your gains.”

“n.. no… Dave!”

I tried hard to get a word in but Dave is done with me complaining as he pushes me out there into the living room, giving me no chance to make up my mind.

“I will be out there in a bit! Just have fun dude!” He says behind me as he closes the door of the bedroom shut. Some eyes turn to me as I enter, but most guys seem to just be joking around with one another or are dancing. I take a deep breath as I walk inside, trying to calm myself down and not feel embarrassed as I must get used to my new skintight wardrobe.

“Just act casual… You are just having fun at a dress up party” I say softly to myself. I decide to go grab a drink, so I make my way past some guys near the kitchen. At first, they don’t seem to take notice of me, but my flowy red cape catches one of the dudes body as I pass him.

“Hey Superman! That cape of yours is quite big” He says as I grab a glass to pour myself some wine.

“Hah yeah I guess, It has been touching everyone I pass since I put on the costume”

“Flowing behind that broad back of yours, it must be hard to pass around a crowded room”

“Broad back… It depends on what you find broad” I say as I laugh.

“Dude don’t be so shy! Have you seen yourself in the mirror before Supes?”

I turn around towards the window of our apartment and take a look at myself. For some reason I feel the need to be big, like my body needs to expand for it to be normal. As If I had always been a big guy before. I stare at the S on my suit and focus, all of a sudden, I see my chest widening right before my eyes. A feeling like pure power bulking inside me. My whole upper body starts to expand with size and mass forcing me to contract my torso, which slowly bulges fort two fully formed pecs pressing against the S, stretching the blue lycra forward. I let out a little gasp as I feel like I am dreaming. Like I am in a daze between sleep and consciousness. But every movement I make with my arms and chest feels real.

Every time my eyes move away from my reflection and back again, it seems like my arms have grown further apart as my chest widens by the second. The same happens with my arms Slowly thickening with muscle forming fine bulges of bicep, stretching the blue lycra, but it does not seem to rip. I pump my arms like I am lifting weights, as with every pump my arms get fuller, forming curves and lines that never existed before. The skintight spandex supersuit seems so stretch wider with me as I grow, like it wants to be wider, Like it is finally filled up with the man that needs to wear it.

“I think you see now what I mean dude! Are you done admiring yourself already?” The guy asks me as I snap away from focusing on myself becoming bigger and stronger. I let out a little shriek as I realize I had been transforming right in front of them, so focused on the fact that my body was expanding by the second.  

“Uh… Yeah quite big huh! Weird that I just grew bigger like that don’t you think!” I say a little starstruck, not sure how to even begin explaining what is going on with me.

“Grew? What do you mean! You have always been this big since I remember, every time I have seen you around here at Dave’s apartment. It has always amazed me, you must put in a lot of work at the gym”

“No, No I just grew! Right in front of you. I just grew these pecs man”

The guy laughs at me like I am going crazy. But I know I am not imagining this. Why is everyone reacting to me like nothing is going on. For a second my gaze moves back at the reflection in the window. At the spandex clad man with a huge torso filled with muscle, I feel weird as that man is actually me.

“Those pecs of you don’t grow in a day man… I mean you did not put this tight suit on for nothing right? If you have it, flaunt it!”

“No… You’re right they don’t grow in a day. I am quite big tough”

“Can I feel you guns?” the guy asks as he glares at me flirty. This weirds me out at first but also makes me feel good. Never in my life have I had a request like that before.

“Go ahead bud” I say with a growing confidence.

The guy comes near and slowly feels my bicep. I flex for him, contracting a strong ball of muscle.  The guy slowly starts stroking it, feeling the well-defined lines of my arm.

“You must enjoy being this strong…” he says longingly. “Do you get a lot of girls in your bed?”

“uhh, Yeah it is quite something. Girls, I’m not sure” I say a little unsure as the guy seems to say it very longingly and flirty.

“Come on, why do you sound so unsure of yourself Supes. Be proud of what you are!”

“Hah, I am not actually superman! I am just dressing up”

“Dressing up? But you look so convincing!” The guy seems mesmerized by me, smitten almost. Like he has his mind set on being with me. I feel a little uneasy, Like I am inhabiting a body of a lustful Adonis that is not supposed to be mine.

The door of the bedroom slams open, Dave wanders in dressed up in a short tight dress and a flat out of the bag long wig.

My eyes quickly go to his as I am seeking his attention, for the uneasy situation I am in with the guy next to me almost clutching my arm needs to end. Luckily, he makes his way to me as he sees me.

“Oh hey Look, There is my big superman friend! Are you enjoying the party?”

The guy next to me seems to snap away as Dave approaches and let’s go of my hand. He shuffles back to his friends like our conversation never occurred.

“Did putting that ugly outfit take you so long in there?” I say mockingly.

“Not everyone can look so good as you Supes, just accept what I am able to transform myself in tonight with the budget I have”

Why is everyone only calling me superman? Even Dave.

“I have a name you know, Josh is my name”

“Josh? Is that your alter ego name when you are not on duty Supes?” Dave says as he smiles. “Why don’t we sit and drink over there. I could use a beer!”

I nod, I could use something to get my mind off of what is happening to me this evening. I follow Dave to the sofa where two more guys are sitting. We squeeze next to them with me in the middle. I have to flow my cape over the back of the sofa so it is not in the way. Dave opens two cans of beer for the both of us.

“Cheers bud” He says

After I take A sip my eyes and hands go to my lycra clad legs as I sit down on the sofa. Which are a little small compared to my upper body. It makes me feel uneasy looking at them. It is the same feeling I had before my torso had grown, as if they are meant to be thick and well defined. It is weird to have these contradicting feelings of needing to become bigger but at the same time feeling uneasy to actually be muscular.

I take two huge sips and finish the whole can of beer, just to make my mind drift off a little.

“Dude, supes calm down! You are already taking so much space on the sofa with those thick legs of yours, now you also want to be the first one to be drunk! You are not going to leave any room for us left!” Says Dave.

My mind races as I feel the alcohol starting to work. And my eyes focus on my lower body.

“Thick legs…” I mumble softly. As slowly spurts of growth start to show. I contract the muscles that form around my legs as they widen and thicken, forming well defined shapes in my thighs and lower legs. They slowly start to swell up so big that they even start pushing Dave and the other guy next to me to the sides, forcing them to move away a little. I admire myself as I seem to widen, slowly stroking the lycra covering my legs as they grow.

“Yeah! Thick legs pushing us to the side! Why did we even try to sit here in the first place, you knew it would’t fit” Dave says mockingly.

“Watch out Dave or you might turn into a woman if you keep mocking me” I respond to him. Still zero reaction from any of the guys next to me as my kept swelling bigger and bigger right in front of them.

“What is that supposed to mean? You mock me for dressing up as a girl, while you are dressing up every single day of your life!”

I get a little claustrophobic from sitting in the tight spot next to the guys, so I stand up. And a little weirded out by Dave’s response as he keeps telling me I do stuff I have never done before.

“Every day? This is the first time I have worn this suit! How could I live my life and go to work if I would wear this every day!”

“But you do bro. You are superman! Why wouldn’t you wear it every day?” Dave responds confused.

“I am not superman! I am Josh! Normal everyday Josh, your roommate!” I say as I get angry as no one in the room understands what I am going through. My pumped-up muscles clench and tighten as I can’t help myself from getting heated up from frustration.

“No one has ever called you Josh, Supes. So please calm down, and let’s start by removing that huge superboner out of my face…” Dave says as he points at my junk.

The guys around me laugh as Dave says that, they laugh and stare. Not just at me, but at my junk. My head starts to turn red as I move my hand down to the red briefs covering my dick.

“What is this weird, twisted fantasy…” I mumble. As my dick starts to harden underneath my hand. I can feel the blood being pumped inside like it normally would as I would stroke one out. But now it just grows, bulging under my red briefs. It does not take long before you can see a well-defined outline of my dick pressing against the lycra, like I have nothing on underneath it. I keep my hands off of it like that would help to calm it down.

And the guys just stare, stare as my dick hardens and starts to throb. It lets out small amounts of precum making the red briefs a little wet.

“Oh shit guys, there we go again! One of Supes outbursts. Guys, give him some room. Just let him do his thing!” Dave calls out to the other guys who seem to know what he is talking about. They watch as I can’t help myself from throbbing my boner.

“Ugh… So much pressure building up… What the hell kind of boner is this man!” I shout out in pleasure and confusion. Slowly getting hornier, which overrules the shame I feel for having a hard dick in front of these guys.

“It is your superboner burst Supes! You have them occasionally. I guess it is a little price you have to pay for being superman” Dave says in an explaining tone like it is the most normal thing ever.

“Wh.. What? That does not make any sense bro! UGGH” I moan as I hold my head back and feel the first burst of cum filling my red briefs making them wet. After that I try my hardest to calm down but my dick does not allow me to calm down.

“WHAT DO I DO BRO” I start shouting as I contract my body.

“Just let it happen!” Dave says calmly

My dick throbs and bulges as I move my hands to it. As it slowly feels like it starts to grow and stretch out. As hard as it was already, and having cummed my briefs fully wet, the quite average sized dick of mine starts to expand forward like it is looking to find a way out of my briefs. And it does, it seems my blue suit has a convenient hole for my dick, only covered by the red superman briefs. With a little help of my hand and my dick pressing the briefs down, I reveal my now grown, quite large dick to the guys around me. I feel the need to show them my hard member, not only because of my sudden extreme hornyness, but also because my body seems to want to.

“Damn! Dude look at that superdick! I wonder how it feels to have that thing hanging between your legs” One guys remarks.

“Yeah, do you think his cum is as powerful as his strong body?” another guy responds.

“Yeah it is! His supercum is quite the treat to taste! But we need to help him a bit, time to put those admiring words to action guys!” Dave responds.

Five guys including Dave, stand up and circle around me as I keep throbbing my dick in front of them. The pressure and pleasure I feel makes my body almost freeze like a statue. I cannot move until that huge boner is dealt with.

“Dave… UGGH, did you know this would happen to me… If I would wear the suit” I say as even though I am not able to fight it in any way, and I am far transformed from the guy I was a few hours ago. I still try to get some explanation what is going on with my body.

Dave is the one who stands behind me, he moves his hands to my lower back and lets it glide softly over the silky tight lycra covering my ass.

“shhh Bro… No worries. We don’t judge you for your random superman cumshots. Let me just help you ease into it. Dave says as his hand strokes my ass, till he goes lower and finds my balls. He grabs them through the lycra and massages them softly.

“Hmm, such full balls” Dave says softly”

I feel my balls swell up with seed while Dave massages them. It makes my dick throb and burst out another big shot of seed on the two guys in front of me. They don’t seem to mind, one of them even tastes the cum with his finger.

“Damn, it does taste quite different. Almost a little bit like milk!” the guy says surprised.

“It sure does! Superman seed is said to be full of protein” Dave responds.

“For real? Then we should hit the gym after helping supes out for sure!” another guy says.

“Sure why not! But Supes needs some help now guys! Go ahead and massage the muscled hero” Dave responds.

The guys stand closer to me as I feel their hands starting to stroke my body all over. caressing me like I have never felt before. Their hands slide over the tight smooth blue lycra , massaging my bulging body all over. two guys focus on my arms, two on my chest, one sits down and massages my glutes and Dave holds his place as he focusses on my ass, carefully kneading it like a dough.

It feels amazing, being engulged by guys massaging me, worshipping me.

“Flex for us Supes!” one guy says as he wraps both of his hands around my bicep. I flex for him, and then my other arm, and my pecs. I feel the need to flex for them constantly, being locked in a bulging pose, it feels amazing.

One guys moves around to his knees in front of my huge throbbing dick as I feel another load coming. Toughing the tip of my dick with his tongue. I shoot my load into his mouth as I moan out in pleasure. His whole face is covered in white.

Again, after coming, my body still does not feel released from pleasure. The guys continue to massage and worship my body as load after load seems to build up inside my balls, swelling up big again and again. the guys take turn to receive the loads. But my cum seems to come in bigger shots by the turn, covering not only the guys, but also making our whole living room wet with cum.

The rest of the part people still drinking and having a good time around us seem to not mind that much what is going on in the middle of the room. Like milking a bulging superman is what happens every day in this building. But sometimes a guy seems to be interested and takes a turn to receive my load.

After more than 10 guys have received theirs, I feel my body getting sustained. Dave is the last one placing himself in front of me. I feel tired, tired of being milked and trapped in the constant pleasure.

“Dave… I. Will it be over?” I say while sweat drips down my forehead.

“sure Supes. I will be the last one”

“I mean, will I turn back to Josh?”

“Josh? Who is Josh bud? You keep calling out that name…”

“I… I was Josh”

Dave gets up to his legs and places his hands on my full pecs, starting to feel them a bit.

“This suit is who you are bud, nothing more. You always have since I met you, walking around in that skintight suit all day, showing off your muscles and that big bulge. But if you want me to call you Josh then that’s fine. Josh the superman! Now let’s finish your loads!”

“UUGH…” I moan out in a final outburst of pleasure, but also my helpless frustration. Dave receives my load while closing his eyes, cumming all over him like I have no control over my body.

After that last load I feel exhausted. My big body falls down back on the sofa and refuses to move. Sitting there surrounded by my cum.

“thanks, Supes!” some of the guys say as they pat me on my shoulder. Not long after that the party slowly comes to an end. Guys start to leave and some of them seem to be ready to head to the gym to lift some weights as they received my proteinboost.

“I hate costumeparties…” I mumble as I put my giant dick back into my red superman briefs. My dick has grown so much that it is unable to hide it from pressing against the lycra. Nothing seems to return to normal, to when I was josh. My body feels like it is supposed to be this way, big and bulky. And I feel that this Superman outburst will one day come again…

“I should have dressed up as a marvel hero…” I say tired, closing my eyes again.

by Redouant

Email: [email protected]

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