A summer of fucking my high school buddy

by Kiunga

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Growing up in a small town didn’t give me a lot of opportunity to experiment with my sexuality and it wasn’t until my senior year when I had a part time job in the city that I finally got to enjoy being gay with a high school buddy.

Well if you can call it being gay. This was in the day of AOL chat rooms and phone cruising. Most of the time was either trying desperately to get into a chat room or pressing re-dial so often on the phone that the button literally broke off.

Anyway, it wasn’t a total drought and when I did score, I was having a great time sucking dick and fucking ass where I could.

I wasn’t out to any of my friends back in my hometown and hadn’t developed the courage yet to befriend any of the guys I was fooling around with so inevitably, my school friends would fix me up with girls they thought would be a good match.

For the most part I played along except I didn’t have sex with any of the girls and I could conveniently find a reason to avoid kissing or touching them.

“I can’t, I have a cold sore.”

“I can’t, someone might see us.”


And so it went on like this all summer.

One of my high school friends and I happened to both work in the city that summer so I would tag along with him and this group of friends that he inherited through his parents’ divorce. They were friends of his step-brother essentially and they were always dating and fucking around.

In my eyes, they were the cool kids.

My friend that introduced me to these kids, was Jamie, and that summer he bought this old 1974 BMW 2002Tii. Light green, full of rust, ratty seats and the most difficult hand crank sun roof ever made.

He and I would bomb around the city in this as we went to connect with the group of friends and over the months of that summer, we became really close and shared a lot of what was going on in our heads etc.

He was dating this girl called Annie, nice enough girl but was always stand offish and a bit of a prude.

Jamie wanted to fuck her so bad that sometimes in the car driving he would lament and grab his dick saying things like, “I am a walking fucking hardon and she won’t even blow me!”

We would talk and cruise around the city in this clunker of a car and inevitably stop at Dairy Queen for a Blizzard.

On this particular night, the bulge of his dick was very noticeable and I teased him about it as we stood around with the other “cool” kids enjoying our Oreo Blizzards.

After a drive like this and seeing his bone along his leg as he squeezed it always put me in a horny mood and inevitably, I’d end up cruising for cock after he dropped me off.

One weekend, we had been out with his friends and Annie, and we had gone to this secluded park.

He and Annie went off into the woods and I sat across from my date that weekend at a picnic table.

The other guys and girls were spread out around making out, talking, smoking and generally doing what 18 year olds do at 2am in a secluded park.

The girl I was with was a little more into me than I was into her (understatement) and the whole time she's talking, I kept imagining Jamie getting sucked and how much I wish it was me on my knees in the darkness of the woods.

After a while of chit-chatting with this girl, doing everything I can to deflect her interest, I notice Jamie coming out of the woods and you could tell he was pissed off.

Following close behind is Annie and she is in tears and bolts toward the other girls who are rushing to see what was happening.

I suddenly feared the worse and walked toward Jamie while the girls consoled the now wailing Annie.

“Hey, what’s happening, you ok?” I asked.

“Nothing happened man,” Jamie said, “I didn’t touch her and I know it’s not right but I told her that if she wasn’t going to at least suck my dick I am moving on.”

“I told her we want different things and said lets break it off.”

I started to laugh a little which in this day and age is totally inappropriate but Jamie gave me a huge smile and turned to walk away.

“Fucking chicks right?? Let’s go.”

I teased him pretty much the rest of the walk to the car about how Annie wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole etc, and as he went to get into the driver’s seat of the car it was obvious that he was rock hard because he grabbed his crotch to readjust his dick before sitting down.

“I just don’t get it,” he said starting the car, “I mean, for fuck’s sake, I just want a blowjob and she wouldn’t touch me, I swear, I’d have better chance of you sucking my dick than her.”

“Whoa there tiger,” I replied, “You calling me a fag?”

“Dude, come on, we all know it.”

“Well, or at least I do. I mean, come on, I’ve seen you with the girls and you’re so not interested, and I watch you checking out the guys in the locker room.”

“The other day when Dave went into the showers to take a piss and then came back in those briefs, your eyes were glued to his bulge and the piss stain, and fuck he is gross eh? Can’t even clean his dick before putting it away, but for some reason, that fucker can get any chick he wants.”

He rambled on about the unjust world of bagging chicks and although I was sympathetic, I was feeling emboldened or something, maybe relieved so I just looked at him and said, “So what if I was? Does that change us?”

“Huh? What the fuck are you talking about?”

“What if I was a fag, does that change us?”

“Not if you suck my dick” he said absolutely deadpan serious.

Seconds later burst out into laughter.

I didn’t know if I was being set up, or what, I mean I was completely turned on.

Jamie was one of the guys I looked at often in the locker room so this was the opportunity of a gay boy’s lifetime.

I paused for what seemed like an eternity but it was long enough for Jamie to shout out, “Oh for fuck’s sake, now you won’t even suck my dick! What the fucking hell is wrong with me?!” he said slamming his hand against the steering wheel.

“No no no,” I said, “I’m just kinda shocked is all, I mean, I don’t mind, I like sucking dick” I said with a smirk.

“Our secret then?” he asked.

“Yeah, let’s keep it quiet.”

We drove for a little longer to another secluded spot in complete silence partly to get away from the others but to make sure they didn’t follow us.

One thing about Annie, she was a prude but in a stalker movie she’d be that girl who follows us around and then announces, “But I always loved him!” as she stabs me for coming in between her and Jamie.

He got out of the car and walked toward some woods with me following behind.

My heart was racing.

This was not the first time I had followed a dude into the woods at 3 in the morning but this was the first with someone I actually knew and hung around with.

Eager with anticipation doesn’t describe how turned on I was.

He walked on for a bit and ended up in a little clearing around the trunk of a tree which was a little illuminated from a nearby light pole. Just light enough to not trip basically.

He didn’t say a word, just stopped, leaned back and put his hands behind his head.

I was shaking with the excitement, and as I reached out to un-do his belt, my hands rattled the buckle so bad you would have thought I had Parkinson’s.

I dropped to my knees and tugged at the button fly of his 501s and pulled them to reveal a pair of bright red briefs. 

I felt around to orient myself to his boner and licked the shaft through the fabric.

His dick was curved and arched up to the right and I think this is where my love of curved and arching dicks began.

I tugged at the briefs and his cock popped out into the cool air which you could tell he noticed as the hair on his arms stood up a little.

I grabbed his cock by the base and slowly started to swallow it as far as I could.

He moaned and shuddered as I sucked on his pretty cut dick.

I always figured he was hung and it was a good solid 8" but what I never appreciated were the huge big balls dangling between those thighs.

Even in the cold air they swung freely as I mouthed his cock.

I don't think he lasted more than 5 minutes, and with a grunt and a shudder, he grabbed my head and blasted a load of cum into my mouth.

He released my head but I continued to suck and clean his cummy dick.

You know you’re gay when you don’t waste a drop right?!

As we straightened up, neither of us looked at each other.

“You should teach Annie how to do that,” he said smacking my shoulder as he walked back to the car.

For the rest of the summer, me giving him a blow job was a fairly regular thing. So much so that I was hardly to be found in the chat rooms or on the phone lines.

One night we even went further and he fucked me doggy style in another secluded wooded area.

It wasn’t the first time I had been fucked out in the woods, but again, it was so hot with him, and after he came in my ass, I found myself wanting to spend every minute with him.

I laughed at myself in my head, “Now who’s the stalker?”

I seemed to have become his outlet for all the things that girls wouldn’t let him do.

He was a rough fuck too, which was hot, those big nuts swinging and swaying as he pumped my ass, grunting his load into my guts.

Now with the seal broken (so to speak), there was hardly an encounter where he didn’t fuck me.

Always outside, always on the way home from some failed date.

It was probably one of the best summers I’ve ever had even though I was used like a piece of meat. And like all pieces of meat, I was eventually tossed aside as he found a girl who did everything he wanted.

I did feel a slight broken heart initially but in the end, my voyage of discovery wasn’t about finding love…it was just about finding dick, and that I did.

We lost contact for a good decade after this summer of fucking in the woods, and although we re-connected later on through Linkedin, during an email exchange probably 20 years later, he was surprised that I was openly gay and married to a man.

I didn’t even give it a second thought to tell him about my life and I was a bit shocked at how vitriolic his email replies were.

But when I think back to the summer of him fucking me hard and rough, it suddenly made a little sense and although I never brought up our gay little summer, the fact that he got so angry with me for being openly gay made me pity him a little knowing how much fun we had.

Oh well, to each his own.

by Kiunga

Email: [email protected]

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