A carpenter's commission releases the bully & beta-pig

by Humiliation junky

5 Apr 2024 2712 readers Score 9.6 (39 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Taking his time to savoir the moment, Jon hawks the gob from the back of his throat slowly and then spits it hard into Paul’s mouth. “More?” Paul almost imperceptibly nods. Jon raises his eyebrows and Paul knows what he wants, “please Sir” Jon is only too happy to oblige only this time he hawks up his gob and dribbles it into the waiting hole. When there is a pool of viscous spit in his mouth Paul hears the instruction, “swallow dirty boi”. As Paul swallows the nasty mucus with a hint of tobacco Jon rubs his throbbing cock over Paul’s face smearing the mess in with his leaking juices like he’s marking his territory. 

Chapter 2

Happy that he’s got Paul into a more submissive zone he instructs him to stay where he is on his knees. Jon, hobbled by his jeans turns, bending briefly as he does to pick up Paul’s discarded belt. He’s facing the bench where he places the belt before thrusting his arse out a little, “kiss my arse fucker, lick those buns for me” Paul is already smooching with Jon’s buttocks, they are wet with sweat and Paul is actively licking it up, kissing each buttock whilst still edging his cock. “Feels good Paul, do it.” As Paul makes out with his backside Jon looks around the bench for his tobacco when he sees Paul’s pipe and lighter, changing plan he picks them up, tamps the pipe bowl as he’d seen Paul do, he is pleased to find it still has plenty of tobacco left in the bowl. As Paul is still rubbing his face into his sweaty buttocks, he fires up his first pipe. Taking several big pulls before finding a comfortable place to keep it held in the corner of his mouth. He puffs more gently enjoying a mild buzz as the nicotine hits his system.

Paul is a bit zoned out rubbing his face across Jon’s arse when he becomes aware of the smell of pipe smoke and grins at the idea of Jon smoking his pipe. He’s wasted a lot of spunk wanking over hot men smoking pipes, he tries to move to sneak a look up at Jon. But as he moves away from Jon’s arse Jon reaches his big hand behind him and guides Paul’s head back. “Get back there fucker, now stick your nose in my crack, go on sniff that trench.” And he pulls Paul’s head tighter into his arse until he can feel Paul’s nose beginning to slip between his cheeks. He feels Paul pull back a little, no doubt as he gets his first whiff Jon’s crack. “Just do it” he pulls Paul’s head harder in, “you want this, get in there sniff it.”

Paul is now aware of the smell of man arse, hot and wet with sweat. As he slides his nose deeper feeling sweat cling to his cheeks yes, he can smell Jon’s funk. Paul has got dirty on his own but now that he was getting up close and personal with someone else’s potentially grungy arse his brain still riles against it. Jon sensing that Paul is hesitating picks up the belt. Taking the buckle end in one hand he passes the belt behind him taking the other end in the other hand. Now he drops it down behind Paul’s head and pulls it in. He smirks hearing a loud grunt as Paul’s face mashes deep into his crack. “Ahhh, that’s more like it you dirty cunt, now sniff hard fucker, smell my funk, that’s what you like isn’t it Paul? Eh?”. Paul can only groan as his nose sinks into the hot confined crack. He finally starts to sniff. His cock is now throbbing so hard it hurts, and still his brain says this is taboo.

Jon is becoming more verbal, directing Paul’s movements whilst still holding his head in with the belt. Enjoying his new found vice he speaks around the pipe in his mouth. “Sniff harder cunt I want to feel it, deeper, can you smell my arse? You like that Paul is that ripe enough for you?”. Paul mumbles into his crack and Jon thinks it a moan of pleasure. But right now, he doesn’t really care. Jon is so turned on he’s thrusting back literally wiping his arse up and down Paul’s nose and face. His cock too is loving this as much as Paul’s is.

Jon takes a bigger hit off the pipe and tenses his arsehole, head back he blows smoke towards the ceiling. He almost yells out to Paul “I have something for you cunt, sniff harder, do it beta-boi this is what you like, now fucking sniff this.” And as he feels Paul obey and start to suck in air Jon releases a long steady fart directly into Paul’s face. It seems to last for many seconds to Paul whose senses are on overload. Whilst Jon laughs, Paul is shocked by the onslaught, he feels the belt tighten, driving him back into the crack. Briefly he squirms he can actually feel the gas hitting his face and now the smell hits his senses. He has to breath and opens his mouth just as he hears Jon yell, “I said sniff cunt I want you to fucking smell my stink.”

Jon’s now grinding his sweaty backside harder onto Paul’s face. Something in Paul’s mind gives and he starts to sniff, to inhale this mans ‘stink’, the smell is rotten, eggy, sulphur and shitty, and taboo. He moans and pushes his nose hard into the source. Squirming in the toxic stench he pumps his nose hard into Jon’s hole. He guides his face up Jon’s trench until his mouth is aligned with Jon’s moist ring and forms a seal around the smelly hole, flicking Jon’s anus with his tongue. He’s lost in lust as Jon groans and forces out another fart directly into Paul’s mouth, making him squirm more. Jon forces yet another fart from deep in his bowels, it’s a long, wet fart ripping across Paul’s tongue, he can feel flecks of Jon’s shitty arse mucus hitting his tongue and now his face as he instinctively pulls back in shock.

Hearing Paul’s muffled moans feeds Jon’s lust, his cock is desperate for release. He has to drop the belt so he can grab his throbbing cock and start to pump it furiously. Still keeping Paul in the Zone by yelling at him around the pipe still gripped in the corner of his mouth, “suck on it pig boi, taste me you fucking dirty pig, fucking worship my ring”. Freed from the belt Paul pulls back just enough to focus on Jon’s arse hole. He can see it is coated in shinny wet brown mucus. The smell is intense and he is revolted by the shitty mucus clinging to Jon’s ring. But he’s also totally zoned out with lust, he forces himself to supress the revolution and take that leap into piggery.

Paul drives his head back into the fettered trench feeling the slime on his face spreading and mixing with the funk in Jon’s arse as he does so. He grunts as he pushes his tongue into the shitty mucus ring, swirling it around and tasting another man’s filth for the first time. It’s pungent and rank. But, he’s in overdrive, his cock is harder than it’s ever been and he now starts to pump his own cock as he digs deeper, lapping up the shitty mucus, revelling in the totally taboo.

Feeling Paul’s submission, Jon knows he’s reaching the point of no return. He savours the feeling for a few more minutes and then he pulls away from Paul’s ministrations and turns, wanking his cock hard. Taking in the view of Paul’s pathetic face a broad grin spreads across his own sweaty features. Paul’s face is streaked with sweat and shitty brown arse mucus. His lips, the edge of his moustache and beard coated in the shitty wet concoction. Paul sits back, looking up he sees Jon’s sweaty face ablaze with lust and aggression. As Jon puffs on the pipe, Paul is mesmerised by the smoke billowing down around him, engulfing their heads as Jon leans forwards. Aiming his magnificent eight inches at Paul’s expectant face.

In a shuddering orgasm that sweeps though his whole-body Jon’s cock erupts to a huge primeval groan. Subjugating another man in this way is not something he’d ever explored before but he realises in that moment this was something he likes. Jets of cum spew across Paul’s face, plastering him, further emasculating him. Paul is bouncing on his haunches, wanking furiously as Jon finishes marking his territory triumphantly. With a smirk of total satisfaction, he steps back a little, panting, to watch Paul wanking as his slime drips down Paul’s face.

Fuelled with a sudden sense of power Jon thrusts his booted foot forward to grind it into Paul’s balls. Not enough to hurt but to assert himself further over Paul, “cum for me beta-boi, cum you filthy, dirty piece of shit. Do it pig boi, arse licking fart eater”. And that’s enough for Paul. Gazing up at Jon’s handsome face, his own pipe gripped firmly in Jon’s jaw smoke issues from his nose and mouth. Paul can smell the pipe smoke, shit and cum. His balls churn and his cock finally unloads to his own guttural moan, his whole body is rocked with an almighty, almost painful, orgasm. He sends waves of cum across Jon’s boots and the floor. Utterly lost in the moment, panting for breath his mind seems to explode in an almighty high. It’s involuntary but he’s vaguely aware of himself uttering “fuck yes, fuck, fuck, fuck yes, yes, thank you Sir, thank you”. His spent body finally comes to rest slumped forward staring at his cum pooling on Jon’s boots and floor.

Paul is still panting as he looks up to find Jon pointing his smart phone at him. He hears clicks as Jon snaps shots of his filthy face. As Paul moves to relieve his cramping legs Jon tells him, quietly but firmly, to “wait there, this is too good not to capture for the wank-bank.” He grins at Paul and takes the pipe from his own mouth and proffers it to Paul who, dumbly grips the pipe in the corner of his own mouth and, on auto pilot, puffs on it hearing the very last of the tobacco sizzle in the bowl as Jon snaps more shots of him. “You have to see this, it’s so fucking hot, here let me help clean you up,” Jon says as he takes the pipe and drops it with his phone on the bench. Turning back to Paul he takes his forefinger and drags it through the gloop on Paul’s face gathering a thick mixture of cum, sweat and shitty mucus. “Open up pig boi” he smirks.

As Paul obediently opens his mouth for him, Jon pushes his filthy finger into Paul’s mouth with a simple instruction “suck fucker”. Beginning to regain his composure Paul is tempted to resist, post orgasm, the mixture is vile and he is keen to regain his dignity and assert his own masculinity again. But before he can assimilate these thoughts his body has responded. He sucks the filth off Jon’s finger and can taste the disgusting mixture. Jon gathers more and adds it, feeding Paul all of the filth from his face. “yeah, good boi, clean up for me, taste that funk” he mutters still revelling in his control over Paul, “Now swallow it dirty beta-boi”. Cringing at the taste and shame of what he’s doing Paul lets the slim slide down his gullet.

“Almost done,” Jon says still holding eye contact. Confused Paul starts to move again. The shame at what he’s done is beginning to set in. Perhaps aware of this Jon moves quickly to grab Paul’s hair and guide his face down to the ground before Paul can get up. “You need to finish cleaning up your own sponge, don’t you?” He pushes Paul’s face towards an impressive trail of cum on the floor, rubbing his face in it the until Paul opens his mouth and, with a whimper, starts to trace the trail, sucking it up, feeling his own congealed spunk before eating that too.

Paul lets out another whimper as Jon pushes his booted foot in front of him. You’d better do these too while you’re there” he sneers. This time Paul shakes his head, “no!”. “Oh yes, that is if you ever want to come back” Jon replies. Much as Paul is ashamed of himself right now, he knows he’d like to see Jon again, if only to try and redress the balance and reassert himself. So, he again submits and starts to lick Jon’s heavy black work boots to Jon’s taunts, “that’s it, good boi, lick my fuckin’ boots for me, clean up your nasty spong, don’t miss the sides,” after a minute of watching Paul debase himself further, “and now the soles.” At that Paul finally pulls away and struggles to get up and stand equal to Jon. Only he’s not, he’s still buck naked, panting and a mess. While Jon, although still sweating in the hot space, is calm and very much in control of himself, if not Paul!

Sheepishly Paul looks back at a grinning Jon, “that was fucking hot, I didn’t realise I had such a mean dominant streak. But maybe I’ve never played with someone so subby and so low down dirty before, but that was fucking good” he says as he starts to gather Pauls clothes for him.

Despite his embarrassment Paul can’t help but grin back, “yes it was seriously fucking hot, but I promise you I’m not naturally a sub, definitely not a beta-boi. I don’t normally do things as gross as that. And I wouldn’t let anyone call me ‘beta-boi’ or ‘cunt’ or half the other things you trotted out.” Jon laughs, handing Paul his clothes, “Oh really? Let me think, how did it go? Oh yeah: ‘fuck yes, fuck, fuck, fuck yes, yes, THANK YOU SIR, THANK YOU’” he parodies Paul with a higher pitched voice as if to emphasise Paul’s lack of masculinity. “That sounded pretty beta-sub to me. And eating another man’s farts, eating his shitty hole out ain’t exactly what your average alpha male would do is it? And you had the longest orgasm I’ve ever seen as that submissive little pig, BETA-BOI. No, mate you’re a natural.”

Paul is wrestling with himself, there was no getting away from the fact that he’d just done those things and had the biggest orgasm of his life – bar none. But he couldn’t come to terms with being a wimpy ‘beta’ male to be totally dominated and humiliated by a more ‘alpha’ men. As he pulls on his clothes he shoots back, “Oh, and I guess you are a natural ‘alpha’ male, a natural dom?” “Actually, I think I just discovered I am a bully, I really got off on your submission.” he shot back. Seeing Paul roll his eyes he goads Paul more, “You just need to come to terms with it BETA-BOI”. He just manages to step aside as Paul flicks him with his T-shirt, laughing he says “fuck you”. “Ain’t gonna happen BETA-BOI” Jon laughs as he grabs Paul from behind and holds him in a full bearhug. Paul can feel him nuzzle his neck and then run his tongue up to his ear. Paul relaxes a little even though he knows Jon is again quietly taking the dominate stance. He feels Jon’s breath on his face as he whispers in his ear, “you, on the other hand, would fucking love it –wouldn’t you, boi?”.

Jon pushes Paul away and points to a battered brown leather couch in the corner. “Grab a seat, would you like that beer now? Think we earned one.” Paul nods “definitely” trying to sound assertive.

Jon returns a few moments later with two cold beers, passing his work bench he collects his phone and Paul’s pipe. Throwing himself into the couch beside Paul, he hands him the beer and the pipe. “Here you go, repack that pipe – I fucking loved that too. Definitely gonna be getting myself a pipe, a really nice big shiny one”.

Paul takes a welcome pull on the cold beer, it feels good. Placing the bottle on the floor he cups the pipe bowl in his hand and knocks the ash into the other. There’s nothing but a small pile of ash, they had smoked it to the bottom of the bowl. Looking around he made as if to drop it on the floor until Jon stops him. “Not on my floor fucker, I just swept that.” He shifts round looking at Paul, reaching out he grasps Paul’s wrist in his big hand and holds it. Looking Paul in the eye with that same sneer Paul had seen earlier he says, “tell you what boi, why don’t you just lap it up like the little pig we both know you are.” And he pushes Paul’s hand towards his face.

Paul struggles but only mildly and whimpers again. Jon loves that whimper, a sign he’s come to recognise as reluctant submission. “Do it, do it for me, do it because you know you fucking should be my ashtray as well as my spittoon.” Paul watches as his own hand is brought up to his face and for reasons he can’t fathom extends his tongue to meet it. He sits there dumbly allowing Jon to push his own open palm onto his tongue. He feels the gritty ash stick to his tongue. “That’s it, get it all” Jon orders guiding the hand up and down until he’s happy the ash is all stuck to Paul’s tongue, “now eat it all up like a good boi,” his smile grows as Paul obediently swallows, revelling in Paul’s humiliation. “So, you were saying, you’re not a natural beta-boi? – Let’s add ashtray as well as spittoon to the list.”

Jon looks at Paul in a way that intimidates him slightly, once again Paul sees a predator lucking inside the handsome man, a predator that is again making his dick twitch only minutes after unloading. But despite his arousal Paul hates himself for being such a wimp with this guy. ‘What’s he got? Why do I behave like this with him?’ he wonders swiftly going for his beer. He mumbles “well maybe I’m just having a…”, but Jon interrupts him before he can finish, “don’t say ‘bad day’. We both fuckin’ loved that, whether you’re a submissive little fuck or not doesn’t matter.” “Ok, Ok true”, Paul agrees, and can’t stop himself adding, “but really I’m not.” Jon just shakes his head with a grin, “just pack the fuckin’ pipe”.

In chapter 3 both men learn more about themselves, Paul ads urinal to the list and more!

by Humiliation junky

Email: [email protected]

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