A bundle

by PPP343

29 Sep 2022 2160 readers Score 7.3 (14 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Hey guys. I named this story “a bundle” because basically I have three very short situations to share with you but little details to tell. The main reason for the lack of details is that I currently don’t have a place to bring my “preys” and enjoy them “properly”. Well, I do have a place. The problem is that I cannot bring them there since I am surrounded by straight family members who wouldn’t appreciate having strange men around ALL the time. Respect goes both ways. Só, there we go.

Situation 1

There’s this guy who claims we’ve known each other for over the past twenty years; I do not argue with him, even though I spent most of these twenty years abroad. Anywho: he’s SO NOT the typical guy I would go after; he is a drug addict, very loud, ugly and inconvenient. However, he has amazing high arched feet, lean body and possibly nice dick. He claims to be straight (by the way, he has just showed up here at the bar while I’m writing this, what are the odds?!). Let’s say I have a crush on him or that I lust for those feet. 

The problem is that, some months ago, he came to my table where I was talking to a friend and complained that I had hit on him in the street and that he didn’t like it. I do not remember the event but, since I could have been drunk that night, it was possible. I was lucky since that friend was a guy I used to have sex with, and the conversation finished as quickly as it started. 

Last week I was at the same bar when the same crazy guy approached me with the same talk. However, I was by myself this time and he had a different attitude. In a very calm voice, he reminded of what happened. I told him I had a big crush on him and that I would tongue bath him from feet to toes, especially his feet. 

For my surprise, he put one of his foot on my lap and I rubbed it a little. He went on telling me he was ok with men sucking him off, that he would allow me to suck him off and play with his feet as long as he could fuck me. Well, I do not get fucked and now he is all around me all the time, I trying to find out a way to get me to his bed. More to come…

Situation 2: The homeless guy

The first time I saw this guy he was going over trash cans looking for cans to sell for recycling. He’s about 5’10, nice body, short beard and amazing size nine high arched feet. He was dirty but still hot. He came to me as I was having a beer by myself outside a local bar. He asked me if I could help him to have a shower in a nearby place that charged $2 from each customer. I gave him the cash and he gave me an used watch as a token of his appreciation. I said it was not necessary, but he insisted. 

The next day I ran into him again and once more he asked me for some spare change. I told him that I do not give out money for nothing and he took me to a parking garage where I gave him a long blowjob till he came. It was nice, but not really my thing. I wanted his feet. As I frequently go to the same bars. I kept the watch he gave me in my pocket to return it the first chance I had, but he totally disappeared after that.

Weeks went by and I left that watch home. Until the night he reappeared! He spotted me in one of the bars and approached me. When I told him I wouldn’t help him this time, he freaked out and gave me an ultimatum to return the watch he had given me a while back. That all happened in public! Next day, I put the fucking watch in my pocket and went around looking for him. I found him after an hour and gave him the watch back. My words were: “Don’t get close to me ever again!”. I believe that did the trick. 

After that day, I have got a stalker. He follows me almost everywhere I go: he has had a big change of attitude. Yesterday, he took me to a local square, found a quiet spot and put his delicious feet on my lap and said: “They are yours, do whatever you want with them”.Needless to say, for the following hour, that’s what I did. He scheduled another meeting two days after that at the same place, but I missed it. We ran at each other earlier today, played some more, and he wants to go to a motel where I can enjoy his feet and body fully. Let’s see what happens.

Situation 3

A friend of mine is moving abroad and she asked me to join her for a drink at a local bar. We went to a local bar where we remained till her husband came to pick her up. They offered me a ride home but I told them I preferred to walk, and so I did. In fact, I wanted to make a final stop at my fave dive bar, a place two blocks from home. As I turned the corner on my way to the bar, this boy stopped me and asked me to get him some cookies since he was hungry. It was late and the only place we could go for cookies was a convenience store close by. As we walked to the place, I complimented him on his nice feet. 

To my surprise, he told me that “if you think my feet are nice, you should check my dick; go ahead, touch it”. It was hot to walk along playing with the guy’s dick. We’d got to the store, I bought him the cookies, we sat and I played with his feet some right there. Hot boy then suggested we go to a nearby plaza where we could be more “comfortable”. There were some checkers tables all over the place, and he picked one. 

He sat, pupped his feet up and said: “so, here’s my feet. Show me what you can do to them”. Guys, it was a fucking hot situation: the 25 yo, married man, one kid, big dick boy asking me to do whatever I pleased to his body in a public place. I grabbed his exposed feet with one hand, licked, smelled, boy them like a horny dog, while toying with his throbbing did at the same time. He was a foot virgin, what made things even more exciting. Biting and tickling his soles at the same time drove him nuts. He told me to look for him again next week, so that I can play with his feet even more. 

Again, let’s see what happens.

by PPP343

Email: [email protected]

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