A Wizard's War

by TeamStilinski

4 Apr 2023 1580 readers Score 9.3 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Simon was fuming with rage as he returned to his room at the inn.  He gathered his belongings and even stole some of the fine bedding since it was always useful to have extra fabric and especially something this soft and luxurious.  He was unclear if they would release Fogrot and Rummert willingly, but he was not in the mood to ask for permission either.  He was going to free them one way or another.

Simon set off down the main road into the slums below.  He was immediately set upon by beggars and grifters who thought he looked wealthy enough to help them out a bit.  Simon had a fair amount of gold but given his now uncertain future didn’t want to hand it all away either.  He considered his options and knew more than anything that he needed a familiar face.  Maybe he should go back to Westwood and explain things to Amos or maybe Connor was still in Graymere.  This whole journey starting with Auren’s declaration that he was the Seeded One had been a colossal joke.

You have everything you need,” Yidian tried to explain, “You never needed this fucking council of twats.”

“But what was it all for?” Simon shouted at no one in particular as he walked through the street.

Humans want to rationalize and apply meaning to everythingYou won’t always find one.  It’s much easier being a demon and just take what you want.”

“Hey big boy, like what you see?” A prostitute came from an alley and began flashing her tits in Simon’s face.

“I’m sorry,” Simon smiled, “I’ve already got a date with a certain guard commander.”

“Oh, you’re no fun,” the prostitute pouted.

“Trust us, sweetheart,” Yidian purred through Simon’s voice, “We are more than you could handle.”

The prostitute moved away, suddenly unnerved by something she saw in the young man’s eyes.


Commander Adrian West pushed a bowl of cold gruel through the bars and watched it splat upside down in the dirt.

“Oops,” the Commander mocked, “Guess you’ll have to eat it off the ground.  Your friend sends his regards and wanted to make sure you got this yummy meal.”

Fogrot growled at him from inside the cell.

“Just like animals,” West spat in disgust, “We keep animals in cages around here.”

Adrian laughed as he left the dungeon and headed up toward his post.  He didn’t mind the night shift; it was usually quiet and it was exceptionally easy to intimidate and obtain bribes.

“Evening, Commander,” fellow guard, Calan, nodded as they passed on patrol, “We got robbed of our fun last night, didn’t we?”

“Never know what might happen tonight,” Adrian shot back, “Stay alert.”

“Yes, sir.”

Adrian relieved the other commander at the guard station for the Southern gate and began his watch.  The cloud cover was heavy and there was not even moonlight out in the darkness beyond the gate.  It was not so easy to see intruders approaching even out across the empty expanse of the desert.

Adrian heard a thump on the outside of the guard station and poked his head out to look around.  He withdrew his torch from the wall sconce and made a circle around the small wooden structure that stood between the inner and outer gates.  He saw nothing and returned to his post.  Another, louder thump echoed against the wall of his station and he again came rushing out.  He didn’t see anyone, but then he looked up to the roof of the guard station.

His torch light did not illuminate much, but there were eyes watching him.  Something was crouched on the roof and crimson eyes were gazing down out of the darkness.

“Who’s there?” Adrian asked shakily.  He took a step closer, raising his torch higher so he could see.  Whatever was there leapt down upon him, knocking the torch away and tearing at him with clawed hands.  There were growls and feral noises in the darkness.  Adrian was battered against the ground repeatedly and his head was spinning.  Adrian was not sure what was happening, but soon realized that he was being dragged.  They were taking him somewhere.

“Remember us?” the boy’s voice was close to his face, maybe inches away.

“Oh, you’re in deep shit now, kid,” Adrian was furious.  He couldn’t believe he let that young orc slut get the drop on him.

“We are no kid,” the boy answered in many voices, “And you will learn to respect us or perhaps, you will fear us.”

Adrian could feel them tearing at his body in the dark.  Most of his armor had been stripped away and now they were pulling his trousers away.  Adrian’s manhood fell out soft and limp as they pressed themselves over him.

“Isn’t that cute,” they laughed as they flicked his penis in the dark, “Does it get much bigger?  Or is that all you have to offer us?”

Adrian struggled on the ground and tried to lash out at Simon in the dark, but he underestimated the boy’s incredible strength.  Simon pinned the arms over his head and then licked his face.  The hot breath made Adrian recoil.

“Is that fear we taste, Commander?” they laughed viciously.  Adrian could feel the muscular young body against him.  Simon was grinding his impressively large erection against him through his own trousers.  Despite his anxiety, Adrian felt his own dick stiffening.

“Get off me,” Adrian grunted through gritted teeth and was surprised when Simon suddenly stood.  Adrian moved to get up and a foot pushed him back down on his back.

“No, no,” Simon ordered, “Don’t get up.”

Adrian listened in the dark and understood that the boy or beast or whatever it was removed its pants.  It settled over him again and a part of Adrian felt relieved.  He didn’t want it to end just yet and his dick was now so hard.

“How are we doing, Commander?” they asked as they began to stroke Adrian’s hardened shaft.

“Please…” was all Adrian could manage to say.

“We were hoping under all that tough exterior we’d find something a bit more impressive,” they spoke in a disappointed tone, “We guess you’re only a big man when you are taking advantage of others.”

Adrian loved the feel of the hand stroking him, he even loved the way they were teasing him about his small dick size.  His body was on fire with a desire he’d never experienced before.  Then they lowered themselves over him.  The warm hot flesh of their muscular ass was engulfing his dick and they began to grind against him.  A clawed hand held his throat as they gyrated on top of him.

“How does it feel to have someone take advantage of you?  Do you like the way we use your tiny little pecker?”

“Yes,” Adrian whispered up into the darkness, tears fell from the corners of his eyes.  Were they tears of fear, pain, or pure pleasure?  Adrian wasn’t sure.

“If we drain you,” they asked, “Will you give us everything?”

“Anything… please…” Adrian moaned.

“We don’t think you understand,” they snarled, “We want everything!”

Adrian was too lost in pleasure to think, his cock was on fire and melting into the hot flesh of this amazing body.  Adrian was thrusting up inside, eager to give whatever he could with his little dick.  They wanted it all, he was trying to give it to them.

“Yes, that’s it,” Simon rolled his head back feeling the hot seed of the commander erupting inside of him.  They drew a substantial portion of the man’s life force into their body.  The commander felt the sudden pain and horror of what was happening as he released inside of them.

“I think that’s quite enough,” a resonate voice spoke in the dark.  Adrian whimpered as Simon suddenly jumped off him to face the newcomer.  Adrian tried to track what was happening, but he faded out of consciousness.

“You?” Simon asked, his glowing red eyes focusing on Lord Crusnik.

“I watched for as long as I dared,” Crusnik spoke calmly as he approached, “You were so beautiful.  But I know how easy it is to take too much.”

“Maybe we wanted to take everything,” Yidian growled, “And maybe you’re next.”

“I’m sure you want that, demon,” Crusnik caressed Simon’s cheek with an icy cold hand, “But what do you want, Simon Kingmaker?  Do you want to be a killer?”

“We already are,” they answered in a tortured voice and Simon’s singular voice quavered louder than the others.

“Maybe, it’s our turn to take what we want,” Simon declared in his own voice.

“Take it from me,” Crusnik growled and gripped Simon’s head in both icy hands, “I can withstand your power, not this puny man.  I’d be your equal.”

Simon suddenly felt overwhelmed by fatigue and weakness.  Lord Crusnik’s presence was so cold it was cutting to his very core.  Yidian roared in defiance but had no choice but to retreat.

“You want something, demon?” Lord Crusnik commanded, “You can take it from me!”

“Please…” Simon whimpered in much the same way Adrian had only moments before.

Lord Crusnik’s clothes practically fluttered away into the darkness as he turned Simon around and pushed him up against the wall.  The man’s body was thin and sinewy with taught muscles and veins standing out from his pale flesh.  His cock was cold and hard as ice as it filled Simon.  There was no easing into it, no preparation, just the fullness of his entire cock slamming inside.

“Fuck!” Simon grunted from the brutal invasion.

Lord Crusnik didn’t stop, he just started fucking, slamming into Simon ruthlessly and without mercy.  Simon moaned and grunted with each thrust, but he didn’t fight it.  Simon spread his legs a bit wider and tried to move his hips, so he was more open.  The ice-cold fuck machine used the hot ass that was being offered to him.  Simon kept thinking the man would tire or cum soon, but he was always wrong.  Crusnik would simply fuck faster and harder and deeper than before.

“Do you still want it all?”

“Yes,” Simon gasped in a shuttering breath.

Lord Crusnik threw Simon aside like he weighed nothing and the boy went sprawling.  Crusnik grabbed hold of Simon’s legs and pulled his ass up into the air.  The ice cold cock filled Simon again as the man began to piledrive down into his gaping hole.  The sound of their flesh slapping together roughly filled the room mixed with Simon’s whispered pleas for more.

Simon was surprised when his own cock began to rain down into his face.  The cold relentless pressure against his insides was making him ejaculate without even touching himself.  Simon was bathed in his own magnificent seed and it tasted amazing on his lips.

“Look at how hard you still are,” Lord Crusnik grunted, “Nothing is ever enough.  Is it?  The demon always wants more.”

Lord Crusnik lowered Simon back onto the ground rolled him on his stomach and then mounted him again.  Simon could feel the full length of the man’s fat cock plowing into him again and again without mercy or hesitation.  Lord Crusnik was even more virile and relentless than the orcs, nothing about him showed any sign of stopping soon.

“Tell me” Crusnik panted between strokes, “You are no mere warlock.”

“No,” Simon gasped, his body was on fire with pleasure and desire.  Cold radiated out from behind his belly button where it felt the massive cock was slamming deep into his guts.

“What are you?” Crusnik impossibly intensified his thrusts, “I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“The…” Simon could barely speak, but between each thrust he grunted a word, “Sea…dead…whaa.”

“I’m not stopping,” Crusnik slammed his cock relentlessly, “You’ll have to speak up.”

“The… Seed…ed…One!”

Lord Crusnik slammed balls deep inside of Simon and roared in his deep resonate voice as he ejaculated inside.  Simon didn’t feel the normal surge of power, he just felt a cold spreading and erupting inside of him.  His own cock twitched and ejaculated more from the sensation.

“The Seeded One.  I’ve heard that before,” Crusnik whispered in Simon’s ear, “Some sort of prophesy maybe.  Whatever you are, you’re beautiful.  The warmth of you, like fire around my cock.”

“You pulled me back,” Simon realized, “I’d become… something else.”

“Even when you were dangerous, fueled by your righteous anger, I had to watch you for a while.  No one has made me feel anything like this in a long time.”

Lord Crusnik withdrew from inside of Simon and Simon felt his body shutter and then slowly begin to warm.

There was no seed in him,” Yidian was furious and feeling cheated, “No spark of life to draw upon.”

“Lord Crusnik,” Simon hesitated, “You felt… different.”

“I am different than others you’ve met,” Crusnik considered, “More like you, I suppose.”

Disgusting,” Yidian squealed within.

“And please, call me Julian.”

“I’m losing control,” Simon sat up in the dark and felt his skin crawl “I was just so angry.”

Julian offered Simon a hand, “Why don’t we go somewhere more comfortable?”

“What about him?” Simon asked when he almost tripped over the commander’s unconscious body.

“He’ll be fine,” Julian laughed, “I think you taught him a valuable lesson today.”



Simon followed Julian Crusnik through the winding streets of the slums and into a dimly lit brothel.  The smell of sex was ripe in the air but the young woman working greeted Julian warmly and with a certain familiarity.  They were escorted to a private room lit by many candles and given glasses of red wine.

“Hope you enjoy your time,” the girl batted her eyes at them both, “Let me know if you need anything else, Lord Crusnik.”

“Come here often?” Simon asked.

“The Bastion is well known for their pleasure parties,” Julian smiled, “When you live a wizard’s lifetime, it’s easy to get bored with certain things.”

Simon followed Julian’s lead and sipped from his glass of wine.  There was a long silence and Simon couldn’t find a single topic to talk about.  He just kept thinking about the way Julian had fucked him.  And more importantly, how much he wanted it again.

Why?” Yidian moaned like a petulant child, “He’s got nothing going on down there!”

“How much do you know about the last Wizard War?” Julian finally began.

“Just what I’ve read in books, I suppose.”

“The destruction of the Vomirian Empire was an unforgiveable tragedy.  A power that should never have been unleashed upon the world...  I watched homes burn, woman and children vaporized in a single instant, there was nothing left after that spell.”

“You were there?” Simon gaped.

“I fought in the last Wizard War.  I followed our leader, Arganon, and the Vomirian Empire into many battles, changing the tides with my knowledge of magic.  I made many mistakes and did things I am not proud of; some of those things keep me awake at night even now.”

“That was nearly 300 years ago,” Simon puzzled, “You look no older than forty.”

“Forty-seven actually, when I died.  We knew the attack was coming and it was going to be the end of everything.  We used our skills to craft artifacts, imbued them with our powers, and then trapped our living souls inside.  The world as we knew it ended, our bodies fell, but we didn’t die.  The necromancers lived on and many of us started over.”

“Necromancy is forbidden, is it not?”

He’s dead!” Yidian gasped internally, “That’s why there was no living seed. No life force.”

“It is now,” Julian nodded solemnly, “It took a long time to regain trust with the resulting Votu Alliance, but they eventually adopted the newly formed Votu Vomir, which rose out of the crater of the destroyed empire.  Breakwhite was sympathetic to our struggles, but many did not agree with his solution.”

“Now you represent the interests of Votu Vomir on the High Council.”

“Yes,” Julian swirled his glass of wine and smiled ruefully, “But you see how much influence I have there.”

“I appreciated you nominating me for the Wizard’s College in any case.”

“I should have known better,” Julian drained his glass then considered Simon carefully, “But no one said I couldn’t train you myself.”

“You would do that?” Simon was excited but tried not to get his hopes too high.

“Not here,” Julian shook his head, “but if you want to return with me to Votu Vomir, I could do so without the watchful eye of the Wizard Commander.”

“I am interested, but I’d need to free the orcs I arrived with first.”

“It’s already being arranged,” Julian smiled, “I did convince the Council to grant them diplomatic immunity, but you must convince your orcs to leave the way they came.  Their business is concluded, and the Wizard Commander’s word is final.  They must return to the Savage Plains or risk retaliation.”

“They won’t like it,” Simon worried.

“Hopefully you can make them see reason.”

“I’ll try.”

“Do you need a place to rest tonight?” Julian asked.

“I’m not particularly tired,” Simon shrugged considering the rage-fueled start to his evening.

“Me neither,” Julian stood and with a wave his shadowy black cloak fluttered away again.

Simon gazed upon the man’s thin muscular frame, bright white and naked, in the glow of the warm fireplace.  Julian’s cock was semi-erect and slightly curved to the right.  The thick shaft was even more mesmerizing in the light and Simon’s mouth watered.

Not again,” Yidian moaned.

“I consider myself a connoisseur of pleasure,” Julian purred, “There are few I’d consider my equal.”

Simon stood, drawn to the necromancer like a magnet.

“On your knees,” Julian commanded, and Simon found himself obeying; crawling forward until he was eye level with the magnificent cock.  Simon reached up a hand, but Julian smacked it away.

“Why don’t we begin your training after all,” Julian smirked.

“I’d like that,” Simon whispered.

“Such a good boy,” Julian cupped Simon’s cheek in his cold hand and then slid his thumb across Simon’s lips.  The lips parted and Julian slid his thumb inside.  Simon tentatively licked and then sucked on the digit as it lingered on his soft lips.

“The demon is quiet now,” Julian wondered, “Will you still be able to handle me?”

“Yes,” Simon answered as the thumb slipped from his mouth.

“Yes, My Lord,” Julian corrected. 

Simon’s eyes widened as Julian’s cock flexed, the head flaring and the veins standing out on the shaft.  Drops of precum glistened in the soft light.  Simon leaned forward and licked the nectar, feeling cold against his tongue.  Julian pulled his cock away and with a wave of his hand restrained Simon in course ropes.  Simon felt his hands pull tight behind his back and tether to his lower legs.

“I didn’t say you could have any yet,” Julian hissed, and the fireplace flickered.

“Sorry, My Lord,” Simon stammered.

“Your first lesson will be to free yourself,” Julian stepped away and sat back in his chair leaving Simon on his knees in the center of the chamber.

“Your reward,” Julian continued, “Is my cock.”

Simon watched Julian leaning back, stroking his thick shaft.  Occasionally the cock would flex again, bending to the right with the pressure as Julian held it tight.  Simon watched for a minute, his mind blank and filled with lust.  His own erection was pressing so tightly against his trousers.

Simon tried to clear his mind.  He had to focus on the spell forms and symbols he had already learned.  Nothing about cutting, but there was fire.  Fire could easily burn through the ropes.  He conjured the symbol in his mind, trying to navigate with his fingers to touch some part of the rope.

“Careful,” Julian warned, “Fire can get out of hand quickly.  What if you miss the rope? Set your clothes ablaze?”

“What do you suggest?” Simon opened his eyes and after a brief silence offered, “My Lord?”

“Maybe the rope can be something else.  Something that cannot harm you or bind you.”

Simon closed his eyes again to focus.  He pictured the symbol for air and his gift welled up inside of him.  There was so much unbridled power that he had collected from his many sexual exploits.  He felt the fibers of the rope slipping and evaporating.  The rope became that of air and puffed out of existence.  Before Simon could open his eyes, the cold cock was sliding into his mouth.  His eyes flew open and he saw Julian above him.

“You did well,” Julian commended, “Now take your reward.”

Simon felt the fat cock slide deeper and then flex inside his throat.  Simon choked and Julian eased up a moment.  But Simon didn’t let him get far before trying to swallow it back down.  His mouth and tongue slid all over the shaft, saliva spilled from his mouth and down his chin as he worked.  The cock was cold and hard and it made his head ache a little, but he wanted it so bad.

“Such a greedy boy,” Julian approved blissfully, “So eager to please.”

Simon only bobbed his head in response feeling the cock flex and fill his throat to its limit.  He wanted to feel the cold sliding down his throat like a piece of ice.  When he’d drained him with his mouth, Simon would ride him and then be fucked on every surface in this pleasure room.

Enough!” Yidian shouted through the waves of pleasure.  Simon felt a flare of intense rage roar through his body and the fat cock popped wetly from the side of his turning head.  Julian’s cock sprang back and smacked Simon in the ear.

“We see you,” Simon looked up at Julian with glowing eyes, “Rooting around in his mind.”

“And why do you fear my presence, demon?” Julian laughed, “Is it for your sake or the boy’s?”

Before Yidian could answer through Simon’s voice, Julian grabbed Simon’s head in both hands and forced his cock back down the throat.  Julian unleashed himself and began brutally skull fucking Simon.  Julian moaned as his saliva-covered shaft twitched and swelled in the back of the tight throat.  Simon struggled to breathe through his nose and copious amounts of saliva were now dripping down his neck and frothing from around his lips.  With a victorious cry Julian unleashed the freezing nectar directly down Simon’s throat.  Simon swallowed to avoid drowning in the endless fluid.

Yidian was gone again, and Simon had no recollection of the brief loss of control.  Simon just sat on his knees, drool rolling down the front of him as he smiled, completely enthralled.  At some point Simon had even cum inside his own trousers and the former warmth of it only now became apparent.

“Such a good boy,” Julian patted his cheek gently.

“Yes, My Lord.”

by TeamStilinski

Email: [email protected]

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