A Superhero's Origins

by Lance Abrams

11 Dec 2022 6714 readers Score 8.9 (50 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

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Thank you, and enjoy!

Having just acquired his powers, Jake had no idea how to use them. Still though, he had classes, and dug through his drawers for something to wear. That's when he saw a strange outfit, one he'd never seen before. He pulled out the black and red outfit, letting it unfold: it was a supersuit. "Can't be a superhero without a supersuit," Jake chuckled. It was black with red detailing, matching colors used in most comics. A red mask was there to cover part of his face, hiding his identity. There was a pouch for his big cock, but also an opening to take it out, and a latch over his ass, both presumably to allow him to use the bathroom more easily when he was wearing it. The suit fit perfectly, but oddly a mesh covering over his abs and most of his pecs, displaying how ripped he was. It also had a cape behind him, going from his neck to just above his ankles. He admired how he looked, and tried to figure out how to access his powers.

"Maybe my powers haven't kicked in yet?" Jake wondered aloud. "Maybe it takes time, right? But then why did my body change so quickly?" He heard an alarm go off. "Shit, I'm gonna be late for class," he thought. He changed out of the suit and put on the most casual clothes he could find that would fit him, heading off to class.

Jake sprinted out of the elevator, and out of his residence hall. Most students had already gotten to class, so the quad was sparsely populated as he ran to class.

That's when he felt his feet lift off the ground, carrying him faster than ever before. Quick as lightning, he arrived at the building door, tripping over himself as he tumbled to the ground. He picked himself up and opened the door, getting to the classroom just before the professor closed the door.

Jake took his seat, studying everyone in the classroom. Everyone else seemed normal, and nobody seemed to have noticed his first experience with flight powers.


After getting back from his classes for the day, Jake was excited to finally try out his new powers. His brief, low-flight before class had made it clear he needed some practice, so he put on his supersuit and drove to an empty alley not too far from campus. He figured super-strength would be the easiest to get a hold of, so he started with that. Starting off with some trash cans, he effortlessly picked them up before moving on to the dumpsters. Lifting those with ease as well, he managed to lift his car too.

Getting a handle on his flight powers would be much harder to do, however. His first few attempts caused him to spin out and crash into to the ground. Without warning, he found himself floating higher into the air. Once again, he spun around and crashed to the concrete below. "Dammit!" he thought. "How the hell am I supposed to do this? Wait a minute..." He went to his car and pulled out the genie's bottle, rubbing it. When he did, a cloud of smoke came out and Hadi the Genie popped out. "Man, you look worse for wear this evening," Hadi commented sarcastically. "Didn't you learn anything today?"

"No!" Jake pointed to Hadi. "You didn't exactly make it easy!"

"Well, you never asked." Hadi floated up into the air and sat cross-legged. "If you'd like, I can teach you how to fly."

"Yes, please," Jake replied, desperately willing to learn. He hadn't flown more than a few feet in the air and was amazed at how much control Hadi had over it.

"Okay, then. Stand there," Hadi said. "Close your eyes." Jake closed them. "Now imagine the air flowing around you, like waves of water."

"I'm imagining it," Jake said.

"Quiet," Hadi replied. "Now feel it hitting your face, your body. Then imagine yourself lifting up, becoming part of the air."

Jake let that image run through his head, until he opened his eyes, and noticed he had lifted a few feet off the ground. He flew upwards a bit higher, feeling weightless as he rose upward. To test his control, he pushed forward, causing himself to accelerate. He twisted around, looking straight down, seeing the alley beneath him. He held himself there for a second longer before coasting downwards, returning to solid earth, although still crashing, not yet having firm control over his landings.

Hadi grinned. "Excellent job. But work on your control and landings."

"Thanks, man," Jake told him gratefully. Hadi began evaporating back into his bottle. Jake stood up, adjusting his supersuit and putting the genie's bottle away. He looked at his phone, seeing an alert: there was a hostage situation at a local bank, which was only a few blocks from here.

"This could be my chance," he said to himself. "I could actually save someone!" Looking around to make sure nobody was around, Jake flew up. He couldn't fly very high yet, but it was enough to get him to the bank. Jake lifted off the ground, using his lessons to get over to the scene of the crime.

Jake stopped near the roof of a building across the street, where nobody could see him. He could hear police sirens near the other side, no doubt trying to get the hostages out and take down the robbers. Hovering near the roof of the building, he spotted three men through it's glass doors. They wore handkerchief masks, except theirs covered their mouths instead of being completely concealing. One of them held a gun, threatening to send bullets flying everywhere. Another fired wildly inside the lobby as he knocked patrons aside. The third calmly held hostages' hands behind backs while pushing them toward the back.

Jake landed atop one of the pillars holding up the ceiling, watching as the robbers questioned the hostages for access to the vault. He watched them for a few minutes, finally formulating a plan. "This is gonna be so badass," he said to himself. He flew down, managing not to crash this time, and found a back entrance that led to a basement. He ripped the lock off, and entered the building. It must have been old, because there were no cameras around this entrance or the basement. After wandering through the basement storage for a few minutes, he opened the door to a hallway. Thankfully, the basement's doors were locked from the outside and the hallway, but not from the inside, presumably just to keep people out, rather than lock them in.

The glass windows showed police still outside, trying to figure something out. When Jake reached a side door to the bank, he opened it. Immediately, two of the robbers tried spraying him with bullets. Instinctively, he flinched, but his invulnerability let them easily bounce off his mesh-clad stomach, as if his abs and pecs were made of iron. It was no use for them as Jake punched them out.

Before they could come to, Jake tied them up, making sure they couldn't do anything once they did, and tossed their guns. Jake proceeded past the hostage room, and could hear something coming from the vault. No doubt the third robber!

Jake ran to the vault. "Hey!" He shouted, getting the robber's attention.

"Who are you?!" The robber shouted. The robber was a bulky guy, probably not much older than Jake. "Nevermind, it doesn't matter," he decided, and began firing his gun at Jake. Jake let the bullets bounce off him, and quickly, the robber ran out. He tossed the gun at Jake, who dodged it as the robber ran for the vault entrance. Jake grabbed him, and threw a punch, but to his surprise, the guy wasn't knocked unconscious. Instead, the robber grabbed his bag and tried running again, surprisingly fast for someone of his size. Jake ran through the maze of hallways until he realized he had another power he could use.

Jake had never used his seduction powers before, and was hesitant to use them on a guy, but the situation called for it. He'd use it just long enough to stop the guy, and get him tied up for the police. When Jake got close to the robber, he began trying to use his power, his mind spreading thoughts of infatuation to the criminal. The criminal stopped, and turned towards Jake.

"Fuck dude, you're hot..." the robber said. Jake could tell the guy's dick was hardening, and it looked pretty big. Jake's own dick grew as well, to his surprise. The robber walked over to him, and started rubbing Jake's abs through the mesh, making Jake moan softly. Jake knew he should end it but... he didn't want to. He opened his fly, letting his hardening cock pop out of his supersuit. Almost instinctively, the robber got down on his knees and started sucking Jake's cock.

"Goddamn, Fuck!" Jake moaned loudly as the robber sucked him off. He'd never had a guy suck his cock before; usually girls did it. This felt weird though, especially since it was against every rule in society. As wrong as it felt, though, Jake soon gave in, moaning louder as the robber sucked his cock clean. The robber stripped down and continued to suck Jake between his legs, taking his rock-hard cock deep into his mouth. With each thrust of his hips, he fucked his face, forcing out loud slurping sounds. Eventually, Jake had what he wanted - a blowjob. A really good one. And after a little while, his moans deepened and matched the robber's sucking. Before the robber even finished blowing him, he shot cum all over his mouth and chin. "Ahhhgghhhh... Oh fuck!" he screamed. "Oh god!" A little surprised by how quickly it happened, Jake continued jerking off, shooting ropes after rope onto the thief's face and chest. Finally finishing, Jake quickly put his cock away and punched the robber unconscious.

When Jake regained composure, he tied up the robber and put his clothes back on him. He tossed him into the storage room with the rest of his unconscious crew, and untied the hostages.

by Lance Abrams

Email: [email protected]

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