A New Year Love

by Gazzaq

17 Feb 2024 482 readers Score 8.2 (4 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

With father and son Chad and Stuart sitting next to each other not talking in the now semi packed pub, back inside Landlord Andy’s private residence he had just told Mitch Chad’s old drink acquaintance, that their friend had some problems with his boyfriend Shane. He was asked “What do you mean something had gone on then?” 

With that being said Andy lent over and said “I dunno Mitch, but Chad been in here for hours drinking on his own without Shane. Then he put his hand on his head and said slowly as the pieces were stating to fit now as the evening events became clear. “I think that ….”  He was unsure if he should indulge his analysis of the situation, as he knew how private Chad who he considered a friend was about his personal buiness. 

And seeing his serious face Mitch said “Andy pal, what’s going on. I worried as what are you not telling me? Look whatever you say I not going to blab about it as Chad is private person and I like him like he was my own flesh and blood. I not gonna swear on it but we go back a long ways, and loose lips and all that so whatever is said stays with me and you Andy mate.”

As they sat down he said “tell what going on” and Andy clear his throat and there no way to dress this up and he said straight out. “That bleeding Shane is fucking Chads youngest boy mate”. 

Mitch exclaimed in total shock “WHAT!” 

Before he started to  roared with shock laughter and spluttered “nah Andy mate, our Stuart into having sexual relations with young pretty females big tits and fat bums, not hairy arsed old Irish Gay Blokes!”

“Mate are you for bleeding real pal?”

 “Nah shut up mate don’t be so bloody stupid?”

Andy said “Mitch mate all I gonna say is that his breath stinks of man spunk, and it’s the same smell as when I caught his old man blowing his boyfriend after his birthday party. Mate  the lads breath smelt the same as his old dads, all spunky and kind of nasty.”

Mitch burst out laughing and said “nah you mistaken pal, that don’t mean nothing are you sure about that, but saying that Chad does have spunky aroma about him on numb er of occasions that I have seen him, ever since he met Shane. Actually Shanes the same missed with that horrible lemony after shave that he wears, which make me heave.” 

“Anyways they always shagging and good luck them, as at least they getting some at their age, and their always look happy don’t’ they?” Andy looked at him  and said “yes they do mate. But I totally serious about that Shane fucking around with Chads boy. Plus a few other thing have happened tonight as well” he exclaimed dramatically! 

“Like what pal?” As Andy had now piqued his interest as Mitch loved a good old gossip. In fact straight blokes made the best gossips despite their always claiming that women did. He listened intently, shaking his head all through Andy’s supposingly factual story about their mate Chad son and his boyfriend so called having an gay sexual affair.

Andy said “well mate, first Chris came in just before Chad, and when I asked him where Stuart was he started swearing call him a ‘cunt’ and lots of other stuff, none of it nice and he said me ‘and that twat are no longer me mate or anything else’ and he meant every word of it. Mitch mate the lad was so angry and downed 3 pints, followed by 4 double vodkas in half an hour.”

“Then as he finished the last vodka he belched really loudly, laughed, and said come here mate, which I did bending over the bar to listen to him and he said “and to think, I let that prick have me arse cherry as well, what an bleeding idiot I am!” 

Mitch said what does he mean “that I let that prick have me arse cherry?”

Andy replied impatiently “don’t be dense pal. Come on mate

“Nah mate I aint got a clue arse cherry what the hell is that?”

Andy rolled his eyes and said “Chris means that he and Stuart have been messing around mate and getting all hot and bother, and he Stuart let him screw him in the arse. So it looks like young Stuarts had his best mates ‘arse cherry’ it’s as clear as day for fuck sake.” 

Mitch’s face was picture and his mouth dropped open, and he rubbed his balding head and he said looking dazed “are you sure mate as that well a turn up for the books as those twos are close but now you’re telling me as me old man used to say, that their now bum chums?”

He listened in total disbelief as Andy told him “Chris left before Chad turn up and as I told you  without his boyfriend Shane and before he left that I said to Chris, ‘son what happened with you two’s, as I thought you were best pals nowadays’?”

“Mitch mate, the response was a curt ‘not any more as that bleeding tosser, is a greedy selfish using cunt’ Andy pal and as a far as I am concerned, he can go and fuck himself in his own arsehole, as he never gonna feel me dick inside his fat beefy nasty bum hole again, the selfish bastard.”

“Yeah me old man’s welcome to him the tosser and he bang the fucking cunt out where he pleases the dirty old bastard!”

“The Chris went bright red realising he had said to much and said “I’m only joking, never mind eh, as  I got a date with a hot bird, so see you later mate. Ergh cheers Andy, sorry I sound like right prat don’t I, fighting over me bloke. I mean me best or me ex best mate who had silly little argument tonight’ and he left grinning.” 

“But I could tell Mitch that his heart was not in it and the way he sounded it was just like him and Stuart were going through a break up. Yeah kind of like Stuart is more than a mate. Much more like boyfriend!”

“In fact it was just how I felt breaking up with a woman in the past who dump me mate for another fella mate. I have broken up with couple like that before I met me late wife!” 

“Yeah we have that is so true” Mitch replied “but Andy this all sound a bit weird, with those two as nah they aint having gay sex are they? Also what does Chris mean, that his old man is welcome to him?”

Andy replied looking at him being direct “mate as I told yer, those that pair Shane and Stuart are having an affair, hence Chris’s anger and Chad response.” They look at each other and Mitch said “are you sure mate as that a bit of an accusation you know, I still don’t believed you as this is mad mate?” 

Andy said thoughtfully, yeah know it aint good is it. Poor Chad mate, as half an hour after Chris left,  Chad walked in and looks upset, like he been crying his eyes out. His eyes were all red and he barely said 2 words to me. He went and sat over at that and has drank himself silly. He refused to answer any of my questions and made it clear that did not want to be disturbed so I left him alone.” 

“That was 5 hours ago, then Stuart turn up and is being bit funny and is acting a bit weird.”

“What do you mean he’s acting weird?”

“I mean really weird, as something going on mate as he was staring at his footie pals, and he looked like he wanted to you know?”

“You know what pal?”

“He looked like he wanted them to run a train and gang fuck him Mitch pal, I am being serious!”

Mitch cracked up hearing that and spluttered in to his pint, “bleeding hell you got an over vivid imagination aint yer pal. Ah Andy mate, the very thought that that macho hetero football playing young bloke. That fella who is always chasing pretty girls with huge knockers pal, seriously you off your hear saying all that about his getting gang banged by his football team mates.” 

“Jesus your fucking crazy, are you drinking again mate, as look as I always say in my day job, where is the evidence mate?” Mitch worked as an investigator for an insurance firm so that was his forte and Andy looked at him and shrugged his shoulder sand said “fair enough. Why don’t we go and have look at the CCTV, as I am sure that I am not mistaken about young Stuart fancying other blokes.”

“Come on mate lets go.”

The two of them walked into the CCTV room in another part of the building and as they sat an watch the footage back, it was just as described. With Stuart entering the pub and speaking to Andy. Mitch was about to say said “yeah but I don’t….” 

He stopped speaking when he saw Stuart eyes were fixed intently on his 4 mates, completely turned on, with as he was openly rubbing his swollen crotch. He sweating and wore a glazed lustful look on his face. As he turn round and Andy enhanced the screen and both older men noticed that Stuarts fat beefy bum, which clad in pair of pair of far too small ,tight fitting pair of trouser. 

These they recognised as the ones that father wore and barely contained his fat globes as they clenched and unclenched, as he continued to rub his prick. The look of undisguised lust on his face, was evident as he stare intently at his 4 five a side football pals. Mitch was stunned and said slowly “blimey Andy your right as he is staring at the 4 of them like he could suck their dicks and let them take him in the arse in the middle of the pub!”

 Just look at the Chad boy, as he is shaking just look at him.” 

Both Mitch and Andy looked at each other talked some more and sat looking at the CCTV and they down and going back to normal activity in the pub now, panned in on Chad and Stuart, who were now talking and they looked serious. As they did so Mitch said “alright mate I can see you are right about Chads boy looking at his mates prick and getting all excited.”

“Maybe his bisexual as he is into chasing and having plenty of sex with hot women, but him having it away with his dads boyfriend, I don’t believed that for one second. As I dunno mate as once again there is no evidence of that is there Andy?”

Then he said staring that father and son who were now talking intently, “ergh can this pick up their voices then?”

Andy replied “yeah but I don’t usually do that as privacy and all that.”

Mitch said firmly “fuck off Andy pal I  wanna hear what the pair of them are talking about, don’t you?”

“Yeah I do Mitch, as this is a real head fuck and I don’t want to get involved in a bloke family buiness but, I am curious mate.” 

“So am I Andy.”

“Ok here goes” and he switch the voice recorder on. 

They heard Stuart apologising to his father and he was touching his hand and Chad kept on pushed it away and his lips were pursed. He said looking at him, “yeah son it nice to be popular aint it. I mean you had you pick tonight, and you got me bloke aint yer!”

“Stuart you got all three blokes tonight you lucky sod. First your best mate Chris, then our Lisa bloke Alex and now me boyfriend Shane as well. Yep and I  can see that you and he are gonna see each other again aint yer and don’t say you aint ?”

Stuart protested but his face and body language gave his true intentions away as he said “nah of course I aint dad mate.”  But of course he planned to see Shane again as he want a lot more of his father boyfriends hot loving. As this rang through his mind, his man hole was growing even moister as he squirm and ground his fat as fuck beefy arse mounds in the pub seat. 

His father notice this and a feeling of competed dread came over him, as his heart sank as now his  worst nightmare was coming true, that his boy was going to continue fucking around with his man. he was going to take his place in his bed now he had won Shanes affections.

“Yes and there was not a damn thing that he could do about it, seeing that he was complicit in this event happening even defending his boyfriend to Chris his youngest son early this afternoon in his kitchen and living areas. 

So he snapped “don’t lie son I see me bloke has marked you up good, just look at your neck and he tugged at his t shirt and saw that his son hairy chest was marked the same and he also pulled his t shirt up and saw his stomach was the same. “Oh I see the way what had done to you, so that me and Chris would see his handy work.” 

“Plus your breath stinks of his spunk loads, just like mine does as he always unloads his big spunk loads in me gob all the time. I so bleeding hope, that hope you didn’t breath over Andy, as he would know that  you have been blowing my Shane. “

“Yeah he would know, as he caught em blowing me man on me birthday after you lot left, even though he did not say anything as he is too polite to do so, plus other times after me and him have our hot afternoon loving making sessions.”

“The man a lovely, natured guy, as true gent and never say anything to ,me about it. Andy is what Shane would say if real sweetheart!”

“Anyhow like I just said, I know you gonna see him again, and I can tell son, me bloke I mean, shit me ex bloke, is a fantastic lover and gives me so many anal orgasms that make me whole body shake  from head to toe. This makes me tingle like crazy an drives me to distraction. I know you  have experience this, all day and night aint yer.”

“Don’t deny it, as I saw him doing yer as he was lying on top of yer with his hand over your mouth with you facing the doorway, earlier this evening. You were screaming son as your man cunt got hit big time by his experienced dick and he covered you big gob with his hands.” Stuart blushed  and his arse hole was pulsating and the memory was a completed turn on.

He was also shocked, as he had no idea that he had been seen like that by his father and Chris. He knew what must of look like,  as this is what he would do to some of his wilder girlfriends. Stuart  loved see himself do so, feeling like a stud as he pounded their hot loose snatches out. He even saw himself in the mirror later on when Shane did this to him and felt the same thing.

He said to himself “God no wonder his father and Chris were fucked off and left the pair of them in the house like that as he was being own like bitch.” He started giggling and his undies became even more damp as his father continued and said “Yeah I could tell it felt great yeah, and you feeling it now as if he doing to you all over the again right this minute, as he fucked you stoopid, turning you out, so that you just did not know what time of the day it was am I correct me boy?”

Stuart blushed crimson, as he start squirming in his seat and his undies were fully all damp and riding up his crack, as he was trying unsuccessful to hide his excitement. He was told “I know son as that what I am like all the time, and the old bastard gets me and me him. But you fucking come along with your hot fit body and your fat beefy bum to snare him, didn’t you?”

Stuart stared at him the lust and excitement in his eyes which sparkled and looked all dewy and he licked his lips and wiped his brow and looked at his old man, as he was told “so it stand to reason, as  us old blokes do love ourselves a hot fit younger man or woman.”

“How many orgasms did you have boy?” 

“I bet load about 10 or more, as my ex bloke can cum loads so you must still have some of his spunk inside you ait yer boy?” 

Stuart nodded as his tight undies were now completely soaked and crammed even more into his beefy fat crack. He felt some of the reside cum seeping out of his blown out hole as he farted as he was nervous. He barely listened as his father said “yes son you hole is blown out and swollen aint it?”

“Yep I know it’s all tender moist and your leaking into your too small undie aint yer, you fucking man stealing whore!”

Chad laughed as he stated this, and looked upset knowing  that was how he always was left after one of his ex-boyfriend’s (hell, god he hated saying this) , but that was his situation in reality, so he had to get used to it. 

Chad asked his son, wanting answers, “so Stuart, how longs had this thing been going on with Shane then?” 

“Chris was right weren’t he as you twos have been fucking at work me behind me back aint you son, so how long has this little affair been going on for then” he said accusingly?

As he asked this Mitch turn to Andy and said “Jesus Christ Andy, I don’t bloody believed it. Stuart and Shane having an affair!”

Andy replied “I told you didn’t I that Stuart was having it off with his dad’s boyfriend didn’t I mate?”

Both looked at each other and Mitch said “mates thing are gonna get nasty as Stuart gonna blow soon, I can see the signs!”

“Shall we go and speak to em…..”

Andy snorted “and say what Mitch?”

Both said at the same time “best not interfered with father and son when they are talking like this eh, beside we want to know some more stuff that happened don’t we?”

To Be Continued