A Neighbor in Need

by Al&Kent

3 Jan 2024 3626 readers Score 9.3 (47 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

We’d not seen Mack for months when we ran into him in the locker room at the club; we were just arriving for tennis and he emerged from the shower as we turned the corner.  “HEY GUYS!” he greeted us enthusiastically with his dick swinging long and free under his still-moist bush.

“Hello stranger!” we both said almost in unison as we closed the distance and did an awkward three-way bro-hug.  It was the club locker room so we had to be discreet; but that hard bod of his would make it challenging to hide our enthusiasm once we were undressing.  I inhaled his soapy-fresh scent with a hint of regret; I’d have enjoyed his sweat-heavy scent after his game or work-out.

Kent took a step back and looked pointedly up and down Mack.  “Damn dude!  You’re looking damn good man,” he complimented our straight neighbor-fuck-buddy.

“Been either surfing or mountain biking every day for two months straight.  I have to admit I can see the difference it’s made,” he said turning to the big mirrored wall and posing a bit.  Yup there went my dick chubbing for his fine hairy bubble butt.

Mack’s build and mine aren’t much different; he’s a hair taller but not as tall as my husband Kent.  His dick and balls aren’t quite as big as mine; neither of us can measure-up to Kent in that department.  But the change in his naturally athletic body was noticeable; every muscle defined, veins popping, and just an overall accentuation of his masculinity.

“Some more of this and I’ll be comparing myself to you two,” he added looking at us behind him in the reflection.

“You’re there for sure; in fact we’ve got to up our game here,” I told him.

“You playing today?” he asked.

“We could be,” Kent answered with a sly grin.

“He meant tennis,” I said shaking my head.

Mack turned and took a step closer; he lowered his voice.  “I might have meant that too,” he told Kent with a grin and then turned it on me.  Wood now; full on for me.

“Am I cancelling our court reservation?” I asked my husband already thumbing the app.

“If I get a vote,” Mack continued the close-talking in an even lower voice, “I’d not mind watching you two play a set or three.”  He paused.  “And then enjoy your sweat,” he finished in a near-whisper.

Fortunately Kent answered; I was a bit breathless with anticipation.  Kent looked at me and then down at my tented shorts.  “Looks like your vote isn’t waiting,” he said and after a glance around swiped my straining dick through my fly with the back of his hand.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” Mack moaned as his eyes caught it.  “Missed me?” he grinned wickedly.

“I have a haircut at three,” I said lamely.  It was barely ten; our court time was ten.

“Unless you’re traveling a long distance or plan to play slow … “ Mack calculated.

‘Play slow’ had my dick throbbing not thinking about tennis at all.  Kent’s answer broke me out of that thought.  “Come on stud.  Let’s get our rackets and balls and get on the court; we’ve been looking forward to the play.”  His choice of words didn’t help the obviousness of my arousal.

Mack slapping my ass didn’t help either; I jumped.  “I’ll be out in a minute.”

Between sets I asked Mack a question that had come to me on the way to the courts:  Where was his wife Lesley that he had unlimited time during the day to play around with us.  Mack did his own thing but spending noticeable time at the gay guys’ house across the street would have been pushing it.  We usually fucked around with him when she was at yoga, having a massage, manicure, facial, or many other things that occupied her time; notably drinking with her friends afforded broad time slots.  And the likelihood of the other neighbors noticing him at our house was low; the two doctors directly across from us next to Mack were always working, the couple next to them also immediately across from us ran several businesses and were gone all the time, we were separated from our neighbors to the south by a green space and the lake came up and nearly isolated us from the neighbors on the other side.  One of the many things we loved about our massive double corner lot was the separation from our next-door neighbors.

Mack had side-stepped the question about his wife; I didn’t press nor follow-up with questions about his ever-present developmentally-challenged nineteen year-old son or gadabaout sixteen year-old daughter either.

After the first set it looked like I might take it in two sets.  Kent and I are pretty well-matched (we’ve both upped our game considerably since moving here and weren’t half bad before that).  But he came on strong in the second set and we had a decision to make.  Mack had watched the entirety of the two sets patiently from the stand.  He’d been enthusiastic about good points played and had commiserated with the un-forced errors.

We walked to him and checked-in to see if he minded us playing the decision set.  “Winner takes my ass first,” he grinned up at us.  The cloudy day’s glare reflected in his sunglasses but I was sure his eyes were smoldering behind them; he was chubbed in his jeans.

“‘First’ makes it almost not worth playing the last set at all,” Kent said and Mack and I both snapped our necks around to him.  “Well I mean that means we’ll both get it anyway so why not just go now?”

Mack relaxed.  “For a minute there I thought my stock had gone down.”

We laughed and returned for what turned-out to be a tough third set.  Just when I thought I was going to have to throw it or face a tie-break we didn’t have time for I caught a break-point on Kent.  With a momentary boost I breezed through my final set giving-up one point to him.  My final serve was a let; my next an ace that was the ass-gods’ gift of Mack’s hairy hole to me.

Mack had driven his golf cart over; we’d walked as was our norm.  I reminded everyone about my haircut as we took the route of discretion walking back and leaving the cart in the lot for appearance’s sake.  It was nearing two.  “Good thing you’re first up!” Mack said and increased his pace as we followed.

We all took the right amount of time with Sasha when we go to our house; he might had disagreed but I agonized as the minutes ticked if greetings, pets, letting him out and then in again, treats, and finally heading into our rooms with smirks of intent.  We all stripped carelessly; I shut-down my instinctive discomfort with the strewn clothes and focused on my husband’s muscular magnificence, my neighbor’s statuesque hard-body, and the strong aroma of Kent’s and my sweat; it had my dick drooling.

In moments Mack had thrown himself onto his back on our big bed, had his hairy legs splayed, and grinned from ear to ear.  “Hoping you missed this as much as I have,” he said.

Kent and I stole a glance at each other; we were fully boned and his anticipation was beginning to drop off his tip too.  We both hurriedly scrambled up the bed and joined Mack as further confirmation of our answer.

I threw Mack’s sinewy legs up and back and dove into his soapy-fresh hairy hole with my tongue.  From Mack’s grunts and slurps I knew Kent had shoved his sweaty crack over Mack’s face.  When I came up from slobbering and tongue-fucking that tight hole of his there he was gobbling Kent’s hole hungrily with a puddle of his own pre-jizz on his hairy abs.  I bent down and got a tongue-full of the sweet cream and spit it in his hole which got me an enthusiastic grunt.  Then I lined-up and shoved in without care for how long it had been or whether I needed to worry that he might have fucked around with others during our hiatus.

“FUCK!” Our neighbor shouted into Kent’s slobbery crack at the abrupt breach.  Kent helpfully turned around, pulled him onto his stinking sweaty dick, and stopped any further protest.

Kent and I already both reeked of sweat.  I was completely wound-up on the endorphins of our exertion, the high of my win, the hotness of the two naked men I was in my bed with, the tightness and heat of Mack’s man-pussy caressing my drilling dick, and the feel of his bristle-like ass-hairs on my balls as they smacked his hard butt-cheeks.  “Fuckin’ hot hole there Burnstag!” I told him grunting and jamming myself over and over into him.

It was about that time that his eyes rolled, his body tensed, and a fire-hose eruption of cum shot up his torso and over his shoulder to the frame of the painting on our wall and everywhere in between.  His cunt worked me like a milking machine and drew me closer with lightning speed as another spurt blasted, his head thrashed, and he convulsed and continued to spew.  “FUCK I MISSED THIS FUCKIN’ FEELING!” Mack yelled and thrashed through his anal climax.

The heady scent of his cum-load added to our sweat was what did it for me.  Kent knew it and encouraged me.  “Come on Al fill him up good!”  Then he smacked my pistoning ass.  I needed no further stimulation.  My body erupted suddenly and fiercely; I shouted out a long guttural grunt to the heavens as if I hadn’t cum twice already that day.

“FUCK AL!  It feels like a fuckin’ gusher inside me!  Fuck dude!” Mack growled out while I pumped-out deep into him.

“Yeah, hun, that’s it, use this straight bitch!” Kent chimed in.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” I exclaimed long and breathily.  My body seemed to pump my seed into our neighbor’s hole forever.

“Good hole huh?  Get in my place and let me finish off in him while he sucks you clean,” Kent suggested.

Mack has never been a big fan of ass-to-mouth; but he’s become a good sub and took my slimy deflating dick in and sucked it good.  Kent mounted him; Mack’s grunt of initial pain from the stretch of Kent’s monster dick was short and he continued his work on my dick like a life-saving suck job.

“Stretched wet hairy man-pussy.  Mmmmmmmm!” Kent moaned as he slammed himself into Mack.  Mack’s grunts were loud and rhythmic as was the clap of Kent’s groin against Mack’s ass.

Mack got himself free of his mouthful of my dick and growled, “Yeah fucker use me and get your nut like Al did.  Come on; FUCKIN’ DO IT!”

“Yeah?  Missed us?” Kent grunted as he continued his assault.  “Missed your neighbors’ two big dicks filling you up and making you cum all over yourself?”

“Fuck yeah I did!” Mack agreed.  “There’s nothing like it when I cum with you inside me.  I fuckin’ crave it.  I don’t give a damn what that makes me; just keep getting me off like that.”

It was the dirtiest I’d ever heard him talk.  Instead of turning me on I had the fleeting thought that we might have taken him beyond where we should have left our married straight neighbor after we blew him that first time when he needed it so bad.  Such a hot straight every-guy … now begging for cock and cum.

What the fuck was I thinking?  This was fuckin’ HOT!  And Kent seemed to agree as his groin slapped hard into Mack’s sweaty ass.

“Gonna flood that ruined hole of yours!  Gonna … “

And then he seized-up and seemed to stop breathing until he let out a long groan and then started slamming violently again into Mack but this time hard even thrusts and loud grunts of relief with each.  Mack was babbling about feeling it, so fuckin’ good, and other blabber; then all of a sudden Kent grabbed his sac making him go bolt rigid and yelped a little.  “Don’t make me squeeze it out of them.  CUM for me!”

And just like that Mack convulsed and blew another wad.  His mouth around my dick went slack as he shook and spattered his seed and panted.

“Good man,” Kent told him as he dismounted abruptly with a messy-sounding PLOP when his fat head came free of Mack’s stretched hole.  He gave Mack’s hairy balls a shake before letting go of his grip on our neighbor’s sac.

“Holy heck!” Mack panted.  “How the … ?”

Kent flopped down next to Mack.  “Does it matter?  You needed another one.”

“I guess I did!  Thank god it didn’t kill me!” Mack sighed dramatically.  “I thought I might blast apart from the inside.”  Looking down at his splattered face and torso my thought was that he had.

I was hanging soft though Mack still had one arm around my ass; his big warm hand didn’t feel bad at all but I was ready to relax so I lay down on the other side of him.  Kent’s hand snaked over Mack’s hairy chest and found mine and held it tightly; Mack took his hand and covered ours together.

“I should get back.  And you’ve got that haircut.”

“You haven’t said what’s going on at home that you could spend the time during the day.  Is Lesley out somewhere?”

“Les is trying to dry out,” he said.  He paused and we didn’t push.  “Or so she says.  I don’t think spending a few weeks with her wine-swilling mother is necessarily the best approach.  But she needed some help and Les jumped at it. The whole family has a lot going on.  It hasn’t been great while you were gone.”

“Well,” Kent said louder than the calm restful moment warranted.  “Glad you got a break from spanking that monkey,” he said and gave Mack’s deflated dick a slap that had him jumping and yelping.  It sounded a little moody and definitely dismissive.  He got up.

“I’m dismissed? Is that it?” Mack said with a laugh.

“Al’s got 20 mins to get to his haircut and it takes ten to get there.  Shower time,” Kent said, now by my side and pulling me up.

“Right!” Mack and I both said together though mine may have sounded more like “OH SHIT!”

“Mind if I shower with you guys before I go across the street?  Nobody is home I don’t think but I don’t want to run into the kids reeking of sex just in case.”

I had the benefit of both of them soaping every bit of me hurriedly and Kent dousing me with one of the hand sprays and pushing me out of the wet room with a towel.  I watched while I quickly dried to see if he was going to engage with Mack again but he busied himself as Mack did himself; they were both drying before I was in my shoes.

“Do you think maybe we could talk sometime guys?  I mean I’m yours any time but I’ve got some stuff going on that I could use your thoughts on.”

Kent and I both snapped our heads and our eyes met; I was thinking it sounded ominous.

“Ummmmm sure,” I answered as I gave Kent a kiss in passing.  And then I made good my escape.  On the drive to the barber I wondered what “the talk” with Mack would bring.

by Al&Kent

Email: [email protected]

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