A Giant in the Norwegian Forest

by The Interpreter

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Norway, September 1989.

Nordic forests are not like Alpine forests. They are more compact, and they tend to have lakes or fjords close to them. Sorry to say, it’s difficult to get lost in a Swiss Forest. Although I enjoy walking the hills and mountains of my native Switzerland I had always hankered after a holiday in Sweden or Norway, where I could walk on organised trails and camp out in the wild and swim in a cold lake and warm up by myself at my own campfire and hopefully not meet another soul for a few days. I had decided to go to Norway. I had visited the Central Library in Geneva and found a great map which showed the varying degrees of difficulty of organised trail walks. I found a few that were categorized ‘very tough’ and also scenic and set off organising myself. I plotted my road journey from Geneva to Trondheim including the ferry from Denmark to Norway and a stop along the way.

I like the Norwegians. They are very organised and on arrival in Trondheim I was helped with a safe location to leave my car as I tramped along the hard trails carrying my camping equipment. It was early September, not yet cold and not too hot and I was really enjoying myself climbing the mountain trails following the really excellent detailed map I got from the local tourist board in the City.

On the third day I found a really beautiful spot at a lake above a fjord. I found that I could safely camp in a prepared spot for making fires safely and was delighted. I decided to stay there for three or four nights and relax and to explore the trails in the mountains. A bonus was that I seemed to be alone.

In front of my tent was a sort of crossroads of a lake with three other small peninsulas of land covered in pine forest and grassy verges, all jutting into the lake. I wondered if it was possible to swim across to the other sides of the lake. Amazingly there was large rack of pre-cut firewood available for making a fire. The Norwegians were really organised, and there was an area set aside for a natural toilet. I assumed that the lake could be used safely for bathing and for drinking water.

I was so content and relaxed and enjoying the sound of gentle waves lapping the shore half a dozen metres from me and the gentle breeze passing through the branches of the trees that I didn’t notice the footsteps approaching me until the person was almost passing in front of me. I almost fell back in shock and surprise as I called out. The walker was a tall blond, marvellously built and best of all, naked. He was just wearing his backpack. He stopped in front of me and said something to me in Norwegian. I speak a little Swedish and realised he was apologising for startling me. Frantically I was trying to think of what the Swedes say for it was all right and I couldn’t think of it, and I was stumbling with my words and I ended up talking in my native Italian and holding the palms in front of me in a gesture of peace.

He smiled and I noticed that he had an earing in each ear. He smiled back at me and looked me over and around at my small camp area. He started to talk to me again in Norwegian and stopped and asked my simply if I was “Italiano”. Most people in the world don’t realise that there are Swiss Italians like myself, and so I told him. To make sure he got it I said it in German, and he shook his head and then asked if I spoke English. There was some relief when I told him I did and explained my origins being also half English. “Ah Sveitsisk Italiensk”, he confirmed to himself.

I couldn’t help but notice his nudity. He was a fine figure of a man, looking as if he was in his late twenties or early thirties and most probably used to hard work and exercise. He was smooth and well-muscled, and the dick was on the small side, thin and about three inches flaccid,  with two clean looking balls. His legs were wonderful and he was tall, I’d guess at one metre eighty five.

He excused himself and asked if he could stop a few minutes, he was going to rest at this place anyhow. He slipped off his rucksack and lay it on the ground bending over his butt almost in my face. My mind racing imagining his sitting on my face. He made no mention of his nudity, I supposed it was a Norwegian way of life up in the hills and forests, you could dress any way you wanted.

I already had a billy-can of water simmering over the fireplace and I offered him some tea which he turned down. He had some purified water which he guzzled down. We chatted generally, and I liked him. When he smiled, he had wonderfully sexy dimples in his chin, and he also had a manly dimple in his chin. I also noticed that he had a great bull like neck and wonderful traps. I’d have loved for him to sleep with me so I could stay awake all night and fondle his body. The disappointment was his exceptionally small dick. You can’t have everything.

He told me that he was going to walk around to the closest of the peninsulas almost opposite to my location, and set up his base there. He planned on staying there for a few days. This was one of his favourite places in his country. I had chosen well. We swapped names and shook hands as he stood up. Mario and Odd. I remarked that his name was easy for me to remember. He stood above me by at least half a dozen centimetres, and I looked up into his startlingly blue eyes and must have been transfixed. He smiled again at me and picked up his backpack and I help it into place and almost spanked his bare butt as he walked away. He turned back at me slightly, waved and called out “Ciao” to me. I wondered if it was the only Italian word he knew and that “Ciao” was a simple “goodbye and see you again soon”, and that “Arriverdici” is a farewell.

I settled down and soon forgot Odd except his nudity. I decided that I’d be naked, and why not? It seemed to be an acceptable situation here in the Norwegian forest, and so I stripped off. It was a great freedom. A little later I saw Odd setting up his camp on the area he had indicated to me which was only four hundred metres away, and I could see that he was still naked.

It became dark very early at this latitude and I had lit my lantern to give me some light to read by. I had my short-wave radio switched on to listen to some music and the news. I suppose the noise of the radio muffled out other sounds from the lake and wood because the next thing is that I am startled by a voice calling out my name.

“Hey Mario, It’s me, Odd”.  In the darkness I couldn’t see anyone and then suddenly the big guy stepped into the light of my fire and lamp, towering above me as I sat on the ground. He was dripping wet and naked. I swore. “Fanculo!”, thinking I was going to be attacked.

“Hello my friend, I swim to come to see you”.

My head was a maelstrom of thoughts, of ‘how I was to protect myself’, to ‘did he really swim across the lake at night’, to ‘what did he really want’ and to ‘by god he’d be freezing and get him a towel’.

He reached down to me to offer his hand, and I held my hand out to him, and he gripped me hard, pulling me off my seat. “Oh, you are naked too”. He laughingly called out and he pulled me to his wet naked body. I didn’t have a moment to think about both our nudity and my earlier longing to be against that superb frame and his huge arms embracing me.

There was something I felt against my back as he held me and I thought it could be a weapon and panicked slightly pulling away from him, but he held me even tighter. I heard a sound like it was glass clinking against glass, and my thoughts turned to being cut by the stuff.

Still holding me tightly, much longer than was necessary, he told me that he had some Norwegian schnapps and wanted to share it with me. “I don’t like drinking alone”, he said, letting go of me and showing me the bottle and two small shot glasses. They had been wrapped in two plastic bags. “Come let’s celebrate a new friendship”. It was more an order than a request. My first thought was to humour him and direct his train of thought away from any murderous activities. “Let me get you a towel to dry yourself first”. He brushed away any idea of that. The fire will dry me. Get more logs from the pile, we’ll be drinking for a while.

I was then thinking how he would get back to his camp if, as it sounded, he would be drunk. Would I have the lack of conscience to let him swim back drunk and in the dark. I fetched a couple of armfuls of logs to humour Odd and he had two shots already poured out. As I put down the logs I saw that he was looking over my body. I was nowhere near as built as he was; he was a stud compared to me, but had nothing to be ashamed of, though although slighter in height and muscle, I had one advantage, my dick hung larger than his. He had a smile on his face as he handed me a shot.

“How is it you say the cheers in Italian”?

I told him “Salute”. He recognised it. In Norway we say “Jubel”.

We clinked glasses and he knocked back his shot in one go. I sipped at mine, tasting the flavour. It was very neutral but strong. Odd laughed. “Go on wash it all back in one go”. He boomed at me. I took in a deep breath and knocked the liquor right back as recommended. I coughed deeply at the shock and again he laughed and slapped my back hard, making me cough more. This made the big man laugh more, and he hugged me tightly. This time, I was less concerned by his body against mine and I felt his small dick against my larger flaccid dick, and I was a little turned on by the sensation.

“Come, let’s make a larger fire and make our naked bodies warmer”.  He was much better at organising the fire than I was and soon the burning was more intense and the heat much hotter.

Odd announced that we should celebrate the fire we had “made together”. Two more shots were poured from the bottle. “Salute” he called out to me trying to make me remember the Norwegian he had told me a few minutes earlier. The linguist in me helped me remember easily “Jubel”, I replied. The shots disappeared quickly, and I was pulled down to sit next to him at the fireside, his arm around my shoulders forcing our bodies together. Now my mind relaxed somewhat and I was no longer in fear of my life but wondering if the guy was gay or how he’d react if he’d known I was gay.

He was talking about how he liked companionship but enjoyed being alone in the mountains, lakes and forests, especially in the far north in the middle of winter and trying to survive.

I asked if he’d be naked in the winter. After much laughter, I was assured not, but he always welcomed the summer when he could be nude and free. Didn’t I?

I told him it wasn’t so. Another shot of the snapps was poured and after the exchange of greetings the alcohol was knocked back in one go. Odd wiped his lips with a big, muscled forearm and he replaced the arm around my back. Again, there was a huge smile, lit up by the fire showing off his dimples and almost making my dick start to swell. “Tusen Tak” he said to me. “Do you know what that means”? My limited Swedish helped me.

“Thousand Thanks”. I told him. The huge arm squeezed me harder. His other arm lay down the glass to one side and he scratched his crutch, before placing a couple of more logs on the fire and looking over the blaze and announcing it was good. “Mario, you are good with language”. I thanked his compliment. “Do you have many friends”?

I had to gauge what he meant by friends. I did. Many of them work colleagues but I had no one really close as in a sexual way, although I had many sex friends. Who didn’t?

We chatted for a while about the value of friends without being gender specific and Odd poured out more shots of the booze. He was getting more and more tired, and my mind was well aware that there was no way he was going to swim back to his camp. I now knew that he was going to sleep in my tent and that it would most probably be a tight squeeze. His arm was still around my back and as we drank more, I was getting more and more used to it and as he became tipsier, I began to consider what could happen.

He made to pour another couple of shots, and I stopped him from making one from me, so he raised his glass to me and swallowed the lot whole.

In spite of the booze and the closeness of his body and the heat of the fire, I was now feeling cold and told him so. I suggested that I needed to get some warmth in my tent, and he nodded agreement. I hung up a battery powered lantern in the tent and spread out my sleeping bag. Odd staggered into the tent with me lay down with his hands behind his head taking up much of the room at that end of the tent. I had an air-blown pillow which gave me some comfort and I made as much use of it as I could.

I set the lantern to low power giving just enough light to see around the cramped tent and I could make out his big body easily. He seemed to fall asleep very quickly. I, on the other hand was transfixed by his nudity and really desired to explore his body. I hadn’t given him any hint of interest when we sat on the ground by the fire drinking and chatting with his arm around my back holding me. Maybe my lack of resistance had given him some sort of confidence, I honestly didn’t know. I lay down next to him, trying to make myself comfortable but I just couldn’t rest. I had to sit up and look at his body lying flat on top of the sleeping bag and adjusted my eyes to the light from the lantern to look over his body.

I noticed that his dick was moving and growing, and I looked to his face. It was immobile. I looked back at his dick again and it certainly had grown much more that the small dick I had seen earlier during the daylight. Again, I checked his face. His eyes were closed giving me the confidence that he was asleep.

God I wanted to really touch that hot body. I moved my hands above his huge chest leaving a couple of millimetres of space without actually touching. He had embraced me when he saw me naked after his nocturnal swim from his camp, and we had touched flaccid cocks. Now I wanted to hold that growing cock in my hands, and my god, was that cock growing and getting thicker.

When I saw his cock earlier it was about eight centimetres long soft, and not very thick, but now; now it was double the length and much, much thicker. As I watched it grow, my own cock was getting really hard and my desire to hold his dick was increasing by the second. Once again, I checked his face and he was motionless, his eyes closed.

I moved my hand over his abs, only just not touching them and sliding away from his cock which was now growing up to his belly button. Damn this stud was a grower for sure.

It didn’t cross my mind that he was conscious. I saw his foreskin peel back over the head of his dick and I couldn’t resist any more. I had to hold this guy’s dick.

Ever so gently I touched the shaft with a couple of fingers to see if there was any reaction from him. There was none, and so I chanced slipping my fingers under the still expanding muscle and flesh and softly wrapped my fingers around the shaft. The cock throbbed slightly, and I looked at his face yet again. He was immobile. I increased my grip even more, my heart thumping in excitement and half terror. This guy was so built that he easily could do me damage.

His breathing was easy and unchanging, and I started to wank his shaft pulling the foreskin right back over the cockhead. I could smell his manliness and my desire to suck on that huge dick was insatiable.

Slowly, ever so slowly I adjusted myself to be closer to his cock so I could suck on it trying not to disturb or wake him up. I lifted up the giant organ closer to my mouth and put out my tongue tentatively just touching the tip. I couldn’t see too much, the light was so dim but, I tasted a slight saltiness on my tongue. He still didn’t move. My heart was thumping madly, almost fit to burst.

The cock in my hand was now solid and a total transformation of what I had seen soft earlier. He was at least twenty-two centimetres and very thick. It was a dick worthy of his muscled build. This was a real full man. I wished that I could see just how huge he was but didn’t dare move to brighten the lantern in the tent.

His cock throbbed again in my hand, maybe in response to my breathing against the head. I made up my mind that I was going to worship that dick and take my chances that I was not going to wake up this giant, in all aspects, and get thumped, and wetted my tongue in my mouth and licked the under side of the head.

Oh, the taste was sensational and the aroma from the cock was a massive turn on. My dick throbbed in the air in excitement. There was still no reaction from him. I licked again and again and finally open up my jaw to take in all of the gigantic head. The feel of the ridge from his cock to the shaft was wonderful, and I was so taken by the size of it in my mouth, that I rubbed my tongue right around the head. My cock was jumping in the air.

With the head of his massiveness in my mouth I glanced up at his face and there was still no movement and he looked so sexy in the dim light with his huge muscled arms behind his head.

My hand was still gripping his shaft tightly and as I licked, I could feel the throbbing of the muscle I was holding. I ventured some more, releasing my grip slightly and moving lower down the shaft to enable me to suck the cock deeper.

Again, I shifted my position very warily and gently. I still didn’t want to disturb his slumbers, but this time I must have done.

This time I felt his hand on my head pushing my face further down on his cock which now was not the tiny flaccid being I had seen so easily that afternoon.

I didn’t know whether to be happy or scared out of my wits. This was a seriously built man with a cock that was a Jack-in-the-Beanstalk beast. He had an oak tree of a cock and was larger as I was he was even thicker. I couldn’t put my thumb and middle finger around the shaft.

I was loving the scent and taste of his meat, and my jaw was having a serious job opening enough to accommodate him. There was a rumble of appreciation as I tried to take more in my mouth.

“Yes Swiss man, take as much as you can”, he growled. “Do me good and I’ll return the favour”. I hoped that was a promise. I had thought that afternoon of doing more than a mutual blow job with the Norwegian stud. Watching that hard muscled backside walk away from me that afternoon had me dreaming of getting my face between the cleft and opening it up to prepare him for a good fucking. Well it was a great fantasy. Who hasn’t thought of fucking a big muscled giant of a man?

I wanted to see more of him now he was awake and so I dropped his dick from my oral and manual grip and reached up to switch the lantern brighter. I looked back down on him and he had a grip of his extra-large cock and was stroking himself. Lying on the tent floor with one hand still behind his head he looked stunning. Now I could see just how big he really was and the detail of his cock. It was almost translucent, the way some very blond and fair skinned guys can be. Plenty of tiny blue blood veins just under the skin, with some thicker raised veins along the top of the penis, and underneath a very thick and very wide piss tube.

My dick throbbed in the air as I admired his whole body but also his rampant huge dick. “Let me see what you have Swiss man”. I swung around to face him kneeling by his chest my cock and balls totally hard and exposed to him hard for the first time. He approved. “Yes I thought you were a big man”. He dropped his cock and reached and held my balls gently. Although I had gained a lot of confidence with him, I still had some fear of the huge man and gasped in some fear as he held them. “I like them”, he told me, “I hope they have a lot of man milk in there”. He let go and took a grip of my cock, squeezing the shaft hard as if testing the firmness of an apple before deciding whether to buy it at the market. I could see his eyes approved of what I had, and suddenly I was desperate to kiss him.

“Dio Mio”, I whispered to myself, “Tale mascolinità e così desiderabile”. So desirable and so masculine. He removed his arm from behind his head and held both his arms out to wards me and I fell on top of him across his chest and he held me to him tightly I tried to lift my chest up so I could look at his face and try to see if he would take that kiss I so wanted to have. Instead he jerked me on top of him and our hard dicks rubbed against each other and he held my head against his shoulder.

“You excite me Swiss man”, he told me as a huge hand swept gently down my spine to my backside. “Hmmm you have very hard butt”. I was delighted for his approval and was now wondering if I was going to be the recipient of his massive cock now throbbing against my own. I made a deal with myself. If he was going to fuck me then there was going to have to be an awful lot of foreplay beforehand. I could always feign tiredness if I thought he was going to be too rough for me, though he could force himself on me if I did.

I was on top of him and was able to force myself further up his body so we were face to face. Oh he was so handsome, I could, as they say melt into his eyes. Then he surprised me and quickly lifted his head to mine and gave me a quick kiss on my lips. “Is that all”? I complained. “Can’t you do better than that”?

He gave a grunt. Hummf; and again he raised his face to mine this time slowly and opened his mouth for a full blown tongue lashing, saliva exchanging deep kiss, letting go of my buttocks and holding my head keeping me in place as we showed just how passionate we were for each other. “Was that better Mr Swiss”? he enquired jokingly, his face smirking sexily at me and his eyes twinkling in the lanterns light.

I sniffed dismissively. “Not too sure; I’ll have to check again”. He said something I didn’t understand and we clashed mouths and tongues once again. This time it was even better and I felt him tweaking a nipple which enhanced the sensation even more.

“Are you sure now”? I thought quickly. “Maybe two out of three but with you on top this time”? He was fast. In a flash he was kneeling over my crutch his head above me and his enormous frame pumped up huge, and he was heading down to my head again. This time I was able to hold his head, my hands in his fine blond hair and we kissed

With our eyes open, we cemented Swiss-Norwegian relations for ever with our kiss. This time I attacked his nipples, both of them really hard, pinching, pulling and twisting them, Down below I felt his cock swell and grow against me. This could be fun.

Now with Odd above me, I had a couple of advantages. I pushed his head down to my nipples for him to suck, lick and chew on and I had the opportunity to play with his backside, which was just as hard as the rest of his body. There was absolutely no resistance as I started to finger around the outside of his hole enjoying the raised edge of his anus. Odd actually moved up closer to me so it was easier for me to get inside his sphincter and push in my fingers some more.

After a few seconds of fingering I could feel his dick leaking with excitement. I’m sure I was leaking. I was now certain that this giant of a Norseman was going to let me fuck him.

He gave out a growl of some Norwegian, which I assumed was of pleasure and sat up away from me. “I want to eat and lick you. Taste you”. I wondered if this was some sort of live Norwegian cannibalism I’d not heard of before, but suddenly he was above me and then down on his knees, with my legs being held in the air by his huge hands as he was eating out my butt hole.

Man was he ever so good; he was gentle and tender licking away, sending fantastic sensations up my hole and through my back to my brain which was ready to explode both at the thought of the man mountain rimming me and the practical effects of his licking.

I wanted to grab hold of his huge dick but Odd was so big that I couldn’t reach it from my position. I moaned in joy and frustration; joy of what I was receiving and frustration that I couldn’t grab hold of his dick. He moved upwards to my balls gently taking each into his mouth and swirling them around with his tongue and then licking my over excited shaft and then, with glee in his Nordic eyes swallowing my cock to the root in one go.

He slowly released my cock from his throat tightening his lips around my shaft very hard and just before freeing it, Odd run his tongue all over the head, exciting me to release a huge load of lube. One he had let go of my dick with a plopping sound from his mouth he called out, “Baaaaah! That was VERY tasty. I need more”.

I wanted more too. I wanted to be sucking his giant’s dick and to be eating his arsehole, But it was cramped in the tent and difficult to manoeuvre around, but somehow we got there, and I ended lying on my side with Odd lying opposite to me, ready for a sixty-nine.

It became a competition as to who was the better sucker and rimmer. It was blissful to have his huge dick in my mouth and to worship it. The more I sucked and licked, the better he responded with his mouth. More than once I had to stop him as I was so close to shooting and when we started rimming each other in a rim sixty-nine, I felt so close to shooting my load.

We must have been sucking and licking for ages. Odd complained that he felt cold. The fire outside had died down. He left the tent for a couple of minutes and had the fire blazing once again. He re-entered the tent, his cock swinging tantalisingly with a huge grin on his handsome face. “They teach us well in the Norwegian Army how to build good fires huh”? Something more for me to take note of this big man.

He cuddled up to me holding me tight. “Mario, do you have the condom’s with you”. I had but they were in my rucksack somewhere. I always carried a few with me, just in case. It was just that this night I wasn’t expecting to fuck or be fucked. I told Odd so. He grinned once again. “No matter. We can do again tomorrow and fuck all day. It will be better because we can see the excitement in each other’s faces”. I laughed out loud; not out of pleasure of the thought of fucking all day and seeing each other but at his pronunciation of faces which sounded like ‘faeces’.

“You will come to stay at my camp tomorrow, Mario and we can make a good time together here in the forest and the lake. I can fish, and cook with the wild fruits here and we can be naked and fuck all day, you like that”? I did and told him so and he was delighted. “We make each other comfortable”, he predicted. He embraced me and lay down on his back and put me to his side pulling my arm over his massive chest and his arm around my back holding me to him. There was contentment between us both and soon he was sleeping and so was I. All thoughts of sex and shooting that night had gone.

by The Interpreter

Email: [email protected]

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