A Brats Peregrination

by James Rozo

25 Aug 2020 9318 readers Score 9.0 (288 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

A Brat's Communion

Although a standalone story, this narrative continues the peregrination of James Hopkins begun in “A Brat’s Baptism”.

James Peter Hopkins III lives a privileged life as a Naval Officer’s son.

Growing up with sailors and ships the young boy frequently observes naked sailors engaged in homoerotic roughhousing and grab-ass play. Baptized into the conspiracy by a sailor, the experience ignites his lifelong fascination with enlisted men.

After shore duty at the Pentagon, the newly promoted Captain Hopkins is given command of USS Josephus Daniels CG-27 home ported at NOB Norfolk Virginia.

The naturally inquisitive adolescent brat explores the expansive naval base.

Covertly following sailors he discovers the masculine wonderland of the gymnasium on ‘B’ Avenue near Gate 5. Offering recreational opportunities, it is a natural meeting place for single enlisted men living aboard the home ported ships.

Mustering his courage the brat enters the all-male facility.

Dozens of sailors populate the locker room and open-bay showers. Proudly they parade their masculinity for appreciative spectators and interested consumers. On display like premium meats hanging in a gourmet delicatessen - sopressata, mortadella, and capocollo, the mouthwatering cocks command the attention of hungry patrons.

Navigating the underground marketplace outlaws and renegades carefully steer between unholy desires and UCMJ disaster. Searching for adventure and a quality meal the salivating sailors employ subtle gestures advertising their predilections.

And transactions benefiting all parties are efficiently consummated.

Surveying the expansive room the brat selects a strategically positioned locker affording unobstructed panoramic views. Surreptitiously taking inventory, gorging on the sumptuous visual feast, he is dazed by the profusion of swinging dicks. In the far corner he recognizes several sailors from Daniels.

Bonding in the vibrant male bastion the naked sailors engage in harmless horseplay. Whispering among themselves, glancing at the golden-haired brat, they smile knowingly while subconsciously tugging on their expanding gear.

With a farrago of hopes and fears the brat undresses.

Slowly he unbuttons the shirt and removes it - exposing his small erect nipples, developing chest, and taut abdomen. Unbuckling the belt, lowering the zipper, his pants descend and the bright white underpants contrast starkly with his bronzed coltish legs.

Interest is palpable as sailors brazenly turn to watch the unfolding spectacle.

Committed to the task, the brat’s hands shake as unsteady fingers slide under the elastic waistband and slowly retract it over his uncooperative gear, off his hips, and down his legs. Stepping out of the briefs he is naked and defenseless. Transitioning through puberty his exquisite ass and developing treasures are on display for everyone’s enjoyment.

An irresistible lure, carnivores with growing smiles and erections feast on the perfectly proportioned adolescent. Salivating, they consume him with their eyes… imagining the succulent flavor, tenderness, and texture melting in their mouths.

Undertaking a voyage fraught with consequences, lifting sail and catching the winds of destiny, the brat ventures into the unknown of the open-bay showers.

Sailing in dangerous waters he immediately draws the attention of a toothy seadog with an appetite for young flesh. Taking advantage of the feeding opportunity, ready to defile another innocent, the predator maneuvers closer… maintaining constant bearing with decreasing range.

In extremis, the licentious collision is imminent.

Watching attentively, understanding the situation, the sailors from Daniels quickly get underway to protect the imperiled brat. Intercepted and outnumbered, the thwarted predator executes evasive maneuvers and retreats to safety in the protective shadows.

Extricated from danger, the boy is safe… for now.

Encircling him, the sailors deter other ambitious hunters dreaming of conquest and glory. Taking station off his starboard bow, a handsome 21-year old Latino sailor with a creamy caramel complexion makes direct eye contact.

On his chest is a small image of a pig and a hen - a traditional good luck tattoo. Incapable of swimming it was believed God would look upon a shipwreck, take the animals into his hand, and deliver them onto dry land. Fearing elemental forces, the image afforded sailors protection from drowning.

Flashing a disarming smile the Latino sailor - the group’s alpha male and natural leader, engages the brat in conversation and smoothly initiates the seduction.

“Hey little man, what’s up?”

“N…nothing,” responds the timorous boy.

“It’s ok, you’re safe; we’re from Daniels. You’re Captain Hopkins’ kid, right?

“Yes sir.”

“Cool, we though we recognized you.”

Surrendering to primitive compulsions the boy scrutinizes the sailors’ muscular bodies - committing every amazing nuance to memory. His attention is immediately drawn towards the Latino sailor’s pendulous uncut cock. 

Swaying like a cobra hypnotizing its prey it seductively whispers his name.

Running soapy hands provocatively down his muscular torso the sailor strokes and squeezes the serpent, accentuating its length and girth. Massaging the generous foreskin, rolling it between knowledgeable fingers, he peels back and retracts the protective hood.

Watching the brat’s reaction, it’s obvious the boy craves cock.

Exchanging looks with layers of significance among his shipmates, receiving conspiratorial nods, everyone understands the pivotal event about to unfold. Being their commanding officer’s son adds a huge element of danger and excitement to the endeavor.

“Let’s go somewhere more private,” suggest the Latino sailor.

Reassuring the spellbound brat, he skillfully manipulates the submissive boy… effortlessly marching him into the steam room.

Shrouded in a dense blanket of sibilant steam, the stainless steel sanctuary reeks with the pungent perfume of male sweat. Navigating with limited visibility, taking station in a remote dark corner, perched upon a polished teak bench, they are isolated and hidden from view.

Sandwiched between two dissolute sailors the brat feels their muscular flesh pressing upon his perspiring body. Trembling involuntarily with almost unbearable excitement his undisciplined adolescent cock is standing at attention… harder than he ever imagined possible.

The enlisted men slowly explore the brat’s flawless body.

Running reconnaissance across his hard nipples, down sculpted abdominals, and around the narrow waist, a hand brushes across his thigh and grasps the small ball bag. The recently descended eggs are gently rolled between experienced fingers.

Taking the initiative, a sailor with an insatiable hunger for underage seafood descends to his calloused knees and swallows the boy whole in one easy fluid motion. Employing impressive skills honed aboard Daniels he savors the incomparable taste of youthful perfection.

Overwhelmed with sensory input the brat’s head spins wildly.

Flooded with endorphins, repressed yearnings buried beneath the abundant chaff of Protestant dogma surface and explode with devastating force. Shuddering, reaching a shattering climax, he discharges ambrosia into the sailor’s greedy mouth.

In a moment of clarity, filled with a sense of profound discovery, the boy luxuriates in a radically altered sense of identity. Unshackled and transformed, succumbing to desire, he reaches out and firmly grasps the Latino sailor’s sacerdotal cock. 

Yearning for the divine, manipulating the velvet-smooth steel shaft, the brat instinctively scrunches down for a better view through the opaque steam.

“You can see better on your knees.”

And the brat willingly descends to his destiny.

Positioned between the sailor’s thighs the idolatrous appendage is inches from his flushed face. Experiencing a spiritual connection he senses the power radiating from the earthly embodiment of divine masculinity.

“Oh my god… it's beautiful,” whispers the hypnotized boy.

With labored breathing, the brat absorbs the sailor’s beguiling scent and pheromones… enticing and inviting. Respectfully silent, head bowed deferentially, he pays homage.

“Kiss it,” coaxes the sailor.

Obediently leaning forward, parting pristine pink lips, placing them on the blood-engorged deity, the boy reverentially embraces his first cock. Extending his inquisitive tongue he experiences the taste of forbidden fruit and is surprised by the textual perfection. 

A mouthwatering delight, the intoxicating sweetness of creamy caramel accentuated with crystals of gourmet sea salt resonates on his tongue.

“Suck it,” the sailor commands.

Following the lawful order he struggles to accommodate the broad crimson crown. Possessing more enthusiasm than ability his lack of skill is offset by a focused determination.

Offering assistance, pressing down firmly on the boy’s head, the authoritative sailor forces the swollen glans inside the adolescent mouth. Smiling with supreme satisfaction he experiences the ultimate pleasure of subjugating his commanding officer’s son.

Physically and spiritually bound, the brat is filled with grace.

Quartered inside the mouth, followed by several inches of thickening shaft, occupying all the available real estate, the cock is perched upon the defenseless throat’s precipice.

Stuffed, babbling incoherently, the feeding brat is speaking in tongues. Muffled but propagating through the steam room, experienced sailors recognize the glorious sound of a novice being indoctrinated into the sacred cult of cocksuckers.

Exercising extraordinary restraint the pragmatic sailor resists the undeniable urge to throat fuck the brat. Understanding there will be plenty of future opportunities to educate the boy, he withdraws to a more accommodating position.

“I’m close… get ready.”

Ascending in the floppy sack, the sailor’s balls announce the impending consecration. With adrenaline surging the sailor thrusts forward and delivers the miraculous gift.

Partaking in the sacrament of holy communion, swallowing repeatedly to get it all down, the quintessence of life provides nutrition to the body and satisfaction for the soul. Mumbling prayers the boy gives thanks for the sacred meal.

And the metamorphosis from innocent youth to cocksucker is complete.

Aboard USS Josephus Daniels the word quickly spreads.

Gorging with reckless abandon the rapturous brat services the crew over the next three years. Enjoying a nearly inexhaustible source of nourishment, he voraciously quaffs gallons of intoxicating enlisted jam… a stunning assortment of delicious velvety custards.

Attending the Naval Academy at 18 the brat is already a fully qualified fleet cocksucker.

Comments and readers’ experiences with sailors, afloat or ashore, are always of interest.

by James Rozo

Email: [email protected]

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