A Battle for Top: The Cortez Team vs The Davenport Team

by sexyalphawrestler

23 Oct 2023 3452 readers Score 9.1 (35 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Author's Note:  This is the first chapter of an eight part wrestling story.  It and many of its details were inspired by an enthusiastic reader West Coast Fan.  I really enjoy these collaborations and West Coast Fan was superb.  I hope fans of gay erotic wrestling stories enjoy this one!

The Arrest

Jorge Cortez stood at the counter of his sporting goods store.  He wore a tight white tank top that accentuated his muscled brown shoulders and biceps and blue jeans.  Jorge was 40 years old.  He stood 6’2” and weighed 235 pounds. Cortez’s identical twin brother Carlos was the same height but about five pounds heavier.  Together, they owned and managed the store.  Both men were professionally ranked bodybuilders. 

The sign out front, which read “Cortez Brothers Sporting Goods,” showed the two hunks shirtless with their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders.  Both had sculpted pecs and large brown nipples.  They had wavy jet black hair, twinkling brown eyes, and big grins.  The picture was cut off at their waists.  So it didn’t show the white posers they had been wearing that barely contained two large uncut cocks.

Carlos appeared from the stockroom.  He, too, wore a white tank.  “Mi hermano,” he said with a smile, “Seems quiet today.”  “Si, it is,” replied Jorge, “But I’m guessing things will pick up later this afternoon.  We lifting tonight?”  “You bet, Jorge.  It’s chest, biceps and shoulders,” Carlos replied with a grin.  He loved chest day.  He had 53” pecs, which made them about two inches bigger than his twin brother’s.

Jorge’s eyes drifted to the parking lot, which he could see through the glass windows at the front of the store.  In distance, he could see a teenager wearing a dark gray hoodie with the hood up and light brown cargo pants loping along towards the store.  “Luis is coming,” Jorge said to his brother.  “Yes, it’s his afternoon shift,” Carlos remarked.  

Luis was 18 years old and Carlos’s son.  Under his baggy attire was the ripped muscled body of a nationally ranked teen bodybuilder.  He had curly black hair on top, fades on both sides and the back of his head, and gray blue eyes.  Luis’s creamy walnut complexion was lighter than his father’s or uncle’s brown physiques.

*     *     *     *     *

The two black police officers sat in their squad car.  Periodically the radio crackled and the dispatcher’s voice could be heard.  They were parked in the mall lot.  From their vantage point, the officers could see customers coming and going from the big box store, the sandwich shop, the homewares store, and the sporting goods store.  The older officer was Bill Davenport.  He sat in the passenger seat.  Bill was 42 years old and built like a brick house.  His dark blue, tight-fitting, stretchy police uniform showed off his large pecs, broad muscled shoulders and massive quads.  He was 6’4” and 235 pounds.

Sitting in the driver’s seat was a younger officer.  His nickname was TJ (for Tommy Jay) and he shared the same last name with his father Bill.  Tommy was 22 years old and new to the force.  Bill had taken his son under his wing—feeling he could better train him to be street smart than any other patrolman on the force.  TJ was 6’3” and 220 pounds.  He was well-built but more leanly muscled than his father.

Tommy was munching on his sandwich while Bill scrolled through texts and emails on his personal device.  “Keeping your eyes peeled?” Bill asked without looking up from his smart phone.  “Yeah, I am,” TJ said.  The mall was not in the best part of town and recently had seen an uptick in shoplifting and drug dealing.

Tommy spied movement out of the corner of his left eye.  A Latino teenager had just left the big box store.  He was wearing a dark gray hoodie, which he had pulled up.  He appeared to be in a hurry and was striding through the parking lot in the direction of the sporting goods store.  A security officer ran out of the front door of the big box store and shouted something in the direction of the Latino. 

“Think we have a live one,” TJ observed.  “Oh, really,” Bill said, looking up for the first time.  “I don’t like the looks of that one,” Tommy added as his gaze followed the teenager.  “Let’s check the kid out,” Bill said as he opened the passenger side door.  His son was right behind him exiting the vehicle’s driver’s side door.

*     *     *     *     *

As Jorge and Carlos watched, two black police officers suddenly approached Luis.  The taller officer was saying something.  Luis looked surprised then pissed.  He gave the patrolman a slight shove.  The officer grabbed Luis by the shoulders, turned him around and SLAMMED his chest against the side of a parked vehicle.  “What the hell?” Carlos said, as he started for the front door of the store, followed closely behind by Jorge.

As they reached the parking lot, Carlos and Jorge could see Luis was being held in place as the younger officer began a pat down, frisking the teen bodybuilder.  “Hey officers, what’s up?” shouted Carlos, adding “That’s my hijo...my son!”  “Stay out of the way,” demanded Tommy, as he continued his pat down.  When his right hand got to Luis’s bulge, TJ palmed it for several seconds—definitely longer than was necessary.  He could feel a semi-hard cock, a very long shaft, pointing downwards.  Luis snickered “Copping a feel, Cerdo?”  “Shut up!” ordered Bill as he kept the teen bodybuilder pinned in place.  Tommy moved his hand down Luis’s inner thighs.  The officer's 8” cut cock had begun to swell in his stretchy pants.

“Officers,” Carlos shouted, “There must be some mistake here.  Let my hijo go!”  Bill finally relaxed his stance allowing Luis to stand upright next to the parked car.  “Nothing,” TJ said as he stood up.  “Yeah, well, the disrespectful punk pushed me and I could cite him for resisting arrest,” Bill said.  “Really?” Luis said and gave another light shove into Bill’s large chest.  “Okay, that’s it, you cocky jerk, I’m citing you for misdemeanor assault on a police officer.  I’m taking you to the station.”  “Wait, wait!” blurted Jorge, “This is crazy.”  

Just then a state trooper vehicle pulled up alongside the Davenport and Cortez families in the parking lot.  Lionel Davenport got out of his squad car.  He was big burly black man, 6’4” like his fraternal twin brother Bill and maybe 250 pounds.  “Hey, what’s going on here?” he asked.  “These officers are threatening to arrest my nephew based on some trumped up charge of assault,” explained Jorge.  

Lionel adopted a look of disbelief.  “Bill,” he said, “Isn’t there another way to resolve this….this possible misunderstanding?”  At 42, Lionel had a deep voice and commanding cop presence.  Bill’s eyes darted from Jorge to Carlos to Luis.  He could see the 40-something males were ripped muscle studs.  He wasn’t sure about the kid but his son Tommy nodded his head.  The younger officer knew from the pat down that Luis had a hard and well-defined body.

“Okay,” Bill said slowly, “You guys know how to wrestle?”  “Wrestle?” Carlos asked, “What do you mean wrestle?”  “Well,” Bill continued, “Why don’t we settle this in a six person tag-team match in a pro ring?”  Pointing at Carlos and Jorge, Bill said “I, my brother Lionel and son Tommy would take on you two and your punk son.” Jorge interrupted, “He’s not a punk!”  “I say he is,” Bill responded, “But here’s the thing.  If you guys pull an upset, we’ll drop the idea of a citation to your son.  But if we defeat you, we’re going ahead with it.”

Carlos couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  This was crazy, he thought, but these police officers were muscle hunks of the highest order.  His bi side wondered what they might look like in tight Speedos.  Jorge must have been thinking the same thing because he piped up, “Sure…sure officer, we’ll wrestle you.”  “And it’s normal rules, except we won’t hire a referee.  Everyone will just have to be on good behavior,” Bill said with a wink.  He added “Best two out of three falls, by pin, submission or KO.”  Tommy grinned but had to adjust his hard 8” cut cock.  He couldn’t wait to see what the teen Latino looked like out of his hoodie and baggy clothing.  What he had felt was truly impressive.  The thought of Luis in a Speedo or squared trunks made him hornier than hell.  

“Alright,” Lionel said, “I’ll book the ring in the retired police officers’ gym, and let you know the day and time.  Probably a few weeks from now.”  Luis spoke up “Are you guys serious?”  “Very serious,” Bill responded, placing his right hand on Luis’s hard chest, “And when us Davenports wrestle, we normally take ‘stakes’ when we win.  Hope you come prepped.” 

Carlos and Jorge both arched their eyebrows.  They knew what “stakes” meant.  (While Carlos was bi himself, his brother Jorge had been out for years.  Luis had been coy about his sexuality, presenting himself as a straight guy, although his big cock had been semi-hard during the pat down.)  The thought of defeating these officers and pummeling their sculpted ebony bodies and holes got Carlos’ and Jorge’s big uncut cocks swelling up.  “You Putas,” Luis smirked to Bill, Lionel and Tommy, “Have no idea what shit you’re stepping into.”  He batted his gray blue eyes and flashed a cocky grin before cupping his fat bulge as an exclamation point.

(To be continued.)

by sexyalphawrestler

Email: [email protected]

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