The Bad Boy

by Grant

3 Mar 2024 3270 readers Score 9.3 (156 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Theo eased out on the four-lane highway that would take him into Anderson, the town that anchored his community, where he had gone to school up to two weeks ago when he graduated, and where he now had a regular job. It was just a job, nothing to brag about, for he would be working in the warehouse at Eastside Farm Supply. It was on the southeast side of town, one block south of the main road, but when he had gone to meet Mr. Brown, the owner, about the position it felt like it was in the middle of nowhere. The way he felt about his life. Going nowhere.

Continuously working the steering wheel to keep his old CJ-7 within its lane, he motored along the road while worrying about the job. He was five eight and weighed just under one hundred thirty pounds. Moving bushel bags of seed, bags of fertilizer, compost, or feed would be a chore, but he swore to Mr. Brown he could do it. It was the only job he could find in town so he would do it or pass out trying.

At the bypass, he turned right and accelerated hard to get into the left turn lane, stopping to wait for the light to change. He glanced over at the old shopping center under renovation wondering what retailers or businesses would try to survive in it for it seemed no one lasted long in the center. The light changed and he accelerated away heading toward downtown. A couple of minutes later, he was circling the town square, a small park of grass squares within brick sidewalks with large, raised planters with one lone tree in each corner. Not one person was in it, just an empty space surrounded by the old buildings that were once mostly retail and restaurants. Now they were attorneys, insurance companies, or businesses he had never stepped foot inside, or worse, just empty spaces with For Rent signs in the window. His grandparents talked about a time when the town was alive with shops and restaurants, and he tried to picture it. There were some trying to revitalize the town, looking for ways to lure the right mix of tenants, and there had been some improvement. The pizza joint on the southwest corner of the square, the coffee shop and steakhouse just off the square.

Around the square to the southeast corner, he turned and headed down to Robertsdale Road, and out to Eastside Farm Supply where it sat on the corner of Tucker Street. The warehouse building was the first building to be visible for it sat up on the road and extended back into the property, blocking the view of the main building and the two smaller storage buildings out back.

He tried not to think of it, but passing the Town Centre Salon made him think of Mark. Mark’s mother owned the salon and there had been many times he had met Mark there after school. After three weeks, the pain of their last conversation still hurt. A breathless, stomach churning hurt that made him feel alone. They had been sneaking around together for months, two gay boys who thought they were the only ones for miles around, two gay boys who clung to each other desperately, emotionally, exploring what it meant to be gay. But Mark was going to college out of state, and Theo had known it. It had been no secret, for Mark saw college as an escape from the small town, an opportunity to get a degree and move to a city, a real city, where he could live openly, unafraid of getting bullied or beat up, or worse, ostracized. Theo thought of it, what it must be like to make such a move, knowing it was not an opportunity he could claim.

Theo turned on Tucker Street then into the parking lot, circling around the store to the back to park. He looked at the time realizing he was fifteen minutes early, so he sat in the Jeep hearing the motor ticking as it heated up before cooling, the song of birds, then the rumbling of a pulp wood truck a couple of blocks over cutting around town. Looking at his cellphone, he saw the shortcut to the site where gay men went online looking to hook up. He had been surfing it for three days, looking at the profiles, some closer than expected, and all looking for a good time, showing hard cock or bare chests while describing what they wanted. To suck or be sucked. To fuck or be fucked. Some wanted more. To be spanked, tied up, made a slave or a pup. For Theo it had been too much, for what he wanted was Mark back in his life. It was a known thing, their relationship that developed over the last few months and the sex. How they explored various positions, each taking the other’s fuck, or took the other’s cock in their mouth until swallowing cum. The things other guys had disparagingly referred to, accused other boys of doing as a slur, a put down to emasculate them. For Theo and Mark, it had been an insult, one they had to take, keeping their objection to themselves.

A loud rumble came from behind him, and he knew without looking it was the old, modified motorcycle that belonged to Logan Eliot Wilder, the town’s bad boy. The rumbling bike drew near, then alongside his Jeep. Logan killed the engine, then pulled off his helmet. A helmet that had no face shield, no chin or side protection, and it made Logan look the role that was his reputation.

“You starting today?” asked Logan.

Theo looked at Logan wondering about the lack of a greeting. No hello or good morning, just the question whether he was the one come to work in the warehouse.


“Well, try to keep up, will ya,” said Logan as he climbed off his bike and headed toward the store.

“Well, fuck you too,” Theo mumbled under his breath as he watched Logan cross the gravel drive then enter a rear door.

Theo climbed out and strolled toward the door while trying hard not to do it, but he couldn’t stop himself. He sized up Logan Eliot Wilder. Logan was no stranger, one of the locals like himself. Two years older, over six feet tall, muscular, one hundred eighty, or had been back in high school when on the football team. He remembered reading Logan’s stats, of staring at him from afar, feeling threatened by him while drawn to him just the same. Logan had let his black hair grow out, for in school it had been kept cut close to the scalp. Then there was the skin tone, dark, smooth, mysterious. He knew Logan’s grandmother was black, and how it was still a scandal to some how a white man married a black woman, but for Theo, all he saw was the results two generations down. An attractive man that stirred his desires and lusts. Even the dark brown eyes added to the appeal, making him lust after Logan just as so many girls did before him. But the bad boy image kept him scared of Logan and evidently kept the girls away too, for Logan was still single and apparently wasn’t dating anyone either. Theo saw him around town, eating alone, hanging out around town, or working on that bike in the parking lot of the old apartments on Cedar Street where he lived alone.



Inside the store, Theo found Mr. Brown coming out of his office approaching Logan.

“Mr. Maddox, just in time. Come on over and I’ll give you guys the day’s pull,” said Mr. Brown.

“Yes, sir,” Theo replied as he rushed over to stand next to Logan. He saw the eyes glance over as he felt the taller guy’s presence. The more muscular body that was so different from his own. He was a blonde pretty boy as his cousin Nancy liked to call him. He knew what she meant, at times it was a slur, others, a compliment that never felt like one. He was fair skinned, blue eyed, and blonde. Skinny. And unbeknownst to the others, gay. He tried not to let the stereotypes come to mind, tried to keep them from being a reality, knowing being gay didn’t mean he was somehow weak, or some other description that may speak to some, but not all. He was James Theodore Maddox, youngest son of Jeff and Emily Maddox, and he was resolved to his status in life, until something better came along. Or so he hoped.

“Buddy Gibson will be here at ten to pick up ten bags of the composted cow manure, three-pound bag of blood meal fertilizer and…Logan check the order slip for the rest. After that, we got a few others coming at lunch for their orders. Theo, Logan will you show you how the warehouse is organized so you can help him get the orders pulled.”

“Yes, sir,” said Theo.

“Come on, let’s go,” said Logan, taking the order slips and heading toward the side door.

Mr. Brown smiled at Theo, shaking his head when he glanced over to Logan heading out. “He’s more bark than bite.”

“I hope so,” said Theo, and he turned to follow Logan.



The warehouse was old, the wood framing dark with age, so dark the overhead florescent lights seem to barely illuminate the interior. The corners were dark and the air musty mixed with the odor of chemicals, fertilizers, and dust.

“Let’s pull everything as fast as we can, for this building will get hot,” said Logan as he unbuttoned his shirt, then slipped it off, tossing it on the small desk in the corner of the room near the man door. “I’ll take Buddy Gibson’s order, and you take the next one. Frist one to finish can start the next in line.”

“Yeah, sure,” said Theo as he tried not to stare at Logan. Wearing a light grey tank top, it left the muscular shoulders and arms fully exposed. A beaded necklace hung around the neck, and it complimented the skin tone with its rough black and smooth dark brown beads. When Logan went to a stack of yellow bags pulling one from the top, Theo turned his attention to his list, forcing himself to stifle a moan. It was for fifteen forty-pound bags of fertilizer and grass seed. Fifteen times forty was a lot, over five hundred pounds, and it was his first pull.

“Put the order on a pallet so we can pull it out to the dock and hopefully into the bed of their truck,” said Logan across the warehouse.

“Okay,” Theo replied, moving toward the stack of empty pallets.



Sam Harris pulled away from the dock with the last order for the lunch hour. Theo was breathing hard, and his arms felt like rubber. His shirt was soaking wet with sweat, for Logan had been right about how quickly the warehouse heated up. He could hear the tin roof pop as the panels expanded in the heat. He tugged on the tail of his T-shirt to wipe his face and saw Logan watching him. What did Logan see? A skinny kid struggling with the day’s work? Just some boy he had to rely on in the warehouse. Could he see a young man? Then he found himself staring back.

The sweaty skin, shiny and smooth and he knew hot and slick to the touch. And how he wanted to touch. He saw the wet black hair around the neck, how sweat trickled down it, and on the right shoulder, the one Logan would toss a bag over, was smeared with grime. Then he saw the nipples, erect, poking at the thin fabric. Further down, past the loose tank top around the waist, he saw the bulge in the worn faded jeans, how it lay to the right, thick, enticing in its masculine nature. Logan turned to grab his water, and Theo looked at the round ass, how the cheeks filled out the jeans. He gazed down along the long legs, past the rip in the side mid-thigh that reveal dark skin within, until looking at the scuffed boots the color of dried wheat.

“That’s Harold Simmons pulling up. He’ll be here to get feed for his horses,” said Logan looking out the dock door toward the store.

“I didn’t know he had horses. Where does he keep them?”

 “There is a pasture and barn within the woods behind his fishpond. Goddamn it.”


“Travis McCullough is pulling up too.”


“He is here for the fence posts we ordered for him. That stack of posts in back.”

“All of them?”

“Yep, every goddamn one of them. I hope you can keep up,” said Logan, and it was obvious he wasn’t sure Theo could keep up.

A few minutes later, Mary Ann, their accounting person came out of the store heading their way with three slips, not two.

“Logan, we got three orders to pull,” said Mary Ann.

“Two I know about, what’s the third?” said Logan.

“Jerry Watson is coming at four for five bags of chicken feed and ten bags of the cracked corn feed.”

“It’ll take a while to pull Travis McCullough’s order. Can we take lunch after?”

“You’ve not had lunch?”


“Pull Harold’s order and I’ll have Travis come back at three and will call Jerry to come first thing in the morning.”

“Thanks Mary Ann.”

“Just don’t want to kill the new help on his first day,” Mary Ann joked and for the first time Logan smiled.



Theo followed Logan across Robertsdale Drive up Perry Street to the drive-in on the corner facing the main road. He had been shocked when Logan asked if he wanted to go for a burger after admitting he had not brought anything for lunch. He walked behind the taller man along the edge of the road for there was no sidewalks on either side, then into the parking lot until passing through the covered parking spaces along the side of the building to the small outdoor seating area in front. No one else was at the tables and only a few were parked along the two sides of the building because it was after two, thus too late for lunch for most.

Theo was exhausted and so hungry he felt weak from it. And there were still the fence posts to be loaded up that afternoon. It made all the muscle aches hurt that much worse.

Logan ordered at the window, then Theo stepped up to place his order. He handed the girl working the register a twenty and took his change thinking how it took over an hour of hard labor to pay for it.

At the table, Logan sat opposite, and Theo watched the traffic pass as Logan looked at his phone. He stole glances of him and once swore he saw Logan staring back. The door opened and Owen Robbins came out with their order. Owen was two years younger, but it didn’t stop him from staring at the red-headed boy wondering what the chances were Owen was gay. A million to one, he guessed, for he knew Owen was dating Cindy Baker.

“Hey Theo, are you working at Eastside?” said Owen.


“That has to be a tough job.” Owen set two trays down and gave Logan a quick glance then turned back to Theo. “Is it just the two of you in the warehouse?”

Theo didn’t know if it was a reference to the amount of work involved, or if it was about having to work with Logan. Logan’s reputation preceded him, and it was obvious Owen was nervous around him.

“Yes, just the two of us,” said Logan, interrupting the conversation and drawing Owen’s attention.

“Hey, I have to get back,” said Owen.

After watching Owen rush back inside, Theo and Logan began to eat in silence. The two were so hungry they were wolfing down their burger and fries. Logan finished first and was wading up the wrapping paper when he broke the silence.

“You know he was making reference to you having to work with me.”

It brought Theo up short, to hear Logan refer to his reputation. He looked up surprised, then smiled. “Well, you have to work with me.”

Logan chuckled, then watched a red Chevy truck drive around with Holland Bradberry behind the wheel, someone Logan had ran around with back in high school.

“Do you still hang out with him?” asked Theo as he watched Logan watch the truck pull out to the road.




Theo lay in bed so exhausted he struggled to fall asleep. So, he lay there staring up into the darkness seeing Logan Wilder in the warehouse. It scared him how much he found Logan attractive. How much he considered the masculine aspects of him. The muscles bulging in each arm with every lift. The way the shoulders bore their burden. How Logan seemed tireless, working at a consistent pace all day, from morning to afternoon. But the skin showed the exertion of the body with the constant sweating. It made the skin glisten in the dim interior.

Theo wanted to touch him, just a graze of fingers along an arm or maybe up the neck, feeling the heat of the skin, its smoothness, or slickness from sweat. He wanted to run a hand through Logan’s hair, to feel the wavy black hair slip through his fingers, soft to the touch and wet at the fringe.

He rolled to his stomach and pumped his hips against the bed making his cock get hard as he imagined it was Logan he was pressed against. He tried to imagine it, Logan willing, wanting, letting him touch him in other ways. A caress of the face, lips pressed together, fingers touching a hard nipple…a hard cock. If only, if only, if only Logan was willing.



Theo entered the warehouse behind Logan holding an order he was to pull while Logan pulled another. Day two, he thought as he entered the dark warehouse, the tin roof already popping with the heat of the sun beating down on it. He passed the pallet with Jerry Watson’s order ready for pickup and grabbed an empty pallet for the order in hand. It was a mix of items, dog food, a couple bags of fertilizer, a 2 HP air compressor, two extension cords, and a six-foot ladder. He pictured each item, which was best on the bottom, and headed to the section of the warehouse for those items.

Moving around stacked pallets, along rack shelving, and to wall shelves, Theo pulled order after order, passing Logan without comment except to ask where to find some item. But he looked. Couldn’t stop himself. Logan wore faded and frayed jeans and a T-shirt so stretched out of shape and frayed, it looked like it could come to pieces and fall off. And for some reason, it enticed Theo with Logan’s body within more so than the tank top. How the sleeves were stretched tight around bulging biceps. How the neck hung loose revealing a little of the chest below the neck. How it rode up when Logan bent over revealing the lower back, or worse, the stomach when Logan used the tail to wipe his face. The flat stomach and narrow waist, a waist so narrow the jeans gapped around it, enticingly, making Theo picture how his hand could fit, how he could lay it flat on the stomach and just slide downward within the confines of the jeans until he was touching…

“Hey, Theo, THEO!” said Logan, raising his voice in frustration.

“Yes, yes, what is it?”

“Come over here and help me lift this to a pallet,” said Logan.

It was a gun safe. A big one and Theo knew it was heavy as fuck.

“Curtis let the delivery guy set this one on the floor instead of a pallet, so now we have to lift it onto one.”

“How heavy is it?” said Theo, and he saw the look knowing his answer before Logan replied.

“It’s heavy, but we just have to get it on a pallet and lay it down,” said Logan pointing at the eight-foot-long pallet set next to it. “Just make sure to lay it on this side of the box for this is the back of it.”

Luckily for Theo, they didn’t have to lift the box as much as slide it over to the pallet then ease it down on top. He had stood next to Logan, arms rubbing together as they lowered the box. They only had part of the weight and still his arms shivered with the strain and hands burned with the load being born by them. Now he stood to one side as Logan shifted the box to straighten it reliving the sense of touch, Logan’s arm against his own, slick skin rubbing slick skin, warm, smooth, making his heart race more than the exertion.

“You can go back to your order,” said Logan as he moved away to finish the order he was pulling.


For the rest of week, it was one order after the next, stacking pallet after pallet, loading trucks, vans, SUVs, or a small car that required the two of them to maneuver and push some box into the back seat while wondering how the owner would get it back out, a woman who looked sixty and couldn’t weight more than a hundred pounds. At lunch, Theo sat on the dock, legs swinging free, eating a ham sandwich while he watched Logan cross the street going to the drive-in for a burger. It was too costly for him to eat there every day, so he sat alone on the dock and watched the traffic pass by or pull in to shop in the store. And at the end of each day, he followed Logan inside to clock out and check orders for the next day.

Once in his Jeep ready to drive home, he watched Logan put on his helmet, start the old motorcycle, revving the engine then letting it settle into a rumbling idle. There would be a nod of the head, the lift of the kick stand, then Logan would rumble away, going east, the opposite direction from his own way home. He couldn’t even follow him on the road. Out of reach in every way.

Friday’s drive home was worse, for he had the weekend to think about it, to daydream about Logan then grow frustrated by the total lack of reality of his fantasy, then more frustrated by where he found himself. A high school graduate with no future, not one he could imagine better than the one he could see. Working at the farm supply store as a laborer in the warehouse. He knew it wasn’t as bad as he imagined it, but being around Logan who was so aloof, showing no interest in him, made it worse, making him think of his loneliness all the time.

At home, Theo found his parents preparing to leave, telling him they were going to Montgomery to visit his aunt and uncle and would be staying overnight. There was dinner in the refrigerator that just needed warming and he had the house to himself, as if he had reason for it.

With his parents gone, Theo showered putting on clean clothes, then warmed up the dishes left for him. He ate like a man starved, getting seconds of the baked chicken and mac’ n cheese. Then he turned on the television, flipping through the channels, not finding anything of real interest. He looked at the clock, seeing it was only a little after eight. “Fuck” he uttered with frustration, then headed to his bedroom. He knew it was not a good idea, not with his current mood, but he brought up the website for gay men and began to surf through it.

Farmboi19 was looking for older, more mature.

Ready4U21 was 25, lived nearby, and wanted someone to cuddle with and be submissive.  

Traveler4boi was a trucker from Atlanta nearby for the night, looking for young men to bottom.

Mature4Son was looking for a young man to be his boy, someone to be submissive and eventually live permanently with him.

Profile after profile, Theo scanned them, feeling more frustrated because he wasn’t sure what he wanted. He considered the trucker for it could be a quick fuck, something physical with no emotional attachment. He wondered about Farmboi19 and why he didn’t connect with Mature4Son, or if they had maybe it didn’t work out. The two were so close, one in Opp and the other was near Florala. They were too close not to see each other’s profile. And he didn’t want someone submissive, someone too close to his own personality.

He continued flipping through profiles until one caught his eye. NotaRebel20. Not a rebel, the opposite of Logan Wilder. Twenty years old, single, tall and muscular, and somewhere nearby. Within twenty miles of Opp. A vague profile, but one that was enticing. His fingers hovered over the keyboard wanting to reply to the profile. The guy was online, ready to connect, all he had to do was put his fingers to the keys and type. Just do it.

His fingers touched the keys, feeling the curvature of each one, how his fingers fit into them. He began to type.



Theo pulled into the second drive of the Thrift Lodge, one of the cheapest hotels in their small town, one of three on the north side. He eased into the drive and turned to the right to run along the east side of the property. The room NotaRebel20 had gotten was near the back on the ground floor. Convenient, easy to get to and more important to Theo, easy to run from if he needed to. He had never hooked up with someone online and he was so nervous his palms were sweaty holding the steering wheel. And he held it in a death grip as he eased up to the building and parked in one of the spaces about halfway along the building. Far enough away from the street no one should notice his Jeep that might know it, but far enough away from his destination, the room at the end of the building, he could ease up to it on foot. Scope out the place and see if he saw a vehicle he recognized, something that terrified him. What if it were someone in the town he knew. Curtis from the store, or Owen from the drive-in, or one of the guys from school. The profile referenced Opp as the nearest town, but nothing about it gave a real clue as to where NotaRebel20 lived.

Easing down the walk under the balcony of the second floor, passing one closed door and curtained window after the next, glad no one saw him. He needed this to be his secret, to be something he did without anyone knowing. Looking at the vehicles in the parking lot, he searched for one that he might recognize. There was a GMC with a Virginia plate on the front, a Chevrolet with a dent in the front fender, a Volkswagen that was beat up, paint faded, and the interior ragged, but no vehicle that was familiar. It let him relax just a bit, feel himself breathe once again as he neared the last door.

The curtains were closed but light spilled out along one side, the curtain just barely at the edge of the window jamb. He tried to look in but all he saw was the illuminated edge of the curtain. A step back to knock and he stared at the number on the door, then at the peephole wondering if the guy was looking out at that moment. A fist raised, then two raps, and he stepped to the side not wanting to be seen first. He would make the guy open the door and they could face each other at the same moment.

The lock was released, the door swung inward, and Theo froze. No words escaped his mouth, nor did he have the ability to run. Logan Eliot Wilder stood in the door. Black T-shirt, faded jeans, black boots, and a shocked, mouth open expression. But it was Logan who spoke first.

“Did you follow me here?

“Why are you here?

“What are you up to?

The questions came too fast to answer, but Theo found his feet and stepped back, ready to run.

“Not so fast,” Logan exclaimed, grabbing Theo by his white T-shirt and pulling him inside so roughly he thought his feet left the ground. Then he was slammed against the open door. “Why are you here?”

Logan asked this already, but only now did Theo realize Logan hadn’t put it together. He was the guy from online, the one meeting him at the hotel room to fuck. To get off, nothing more, or that was the plan when they had made their arrangements. But the eyes changed, recognition dawned within them, and Logan let Theo go and stepped back.

“It’s you.”

“You’re gay?” said Theo.

“Oh shit.”



Logan paced the room, and Theo couldn’t believe how that cocksure bad boy was so nervous, so anxious he had not stopped uttering curses under his breath since they came into the room and Theo sat on the bed. Theo was also nervous, to the point he just sat there watching the older boy move back and forth at the foot of the bed.

“You…you were online; the one who hit me up?” said Logan.

“Yes, but I didn’t know it was you. How could I?”

“Who else knows? That you’re here?”

“No one. I haven’t told anyone about coming here, or why. There is no one who knows I’m gay, except for Mark.”

“Mark? Mark…Mark Bradberry? He knows your gay?”


“The two of you were messing around.”

“Yes, until right before graduation. He’s preparing to leave and broke it off with me.”

“Holy shit. Mark Bradberry. His daddy is a deacon in that big Baptist church.”

“I know.”

“They don’t know.”

“No, like I said, no one knows about me or Mark.”

“All this time, I thought…”

A long silence, then Theo scoots to the edge of the bed and leans toward Logan. “You thought what? You were the only one in town?”

“Yeah…no, I mean. I know there are some around, men on that website, but no one around my age that lived in town.”

Theo looked at Logan, really looked at him like he did in the warehouse when Logan wouldn’t notice. “I thought you were…” What? Theo didn’t know how to express the descriptions of Logan he heard in town. The rebel, a bad boy who would get someone’s daughter knocked up. Someone evil. Looking at Logan now, none of it made sense.

Logan had stopped pacing and stood less than three feet away, arms by his side, looking forlorn. “You thought I was some degenerate. That is what everyone thinks. Right?”

“Yeah, but…I don’t understand why you let everyone think that.”

“Better to be thought a degenerate than gay.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Don’t you?”

Theo looked up, faced Logan in a way he had not done so until this moment. “I’m not so sure.”

“I’ve never noticed your profile before.”

“I rarely went online and when I had, I didn’t try to connect with anyone.”

“Until tonight?”

“Yeah. What about you?”

“A few times; when the loneliness gets really bad.”

Logan eased down on the bed and suddenly there was less than a foot between them. Theo sensed Logan’s physical presence like never before. It was so different this time. A light fragrance of cologne with no mix of sweat or dust or grime.

“Aren’t your parents expecting you back soon?” asked Logan.

“No, they’re up in Montgomery until tomorrow.”

“So, that’s why you got so brave.”

“Yeah…I guess.”

“Do you drink? Bourbon? I need a drink.”

“Sure,” Theo replied, for it wasn’t the first time he was able to drink. Mark and he had done so a few times, initially for courage, then for the way it lowered their inhibitions so much that it allowed them to try so much sexually.

Logan went to the vanity in the small area outside the bathroom where a bucket of ice, bottle of bourbon, and a six-pack of ginger ale sat waiting.

“I was going to have one before you arrived. You’re early; did you know that?” said Logan, and his tone was playful.


“It’s okay. We can have one together.”

Yeah, together, Theo thought as he watched Logan make two drinks in the flimsy plastic cups provided by the hotel.

Theo took the offered drink and the two of them sat on the bed slowly sipping at them. He still felt a bit anxious, but the nervousness was slipping away with every sip.

“You know, I was really surprised to find you at the door,” said Logan.

“Not more than I on you opening it.”

Logan chuckled, and Theo looked around at him and did the same.

“Hey, I need to use your bathroom,” said Theo.

“Go for it.”

As he approached the bathroom, he looked in the mirror at Logan watching him. The dark eyes staring at his back, and he wondered how much Logan was disappointed it was him who showed up. He closed the door and began to relieve himself, trying to figure out what to say, how to tell Logan he wasn’t sorry it was him, then wondering if he should just leave. Logan couldn’t possibly want him. But he did reply to his profile and there was nothing exaggerated about it. He gave his height, his weight, even his cock size: 5’-8”, 128, 6”. Average, average, average…nothing that would stand out.

Not like Logan’s profile. 6’-1”, 175 pounds, 9”, something made apparent with the torso shot wearing tight white boxer briefs, bulging with a half hard cock. How could someone have such definition, such smooth dark skin, and such a big fat cock. He was tempted to ask Logan to at least let him see him naked before he left but knew he would never ask. He would go home frustrated and horny.

Theo came out of the bathroom to find the room darker, only one lamp on, then he saw Logan, shirtless, jeans riding too damn low on the waist, moving toward him. For that one brief moment he saw. The nickel size nipples on well defined pecs. The smooth skin over the muscular body, strong shoulders and narrow waist, tapering into loose jeans. The neck, the Adam’s apple, the lips, thin and curved into a wicked smile.


Hands took him by the biceps, and he banged against the wall. The hands tightened their grip and Logan’s face filled his vision, and when he closed his eyes, lips pressed against his own and a knee slipped between his thighs and pushed upward pressing against his cock. His hands were free enough to touch the torso, to feel the smooth skin, the firmness beneath his desperate fingers as he moved them as much as he could as Logan held tight to his biceps. He moaned into the mouth pressed against his own, then uttered a soft cry as Logan’s lips moved along his jaw then down his neck. He shivered with the feel of it. His cock stirred, aroused by the physicality of Logan’s manhandling of his body.

“Will you let me?” whispered Logan in his ear before swirling a tongue around its curvature.

“Yes…yes,” Theo uttered in reply.

Logan released him, but just as quick was tugging his T-shirt upward and he raised his arms to let it slip free. A hand came to his neck and pinned him to the wall while the other tugged on his jeans.

“You’re getting naked,” Logan uttered in a husky tone.

As the hand held him to the wall almost too tight around his neck, his jeans loosened, then were tugged down until falling to his ankles. He worked his sneakers off as his boxers were tugged down until they fell on top of his jeans. He felt his nudity, the freedom given his cock as it stretched out, flexed with his arousal. A hand toyed with it, manipulated it until he was rock hard.

Suddenly Logan pulled him from the wall and spun him around, pushing him on the bed. He bounced, cock flopping against his abdomen, then his legs were held up as Logan tugged his jeans and boxers free of each foot. He raised up on elbows and looked up at Logan.

“What do you want?”


Theo watched Logan go to his knees, push his legs apart, and move up between them, head down, tongue dragging along one thigh. His cock flexed with anticipation, then flexed again as tongue worked his nuts in their tightening sac, then dragged up along it.


Theo fell back closing his eyes as Logan engulfed his cock. The sweet slick feel of it made him shiver. He moaned and clutched at the bed as lips and tongue moved on his cock. Up to the head, then down to the base, over and over, until he was pushing upward. Then his cock was released, and he opened his eyes to see Logan stand between his legs undoing those loose fucking jeans.

Theo watched, every move until Logan was naked, cock angling out getting erect.

“I want to fuck you,” Logan uttered as he stroked his cock.

Theo watched the hand move on the cock. Watched the cock grow longer, thicker, until fully erect. He laid back and raised his legs. Logan took the right one by the ankle holding it up while letting the left drop down. It left Theo spread for him, and Logan bent down and rubbed cock along his ass, up and down until he shuddered with the stimulation.

“Fuck, do it. Put it in me,” Theo exclaimed.

The cock pressed against his opening, then stretched it wide as it sunk into him, inch after inch. Logan began to fuck, to work cock inward, slowly, letting Theo feel every inch. He pushed deeper and deeper until bumping against the spread ass, then he shoved inward all the way and moved over the Theo.

Logan dragged him up on the bed, twisting him around with cock still buried in his ass. Then he began to fuck, relentlessly, desperate in every shove inward. He moved inside Theo with such physicality it left Theo breathless.

The bed squeaked in rhythm to the thrusting cock, and Theo clung to the muscular body as it moved over him. He felt the flex of muscle, the tightened skin, the hot exhales on his neck, then the obscene utterances, begging with such a pleading tone he could only say yes over and over.

Logan got up on his knees and held Theo’s legs up and spread apart and he fucked. Fucked until smacking the upturned ass and Theo felt the fullness of penetration, the long thick cock boring into his depths. Over and over, deep thrusts inward and he clutched desperately to the bed and held his head back, mouth open, moaning and grunting.

The room grew hot, unbearably hot, and Theo looked up to see Logan, body hot and sweaty. He felt the heat of it against the back of his thighs, slick against his skin. It pushed his arousal, made him want to cum. He took his cock and stroked it with a maddening pace as Logan banged against his ass.

“Fuck, come…come you bastard,” exclaimed Logan.

And come he did. First, he felt the surge of release build, then his cock swelled thick in his hand, then flexed with his eruption. He cried out, shoved his ass down on Logan’s cock as his own spurt wad after wad. The hot cum rained down on him, the first wad in the face, then each subsequent wad down his chest and stomach until he was spent and the last dribbled out for his hand to smear over his cock.

“Fuck!” Logan cried out.

The hands tightened around his legs at the back of the knees, then Logan was pushing his legs down until tight to his cum covered chest. Logan shifted over him, and he felt the weight on his chest, then he felt the renewed fuck, a brutal pace meant to bring Logan to release. Smack, smack, smack, hips banged against his ass, until his own cock stirred again. Then Logan shoved inward, all the way and shuddered with release.



Logan lay next to Theo, the two of them gasping for breath. Theo smeared the cum on his chest and stomach, then held up his hand looking at the cum on his fingers. Logan reached out and took him by the wrist bringing the fingers to his mouth and sucked the cum from them.

“Don’t waste it,” Logan whispered in a joking tone. Then he rolled over to his side and leaned over Theo, dragging his tongue through one pool of cum after the next, then he took the hardening cock in his mouth and sucked.

“Fuck,” Theo uttered as he pushed upward into the mouth.

Logan got Theo rock hard, then sat up.

“Let’s get in the shower.”

Theo followed him to the bathroom and soon found himself in the tub, shower as hot as they could stand it. Logan ran hands over his body, stroked his cock, fingered his ass, then held him by the neck against the wall while pushing cock against cock. Lips kissed him on the mouth, then along the jaw until moving over his right ear.

“I’m going to fuck you again,” said Logan.

“Yes,” Theo whispered as tongue swirled around his ear sending shivers down his spine.

Theo was spun around facing the wall. He braced himself while shifting his feet back and apart. Cock raked across his ass, then a smack on the right cheek, once, twice, three times making the skin burn hot. Then cock pressed against his opening, and he pushed back feeling the penetration, cock boring into his hole. Hands held his waist and Logan began to fuck him. With his head held down, he watched his own cock flop with their movement, the steady rhythm of a fuck. Hips banged against his ass as lips moved along his shoulders, the back of his neck and up into his hair. Then a hand snaked around his waist and took his cock. He moaned as it stroked his cock while Logan didn’t slow, kept pounding his ass. Once again, he came first, spraying the tiled wall with his second load. As his cock spurt wad after wad, Logan shoved into him one final time, all the way, and kept pushing against his ass while he came.



Theo rolled over and saw light filtering into the room around the cheap curtains. It was morning, what time he had no idea. He stretched then looked to his side at the sleeping form of Logan Eliot Wilder, bad boy of Anderson, or that was the personality Logan fostered. After last night, Theo saw as it something else. A defensive measure to keep others from prying into his life. He looked down the body to where the cover lay across the lower abdomen. He wanted to touch him, to feel that dark smooth skin, but what he really wanted was to look at the cock hidden from view. He reached slowly for the cover, pinching it between two fingers and slowly lifting it until he could see the flaccid cock.

“Go ahead, touch me,” whispered Logan.

And Theo did. He pushed the cover back and he touched Logan, felt it stretch out and thicken with his manipulation, then he took it in his mouth and sucked until cum filled it. It made him feel emboldened, daring to have taken Logan’s load, and he got on his knees, stroked his hardening cock, then straddled the muscular chest. Logan smiled, then kissed the cock pushed down into his face, then took it in his mouth. Theo moved his hips, slowly, working his cock through the lips until he couldn’t hold back, and he fucked that mouth, drove his cock into it until Logan had to hold his thighs to control his pace. He moved steadily, working his hips as fast as Logan allowed him, then he came, shuddering and jerking with every ejaculation as he filled the mouth.

Theo fell back across the foot of the bed feeling completely spent.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

A hand rubbed his leg and he lay still enjoying the feel of it until his eyelids grew heavy and sleep overtook him again.



“Wake up, we have to check out,” said Logan.

Theo opened his eyes and felt disappointed as Logan pulled his T-shirt in place, body completely concealed. He climbed off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

“Hurry up, it’s almost ten. If you want, we can go get breakfast at the Huddle House.”

Theo came out and picked up his clothes, putting them on as he went around the room. “Sure for I’m starving.”

“Me, too.”



The restaurant was busy, everyone was seated or waiting for a late breakfast. Theo saw the looks when he followed Logan inside, how some were trying to figure out if they were truly together, then more amazed looks as he followed Logan to a table.

“Does it bother you?” asked Logan.

“Does what bother me?”

“The looks?”

“Not really, but it is strange.”

“You never get used to it.”

Their waitress took their order, leaving them alone once again.

“I’m curious,” said Theo, hesitating to ask, then leaning in close lowering his voice. “Do you meet many guys?”

“Don’t you mean, do I hook up a lot?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“No, not really. Most of the guys just want to get fucked, then it’s a rush out the door, either right after or the next morning. Why? Do you?”

“What? NO! It was…”

“Your first time with an online hookup? Oh.”

“I had gotten so lonely and just wanted sex. You know?”

“Yeah, I get it. I remember my first time how desperate for someone I felt. The asshole freaked out afterward and tried to beat me up.”

“No shit. What did you do?”

“I punched him in the mouth to get him off me, then left him in the hotel room,” said Logan. He looked toward the people waiting for a table, then back at Theo. “It was Chad Lewis.”

“Chad Lewis?” Theo replied shocked. Chad had been a receiver on the high school football team. A tall lanky build and a jock attitude that made Theo realize it was all an act. “He left to go into the Navy, didn’t he?”

“Yep. Probably some ship’s whore,” Logan replied in a harsh tone.

The waitress brought their food, refilled their cups, then left them alone to eat.

“Have you ever wanted more than just a hook up?” said Theo.

“Like a relationship?”


“I’ve considered it, like some fantasy, but not seriously.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes, Logan looking at Theo as if trying to see something hidden.

“Do you really think two guys could have a life together, here in this town?” said Logan.

Theo looked up and saw Logan staring back, waiting for him to reply. “Probably not, but…”

“You would like that, a relationship with someone.”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“To have someone waiting on me at home. To not have to go online and find someone whenever I’m feeling lonely, and in the end feel disappointed more often than not. Yes, I guess so.”

“Are you disappointed by me showing up last night?”

“Of course not. Don’t put yourself down, so.”

Theo felt emboldened, like an opportunity was presented and he just had to take it.

“If not, would you go out with me? Just see how it goes.”

“Go out on dates?”


“I’m not sure I would know how to act on a date.”

“Me either, but I would like to find out,” said Theo and he saw Logan smile, then chuckle.



God, Logan could be so physical, Theo thought ever so briefly as his T-shirt was jerked up and off, then being pushed down on the bed.

“Get naked,” Logan exclaimed as he tugged on each pant leg of Theo’s jeans while he worked to get the zipper down.

There were no preliminaries, no foreplay, or soft mutterings of affection. As soon as the hotel room door closed, Logan pounced on Theo. After four weeks of dating, they knew what the other wanted, and Logan was soon on top of Theo, pushing cock into his depths.

Logan folded Theo, thighs against chest, lower legs pointing straight up, as he buried his cock into Theo’s ass and fucked. The bed squeaked and rocked beneath them reflecting the physical nature of their fuck. For Theo, it gave him more than sexual satisfaction, it gave him a connection to another guy, someone he was growing close to as he learned more and more about him.

Lips pressed against lips, then moved over flush skin. Hands grasped the other, moved over familiar bodies. As Logan’s cock plunged into Theo’s depths, Theo’s cock drooled and flexed with arousal. Then the first release rocked Logan, body jerking and shivering as cock erupted, then filled Theo with cum. A shift in position and Theo was pushing cock into Logan’s mouth, rocking over the muscular body until he too came, filling the mouth with cum.

Theo gave himself to Logan, took cock in every position until both were sated, and in their exhaustion, they would fall into a deep sleep. They would wake to another Saturday morning, this time in Fort Walton Beach. Another place they could not worry about who saw them, not worry about local gossip that could develop and get back to Theo’s parents or those at work.

After four weeks, it seemed like they were biding their time, waiting for something to happen. In another three months, it would be Logan who would first suggest it.



A New Beginning

Theo left the campus where he was taking classes during the mornings, heading to his job at the restaurant and sports bar in town. With tips, the pay was good, good enough to cover his tuition and books. He walked across College Street seeing his old Jeep pull into a parking space in front of the restaurant. Logan climbed out in his coveralls, coming for lunch from the auto repair shop on the north side of town. The shop stayed busy doing repairs on old vehicles that desperate students needed to get around.

As he strolled along the sidewalk passing the old drug store, a gift shop he had never been in, and other restaurants of various types he approached Logan who was waiting for him. It had been two months since leaving Anderson, and for Theo, it felt like he could finally breathe. He knew Logan felt the same, for he saw the change, how Logan seemed relaxed, not so stoic. He still dressed like a rebel and rode that motorcycle when the weather was nice, taking the two of them over to Lake Martin, or just out into the countryside for an afternoon ride.

His rebel, he thought as he drew near. A quick kiss, then Logan followed him into the restaurant where they would have a quick lunch, then Logan would head back to the shop, and he would clock in to begin his shift.

by Grant

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024