Rowan's Journey to Manhood

by Hunknown

17 Mar 2020 540 readers Score 9.5 (24 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Rowan, a pale guy with many sexual inhibitions due to the abuse he suffered in the past, embarks in a long journey to a mature sexuality, helped by the men and boys living in a big house named “The Cove”. Charlie, a 19 y.o. playful boy, teaches him the joyful side of sex. Barry, an oversexed worker who looks alike Rowan’s abusive stepfather, scares him. Kale, a Hawaiian school counselor, shows him the tender, healing power of love. Beau, the blond leader of the Cove, experiments Rowan’s ‘power’ to block a man’s ejaculation until he begs to cum. Hendrick, the house young cook, lets Rowan discover how sweet and pleasurable can be anal sex when, after many years, the guy yields his ass to the redheaded boy. The wise Native American Wahkan teaches to Rowan how to trust another man and senses that the guy holds a great power in him. Rowan seems to come from another century, and reveals to his friends that his only school had been the old movies showed at Paul’s cinema. He then discovers the pleasure of submission during a hot bondage session with Kale. Rick explains that the Cove is a sort of shelter for all the men and the boys, including Beau. The day after, Beau reveals to Rowan the tragedy he hides in his heart and talks about the young stableman Jordan, his first love, who took his life after being raped by Joe, the black gardener, as per Beau’s father order. One night Beau, masterfully mixing love and dominance, helps Rowan overcome his greatest fears: surrendering to an older man and staying indoors after sunset. Kale’s jealousy explodes. In a restless night, the Hawaiian remembers the French Riviera and Paris, where Beau made him embrace his true nature; then, embittered, he harshly confronts Rowan, who runs away from the Cove. When Kale realizes that it was his jealousy, and not Rowan, to make Beau's love fade, he’s devastated and submits to a terrible self-punishment, a real sexual torture: he hopes to gain back Beau's love, but Beau gets hurt even more. In a last, risky attempt to save their love, Beau flies with Kale to Scotland, to Applecross House; there, they both have a hard time dealing with their inner feelings and the House itself, and they are on the verge or breaking up.

Synopsys (*** Spoiler Alert! ***)

Beau is kind of blocked: he knows, deep in his heart, that he loves Kale, but the House and the memories of his father make resurface his latent insecurity about his own sexuality. Brennan, too, struggles not to see himself as a "gille-tòine". With a risky move, Kale forces Beau break free from his insecurity. In the end, Beau will find his way... as well as Brennan!

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~ Troubles at the Inn ~

The night was a solitary affair, with Beau and Kale rolling from side to side in their own beds, and the door separating them always closed. Since they had arrived to Applecross House, they had barely exchanged few meaningless words; and when, at dinner, Beau had said ‘I don’t know even what you and me are to each other!’, Kale felt he was about to lose forever the love of his life…

In the morning they had breakfast separately and later on they met for lunch, but they exchanged few dull words.

In the late afternoon, Beau proposed to Kale a walk to the Inn, to have a beer. They walked side by side, silently enjoying each other’s company, and exchanging timid glances every now and then. Kale didn’t dare to say anything, but he felt his heart thumping hard every time Beau looked at him with his deep blue eyes.

After a brief walk, they entered the Applecross Inn, sat at a table and ordered two beers. The pub was crowded and there was a group of noisy men sitting at a distant table, near the bar. They were almost drunk and their loud vulgar banter were getting on Beau’s nerves.

“Hey, Logan!” – one of the men shouted to the bartender – “Another round for my friends and me! And let us be served by that cute gille-tòine of yours!”. The bartender turned to the kitchen door and yelled: “You heard them, bottom-boy! Four pints to table three!”

Hearing the hatred Gaelic epithet, Beau suddenly pointed his gaze to the bar, and gasped when he saw Brennan, wearing only a tiny pair of lycra shorts that left nothing to imagination, coming out of the kitchen bringing a tray loaded with four pints of beer. He looked mortified and he was trying hard to hold still the tray with his trembling hands.

He got to the table and started to serve the rowdy customers, who took turns in making fun of him: “Hey gille-tòine, show us that ass of yours!” – one man laughed, grabbing the back of Brennan’s pants and pulling it down, leaving him bare-assed. “Do you want a taste of a real man, boy?” – another one said, grabbing his own bulge.

Beau jumped on his feet, his eyes blazing with fury, and Kale stood up, too: though drunk, those men were four, and his friend would surely need help in a possible brawl. Beau strode menacingly to the table, took Brennan by his arm and pulled him away from the men, while the boy quickly pulled up his pants; Kale rushed to the boy and held him tight, feeling him shiver for the tension. Beau grabbed a cloth from a table and used it to cover the boy’s almost naked body, and then turned to his buddy: “Bring him home, I’ll come back soon”. “But, Beau…” – Kale replied, uncertain, looking at the four sturdy men. “Go!” – Beau replied, sternly – “I’ll be fine.”


~ Beau makes things straight ~

As soon as Kale and Brennan were out, Beau flashed an irate gaze to the four men sitting at the table: “Why don’t you take it with someone your size, assholes?” – he threatened. The bartender intervened to defend his regular patrons: “Mind your own business, stranger, and maybe you won’t get too hurt! Who the fuck are you, anyway?”

Beau pierced the bartender with a fiery gaze: “I’m the one you’ve paid, in the last decades, a ridiculously low rent for this place, Logan McMurry! But don’t worry: next month no rent is due, because you’re out! You and those assholes you call ‘patrons’!”

Logan turned pale and his face fell: “Mr. Rice-Duncan?! Oh, shit! I mean, I’m sorry, man… Please, I have a family to look after, don’t throw me out… Please, I’ll do anything, man!”

Sir, if you don’t mind!” – Beau yelled at him, standing at his full height – “And if you really want to make amends, you will no longer call anyone gille-tòine, and you’ll immediately throw out whoever mentions that filthy word, starting with these four cocksuckers!”

Logan snapped up and rudely pulled the four men out of their chairs: “You heard sir Rice-Duncan! Get out of here, now!”. The men, surprised, tried to resist, but the bartender shoved them out of the door, one by one.

“And now, I want your excuses, and they better be convincing…” – Beau growled, crossing his arms on his chest. Logan lowered his eyes and stood silent for a moment, and when he raised again his gaze, he looked sincerely contrite: “I’ve run this place for so many years, and my father before me. Back then, it was a place where ladies and boys could safely come and meet their friends. But now…” – he said, flashing a disconsolate gaze at the tables, where only rowdy men were sitting.

He sighed and shook his head: “I didn’t disrespect only that boy, but my father’s memory, too. And you, sir. This is a small village, and Brennan is one of us, I… really feel ashamed for having let this happen. On my honour, it won’t happen ever again. If you tell me, I will go away, but please don’t shut the Inn down, find someone to run it better than me. People here need a place where to gather and enjoy the company of each other.”

Listening to the sincere plea, Beau softened: “OK, OK, you can stay. But keep in mind” – he concluded, in a louder voice, so that all the patrons could listen – “that everyone here in Applecross either works for me or pays me a rent: though I may leave soon, there will be many eyes and ears checking you. Remember your promise.”

That said, Beau turned around and went out, leaving an unusually silent Inn behind him.


~ Kale has an idea ~

While Beau was dealing with Logan, Kale quickly walked to Applecross House with Brennan, shivering under the thin table cloth. The Hawaiian headed to the main door, but the boy said: “Let’s use the service door, please, sir. I don’t want my aunt to see me… like this.”

They entered a small side door and climbed up to the servant’s quarters, in the attic. Brennan led Kale to a door at the far end of a narrow corridor and they entered a small, poorly maintained room. Kale sat with the boy on the edge of the bed: “How do you feel, Brennan?”.  “I’m fine, now, thank you sir” – he replied – “I’m used of it, it was not the first time it happened. But sir Rice-Duncan was wonderful, don’t you think so, sir? He’s truly a powerful, beautiful blond god!” – he concluded, with dreaming eyes.

“He is indeed” – Kale replied under his breath, his eyes veiled with sadness. The boy noticed the gloomy expression on Kale’s face: “You… are no longer lovers, sir?” – he asked, shyly. “I really don’t know, Brennan. I… really don’t know” – the Hawaiian said with a sigh.

He looked around the room, at the paint peeling from the walls, the small dirty window and the bed, a little wider than a standard single bed. In a corner there was an old stove and a small faded kitchen counter. “It’s not a beautiful room like yours, sir…” – Brennan said, with a little embarrassment.

“Actually…” – Kale replied, pensive – “I think it’s almost perfect…”. The boy looked at him, puzzled. “Hey, Brennan, I have an idea… Will you help me?” – Kale asked, his eyes shining for a sudden, exciting plan that had formed in his mind. The boy smiled and nodded, thrilled. “Good! Get dressed, we need some books, and an old teapot, and some empty dishes…”

The boy quickly put some clothes on, led the man downstairs and rooted around the kitchen and the library; once he got what Kale needed, he went back with him to his room and placed everything following Kale’s instructions. “Perfect!” – the counselor exclaimed when they were done. “Now I need you to wait downstairs for Beauregard to come back from the Inn. And tell the cook we won’t have dinner tonight. When Beau’s at home, ask him to come up here, alone. I know this is your room, but can you lend it to me for the night? You can sleep in my room. Will you do this for me, Brennan?”

The boy nodded vigorously, with a hopeful glimpse in his eyes: “Will you be lovers again, sir?”.  “I hope so, kid. I do hope so…! Wish me luck!” – was the excited reply.


~ Where it all began ~

A short after, Brennan was standing with Beau in the dimly lit corridor of the attic, out of the door of his room. Beau was puzzled, as the boy didn’t give him any clue about what they were doing there. He entered the room; inside, it was pitch dark.

The door closed behind him and he stood still for a moment, in that unknown room, unable to see anything. Suddenly, a small lamp was switched on and he gasped, looking at Kale, lying on the small bed, completely naked. His eyes indulged for a while on his defined torso, his long legs, his beautiful exotic face, and then he looked around the room, feeling his heart skipping a beat. The clothes scattered on the ground, the books piled against the peeling walls, an old teapot placed on the run-down stove, the scratched dishes stacked on a faded counter… He was back in his old room in Pigalle!

“There’s not much room on this bed” – Kale said in a matter-of-fact tone, repeating what Beau told him back then – “We’ll have to squeeze a little to fit in…”

Like in a trance, Beau climbed on the bed and lay beside the naked Hawaiian. They looked deep into each other’s eyes in silence, until Kale said: “Here I am, opening my heart to you like I did back then”. Kale’s eyes were filled with an unspeakable struggle, a desperate hope. “After what you said yesterday, at dinner, you’re likely to exit this room and my life, but I had to do this, I had to put again my heart into your hands, show you how much I trust you. I didn’t forget Pigalle, and I’m sure you didn’t, either.”

“Do you remember what you told me back then?” – Kale continued – “You said: ‘Follow your instinct and never look back!’, and I did it, entrusting you my whole life. And now I’m going to do it again”.

Throwing away all his caution and fears, Kale held Beau tight and pressed his lips over his. For an endless, frightful moment, Beau’s lips stayed locked, and then, slowly, they parted, and his hot mouth welcomed Kale’s worming tongue. Soon their kiss became passionate, and they rolled on the bed, while Beau’s clothes, one by one, fell on the ground.

Like years before, Kale, lying on his back, held tight the blond muscular man, locking his legs behind his back, and felt the tip of his burning cock pushing over his sphincter. But this time there was no fear, there were no doubts, only a desperate need to feel his lover into him again.

When Beau eased his cock into him, Kale felt like he was at home again. His ass belonged to that hot, muscular, wonderful man, and could never be any other way. Beau started pumping in and out, with growing passion, enjoying again the pleasure that only Kale could give him: he had a peculiar way of totally surrendering to him, of donating himself without holding back, that Beau had never found in any other man.

The hard cock ploughed the tender ass with fierce thrusts, making Kale moan with unbridled pleasure: “Ahh… Yes… My ass is yours… I belong to you, body and soul…”

Kale was lost in the overwhelming joy of his renewed love for Beau; the jolts of pleasure radiating from the fiery depths of his body made his head spinning… and he made a misstep: “I can feel you inside me… I can feel your love… Tell me that you love me, Beau!”


~ Old phantoms ~

The blond man froze and recoiled. The spell had broken. His cock was still buried into Kale’s hot hole, but his hips were still. “I… I…” – he stubbled, looking around the room, and they were not any more in Pigalle, they were in a small depressing room in the servant’s quarters of Applecross House. “I can’t… This house… I can’t!” – Beau uttered in a chocked voice, while his now limp cock flopped out his lover’s ass.

Kale looked up at him in horror, realizing he was about to lose him forever. A deep silence fell in the room, and they glanced at each other, not knowing what to do, until they heard a whine coming from a dark corner of the room: “Sir… You love him, Sir… You two were so beautiful making love!”

Brennan, who had hidden in the pitch-dark room since the beginning, stepped into the light, and the two men watched with surprise and pain his face streaked with tears. “You are lovers!” – the boy whined – “I don’t understand, Sir…”

“Yes, we are lovers! And lovers make love!” – Kale said with sudden determination. He flashed to Beau a resolute glance and swiftly got off the bed: “Nothing can take two lovers apart, not even this house! It’s about time this house bows to his new master!”

“Come with me!” – he ordered, taking Beau by hand and dragging him off the bed. When he headed to the door, Beau faltered, looking at their naked bodies: “Someone could spot us and think… Oh, no! We can’t go out like this!”

“Yes, we can. This is not Barrows’ or Wilkins’ house, nor your father’s, not anymore! This is your house!”. He opened the door and went out to the desert corridor, followed by an excited Brennan. Kale dragged Beau downstairs, to the second floor, and kept pulling him until they were in front of the main bedroom. Beau gasped, terrified: “No… I can’t… Please Kale…”.

But Kale was adamant: he dragged Beau inside and pulled away the heavy blankets from the austere wooden bed, the very bed where Sir Finley used to sleep, and pushed Beau down to the mattress.

Beau was aghast, lying naked in his father’s bed, and looked up at Kale, towering over him. “We are lovers!” – Kale repeated with pride, looking defiantly around at the almost bare walls – “You hear? We are lovers!” – and then his tone softened, looking down at the blond man: “And lovers make love…”

The Hawaiian bent over Beau and kissed him on his lips, caressed his chest and moved his hands down to his legs, raising them high and placing them on his shoulders. His hard cock pressed against Beau’s anus, clenched for the tension, and Kale said, with a fiery passion sparkling in his eyes: “Love me, Beau. All we need is our love. Nothing else counts”.

He felt Beau’s ass relax and open up, inviting him in, and he gently pushed his hard meat into the quivering hole. “Aahh…” – Beau sighed, while a tear escaped from his closed eyes – “Make love to me, man… I want you so much!”

Kale started easing his dick in and out Beau’s hole, gently, lovingly, with a tenderness that made Beau’s heart melt. “Open your eyes, Beau” – Kale whispered while pumping into him at a steady rhythm – “This is your room, your bed, your house. Tell him, Brennan!” – he said in a louder voice, turning to the boy, who was looking at them with rapt eyes and an ecstatic smile – “Whose house is this?”

“This is Sir Beauregard’s house, he’s the only master…” – the boy replied, and then breathed: “The most beautiful and powerful master in the world!”. Beau looked at Brennan, and then at Kale, feeling overwhelmed by the waves of love the boy and the man were pouring over him.

The tanned counselor pushed his cock deeper and deeper into his lover’s ass, trying to make it last as long as he could, until he felt the time had come. “Brennan, join us and give your master the pleasure he deserves” – Kale said to the boy, and he promptly stripped naked, knelt on the bed and reached with his trembling hand Beau’s hard cock.

“We have many things to throw behind our back” – Kale said, looking tenderly at Beau, who replied: “I’m ready… With you by my side I can do anything, because I love you man, I love you so much, I… aahh… AAAAGHH!!”

Like a chain reaction, Beau’s body-shaking orgasm threw Kale over the edge: “I’m cumming… Ooohhh!!” – he screamed, soon followed by Brennan: “Oh sirs… I can’t hold it… Aaahhh!!”. Three throbbing cocks spurted endless ropes of hot semen, drenching the bed sheets and Beau’s writhing body. The magic of their love and the intensity of their orgasms dispelled forever the phantoms lurking in the austere room. At long last, Applecross House had finally welcomed his new master.

Exhilarated, the three of them fell on the bed, laughing, in a heap of tangled arms, legs, caressing hands and kissing lips. Brennan had never been so happy in his life and  kept looking at the two lovers with adoring eyes. Beau gazed into Kale’s eyes and said: “You’re something else, man. How could I ever think to let you down… I love you like crazy! I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done tonight… And you too, young man!” – he exclaimed, looking at Brennan. They held each other in a tight group hug and then, exhausted, fell asleep.


~ A surprising butler ~

It was late morning when Beau and Kale stirred lazily in the bed. They looked around and Brennan was nowhere to be found. “He probably didn’t want his aunt to find out where he’d spent the night…” – Beau said – “…and we, too, should go back to our rooms…”

Kale shot to Beau a glance full of loving reproach for his persistent worry to hide his true nature to the service personnel, and was about to reply, when they were interrupted by a polite knock on the door. Without waiting for an answer, Wilkins came in, bringing a large tray literally overflowing with delicious food and hot drinks.

With his usual poise, he pretended not to notice the two naked men barely covered by the crumpled bed sheets. “Good morning, sirs” – he saluted, with his signature stifled half-smile – “I supposed you could have found more pleasurable to have breakfast in bed, this morning. When you’re done, I personally asked a maid to be ready to tidy up the room. Barrows is already too busy, you know. I thought it wasn’t necessary to inform her about the… unexpected use of this room, Sir”.

Beau was surprised by the easy way Wilkins had reacted seeing his master in bed with another man, and in that moment he understood the truth! “Andrew… you’ve always known, haven’t you?” – the blond master said, shyly, calling the butler by name like he did when he was a kid. The poised man, for once, looked straight into Beau’s eyes and his mouth distended into an affectionate, knowing smile. “I believe you remember very well the handyman who once lived here...” – the man said, and suddenly his smile blended into a sad frown – “It was hard seeing him go away, when your father dismissed him on the spot. We were… friends, you know, young sir…”.

Beau was shocked to discover that Wilkins knew about his youthful attraction to that hairy, muscular handyman, and that Wilkins himself had an affair with him, but no trace of his intimate turmoil appeared on his face. With a calm voice, the blond master simply said: “Thank you, Wilkins”, helping himself a cup of coffee, but it was clear to anyone he was not referring to the breakfast.

The butler nodded respectfully and went away. When the door closed behind him, Kale said: “Wow. Talk about boring country houses where nothing ever happens…”. They both burst into laughter and wolfed down the delicious breakfast.


~ Barrows, the dreaded housekeeper ~

The day went by quickly, with Beau, Kale and Brennan exchanging furtive glances and urchin grins, trying not to be spotted by the austere housekeeper. After dinner, Beau and Kale retired upstairs for the night and sat leisurely in Beau’s room. “That Barrows keeps everyone under her thumb, here” – the Hawaiian commented, giving a cheeky glance at his buddy – “Everyone is scared by her…”.

“I’m not scared by her!” – Beau claimed. But he was soon disproved by his worried look when they heard a heavy knock on the door and an unmistakable voice announcing: “It’s Barrows, Sir. May I come in?”.

“I’m out!” – Kale breathed, faking a terrified expression, and fled to his room through the connecting door. Beau stood up, took a deep breath and said: “Entrez!

Barrows stormed into the room, pulling a frightened Brennan by his arm. “Sir” – she said with a severe tone – “I usually deal myself with such problems, but since you’re here, I suppose it should be appropriate you decide yourself the punishment for this kid!”

“What has he done?” – the master asked with a worried expression. The lady took a magazine from his ample pocket and handed it to Beau: “Look at what he was hiding under his bed!”

Just glancing at the cover, depicting a gorgeous man stripped to his underwear, was enough for Beau to guess what kind of magazine it was. “And it’s not the first one I’ve found in his room!” – Barrows continued – “I don’t want my nephew to become a gille-tòine!”

“Barrows!” – the master said testily – “This is not a word an accomplished woman like you should ever use! I don’t want to hear it ever more!”.

He turned to the boy, showing the magazine: “Is this yours?”. Brennan nodded, shyly. “Barrows, I’d like to talk to Brennan alone” – he said to the housekeeper, and she nodded and went away.

“Now, about this magazine…” – the blond master said, browsing pages – “the only thing I can say is that… you have good taste, boy. Damn, look at this stud!”.  Brennan suddenly beamed with relief: “Aren’t you angry, Sir? Won’t you punish me?”

“No, Brennan. I told you, there’s nothing wrong in feeling attracted by other men”.  The boy threw himself into Beau’s arms and held on tight to his muscular torso with an intensity that made Beau’s heart melt. “Thank you, Sir… Thank you… I really needed to hear that…”

Beau hugged the boy with great affection, and was surprised to feel him shivering and then quietly sobbing. “What’s wrong, kid? I’m not going to punish you, I told you…”.  But instead of calming down, Brennan burst in a desperate cry, his face deeply nested into Beau’s chest.

“Hey, hey, kid” – the man said, caressing the rebel black hair – “What troubles you so deeply? Why are you crying?”

“Because I feel so safe with you, Sir! You understand me like no other! You’re the only one I can be… myself with! And in a couple days you will leave, and I’ll be alone again, here, with my aunt and Logan and his patrons…”

“Brennan, you just have to keep in mind that they are wrong, not you” – the man said with loving voice, but feeling a pang in his heart, because he knew how hard would be the boy’s life, in that little narrow-minded community. “Soon you’ll be a man, and your aunt, Logan and the others will have to accept you as you are”. 

The boy recoiled, sniffing, and wiped his eyes, making a visible effort to build up his courage. “Sir… could you… ” – he stuttered, nervously, and lowered his eyes, unable to complete his sentence. But then he took a deep breath, looked straight into Beau’s eyes and said: “Help me become a man, Sir. Please, make love to me. Tonight, before you go away.”


~ Brennan discovers sex ~

Beau felt his heartbeat pace up, as he didn’t expect such an explicit request, and he felt the responsibility to be the one to take the boy’s virginity. “Are you sure?” – Beau asked. “More than sure, Sir” – the boy replied without hesitation.

The man stood still for a moment, pensive, and then, without a word, pulled the boy in his strong arms, pressed his body against his and gave him a long, tender kiss, enjoying the inexpert, but passionate response of the boy.

When their lips parted, Brennan’s face was on fire and his eyes flashed with expectation. Beau grabbed Brennan’s T-shirt and started pulling it away. The boy started unbuckling his own pants with trembling hands, but Beau stopped him: “Let me. Leave everything to me”.

With loving care, the man slowly undressed the boy, and then removed his own clothes. They stood naked, in front of each other, quivering with anticipation. The blond man turned around the boy and hugged him from behind, one arm across his chest and the other roaming free on the boy’s torso, his chest pressed against his back and his loins against his ass.

The man caressed, kissed and titillated the young, writhing body, making the boy softly moan with pleasure. Brennan felt his body come to life under Beau’s expert caresses. His cock was rock hard, and when he felt his master’s growing manhood pressing against his ass, he was about to give in and lose his load. “Don’t cum yet” – Beau whispered in the boy’s ear, hearing the boy’s ragged sighs – “You will cum, granted… I’ll make you cum like never before. But not now”.

Beau recoiled and they climbed on the bed. Brennan lay on his back, looking at Beau, towering over him, with uncertainty. “Leave everything to me” – the man repeated, kissing and caressing every sensitive spot of the young body – “Trust me. Offer yourself to me, and I will give myself to you”.

Beau leaned to the jar of lubricant placed on his nightstand and dipped his fingers into the slimy fluid, while Brennan raised tentatively his legs and held them bent over using his hands, offering his vulnerable, virgin ass to the beautiful man. He circled and massaged the quivering ass with his greasy hand, and then inserted one finger into the boy’s tight hole.

Brennan let out a chocked whine, feeling the finger caress his insides, all around the inner canal and crawling deeper and deeper into him. He had fingered himself, once in a while, but feeling another man sweetly violating his intimacy was a completely different thing. Holding his breath, he enjoyed the pleasurable massage, and then the fingers became two, doubling the exquisite feeling radiating from his ass. When the virgin sphincter relaxed enough, Beau carefully added a third finger, gently loosening and greasing the young inexperienced ass.

He then withdrew his hand, dipped again his fingers into the lubricant and greased thoroughly his entire cock, from the tip to the base. The boy held his breath as the man eased his powerful hips forward, until he felt his hot meat pressing against his inviolate hole.

“Will it hurt, sir?” – he asked, anxious. “At first, yes, it hurts a bit; but if you trust me and really want me inside you, it will last just for a moment”.  “I trust you, sir” – the boy replied, and Beau felt his sphincter relax and open up for him.

He pressed harder, slowly forcing his way inside the tight passage, and the boy responded with a growing effort to cope with the stinging pain. “I know it hurts, kid…” – Beau said with an almost hypnotic tone – “…but don’t fight the pain: accept it, let it sweep through your body”.

Heaving, the boy tried to do what his master said, and his ass relaxed a bit more. The wide cock head went farther another inch and suddenly passed the tight ring. “Aaaahh!! It hurts, sir!! It hurts!” – suddenly Brennan yelled, instinctively trying to push Beau away. The man stood still, smiled tenderly, gazed deep into the boy’s eyes and said: “Shh… Take a deep breath, the worst is over. You did well. Can you feel my cock into your ass?”

Brennan silently nodded and his eyes widened, while his brain was trying hard to cope with the unknown, thrilling sensation. He saw Beau leaning forward and felt his lips pressed against his, and then his tongue intruding in his mouth, in a passionate, fierce kiss. He felt his head spinning, the pain slowly faded and suddenly he was floating in a sea of pleasurable excitement.

After few moments, Beau raised his head, smiled to the boy and whispered: “Brennan, I’m inside you, all the way. You’re a man, now. How do you feel?”

“I feel in heaven, sir…” – the boy breathed, looking at Beau with adoring eyes – “…and you are like a beautiful, powerful  god. I… I love you, sir!”

“I love you, too, young man…” – Beau replied, starting pumping with tender thrusts into the boy’s ass – “…and now I’m going to show you how much”.

The hefty, hard cock went on caressing and titillating the tender ass for a long time, making the boy squirm and squeal with delight. The tight muscle rings intensely massaged Beau’s enflamed cock, but he stoically held back his orgasm, wanting to make their sweet love last.

The boy surrendered to the unbelievable sensation of the hot, long cock sliding back and forth into his ass, pushing deeper at each thrust, reaching places inside him never touched before and stimulating him in ways that he’d never imagined.

When the man paced up his thrusts and started pounding harder on the young ass, Brennan pleaded: “Oh, sir… I need to cum so bad… I can’t hold it any more… May I cum now, sir? Please, sir, I really need it…”

“Then go for it, kid! Let your passion rage! Aaahh... Yes… I’m going to cum in your ass, kid… Oui! Ah, oui!! AAAGGHH!”.  Brennan felt the hefty cock pulsing and throbbing inside him, while the hot man juice of his beautiful master slowly flooded his ass and he totally lost control of himself. “Ohh, sir!! I’m… aaahh…. AAAHH!! AAAGHH!!”. His young body shook violently, while his engorged cock, untouched, shot streak after powerful streak of white cream all over his chest.

Still cumming inside the tender ass, Beau recoiled a bit and reached to Brennan’s throbbing cock and started wanking it in earnest, prolonging and heightening his orgasm and making the boy buck and scream even more: “OOOHHH! Sir, this is… Oh god… AAAHH!!”

After a few endless seconds, the orgasms subsided and both the man and the boy stood still, panting and looking at each other’s body covered with sweat and sperm. Brennan was emotionally shaken and he looked at his handsome master with wet eyes, while a trembling smile appeared on his face. He threw his arms around Beau’s neck and held on tight to him, blubbering with small voice: “I’ve never… never… Oh sir!”


~ A tight bond is forged ~

“Now you know…” – Beau eventually said – “You’ve experienced the pleasure, the intimacy, the intensity of man-on-man love. Outside, you still look the same, but I know that deep inside you’re a different person, now. I know, because it was the same for me. A man never forgets his first time…”

Brennan raised one hand and placed it on Beau’s muscular chest, as if to check he was real, while the ecstatic glare in his eyes suddenly veiled with a hint of sadness. “I won’t ever forget it, sir! You’ve changed my life, and even though I’ll never see you again, I will remember you forever, sir!”

Beau looked at the boy with surprise: “Why you say we won’t see ever again? I will come back here often…”

“But I won’t be here waiting for you, sir…” – the boy said, lowering his eyes – “I can’t stay here, I must find a place where I can be myself. At Ullapool there’s a cousin of mine who is… like me; he works at the docks and can help me find a job there…”

The idea of losing Brennan forever suddenly forced Beau to focus on something that had been lurking deep into his heart since he first met the boy. In a flash, Beau’s mind was filled with memories of the boy’s fear to be a gille-tòine, his troubles with Logan and the patrons of the Inn, his innocent and touching spontaneous orgasm when he first helped Beau undress, his cry ’You are lovers!’ that helped Beau and Kale reignite the sparkle of love, his heart-breaking expression of guilt when Barrows showed that porn magazine…

Then the image of Brennan, at dawn, wasting his young life unloading goods under a light rain on the docks of the small port of Ullapool, broke his heart. «I can’t let this happen…» – Beau thought, with his eyes brimming with tears – «This brave, lovely kid deserves much more than this!»

Beau gulped dry and took Brennan’s hands, locking eyes with him. “I’m going to ask you a very serious question” – Beau said with restrained passion – “and I need you to think hard before giving me an answer…”

“Brennan, do you want to be my boy?”

Brennan’s eyes widened, he stifled a gasp and then asked with chocked voice: “Your… boy, sir? What does it mean?”   “It means” – Beau replied – “that you would come with me to California and live with me. In my house, in my room… and in my bed. I will love you, nurture you, teach you to live your life. I will be your friend, your master, your father and your lover. And you will love me, respect and obey me. You will trust me and never lie to me. I will provide you with… Why are you crying, Brennan?”

“Because spending my life with you is a dream I didn’t even dare to dream, sir…”

“Well, I take it as a ‘yes’…” – Beau said with a wide smile, held his boy into his strong arms and gave him a ravenous, tongue-searching and breathtaking kiss. When their lips finally parted, Brennan shot him a hopeful glance and asked: “Sir… Will you… make love to me again, when we are in California?”

“Yes, my boy” – Beau replied with a playful smile – “I’ll make love to you so often and so hard that you’ll beg me to stop!”  And they rolled again on the bed, laughing, basking in the joy of their newly forged bond, until they fell asleep into each other’s arms.


~ A little family ~

The next morning, Brennan opened up his eyes and looked at Beau, who was already awake. “Am I still your boy, sir?” – he asked with sparkling eyes – “It wasn’t just a beautiful dream, was it?”

“You’re still my boy, and will always be” – Beau replied, lovingly straightening Brennan’s hairs, who suddenly frowned: “But… what about Mr. Kale? You are lovers, you can’t love me, too! Does it mean that…” – he hesitated.

“It’s a different kind of love, Brennan. A man’s heart is so big! I can love you as my boy, and Kale as my lover; and you too, when you feel to, will have a lover, without stopping being my boy. Of course, Kale is part of my life, and therefore he’s part of your life, too, now. Speaking of which, I still have to talk about you with him, everything happened so quickly!”

Brennan jumped off the bed, anxious, and started pulling the man to make him get up. “Sir, you have to tell him now! It’s not too late… If he doesn’t want me I… I will stop being your boy, sir!”

Beau smiled: “This will never happen, kid. But since you’re so anxious, I guess that… OK, OK, I’m coming!!” – he laughed, surrendering to the boy’s eager insistence. They joyfully rushed to the connecting door and opened it, and the sudden intrusion made Kale wake up. He opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the naked man, hand in hand with the naked boy. “I’m awake, but I’m still dreaming…” – he murmured – “You two could make a dead man rise from his grave! And… that glow in your eyes… Congratulations! You did it, at last, Beau! I knew you wouldn’t leave here this boy… or better, your boy, I should say!”

“You knew it?!” – Beau asked, surprised – “And… are you fine with that?”.  Brennan stepped forward and hastened to say: “Sir, I don’t want to come between you and Sir Rice-Duncan! I… I won’t be his boy, if you don’t want!”

Kale get off the bed, still naked, and rushed to hug the boy: “I couldn’t be happier! You’re such a lovely young man, and the best boy a man can have. Beau is lucky, and I am, too, as you will live with us. We’ll be… a little family… sort of!”

He kissed Brennan on his lips and then held them both in a tight group hug. He looked deep into Beau’s eyes and whispered: “I didn’t think possible I could love you more, but you proved me wrong”, and gave him a long, passionate kiss, under Brennan’s dreamy eyes.

When their lips parted, Kale stepped back and said to the boy: “But let’s set something straight. You’re not my boy, we’re just… good friends. You will address Beau, me and the other adult men living with us as ‘sir’, but when you mention us, you can use our first names: no more ‘Mr. Kale’ or ‘Sir Rice-Duncan’. In a couple of days, we’ll be in California, and will leave Applecross House and all its formalities behind our back. It’s a new life for all of us. You’re in, Brennan?”.

“You bet, sir! But… now that I’m Beau’s boy, will you still… ehm… play with me like you did the first night?”

“Ah!” – Beau exclaimed, in a joking tone – “I didn’t know you two had already… known each other!”

“It’s your fault!” – Kale replied, laughing – “You can’t send such a handsome stud, naked, in my room, expecting us to talk about the weather! And to answer to your question” – he said, turning to Brennan – “with your master’s permission, we will do that and much more!”

Brennan blushed, realizing that his cock had grown stiff as a pole, just thinking of what Kale would do to him back home. “What’s that?!” – Beau exclaimed, pretending to be angry – “Sorry, Kale, I have to teach this kid one thing or two…”  Smiling, he grabbed Brennan by his arm and dragged him back to his bedroom, closing the door behind them.


~ The Master is in the House ~

When alone, Beau took bodily the excited boy and threw him on the bed. “That unruly cock of yours has got you in troubles, kid!” – he said in a fake threatening tone, and they rolled joyfully on the bed and made love again.

After a long while, they lay on the rumpled bed sheets, exhausted and drenched in sweat, laughing and looking into each other’s loving eyes. They were interrupted by a stern knock on the door and an even sterner voice announcing: “It’s Barrows, Sir! May I come in?”

Brennan looked at Beau in panic and whispered: “Oh, sir! She’ll be furious with me!” He moved to rush out of the bed, but Beau held him: “No, Brennan. Stay. Just cover your lower body with the bed sheets. Don’t say anything, let me do the talking. And most of all, take that guilty expression off your face: you… we are proud of ourselves!”

Entrez!” – Beau said in a louder voice, and the door opened. “Oh!! Sir!! You…” – the housekeeper exclaimed, shocked to see his master barely covered by the sheets. She then noticed his nephew and her eyes widened: “Brennan!! What are you doing?! What have you done?! You dirty gille…

“Barrows!!” – Beau yelled, now angry – “I said I don’t want to hear you, or anyone else, use that vulgar word!”.  Without thinking twice, Beau jumped off the bed, naked as he was, and got closer to the woman, who modestly covered her eyes saying: “Sir… you are… indecent!”

“Oh, come on, Barrows! You know me since I was a kid, you’ve seen me naked a million times! And as for Brennan, he hasn’t done anything that I myself haven’t done. Yes, I love men, and Brennan, too: try to come to terms with it. My guest Kale and I are lovers, and Brennan is now my boy, and you shouldn’t go around pointing that finger of blame…” – he said, standing in his full height – “…because that finger is pointing at me!

Barrows was shocked and upset, as no one in the House ever talked to her with such a harsh tone. “If your father was here…” – he started to say with repressed anger, but she couldn’t end the sentence. “My father is dead!” – Beau yelled – “Now I am the master of Applecross House, and my rules apply!”

Brennan assumed a dignified pose: “So that’s it, Sir…” – she replied with a formal tone – “Apparently I’m not welcome any more in this House…”

Beau went for a moment to the bathroom and came back wearing a bathrobe. His eyes and his tone softened: “Barrows… Mathilde…” – he said, calling the housekeeper by name – “This house needs you and your precious services. I do hope you will stay. As for this…” – he continued, pointing at the rumpled bed, with Brennan almost hidden under the sheets – “…this is just love. Love, Mathilde! I’m not sure you can understand what I feel, but I’m sure in your life you have loved: you know what I’m talking about”.

“Brennan deserves the best life he can have” – Beau said, seriously – “You gave him shelter and protection when he was an orphaned child, but now this boy is straining to become a man, and it’s my turn to take care of him. With your permission, Mathilde, I will take him with me, when I go back to California”.

The housekeeper looked at his nephew, hiding under the bed sheets, and his eyes softened: “Come here, Brennan” – she said, and then added with an affectionate smile: “Oh, don’t be shy, I’ve seen you naked a million times!”

The boy got off the bed and got closer to his aunt. “You’re a good boy and I love you, you know that? I can’t say I understand what you feel and why you… do what you do, but this doesn’t make me love you any less. And now, as I understand, I’m going to lose you, since you will move to America with Sir Rice-Duncan. I will miss you so much!”

Beau smiled, seeing aunt and nephew holding each other in a tight hug… probably the  first they had exchanged in years.

Two days later, the “little family” was flying over the Ocean, with destination California. Brennan, sitting excited between Beau and Kale, flooded them both with many questions about his new house and the men who lived there. Beau beamed with happiness, and Kale, too, smiled with affection to the boy, though his practice as a counselor mad him worry a bit.

After the troubled arrival of Rowan, the delicate balance of the Cove was about to be rocked once more, and in ways that neither Kale, with his sensible antennae, could even imagine…

Footnotes and references:

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(End of chapter 29 – Please proceed to Chapter 30) 

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024