Midsummer run

by Leather pants slut

2 Apr 2024 364 readers Score 9.5 (7 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Last day on Mandø

It is half past five in the morning when Haukon wakes Ivar.

“Wah.. Er.. What time is it Haukon? What is going on?"

“Last night you said you had enough of dominating boys and that you wanted to be submissive for the rest of the Festival.”

"Yes? And?"

“I agree to your participation today as a submissive. I will undoubtedly get Ulf on my case, because there are too few dominant boys. But that's my problem. If you want to participate as a submissive today, you must do some chores, just like the other submissive boys. This morning you’ll have to prepare breakfast together with Lars. Then you must serve the Dominant boys during breakfast.”

“Does that have to be, so Wodans forgotten early?”

“Do you want to be submissive or not?” Haukon's voice sounds impatient and stern.

“Yes Haukon, I want to be submissive.” Ivar lowers his gaze submissively.

Haukon kisses Ivar on the forehead. “It's good that you want to experience your submissive side. You will see that even chores become exciting when you are led by a strict Dominant boy. This morning Ries will supervise you, and you can bet he will be strict with you.”

Ivar gets butterflies in his stomach. Ries, Lars' Dominant, is a handsome, sexy boy. He is a few years older than the other boys and exudes authority. The prospect of being dominated by Ries makes Ivar horny. A drop of precum appears on top of his already hard morning wood.

“Ah, I see you're looking forward to doing the chores. Freshen up, then put on the jockstrap and t-shirt I laid out for you. Then report to Ries in the kitchen.”

“Yes, Haukon, thank you.”

“Have fun with Lars and Ries. I'm going to roll over and go back to sleep.”

* * * *

“So, you're finally here?” Ries looks at his watch with an impatient expression. Lars is already on his knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. His sexy ass is in the air; naked, because he is also wearing a jockstrap.

“Yes Ries, I had to report here from Haukon.”

Ivar has to swallow hard as he takes in the sexy Dominant: a tall, slim boy. He is a head taller than Ivar. Blond hair in an impeccable slightly conservative hairstyle. Indigo blue eyes that look at him intensely and sternly. A stern mouth with sensual red lips. He is dressed entirely in black leather. His tight leather pants enclose his strong thighs and calves as if they were a second skin. An imposing bulge is visible in the crotch. He has a riding crop in his hand. Ivar moistens his lips with his tongue.

“Today you will address me as 'Master.'”

"Yes Master”

Ries points to his boots with the riding crop. "Kneel down."

Ivar kneels at the feet of Ries, his Master for today. He kisses the boots and raises his ass high in the air.

“Very good Ivar! You know how to present your ass to your Master.”

*chk* *chk* *chk*

Playful taps of the riding crop descend on the buttocks of the kneeling boy. Ivar moans softly in pleasure.

While the sensual taps of the riding crop continue to descend on Ivar's buttocks, Ries speaks encouragingly to Ivar: “You did an excellent job yesterday as a Dominant, but I heard from Haukon that you preferred to be submissive today.”

"Yes Master”

“Although you certainly deserve your Dominant's attention, unfortunately, Haukon has other obligations as a Dominant during the Festival. Because I am affiliated with the Temple of Wodan, Ulf has no control over me, and I am free to Dominate you. Lars here has indicated that he needed my Dominance as well. It is a small effort for me, but also a great pleasure to take you under my wing.”

“Thank you, Master.”


A hard slap descends on Ivar's buttocks. A pleasant heat spreads through his ass.

“Grab a brush and soap and scrub the floor like Lars.”

"Yes Master”

Ivar gets on his knees next to Lars to scrub the floor, the submissive twink gives Ivar a mischievous wink in greeting. Ries, towering over the boys, keeps a close eye on their work. Now and then he makes a comment and points to a carelessly scrubbed piece of kitchen floor. He also slaps the boys' buttocks. Ivar's ass in particular has to bear the brunt.

Ivar is on cloud nine. He thinks that Haukon is right. Under the authority of a strict, sexy Dominant boy like Ries, even chores become a sexually arousing exercise. He slowly comes into a horny submissive daze.

That high is cruelly interrupted when Ulf marches into the kitchen.

“What does this have to mean? Those two need to fuck submissive boys today!”

Ries adopts a tough stance and looks challengingly into Ulf's eyes.

“These two boys ARE submissive. They went above and beyond the call of duty yesterday by dominating and fucking boys. Now it's their turn for some Domination.”

“I don’t care. There are far too few Dominant boys. Stop this nonsense! Let them get dressed and take on their duty as a Dominant.”

“That's your problem Ulf. You just deal with it, just fuck some more submissive boys yourself. These boys are under my care and remain so today.”

Ulf looks unhappy, “Ivar is an excellent Dominant”, he pleads.

“Speaking about Ivar: what do you want from that boy? First, he is classified as submissive against his will and now that he is slowly coming to terms with his submissive desires, he suddenly has to be dominant?”

“It's just for one day.”

“That just confuses him. The boy clearly has submissive desires, and I will do everything within my power to satisfy his desires today.”

“All right then.” Although Ulf does not completely agree, he walks away grumbling.

After Ulf is out of sight and hearing, Ivar dares to say something unprompted:

“Thank you, Master, for standing up for me against Ulf.”


“I didn't permit you to speak, but you're welcome, boy. You submissive boys also have the right to enjoy the Festival.”

* * * *

After scrubbing the kitchen spotless, Lars and Ivar prepare breakfast for the Dominant boys. They start by preparing an assortment of fresh pastries, including soft croissants and crispy rolls. These are accompanied by a selection of artisan jams, honey and butter. Ries acts as a participating foreman and gives the boys instructions, while he takes care of the baking bread himself.

While the smells of freshly baked rolls spread through the kitchen, Lars and Ivar, on Ries' instructions, continue preparing a variety of hot dishes. They fry scrambled eggs with herbs and grated cheese and prepare a pan of tasty bacon and sausages that are deliciously crispy. To make breakfast extra special, they have also created a fruit salad with a mix of freshly cut fruits, such as juicy strawberries, fresh apples and sweet grapes.

With breakfast prepared and beautifully presented on trays, Lars and Ivar are ready to serve the Dominant boys. They walk quietly and respectfully to the dining room, where they carefully place the dishes on the table, making sure everything looks perfect.

The two submissive boys kneel in the dining room in a submissive position. Ries is satisfied with the results of their efforts. “Well done guys, that looks great!”. He leaves the dining room to inform Ulf that breakfast has been served for the Dominant boys.

The group of Dominant boys enter the dining room with a confident step. They exude an aura of confidence, their posture casual and their voices loud as they talk and laugh with each other. Some joke and tease each other, while others simply enjoy each other's company. They take their seats at a large table in the center of the dining room, with an air of authority as if they were the kings of the room. Chairs slide loudly across the floor as they sit down, their presence unmistakable.

Lars and Ivar are still kneeling in a corner of the dining room, their eyes on the floor. Ries now also sits at the table, next to Haukon and Ulf. He raises his hand and snaps his fingers “Boys! Ask the gentlemen here what they want to eat and drink!”.

"Yes Master!” Lars and Ivar shout as they stand up and each walk to a different side of the table to serve the Dominant boys.

“You trained those sluts well, Ries,” says one of the stalwart Dominant boys at the table. He has an imposing stature and confident demeanor. He sits upright, his broad shoulders tense under a tight shirt above his equally tight leather pants. His dark hair is shaved short on the sides, with a slightly messy top that emphasizes his rugged appearance. “From what I saw, I don't think the bigger of the two was that submissive at all yesterday. He’s quite a hottie by the way!”

“That's Ivar, my submissive,” says Haukon with undisguised pride in his voice, “although all submissive boys without a chastity cage have to stand in as a Dominant, today he is in a submissive role at his request.”

“The boys work hard, but if the two of them have to serve this entire group, I will never get around to giving Ivar some extra attention.” The broad-shouldered boy looks eagerly at Ivar.

Ulf gets up from the table and leaves the dining room for a moment, returning shortly afterwards, followed by a procession of submissive boys. Ulf sits down again while the submissive boys help serve the table.

“A good idea Ulf. Now I think Ivar can spend some extra time with me, do you mind, Haukon, if I give your submissive boy some extra attention?”

“I'll ask Ivar whether he would like that, I think so, he's quite a slut.” Haukon gets up from his spot and walks to a corner of the dining room. He snaps his fingers and looks at Ivar who is serving a drink to one of the Dominant boys further away. Ivar gives a nod in Haukon's direction and walks towards him.

“Ivar, do you see that boy with the dark hair and a tight T-shirt, there with Ries and Ulf?”

“Yes, he looks nice, cool and dominant.”

“That's Tjeerd. He wants to give you some 'extra' attention. I want you to give him all your attention during breakfast.”

“Do you also mean sex and stuff?”

“If you want that, you can. But let Tjeerd decide. He is Dominant for a reason.”

“Yes Haukon.”

Haukon walks back to his place, followed by Ivar.

“Thank you Haukon,” Ivar says softly.

“Have fun, my slut,” Haukon whispers with a smile on his face.

Haukon is back in his place and Ivar is now standing next to Tjeerd.

“Can I be of service to you, Sir?”

“You’re very submissive this morning,” says Tjeerd while he feels Ivar's ass. The submissive boy only wears a jockstrap and a t-shirt. “Yesterday you weren't so submissive at all.”

“No, Sir, that is correct. But I find it much hotter to serve handsome Dominant boys like you.”


Tjeerd gives Ivar a good slap on Ivar's bare buttocks. “Ha, I'll make use of your services, you horny slut. First, get me fried eggs and a big cup of coffee.”

“Yes Sir” Ivar serves the food and drinks for Tjeerd. He must make an effort not to spill because Tjeerd is massaging his asshole with a wet finger. He moans softly. When he's done serving, he pushes his ass towards the finger that is pampering his boy pussy.

“You are such a nice, horny boy!” Tjeerd plays some more with Ivar's ass.

On the other side of the table, Lars also serves food and drinks to Dominant boys. He is currently serving the boy who also had a claim on his ass. The boy with the rat face: Marcel Grijpstra. The unpleasantly smelling Dominant boy grabs Lars and abruptly pulls the boy towards him. He roughly kneads the startled boy's buttocks.

"Sir? I do not want that." Lars sounds anxious.

“You have nothing to want, submissive slut!” Marcel's voice sounds unpleasantly shrill.

"Sir!" Lars raises his voice.

Ivar looks up at Lars in alarm. “Excuse me Sir, I have to intervene.” Ivar walks to Lars.

Tjeerd looks at Haukon in surprise.

“Ivar is quite protective of Lars,” says Haukon, without further explanation.

Ries is now also monitoring the situation.

“Is there anything I can help you with, Sir?” Ivar asks Marcel when he comes to stand next to him.

“Yes, fuck off! Don't get involved, brat.”

  Ivar pulls Lars away from Marcel and takes his place. “Sir, I don't believe Lars is interested in your advances. You can use my services if you wish.”

“I don't wish that! Get lost!"

In the meantime, Ries walks towards the commotion and takes the shocked Lars in his arms. “Is there a problem Marcel?”

“Yes, this rude bastard is forcing himself on me.”

“It looked to me like you were forcing yourself on Lars.”

Marcel glares at Ries, who remains calm and collected.

“Ivar, please report back to Mr. Tjeerd.”

"Yes Master.”

Ries motions to one of the other submissive boys, who immediately comes running over.

“You are serving this gentleman. If he causes any problem, warn us.”

Ries takes Lars back to his place. There the Dominant boy resumes eating his breakfast unperturbed, while Lars kneels next to him. Now and then Ries massages the neck of his submissive boy, comforting him.”

Meanwhile, Tjeerd has continued eating his breakfast when Ivar kneels next to him.

“I apologise for this interruption Sir.”

“It's okay boy. You stand up for your friends, there's nothing wrong with that. The breakfast is delicious.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Tjeerd now points between his legs. “Kneel there and make yourself useful. Suck my cock while I’m eating my breakfast.”

Ivar kneels under the dining table between Tjeerd's legs and gets the cock and balls of the stalwart Dominant boy out of his tight leather pants.

In the meantime, Tjeerd eats and talks with Haukon and Ries as if nothing special happens. But loud slurping and smacking sounds come from under the table.

“Where is your submissive boy?” Haukon asks.

“I don't have one yet.”

“A hunk like you?”

“Meh, there are a lot of submissive boys, but there are few that I like.”

Tjeerd moans softly for a moment when Ivar works a sensitive spot on his cock with his tongue.

“You seem to like Ivar…”

“Yes, a super-hot kid. Thanks for letting me use him for a moment.”

“Oh, I'm doing Ivar a favour, aren't I, Ivar?”

“Mmmmhhppff” is a somewhat affirmative sound from under the table.

“Don't talk with your mouth full, Ivar, that's rude.”


* * * *

After the Dominant boys have had breakfast, the submissive boys can have their breakfast. They enjoy the same delicacies as the Dominant boys. Unlike the Dominants, they’ll have to serve themselves and then clear and clean everything. This of course under the strict and inspiring leadership of Ries.

Everything is neat, to Ries' satisfaction. He sends away all the submissive boys, except Lars and Ivar. “I have arranged with Bastiaan for a prayer session for Lord Balder. You can come along.” Ries leads the boys to a small temple on the grounds.

The two boys walk quietly behind Ries through the heavy wooden doors of the small temple, their footsteps muffled by the soft carpet that covers the floor. The smell of incense hangs in the air, mixed with the earthy aroma of burning wood in the fireplace. Bastiaan, dressed in full leather, welcomes them with a warm smile from the comfortable sofa at the side of the room.

At the heart of the small temple, illuminated by the soft glow of candles and oil lamps, stands a majestic statue of Lord Balder. Carved from wood, the statue towers over worshipers, a symbol of strength and grace. Lord Balder is depicted as a radiant young man, his figure stately and his face peaceful. His long, wavy hair seems to shine in the dim light, while his eyes radiate a look of wisdom and gentleness. He wears a tunic draped openly over his torso; and his lean, muscular upper body is visible to his worshipers.

In his hands, Lord Balder carries attributes that symbolize his divine power, a sword and a sceptre, yet these are not depicted as weapons, but rather as instruments of protection and justice. His entire demeanour exudes an atmosphere of tranquillity and harmony, an embodiment of the ideal ruler and protector.

The boys feel a mix of excitement and awe as they enter the sacred space, their eyes marvelling at the symbols and images that adorn the walls, each paying tribute to Lord Balder.

As they approach, Ries nods to the boys and gestures to two pillows on the ground, in front of the statue of Lord Balder. The boys kneel in front of the statue with respect and reverence, their posture relaxed but also submissive. Ries himself takes a seat on a bench opposite Bastiaan.

Bastiaan sits up straight and his posture suddenly changes from relaxed to formal.

“Welcome boys, good to see you here. Let us open this session with a prayer to Lord Balder.”

He begins by reciting a prayer to Balder. It sounds like a deep resonance of reverence and devotion, steeped in the ancient language and rituals that strengthen the connection with the deity. It has an almost musical cadence, with a rhythm that enhances the meaning and intention of the words.

"O mighty Balder, radiant son of Wodan and Frigg,

Protector of light and peace,

Guardian of both Dominant and submissive boys.

God of beauty, God of love between boys.

We beg you, listen to our voices.

And let your grace descend upon us as a blessing.


Your radiance illuminates the dark paths of life,

Your wisdom illuminates our minds like a bright star.

In your presence we find harmony, but also passion.

And we honor you with our prayers and service.


May your protective hand guide us through the storms of existence,

May your righteousness light our path in times of confusion.

Let your love and grace surround us like a warm blanket,

And let us be your faithful servants forever and ever.


Hear us, O Balder, lord of light and love,

Accept our prayers and grant us your blessings,

That we may live in harmony and passion for each other,

Under your all-seeing eye, forever and ever."

This prayer is recited by Bastiaan with a solemn seriousness, each sentence imbued with meaning and sincerity, as a call to feel and experience the divine presence in the sacred space of the temple.

Bastiaan resumes a relaxed position. “I understand that you both prefer to be submissive today, despite Ulf's wishes?”

“Yes, Sir, eh Bastiaan…” Ivar doesn't know exactly how to address Bastiaan in this circumstance.

“You may address me here in Lord Balder's house as Friiö.”

“Yes Friiö, dominating boys is fun, but after a long day of being Dominant I longed to be submissive. The same goes for Lars.”

“Why do you want to be submissive now? Previously you had a problem with your classification as submissive by Lord Balder.”

“It's crazy, but it gives me peace of mind. When I’m submissive I don't have to decide anything for a while. I also discovered that I find it very hot to get spanked by a sexy Dominant boy.”

“It will please Lord Balder that you have come to that realisation.”

Ivar blushes.

“Hey, Ivar, there's nothing wrong with your desires.” Bastiaan radiates love and compassion for the uncomfortable boy.

“It's all so solemn here. My vulgar horny thoughts are almost a blasphemy in this sacred space.”

"On the contrary! Your sexual energy is an offering that greatly pleases Lord Balder.”

Bastiaan looks at an iPad. “As Friiö I have access to the network of the temple of Wodan. There are also all recordings of Lord Balder's judgments regarding your classification. Let us listen to what Lord Balder had to say about you.”

If possible, Ivar looks even more uncomfortable now.

“Let's start with Lars.”

Bastiaan presses a button and the baritone with which Friiö Dijkstra channeled Lord Balder sounds through the room:

“I am Balder, Lord of Light and Beauty. Lars, as one of my beloved sons, I will lead you to the Beautiful, Strict, but above all Loving young man who is meant for you. You will find happiness in his lap and at his feet as his submissive.”

Bastiaan presses a button again to stop the sound. “Lars, you have found Ries. Was Lord Balder right?”

“Yes Friiö, Ries is handsome and loving, but he can also be strict. I am very happy with him.”

“Praise Lord Balder! Let's hear what he had to say about Ivar.”

Ivar now has a bright red face. Lars looks at him with curious eyes but also with a shy smile. Fokko Dijkstra's baritone sounds through the room again:

“I am Balder, Lord of Light and Beauty. Ivar, as one of my beloved sons, I will lead you to the love of your life. Ivar, you are one of my more strong and fiery sons. You need a boy with a strong hand. The Stalwart and Strong boy who is meant for you, will guide your fire in the right direction. He will not only set your ass on fire, but your heart as well. He will tame your fire so that you can serve him with joy in your heart as his submissive.”

A broad smile appears on Bastiaan's face. “Isn't this beautiful, Ivar? Haukon is a strong Dominant. Exactly what you need and desire.”

Bastiaan points to his feet “Kneel here at my feet Ivar”.

Ivar obeys and kneels low, close to Bastiaan's boots.

“I need your help Ivar. It is very skilful of Friiö Dijkstra how he channels Lord Balder. I've practiced a lot and I think I've mastered it. But I have yet to try channelling him for anyone else. I'm going to channel Lord Balder and ask him what he thinks of your development.”

“Isn't that a bit frivolous Friiö?” Ivar asks a bit uncertainly.

"Do not worry. I prayed to Lord Balder. It seems he is particularly interested in you.”

Bastiaan takes a hit from a hash pipe and speaks: “Oh Lord Balder, guardian and protector of Dominant and submissive boys, God of Light and Beauty, God of love between boys, behold Your son Ivar. Tell us, O God of Good, Lord of the beautiful youths, about the path that Your son is now walking.”

Bastiaan's eyes roll back and the Friiö begins to breathe heavily. He speaks in a baritone, completely different from his voice:

“I am Balder, Lord of Light and Beauty. Ivar, I'm so happy to be here with you. I am proud of you and full of admiration. You've made a lot of progress. But I still sense a hesitation in you to fully submit to your Dominant, Haukon. You still feel shame about taking on the submissive role. Yet that is where you will find happiness.”

Lord Balder looks sternly down at the boy at his feet.

“Yes, Lord Balder. On the one hand, I enjoy being spanked. On the other hand, I am so afraid of being ridiculed and not taken seriously.”

Lord Balder tenderly strokes Ivar's hair.

“Your desire for spanking is a wonderfully beautiful thing. It is your path to submission and ecstasy. Haukon knows that too. He will give you what you need. He will have to chastise your ass severely.”

“Yes, Lord Balder.” Ivar's voice sounds small and hoarse.

“I will give you a taste of the ecstasy you can expect when you sincerely submit yourself to Haukon's authority.”

Balder taps his lap invitingly.

“Lord Balder?”

“Don't look so surprised, boy. You have had your butt spanked before. Here, get over my knee with that beautiful ass of yours. You do not have to be scared."

Ivar crawls over Lord Balder's lap.

“Of course, Lord Balder, I have been spanked before, but never by a God.”

"There is a first time for everything. Enjoy it, then I will too.”

Balder's voice is permeated with warmth, love, but certainly lust as well. Now lying across the deity's lap, Ivar feels Balder's aura warming every cell in his body. Slowly and sensually, Balder kneads the submissive boy's buttocks through Bastiaan's hands. Ivar feels every touch deep into his body and soul.

Then the spanking begins.


“Oh my God, my Lord Balder!”

“I didn't promise you too much, did I, boy? Your butt is also divine. Now you experience how a Dominant can bring you into extreme ecstasy through your buttocks.”


"YES! Oh Lord Balder”


“Lord Balder! Mercy! I can't take it anymore. This is so intense. So delicious!"


Baler ignores the boy's pleas and continues relentlessly.


Ivar's eyes roll back, and his body starts to shake. He experiences one of the most intense orgasms of his life. He sprays his jockstrap full, the cum even drips over Balder's lap.

The God tenderly caresses the boy who is recovering from his orgasm on his lap.

“This, my beloved Ivar, is the ecstasy that Haukon can also give you. But then you must obey him with all your heart.”

Balder helps Ivar up and kisses the boy.

Goodbye, my beautiful boy. Know that I will always be by your side.”

“Thank you for the divine spanking on my ass, Lord Balder.”

“It was more than a pleasure for me to spank your butt Ivar. It is time to return my faithful servant Bastiaan.”

Confused and dazed, Bastiaan looks at the world, as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

“Um…did it work? Was I able to channel Lord Balder?”

"Yes, and how!" Ries exclaims, still impressed by what happened right before his eyes just a moment ago.

Bastiaan inspects his body and clothing. He notices that his body is in a state of arousal and that there are blobs of cum on his lap, on his leather pants. He looks at Ivar in surprise. “What the hell is this?”

“Uh… uh…” the boy stammers.

Ries helps Ivar out. “Not only have you channelled Lord Balder very successfully. Lord Balder also decided to put Ivar over the knee here for a spanking.”

Ivar's head turns bright red.

“And it looks like Ivar liked it.” Bastiaan looks at the blob of semen on his pants and then at Ivar. “Lick your up own cum.”

Ivar immediately licks his juices from Bastiaan's tight leather pants. He takes the plunge and licks a little higher, over the large bulge in Bastian's crotch.

“While you're at it, you can suck my cock...”

“Ah, now it's allowed?” Ivar opens the fly of Bastiaan's pants and takes out the young priest's thick cock.

“Yes, it is now after the Midsimmer run…”

Ivar doesn't answer and has already thrown himself onto Bastiaan's pleasure rod.

Lars looks alternately at Bastiaan and Ivar and Ries' crotch with hungry eyes. Ries takes his hard cock out of his pants. “Yes, you can have a tasty snack too, little one.” He answers Lars' unspoken question.

For a moment, time seems to stand still, and loud slopping and soft moaning can be heard in the small sanctuary. The groans of the priests become louder. Ivar feels Bastiaan's cock pulsating in his mouth, he tastes all the precum, and the full load won't take long to arrive.

“Aaaah! Yes, take it all you horny slut, swallow everything.”

Ivar enjoys Bastiaan's cock and cum. Finally, he gets to taste what he longed for before the Midsimmer run. Bastiaan, exhausted, throws himself at Ivar after emptying his balls into Ivar's mouth. Ivar continues to suck on the cock in his mouth.

In the meantime, Ries has also treated his submissive boy to a load of his boy cream.

Lars still enjoys the after-sex vibe: exhausted boys' bodies draped over each other. The smell of sex hangs in his nose, boy sweat, musk, semen, the smell of the leather clothes the boys wear. “This is what you call a worship service,” he murmurs.


* * * *

“So, what do I hear? Do I now also have to fear competition from the gods?” Haukon watches his submissive with amusement as Ivar sits down on the floor in the living room, at the feet of his Dominant.

“You just don't say no to Lord Balder.” Ivar sounds taken aback.

Haukon runs his fingers through the wild blond hair of the boy at his feet. “Don't worry boy. I hope you enjoyed it.”

“Can I have your attention?” Ulf is standing in the middle of the living room. Dominant boys sit in comfortable seats in front of him. The submissive boys have taken a seat on the floor at the feet of their Dominant.

The commotion quiets down when Ulf begins to speak. “Congratulations guys! Everyone sitting here. You are all guys who found each other here on Mandø. It's fantastic to see so many beautiful couples here. However, not every boy has been able to find a partner. The submissives among the singles return to their families and remain under the authority of their fathers. Many of them will choose to be placed under the authority of the Temple of Wodan instead. I say goodbye to you. I am going to take these submissive boys to Groningen, where they will be housed in our House of the Sons of Balder. They will be lovingly guided there by experienced Dominants. I leave you in the trusted hands of Bastiaan, he will guide you for the remainder of the festival. Congratulations again guys. Lots of love and happiness in your married life.”

There is applause for Ulf.

  Bastiaan walks to the middle of the living room. He looks neatly refreshed again and radiates authority and and looks businesslike. He hugs Ulf briefly with one arm. “Thank you, Ulf for once again organising this wonderful Mandø festival.”

After another short applause, Bastiaan starts his briefing. “We'll be leaving Mandø soon. We then go from this island, a paradise of boys' love, back into big society. You are no longer the underage boys who arrived on this island a few days ago. The Dominants are now of age. Not only are you now expected to take care of yourselves, but you are now also responsible for your submissive partner.”

Bastiaan looks at the Dominant boys with a serious look to convince them of the seriousness of their newly acquired responsibilities. Then his gaze drops, and he looks at the submissive boys.

“Life also changes dramatically for you submissive boys. You are no longer under the authority of your father, but under the authority of your Dominant partner. Until now, your parents had a duty of care for you. Now it is your Dominant who will take care of you. You owe your Dominant obedience. Unlike Dominant boys, you have no legal capacity. For almost all legal actions, you will need the consent of your Dominant partner. This also applies to making payments.”

There are some bewildered grumblings among the submissive boys.

“That's just the way the law is,” Bastiaan says with a strict intonation, “these rules have always existed for married women. Since the legalisation of homosexual relationships, the same rules as for married women now also apply to submissive boys in a relationship with a Dominant boy. As for payments, the law allows a submissive to spend a daily budget of one hundred Elding, if his Dominant agrees. I advise the Dominant boys to do so, for practical reasons.”

“But all my savings? I have saved five thousand Elding so that I can be independent of Knut.” Ivar refuses to call his abusive father 'father'.

A smile appears on Bastiaan's face. “You are no longer independent Ivar; you have consciously chosen Haukon as your Dominant. He now manages that money. Remember that he has to take good care of you. Haukon will determine how that money will be spent for you.”

Ivar grumbles. Haukon bends over and kisses his submissive partner on the head. “Have a little faith, my love. Your happiness and well-being are the priority in my life.”

“You're right Haukon, sorry.”

Bastiaan looks endeared at the couple. “It is understandable that everyone will have to get used to these rules. Experience shows that things do go well. Most Dominant boys hate micro-managing and will allow their submissive optimum freedom of movement. As for freedom of movement, there are apps installed on all your smartphones. The Dominant boys will be able to track everything about their submissive on their smartphone, including the location of the phone. As soon as we leave the island, everyone gets their phone back. From that moment on, submissive boys are obliged to always have their phones with them.”

The submissive boys look concerned. “Even less privacy than I had under my father's yoke,” complains one of the submissive boys.

“If you are obedient to your Dominant, you don't need that privacy,” Bastiaan sternly admonishes the boy.

Ivar groans unhappily.

Haukon whispers hoarsely in Ivar's ear. “I allow you to be disobedient. A good excuse for me to spank your bare ass.”

Ivar moans hornily.

“I don't know if you will still find it so hot when I take good care of your ass…”

Bastiaan clears his throat to get the attention of all the boys again. “When we leave Mandø later, we will go to the Temple of Wodan in Esbjerg. We will have dinner there. We will also spend the night there. Tomorrow morning and afternoon you will have time to explore the metropolis of Esbjerg. Please remember that the Dominant boys are responsible for their submissive. Submissive boys are not allowed to walk around in the city without the guidance of a Dominant. Submissive boys can of course be recognised by their collar. And while the collar is fairly discreet and tasteful, you can bet that's how the city's Enforcement Officers will recognise submissive boys. If, as a submissive, you would like to explore the city independently, your Dominant can request a QR code for you, with which you are free to visit the city without guidance.”

 “What a bureaucracy!” Haukon grumbles.

“And you're not even a submissive!” Ivar notes.

“But I’ll have to fill out all those forms for you.”

“Your life is so freaking hard… poor Dominant boy….”

“Be careful with what you say!”

“I'm just empathetic.”

“Yeah sure…”

by Leather pants slut

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024