Jus Primæ Noctis

by Hunknown

11 Sep 2020 1607 readers Score 9.5 (61 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


~ An unexpected visit ~

Lord Gale, Earl of Gloucester, was nervously pacing his room wearing only a silk robe over his toned body. It had been two months since he made love to Aymar for the first and last time, and still memories of the guy’s naked flesh, his ass carved in marble and his intense, desperate kiss filled his mind and made his nights restless.

He was the Earl, he could use and abuse his power to force Aymar to come back to Palace, but he promised not to do that, and Gale was a man of honour.

«I will never see him again…» – he thought sadly, remembering how eager was Aymar to flee away from his room, after they made love. “I’ve been such a fool” – he murmured angrily to himself – “A fool, to think that he could…”

He was snapped out of his thoughts by agitated voices coming from the corridor: “Stop!” – he heard his servant shout – “You can’t go there! Guards! Guards!”

Lord Gale definitely wasn’t a fearful man: he quickly grabbed the dagger he kept near his bed and stood in front of the door, ready to attack the intruder. The door crashed open and a young man stormed in like a fury, soon followed by a bruised servant and an armed guard.

The Earl gasped, recognizing the intruder: “Aymar!!”

He quickly took control of the situation and addressed the pursuers: “Wait! Everything’s fine. No harm will come to me from this man, I know him. Leave us alone.”

The servant and the guard reluctantly left the room and closed the door. Lord Gale looked at Aymar, who seemed desperate, more than angry, and patiently waited for the guy to explain the reason of such an impetuous and unexpected visit.

Why me??” – Aymar said with strained voice when he could catch his breath.

“What you mean?” – the Earl asked, puzzled.

“Why did you call for me that night? There are millions of young guys in Gloucestershire! People get married every day! Why me?”

Lord Gale lowered his eyes and remained silent, visibly uneasy; he took a breath, opened his mouth and murmured: “Please, Aymar…”

“You knew my name, you knew where I lived and when I was getting married! So, why me, Your Grace?”

The Earl raised his gaze and looked straight at Aymar: “Because to me you’re not one of the million young men living in Gloucestershire” – he said, and then moved near the window, giving his back to the guy. “We hold a fair every Thursday in the drill ground, people come from all over the county…”

“Yes…” – Aymar replied – “I myself come here every week to sell our produce”.

“I know” – Lord Gale said – “I noticed you. Many times I stayed at this window and looked at you skillfully dealing with the buyers, flashing your dazzling smile and flexing you powerful muscles. I sent out a servant to gather information about you. That’s why I know everything about you. And when I heard that you were about to get married, I… I decided…”

“You decided to ruin my life!” – Aymar yelled, grabbing the man by his shoulder and throwing him on the bed. Lord Gale fell on his back on the mattress, and the silk robe opened up, showing his muscular legs and his remarkable manhood. He started to move, to get off the bed, but then he froze, looking at Aymar quickly stripping from his clothes.

~ A painful confession ~

Before the Earl could realize what was happening, Aymar was over him, pinning down his arms with one hand and using the other hand to forcefully raise one of the man’s legs. Lord Gale looked down, between Aymar’s legs, and saw his manhood fully erected, ready to spear him.

“I’m a man, Your Grace!” – the guy roared – “And now I’m going to do to you what you did to me!”

“AAAARRGGHH!!” – the Earl screamed, when Aymar, with a single mighty thrust, sank his club deep inside the man’s unprepared hole – “Aymar, please… AAAAGGH!”

“Now you know how I felt while you were stripping me from my manliness!” – Aymar yelled, with a voice streaked with desperation. “Why me? Why me?” – he went on crying out, his eyes welling with tears, while his loins pounded mercilessly on the Earl’s buttocks – “Why had you to do that?” – he whined, with his face streaked with tears, his hips now slowing down, until they stopped – “Why… Why had you to be… so tender, so caring?”

“Because… I love you, Aymar” – Lord Gale replied under his breath.

Aymar crashed down on the man, hiding his face on his chest and sobbing desperately: “Since that night I’m not anymore the man I used to be… I’m not anymore a man…!”

Lord Gale held tight the sobbing guy into his arms, until he slowly calmed down and raised his head. There was such a painful insecurity in his eyes that Lord Gale’s heart went out for him.

“What happened, will you tell me?” – the Earl kindly asked, while disengaging from under the guy and groaning for the pain coming from his hurting ass.

“After that night, I waited forty days for my wife to… recover” – Aymar recounted – “I’d been told so by the elder women of the village. For forty days and forty nights I held my manly essence, saving it for my wife, and finally the time came to share again my bed with my beautiful spouse. I started making love to her, but it felt so different from the first time! It felt so different from any other time I’d laid with a woman! There was no magic, there was no sexual tension, I hardly could feel any pleasure…”

Aymar looked at Lord Gale with shameful eyes: “…and I failed. I couldn’t be a husband for my wife”.

The guy moved again over the man, who was lying beside him, and looked intensely at his eyes: “What have you done to me, Mylord?” – he whispered, and then closed his eyes and brushed his lips over the man’s, hesitantly, and then gave him a tender kiss. Their mouths ground to each other, their lips parted and a furious passion enflamed their tongues, that searched hungrily for each other.

Lord Gale felt the guy’s hands gently pulling his legs up, and opposed no resistance when he felt again Aymar’s hard rod knocking again at his nether portal. This time there was no violence, no rush: Aymar penetrated the man with utmost gentleness, caressing his velvety insides with slow thrusts of his virile member. The Earl pressed his hands on the powerful hairy chest moving back and forth over him, feeling the bulging pecs and searching for the meaty nipples.

“Ooohh…” – Aymar moaned when the man’s fingers trapped his sensitive titties into an exquisite vise – “What are you doing to me, Mylord…”

Lord Gale tightened his legs around the guy’s waist, inviting him to go deeper, to fill every inch of him with his hot meat. Soon he heard Aymar’s breath becoming heavier, and felt his hips moving faster, pounding hard his buttocks at each thrust. The long rod repeatedly battered his inner button, making him inexorably climb to the peak of his pleasure.

“Aaahh... Aymar… I’m about to explode… Yes… yes… AAAAHH!” – the Earl screamed, while a torrent of white cream erupted from his untouched cock. The man’s anal contractions pushed Aymar into the abyss: “Ohh… Mylord… I… NNNGGHH!”

An unstoppable flow of male essence flooded the Earl’s inner cavity, while the two men held tight to each other, quivering and spasming in the ecstasy of their pleasure.

When Aymar recoiled and saw Lord Gale’s chest covered with his own semen, he widened his eyes: “Have you sprayed your seed without even touching yourself, Mylord?”

“It happens, when one is lain by a handsome, powerful man” – Lord Gale replied with a knowing smile – “Because that’s what you are, Aymar, never doubt it”.

The guy smiled, but it was a bitter smile: “A powerful man who can’t satisfy his wife…”

“Don’t say so, you just found another way to express your manliness…”

Aymar shook his head: “No, Mylord. I’m a married man, a man who doesn’t break his vows. What happened today will never happen again”. The guy lowered his head to give one last, sweet kiss to the man, and Lord Gale was surprised to feel his own face wet with Aymar’s tears.

“Farewell forever, Mylord” – the guy said under his breath, and then quickly got off the bed and dressed up, with hurried movements, as if he was afraid to change his mind. He was already with his hand on the door handle when he heard Lord Gale’s voice: “Remember my promise, Aymar. Whenever you need me, my door is always open for you. Tell me you will come back, sooner or later!”

“I won’t” – Aymar replied, without turning his head. And off he was.

~ A valiant soldier ~


City of Gloucester, Earl’s Palace, A.D. 1139

True to his word, Aymar never came back to the Palace, and out of respect for his decision, Lord Gale never sent out his men to gather information about him. Two years, two long years had passed since they last met, and not a single day had passed for the Earl of Gloucester without him remembering with a pang of pain and a rush of desire his two briefs but intense encounters with Aymar.

But that day Lord Gale had little time to think to his lost love, as the Northern borders were threatened by the enemy, and the King was having a hard time keeping his country and his people safe from the invaders. All the feudal lords faithful to the King had sent out their troops to help him fighting the last, decisive battle.

In full uniform, he was nervously pacing the command room in the military barracks, waiting for news from the battlefields.

The door crashed open and a messenger rushed in and knelt in front of Lord Gale: “Your Grace, the border is safe and the enemy has been defeated! The army is on his way back and will be here in about five days!”

“Thank you, soldier” – the Earl replied – “When they arrive, alert me, as I want to review the troops and praise their valiancy”.

After a few days, when the soldiers arrived, Lord Gale visited the military barracks and not only praised them all for their courage, but – being a considerate and good-hearted lord – he granted them a two-week paid leave. “Go back to your families” – he announced with a smile – “as the time for war is over, and it comes the time for love”.

The soldiers exploded in joyful cheers, but Lord Gale noticed a man sitting aside in a corner, looking pensively at the floor. “Don’t you have a home and a wife to go back to?” – he said in a low voice, getting closer to the man.

“Not any more” – he replied, raising his head. He was Aymar.

Lord Gale stifled a gasp, but being in public he had to keep a formal attitude. “Stand up, soldier, and come with me”. He led the way to his private apartments, and when alone he could finally voice his surprise: “Aymar! My god, look at you, covered with bruises and dirt! Let me help you take your uniform off…”

“Nnngghh…!” – Aymar moaned when the man removed his coat. “Are you wounded?” – Lord Gale asked with a concerned tone. “No, Mylord, I just took a couple hard blows, but the coat protected me”.

“What you meant, you don’t have any more a wife and a home to go to?” – Lord Gale inquired, and a sudden pain appears in Aymar’s eye. He gulped hard. “There was a fire. It broke out when I was working in the fields. I realized what was happening when the flames reached the crops. I tried in vain to save the harvest, but the fire devoured it all. By the time I got back, my house was completely burnt down, and Gwen… my Gwen… had perished in the fire”.

Aymar paused, looking down, then took a deep breath: “I lost everything, I had nothing left to live for. So, I enlisted in your Army to go into battle, I fought bravely, carelessly, as life meant nothing to me…”. He flashed a bitter smile: “…but all I got was high praises from my commander and a bunch of medals”.

Lord Gale was speechless. “But why didn’t you come to me?!” – the man asked.

“I… was scared”

“By me??” – the Earl exclaimed, his eyes filled with surprise tinged with an inner pain. Aymar shyly looked at him and just briefly shook his head, remaining silent.

The man took a deep breath, as apparently nothing more had to be said, at the moment. “Come, I gave orders to prepare my bath, but you definitely need it more than me”.

~ Soothing bath ~

He gently pushed Aymar to the adjoining bathroom and helped him getting naked, not without shooting a few fleeting glimpses to his muscular body, his ass carved in marble and his long limp cock.

When Aymar was immersed in the hot water, Lord Gale stripped to his underpants and knelt beside the tub, took a washing cloth and started rubbing gently the guy’s bruised skin streaked with dirt and mud.

“Your Grace!” – Aymar exclaimed, surprised, looking at the powerful man humbling himself to service him – “I can bathe myself, I can’t have you do this…”

“Please, let me, Aymar” – he replied with a pleading tone – “At least, don’t deny me this…”

Though uncertain, the guy relaxed in the warm water and let the man bathe him. He basked in the pleasure of those kind hands lathing and rinsing his bruised skin, soothing the dull pain he was feeling in his aching muscles.

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he looked between his own legs, where his virile member was proudly standing at full attention. He gasped, embarrassed: “I’m so sorry, Mylord! It’s been months since I last… I mean…”

“Shh…” – Lord Gale said with a loving smile. His face moved toward Aymar’s until their eyes sank into each other’s: “As I said, the time for war is over. Now it’s time for love…”

“Your Grace… I… I…” – Aymar said, tentatively, and a fleeting pain appeared into the Earl’s eyes: “Can’t you call me by name, when we are alone?”

“I’m not sure I can, Mylord… You’re the Earl of Gloucester and I’m just a humble peasant…”

“If I remember well…” – Lord Gale said with a loving smile, recalling the first kiss that Aymar gave him – “…that first night you didn’t have any problem calling me by name…”

Their lips met in an exquisitely tender kiss, and Aymar felt something melting down, deep inside his soul. Those feelings, those yearnings that in the last two years scared him so much and he had strongly fought, suddenly seemed the only direction his life could take, the only things that really counted for him. He dropped any resistance and yielded himself to the Earl’s tender lips, to his fiery tongue… and his manly hand that slowly slid down on his abdomen and firmly curled around his throbbing member.

“Mmmhh…” – the guy moaned, lost between the warm tongue exploring his mouth and the exquisite massage his enflamed manhood was receiving. That tongue and that hand were his entire world, in that moment, as everything else was just meaningless.

When Lord Gale recoiled and moved his head down, above his rigid cock, Aymar looked at him with wide eyes: “Gale… what…”

The man flashed him an urchin grin: “Let me do what I wanted to do since the first time we met…” – and with that, his lips parted and welcomed the hot wide mushroom head. Aymar’s hands gripped tight on the tub edges and he moaned loud, reclining his head, while his hips, as animated by a will of their own, started tilting back and forth, pushing his rod deeper and deeper into the man’s hot mouth.

Never in his life Aymar had experienced what Gale was doing to him, as he was an honorable guy and only women of… bad reputation would do that to a man. And his sexual tension grew even stronger, when he felt a hand cupping his swollen balls, rolling them between the fingers and gently squeezing them.

“Ah!” – he suddenly exclaimed when a finger brushed past his perineum and reached his nether portal, circling it and caressing the puckered, sensitive skin. But he didn’t open his eyes and didn’t close his legs, and when the long prying finger entered the most private part of his body, he welcomed it inside him with a long sigh.

The hot mouth went on engulfing his engorged meat, while that finger reached deep inside him, touching him in ways that made his heart race. Moaning loud, Aymar kept his head reclined, his eyes shut, and his hands gripping on the tub edge, totally lost in a sexual cloud that swept everything else away from his mind. He felt his juice boiling in his balls, and tried hard to hold back, as he wanted that exquisite moment to never end.

But when he felt more fingers crawling up his chest and take possession of his right nipple, he knew he was lost. The gentle rolling on his sensitive tit sent shots of irresistible pleasure down his groin, and he felt his own cock swell and throb, ready to shoot.

“Gale… Gale, I’m about to spray my semen… Back off, I can’t hold back any more…”

But the man didn’t back off: he was finally about to taste the essence of the man he loved, and nothing in the world could stop him. He pursed his lips tighter on the hard shaft and his tongue danced madly on the sensitive corona, until Aymar’s entire body stiffened and…

“AAAAAAGGHHH!!” – the guy screamed, while his cock exploded in a forceful ejaculation, the most intense he’d ever experienced in his life. “Gale… Oh, Gale… Aaahh…” – he moaned, breathless, his entire body tense in the ecstasy of a seemingly endless climax. Not for a single moment the hot mouth sucking hard on his rod, the hand rolling his nipple and the finger relentlessly tickling his insides left his quivering body, and he felt his cock shooting, and shooting, and shooting, until not a single drop of his manly essence was left, and still his cock was twitching and throbbing.

~ Doubts and desires ~

The silence fell in the room, and Lord Gale raised his head and looked lovingly at Aymar: “Thank you, Mylord…” – the Earl said with a smile, and Aymar felt his head even dizzier: “Why on earth are you calling me like that?”

“Because I may be a powerful Earl” – the man replied with dreaming eyes – “and I rule over millions of people, but… you rule over my heart, Aymar. I’m yours, I’ve always been, since the day I first saw you at the fair, looking down from my window…”

Lord Gale’s eyes became suddenly serious and hesitant: “Share your life with me, and I’ll share my life with you. If you don’t want, you know I won’t ever force you or even search for you, painful as it would be. But please, I’m begging you, stay with me…”

Aymar remained silent, trying to grab the full meaning of Gale’s words. He silently rose from the bathtub, and toweled off, without ever breaking eye contact with the man, who was holding his breath, waiting for the guy’s answer.

“You mean live here at Palace? As a… couple?” – he eventually breathed.

“You won’t be the Countess of Gloucestershire, of course” – Gale replied with a timid smile, admiring the guy’s naked body – “as such a specimen of manhood could hardly be mistaken for a woman…”

Aymar flashed his dazzling smile, as the Earl’s joke had partly lifted his doubtful mood.

“We’d have to keep our love a well-guarded secret” – Gale added, more seriously – “but you would live here at the Palace, sharing my life… and my bed”.

“But you’re the Earl, and I’m only a peasant, Gale… I’m actually even less than a peasant, as I lost my land, I have nothing…”

“That can be easily fixed. The recent troubles at the border convinced me that I need a personal Guard. What you did in battle proves you’re well trained, you would perfectly fit the position, and no one would ever suspect anything”.

Aymar’s eyes flashed with a sudden hope, while a timid smile appeared on his face, and Gale knew he was about to win the guy’s doubts… and the guy’s heart. “You will stay in my private apartments, in the bedroom next to mine” – the Earl added with a conspiratorial grin – “and you could come and go at will. These walls could witness things that would made a dead rise, and… Oh, bejesus!” – he suddenly exclaimed, blushing, looking down at his virile member making a tent inside his loose underpants. He raised his embarrassed gaze to Aymar, but the guy was smiling. And despite the recent wrecking orgasm, his manhood came back to life.

Without a word, the guy took Gale’s hand and led him to the bed. There, he unlaced the string holding the pants and let them fall to the floor. He then climbed on the bed, lying on his back, and held his legs up and apart, offering what he had most precious to the man.

“Is this a ‘yes’, Mylord?” – Gale breathed, getting on the bed and kneeling between the guy’s splayed legs.

“Yes, oww… yessssss!” – Aymar gasped, ecstatic, when the Earl’s thick manhood filled every inch of his most guarded cavities, joining their bodies and their souls for the life.

*****   *****



A few final words from the Author

Anyone remotely interested in history will easily realize that this story contains very few correct historical references, starting with “Your Grace”, a title reserved to Dukes and not to Earls. The “Jus Primae Noctis” itself, as a matter of fact, is more a myth than documented history; and never existed an Earl of Gloucester named Gale.

The villages of Blackwells Ends and Maisemore do actually exist in Gloucestershire, England, and are at convenient “galloping” distance from the city of Gloucester, though I haven’t the faintest idea whether they existed in the middle-age.

But this is the beauty of fiction: we can bend reality and even history to our needs, for our writing and reading pleasure.


by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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