Toby's Journal

by 138b

20 Apr 2024 412 readers Score 9.8 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The next morning, I dressed in some loose gym clothes, gathered up my lacrosse gear and went to eat a light breakfast with mom.  She was excited to meet Annette later on in the day and then asked me what I was doing after the prom.  I lied to her and said, “Jake's dad got us a hotel room downtown to you know just ‘hang out’ after the prom with our dates and yes, some under-age drinking may be involved.  It's safer for all that way ‘cause no one wants a bunch of drunk teenagers driving drunk around.  Someone might get killed.”

Mom just says, “while I disapprove that you are staying at a hotel and getting drunk in a hotel room, I really can't say anything because I did the same thing at your age, but it was in a park in Jim Pedersen's beat up Volvo station wagon along with another couple until the cops busted us.  Your grandparents were so pissed off at me.”

I said, “shit mom really.  I didn’t know that.”

Kathleen says, “I was a bit of a rebel back in my youth, Maureen and I were always getting into trouble, sneaking out, smoking, drinking, hanging out with boys of ill repute; we were grounded so many times in my senior year and in college as well, almost failed out but then I met your father.”

I then said, “one day mom you have to tell me about all of that, but for right now I'm a bit rushed for time.  I need to get on to school.  I'll see you after the game” as I gave mom a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

Kathleen then hugged me back and says, “my baby is becoming a man.  Just remember to use the ‘protection’ tonight if things go there and ohh by the way Ted wants to see you.  Seems that you and him had another argument last night, didn’t you?”

I said, “yeah, I just asked him for a load, I'll pay him back.”

Mom just says, “go talk to Ted.”

I left the kitchen then went to talk to Ted in the office.  I knocked on the door and he said, “enter”.

I went in and Ted was seated at the desk.  He looks up at me and says as he passes me an envelope and says, “I keep some cash around for emergencies so here is the ‘loan' that you asked for.  I was wrong to accuse you of buying drugs Toby.  You’re a good kid most of the time and saved me triple that in the cost of getting your car fixed and paying even more for your insurance so I should have trusted you.”

I replied, “but you didn't Ted especially with what we both know about one another so you either have trust in me or not but I'm running late.  I need to get to school.  Have an early game before prom.  Thanks for the loan.  I will pay you back.”

Ted says “sure.  I hope that you boys win today.  See you later on.”

I then left Ted's office, grabbed my bag, packed up my car and then drove to the school.”

On the way to the school, I made a call to Joey Bob, he didn’t immediately pick up, so I left a message to say, “I got the funds.  The sooner it is done the better.  Thanks.”

I arrived at the school early.  The game wasn’t going to start for a couple of hours, so I went to the gym for a bit to do a light workout.  Jake came in a few minutes later.  He smiled at me, and I smiled back at him.  He asked me if the place where they are going after the prom is all set.   I told him no but that doesn't matter because I snagged the keys to it, and it has a full bar but cold beer would be useful as well.

Jake says, “I got that covered.  As long as I'm not driving drunk, my dad knows what’s going on tonight and he thanks your stepdad for hosting us by the way.”

I lied to Jake and said, “sure”.

Jake and I then went about with our routine but he still griped that the girls may not be “fun" tonight considering that they are on the rag, but that may not stop them from hopefully getting either a hand or blow job that evening.  Jake also added it was a shame in that he was so looking forward to eating Monika's pussy as well.

As Jake talked about having sex that evening with Monika, I let my mind wander for a bit and imagined that it was me blowing Jake's cock and him eating my ass and it started to make me hard and nearly tripping while running on the treadmill.  Once I regained my footing Jake asked me if I was thinking about doing to “Snooki” tonight?  I made something up and said to him and replied back, “she looks the type that likes a big sausage in her three major orifices, so I can try to get access to the other two.”

Jake laughs and he nearly trips while running on the treadmill next to me and says, “you Micks have a dirty mind.”

I just replied back, “yeah well Lent just recently ended and we have to make up for forty days without fucking and jacking off.”  Jake laughed at my joke as we both kept jogging to the treadmills.

A few moments later, Dirty Harry comes in the workout room to say to the players, “team meeting Ladies in ten minutes so get your gear on.”

Jake, the other players of the team, and I all went to the locker room to change.  Even though I'm sitting this game out, I was still expected to dress so I did.  Jake and I checked each other’s pads to make sure that they were secure as well as the both of noticing that we had semi-boners in our jocks as we pulled off our gym shorts and put on our lacrosse ones.

Once we were dressed, we went to the home team player's meeting room where Coach Callahan reviewed the playing strategy that we will be using for today's game in that we are up against a tough opponent so defense had to be strong and for the attackers to only take shots when needed until the second half of the game.  Dirty Harry then said to Jake, “it's your team today Jake, so read the field, know where everyone is at all times; don’t fuck it up because if you do, we are not going on to the finals.  You got me Smith!”

Jake shouts out, “I do Coach, I won’t let the school, my brothers, and you down!!”

We then we all did one last cheer and then departed for the field.  Once I got onto it, I heard my mom cheering my name from the bleachers.  I looked back at her and saw that Ted was there as well.

I asked Coach if I could go up there for a moment considering I was a ‘healthy scratch’ for the game.  He nodded his head but said, “sure but make it quick.  They know that your nothing but a fucking bench warmer today though.”

I said thanks to Coach and went up to the bleachers to where mom and Ted were sitting and asked them why they were here.  Ted then said, “well there was a report of a broken gas pipeline in our subdivision, so we were asked by two tall red headed twins from the gas company to evacuate the house out of precaution.  I was planning to go to the lake house to do some work there, but I couldn’t find the keys to it.  You don’t have them, Toby?”

I just replied to Ted, “nope.”

Mom then said, “while I hate you playing this sport Toby, but since you are sitting it out and Ted actually needs a break from work once in a while, so we decided to cheer for you and your team.”

I replied back, “mom you do know that I am just a benchwarmer.”

Ted was about to say something, but I then heard Dirty Harry scream at me to get back to the bench.

I went back to it and said, “sorry Coach” as I sat at the end of it along with Ramirez as the game was about to start.

For the first quarter our team played sloppy with the opponents scoring two goals despite playing a defensive game, but Hank Davis was never where he was supposed to be on the field.  It seemed to me that he just wandered to wherever the ball was being played like a dog going after a tossed tennis ball.


Even with Jake trying to take command and it and direct Davis to where he needed to be on the field, Davis just wandered off to follow the ball thus giving our team multiple offside penalties and.  I was getting frustrated by watching him play and even Jake got in his face a few times during the quick breaks in play.  By the time the first period was over, the players collected at the side benches where Dirty Harry gave them a harsh verbal reprimand and said to Jake, “you better take control of the team Smith or you will just be a one game captain, you fucking got me!!”

I see Jake says, “yes Coach”, as he looked at me for a brief moment before having a few brief but curt words with Davis.  I then took a glance over at Coach, but he just stood there stoically as the second quarter started.

Jake was calling the plays, but Davis still did his own thing by chasing after the ball instead of being in playing position and from watching Jake on the field he was getting frustrated as well as our other teammates.

This is when I spoke up and shouted out from the bench and said, “Davis is doing this on purpose.  No fucking wonder he was on the JV team.  The guy plays like a fucking retard!”

Coach Callahan got pissed off at me for saying that and said, “I don’t need any fucking advice from you O’Malley now sit the fuck down.”

I sat the fuck down and the opponents scored yet another goal, so the team was down two goals at halftime.

As the players left the field for the quick ten-minute intermission, I looked at Jake.  He had a look of anger and frustration on his face.  He showed it that once he got into the locker room, he just slammed his stick on then benches and shouted at Hank, “what the fuck are you doing Davis!?  Trying to lose this game for us!?”

I had never seen Jake this upset and irate before until now and boy did it turn me on in that I felt my cock getting hard in my jockstrap and cup.

Coach and his assistant coaches then came into the locker room and for the first minutes of the ten-minute intermission, Dirty Harry tore all of us a new asshole.  Jake tried to say that Davis was playing like shit, but Coach wasn’t having it by saying, “this is your team Smith, be a fucking leader and take charge.”

Jake just yells out of frustration and yells back, “yes Coach.”

I look over at Jake and see that he is angry but then I take a glance at Hank, and he has a smirk on his face.

I rose up from the bench and shout out to “Dirty Harry” and say, “my lesson is learned Coach!  You fucking wanted to punish me and the team for something that I did and have me sit out the rest of this game out then keep me on the bench!  If you continue to do so then you will lose this locker room.  It's your fucking choice Coach.”

Dirty Harry then responds, “not only did you assault another teammate O’Malley but now being totally insubordinate to your coach, now get your ass ready to play in the second half O'Malley, game suspension rescinded: Davis your sitting out and on the bench.  Smith is still in charge though.”

Both Jake and I then yell out, “yes Coach!!”

For the last minutes of the intermission, Coach then went over our team's attacking and scoring strategy for the second half of the game.

For the third period our team went on the offensive.  With Hank on the bench the team and I were allowed to play our strong game in that both Jake, Harris, and I were passing the ball quickly to one another in the offensive zone until Jake got the ball and scored into the opposing teams net.

Once Jake scored the goal, Harris and I hugged him as we heard cheers from the bleachers.  As we got into positions for the face-off Jake says to me, “fucking good that you are back in the game ‘Crop Boy'”.

I replied back, “feels fucking good to be back in it ‘Scoundrel.”

When it came for setting up for the face off, Jake was about to get in position but then stands up says to me, “Toby, take the face off.”

I take Jake’s command and get on the face offline.  I looked the opponent straight in the eye as we were about to face off but due to my body size and reflexes I easily gained possession of the ball and quickly passed off to Harris who was on my left flank.  Harris then passes to Jake who is by the net, who then scores again.

The game is now tied up three all and another quarter to play.

After a quick intermission, Coach was complimentary of us and said, “you boys are doing great.  Got these motherfuckers right where we want them because they are scared now.  Smith, Harris and O’Malley keep up the pressure.”

For the last quarter the opposing team caught up to our strategy so we had to play hard defense to keep them from scoring and we did until the ref whistle blew: it was a sudden death game now.

For the next three minutes it was do or die time.  Harris took the face off while Jake and I were on his attacking wings.  The opposing team took possession of the ball as their attacker passed the ball, Ramirez on midfield and was able to intercept it and pass it off to Jake.  Jake then quickly passed it off to Harris, then to me.  The net was open except for the goalie, so I took a “Hail Mary” shot at it.  The ball went right over the opponent’s goalie’s left shoulder and went deep into the net.

Once the goal was made, the crowd in the bleachers cheered as my teammates came up to me to give me a hug and a pat on the shoulders. 

We all then did what was customary and went up to our goalie Dean and tap our helmets to his and give him a pat on the shoulders for a well fought out game.

As I left the field, I looked in the bleachers to see if Mom and Ted were still there, but they had left.

The team and I then went into the locker room to strip off our gear and get ready to shower when Coach Callahan came in and said to all of us, “good comeback guys.  It was a tough game today, but you all did well.  Enjoy the prom tonight.  You boys earned to have some good time and maybe something more.  See you all Monday.”

The team and I showered, except for Davis, which was fine by me.  Coach should not have fielded the dick to begin with but that is now in the past so now was time to get ready for the prom.

As Jake and I are drying off by our lockers, he tells me that he will pick me up at six o'clock, with the babes and that he has enough beer and wine to last the four of us the night as well as some “protection" and some “toys” if we wish to use them on the babes since they may still be on the rag.

I take a glance over at Jake as he is drying off his privates and I swear that he had a semi-boner going on as he said to me, “sure the place is all set for tonight?”

As I dried my dick and nuts while struggling not to sport wood as well, I replied, “it is but we have to make sure that we don’t trash the place.  My stepdad uses it on occasions so we gotta clean it up as we were never there.”

Jake just gives me a roughish look and says, “sure.”

We finished dressing in our casual clothes.  As Jake and I were leaving the school to go to our cars, Mom and Ted were outside waiting for me so I went up to meet them.  Mom lays into me and says, “Sean Tobias, you told me that you were not playing today and that you were suspended?  Did you lie to me?”

Ted then comes in and says, “ease up on the boy Kathleen, good win Toby.  You and your teammates played a hard game.  It was good to see you play Toby.  Now I know why you like the sport but now I have to go. 

“I lost a day's worth of work with the gas leak at the house and I can't find the keys to the lake house.  I may have left them at the office.  I'm going over there now to look for them, if not I keep a spare set there until they show up.

“Toby do you mind giving your mother a ride home while I look for them because I might as well get the place ready for the summer while I’m there.  I was also planning on hosting your eighteenth birthday party there in two weeks; have a big cookout and celebration.

When Ted said that all I could think of was, ‘aww fuck, now we have no place to go after the prom because Ted just fucked up my plans.”

I then look at mom, who is now fishing out a pack of cigarettes from her purse, takes one out, lights it, and says to Ted, “you should have consulted me Ted first.  I wanted to celebrate Sean Tobias’s birthday in a different way.”

Ted just says, “Toby is too old for birthday balloons and a birthday cake, well not birthday cake.  There he can have a few friends over to chill, have a good time and eat well and I know how you feel about guests at the house.  I just thought that my lake house would be a better place.  It has the room as well as let a place for Toby's teammates and friends to hang out and have some fun because it has a pool.  That's all.”

I then break up my parents’ argument and say, “mom, you can’t be smoking on school property, and I need to get back to get ready for the prom.”  I then said to Ted, “thanks Ted for the surprise offer but I really haven’t thought that far ahead.  It is still a few days away.  Right now, I gotta get home to get ready for the prom so I hope that the gas leak is cleared up.”

Ted then went his way to his car to drive to his office while I then opened up my car up for my mom, then threw my gear into the trunk, and drove mom and I back home.

Kathleen attempted to light up another cigarette while we drove.  I just snatched it from her fingers, rolled down the driver side window, and then threw it out the window.  I said to her, “not in my car mother.”  Mom just replied, “it's my car Sean Tobias.”

I replied, “no Ted bought it for me, you didn’t so it’s Ted’s car on paper because you didn’t want me to have me one just yet now just give it a rest.  Your constant nagging of me is just getting old.”

Mom and I drove in silence for the rest of the way back to the house.  As I parked the car, I said to her, “there may be some residual gas still in the house, so if you need a cancer stick I suggest that you do it down the street while I open up the windows to air it out some.”

I then park the car, go into the house and open up the doors and windows to get what ever remaining gas out of the house.  I then go back to my car to grab my gear bag an see Kathleen on her cell with one hand and a lit cigarette in the other pacing up and down the sidewalk.  I just go back up to my room, get my cellphone out and text Jake that the plans have changed and that we cannot go to Ted's lake house.”

Jake replies with: “fuck.  The babes and I was counting on you bro.”

I responded back: “I know but shit came up.  Long story.  U know a place??”

Jake texted me back and replies: “fuck Toby.  I might, maybe.  The babes won’t like it though.  It's a bit rugged.”

I texted Jake back: “sorry bro.  I know this sucks but I can’t think of anywhere else to go.”

Jake then replied: “the babes will be pissed in that they expected someplace more to their suiting.  U OWE ME BRO.”

I replied back to Jake: “I KNOW BRO.  THANKS.”

I felt bad that our after-prom plans went to shit in that Ted insisted that he goes to the only safe place where to go but I am guessing that he and the Latino guy that fucks on occasion are meeting up there tonight.

I set my phone down on the bed for a moment as I start to change out of my casual clothes and get ready for the Prom when my phone alerts me to a new text.  I see that it is from Joey Bob, and it just says: “Bobby Joe and I gained access to your stepfather’s computer and found the files that you were looking for.” 

Joey Bob then texted me: “You won't like what you see, and my brother wants to know if you got the money?”

I quickly replied back to Joey Bob: “I do but what did I buy for your services before I pay up?  I want proof!”

Joey Bob then texted me a photo.  It had a digital camera date stamp on it dated 8/4/2005.  It was a photo of my mom and dad in their younger years as well as two other men.  Mom was kissing the clean shaved man blonde guy on the mouth, while dad was being kissed on the cheek by third man.

I then received another photo.  This time it was face shots of the four people but more clearly, it was definitely mom and dad, as well as Ted in his younger years, as well as a clean-shaven blond-haired guy with a very distinct cleft on his chin.

I look at the photo, analyzed it in greater detail, and all I could say is, “fuck.  They have all been lying to me.  All of them.  They have all been fucking lying.”

by 138b

Email: [email protected]

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