The Twilight Hour

by Darrell

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The Gravedigger


“I came to see about the furnished apartment you got for rent,” I said.

The old landlord's eyes slid up and down my body in a matter that immediately had me wanting to take a hot shower to wash away the filth those eyes were giving me. I just got off my shift at the garage and I’m wearing my old, greasy jeans and a dirty wife-beater T-shirt. They were super tight, so they showed off every inch of my granite-hard, gym-trained athletic, five-foot-six, one hundred and fifty-five-pound muscular frame to perfection and by the look of that old leech examining it I’m sure he was thinking, “Easy Prospects.” Think again, fat fuck!

 “First and last month’s rent, plus deposit,” he said in a weak attempt at trying to sound sexy.

I felt a little flicker of annoying anger flare up, but I quenched it quickly. I’m new in town and needed a place bad. I can’t hold up much longer sleeping in at Motel 7, not with what my boss is paying. “Can I see the apartment?” I asked politely pushing back my glasses on my face as well as pushing down my desire to punch the sleazy, fat bastard in the face.

He gave me another lecherous stare and pulled rings of keys from off a nail by the door. “Follow me,” he muttered.

“So, by the looks of your eyes you’re Oriental,” he asked trying to engage me in conversation.

 “I’m Korean-American,” I corrected him with firmness.

 “Chinese, right?”

 “No, my parents are from Korea.” I was getting tired of this.

“Isn’t that the same country?”

I rolled my eyes, clenched my fists, and silently counted to ten trying my best to keep my anger in check. “No, it isn’t! The apartment, please?”

“Okay-okay. You don’t haveta be so huffy,” he said. “I’ve always heard you people are passive.”


“What’s that?”

“Nothing. The apartment!”

 I tagged after him as we climbed two flights of stairs. By the time we reached the second floor, he was wheezing badly. He staggered over to a door, unlocked and opened it, without saying a word. I walked in. It was a studio apartment, bigger than your average steamer trunk, but not by much. The carpeting is torn and stained, and whatever color the walls were painted originally, I’m sure they hadn’t started as the puke yellow they are now. The apartment had only one thing going for it: affordability.

I walked across the room and looked out the window, beyond the fire escape. There’s a tiny yard covered with brown, beaten-down grass and a board fence. On the other side is a cemetery. It was small, just a couple of hills covered with tombstones that seemed to come right down to the property line. Near the top of the closer hill, a man is standing knee-deep digging a grave, a pile of damp dirt beside him. I wondered about what it’d be like to see a bunch of graves every time I looked out the window. Hell, I tell myself, it’s just a park with tombstones and it’s better this than facing a noisy city street.

I turned to the landlord. “What’s the rent?” I asked.

He told me adding, “Utilities not included.”

“Okay, it’s a deal,” I said. “I want to move in tonight.”

He smirked at me as if he just won the lotto. “First and last month’s rent, plus deposit,” he smiled at me showing his yellow teeth.

“Yeah, you already told me,” I replied rolling my eyes. I sat on the bed and wrote him a check, hoping I could hit my boss up for an advance on my pay to make it good. I hand it to him. The mattress I was sitting on felt like a sack of rocks. “Any chance you can come up with another mattress?” I asked.

“Anything extra will cost you extra,” he said winking his eye. My skin began to crawl as the old fuck handed me a set of keys and walked out the door. I could tell eventually I’m gonna have to kick his ass, but now it’s probably best to simply ignore him. After all I finally have a place to call my own.

Walking over to the window I looked out at the cemetery again. The gravedigger is now up to his waist in the hole. As I readjusted my glasses to get a better look I watched him stab into the ground with his shovel, swinging his arms high in the air allowing the dirt to fly.

He’s a tall man with well-structured powerful muscles. He appeared to be about six-four and clocked in at about two hundred and fifty pounds and it was obvious he was a man who worked religiously at a gym. Even from this distance, you could tell he was carrying less than six percent body fat which made his muscles that much sharper and more pronounced. It was the physique of a professional bodybuilder on the champion level.

He had strong traps that sat upon ripped shoulders which were fabulously broad and slimed down to a strong narrow waist. His iron hard extremely well-developed biceps and triceps were enormous and fantastically chiseled along with his powerfully developed back and legs. Both his arms, from shoulder down to wrist were covered over in dark tattoos.

Even from this distance, there was something raw and animalistic about him as he went about his masculine labor. He’s a working-class stud in the first order. His skin was the color of charcoal black.

He was giving himself a good workout; his pits were stained with sweat and his soil wife-beater t-shirt was plastered to his back. The grainy filth of the shirt in an odd way increased his overall dirty sexiness. There was something just wonderfully savage about him that had my loins burning.

He paused for a second and peeled his shirt off. Like his arms, every inch of his powerful ripped torso and back was covered in tattoos which only increased his erotic appearance. His bloated chest glistened with a thick sheet of sweat, highlighting the rippling muscles on his rock-hard frame. His stomach was encrusted with deeply embedded stainless steel abs. They were so sharp, so unbelievably shredded my cock grew hard as a rock just staring at them. His muscular frame bunched nicely with each thrust of the shovel, and when he twisted his torso to toss the dirt, the muscles in his back rippled in a way that tightened my throat up.

A few minutes later he’s done with the hole. He grabbed his wife-beater, slung the shovel over his shoulder like a soldier’s rifle, and strolled up the hill, disappearing over the crest. I stood there staring at the open grave for a few seconds, my hands jammed in the crotch of my jeans stroking my hardened cock.

I moved in that afternoon. I didn’t take long, I drove over to the motel and piled my clothes and other belongings in the car and that was that. I spent my first night out on the fire escape, smoking weed and drinking beer. The moon was almost full that night. I knew graveyards were supposed to be spooky in moonlight, but I didn’t feel that way at all. It was nice and peaceful; the tombstones looked like buildings in a small city, and I fantasized about taking a walk among them, like Godzilla on a dangerous stroll.

Only the opened grave made me feel a little creepy. All I saw in it was a black pit, and from the fire escape it looked like the hole could go on down for miles. I imagined dropping into the grave and falling into the blackness, never once hitting bottom. After a while, I climbed through the window back into my apartment going to bed.

When I came home from work the next day, there was a funeral going on. The mourners were gathered around the grave that the gravedigger dug yesterday. The hole didn’t seem bottomless anymore; in fact, I was able to see the top of the coffin lying in it, with what looked like a wreath of roses and lilies on top of it. I opened the refrigerator for a beer; that plus the leftover Mexican take-outs from last night were the only things in there. I knew I had to go food shopping soon.

But now I was more curious about the ceremony. After a couple of minutes, I climbed out onto the fire escape, beer in hand, to get a better view.

The grave was close enough that I had something of a ringside seat. A handsome middle-aged lady with soft olive skin stood at the edge of the grave softly sobbing. A young man – I assumed her son – stood next to her, his hands clasped together in front, his face as stony as the marble angels on the tomb a few plots away. They appeared to be Hispanic and I must say the guy is hot as hell.

There was a gust of wind, and a lock of dark hair fell against his forehead. He impatiently brushed it away. His dark suit was cut nicely, showing off the powerfully hard, muscular frame to good advantage. As the priest droned on, the young man looked around, obviously bored. For a second our eyes met. His mouth pulled down into a scowl and he gave me the evil eye. I guess I couldn’t blame him. I must’ve looked like a rubberneck sitting up on the fire escape, watching them all, casually sipping from a can of beer. I looked away, but I didn’t go back inside until after the last of the mourners had walked away.

I stripped off my work clothes and stepped into the shower. A strange mood came over me: weird, restless, and edgy, like my entire body was about to go up in flames. Maybe it had something to do with the funeral. The last funeral I went to was my friend Tyrone’s. We grew up together and we were the best of friends. He died a year ago of cancer and memories of his last, hard months before his death began floating back in my mind. I stood under the shower head and let the hot water beat against my face. It helped to keep my mind blank.

Unexpectedly, the image of the gravedigger flashed into my head, and with it a surge of lust as violent and unexpected as a bolt of lightning. My eight-inch dick swelled to full erection and I wrapped my soapy hand around it, stroking it. I stop short of shooting. I turned the water off and walked out of the bathroom, toweling myself off.

The light from outside was dimming as the late afternoon sank into the evening. I flipped the wall switch on before putting my glasses back on. I was aware that I was buck-naked in a room with no curtains, but I didn’t care. I love my body. I work hard at keeping it well-fit and muscular strong. My muscles are packed, lean, diamond chiseled with well-defined features, and if anyone wishes to see it in all its glory, be my guess.

 I put the towel behind my back and rubbed, feeling my still half-hard dick swing heavily from side to side. I was amazed at my stiffness. Without meaning to I find myself in a form of self-imposed celibacy after Tyrone’s death, which was strange because Tyrone and I were never lovers, just the best of buddies.

But after his passing, I wasn’t interested in dating, sex, or anything when it came to guys. I was so wrapped up helping to make things easy for Tyrone towards the end and after his death…well. The desire just seemed to have faded.

Those thoughts of the gravedigger however made me realize it’s time for me to get back into the game. I moved to this town for a fresh start and that includes restarting my sex life. I decided then to go out that night to a couple of bars to see if I could get lucky. I wasn’t searching for a life commitment. A one-night stand with a hot body and hard dick would do just fine.

A movement outside the cemetery caught my eye. It was the gravedigger, filling the grave. I wrapped the towel low around my taunt waist and walked up to the window to watch. He stood on the edge of the hole, shoveling the dirt in with a quick, easy swing of his arms. With the setting sun, the day had cooled down; he was wearing a sleeveless unbuttoned red flannel shirt, and I grabbed the opportunity to check out his fine dark charcoal body again.

I took in the ripped, granite tattoo-covered torso, the torn, mud-smeared snug black jeans, and nicely packed powerfully large, bulging biceps. My dick made a tent against the terrycloth of my towel as I watched.

The day before the gravedigger reminded me of a working-class stiff. Today the impression seemed darker, even a little menacing. Watching him toss the dirt inside the hole I couldn’t imagine him doing any other line of work than what he was doing now: burying bodies.

He put the shovel down to rest for a while, and when he raised his head, our eyes met. We looked at each other for a few beats; in the dimming light, it was impossible to read his thoughts. But his handsome face was a masterpiece of raw masculinity. His hair was styled in a black Mohawk fade with neatly tight dreads. He sported a well-groomed goatee on his hard chiseled square jaw. He had an attractive large nose and full sensual juicy lips. His entire face sat upon a bull neck. His eyes were piercing and hypnotic even from this distance. He was thuggishly gorgeous with just the right amount of menace mixed in.

Eventually, he went back to work and continued filling the grave. But a few seconds later he looked back up at me again. I stood there without moving. My left arm was raised and pressed against the side of the window, my weight leaning against it. Without being fully aware of it I flexed my upper body highlighting my strong pecs and tight shredded abs. The gravedigger isn’t the only one who loves working religiously at the gym.

He went on shoveling, but always, every few seconds, he would raise his head and glance at me. I felt my heart pounding with each stare he gave me. After a few more minutes, the hole was filled, and he flattened the dirt down with the blade of his shovel. He looked back at me one last time and then disappeared beyond the crest of the hill.

‘That night I dreamt I was in a coffin that must’ve been made of glass because I could see through it. I was in a grave, surrounded by high banks of dirt. A figure stood at the edge of the hole, looking down at me. It was the gravedigger, and except for a black armband around his huge left bicep and leather boots, he was completely naked. At first, his face was completely expressionless, but when he saw me staring at him, his lips curved up into a sexy, wicked smile.

His rock-hard dick jetted straight out in front of him, with his thick balls hanging close to his body, just above the crack of his ass. I’ve never seen a naked male body from this perspective before, and it excited the hell out of me as my cock began to harden. He carried his shovel over his shoulder in his usual way. He began stroking his dick jerking off with slow, regular strokes, as I watched his balls swing in tempo to his beating off.

Suddenly the young mourner I saw yesterday appeared behind the gravedigger. He too was naked, and his cock was just as hard. Grabbing the gravedigger by his forehead, the mourner pulled him into a kiss, their mouths fusing in a long, scorching lip-lock. As he continued kissing him, the mourner’s hands reached down and took hold of the gravedigger's throbbing cock stroking it hard. Quickly the gravedigger released it as his hand traveled up to the back of the mourner’s head pressing their faces together deepening their kiss.

I watched spellbound as their bodies moved in perfect harmony as they continued kissing with the mourner dry-humping his thick cock in between the cheeks of the gravedigger’s ass all the while tugging at the man’s cock and balls. I watched as the mourner’s cock pushed inside the gravedigger’s ass. The mourner began fucking him in steady, smooth strokes as the gravedigger moaned hungrily spreading his standing legs wider.

As if on cue, the mourner quickened his speed, ravishing the gravedigger more intensely with his rock-hard cock. Their bodies were soaked with sweat; drops of the gravedigger’s semen splashed against the top of my coffin. After a while, the gravedigger’s body began to shiver. His knees buckled as his chest heaved with his abs contracting. He threw back his head against the mourner’s shoulder and cried out, as he squirted a huge load into the grave. He roared like a lion in ecstasy.

The jizz from his cock splattered down on top of my glass coffin in thick, spermy gobs. The mourner shook the last few drops out of the gravedigger’s spent cock before vanishing in thin air. The gravedigger looked down at me with fire in his eyes as he shifted his shovel in both his hands and, with slow, precise thrusts, began filling in the grave. In a matter of seconds, I was completely buried.’

I woke up with my heart hammering. After a while, when it was obvious I wasn’t going back to sleep, I got up put on my glasses, and walked around the room. Looking out the window, I could just barely make out the new grave in the moonlight. I felt my belly turn over. I spent the next hour working out doing sit-ups and push-ups with such determination and energy that by the time I finally crawled back into bed my sweaty body was aching.

The next day, I got home from work with a bag of groceries. I saw that the gravedigger was working on a new hole. He looked up immediately as I approached the window. I got the feeling he’d been waiting for me. Once again, I felt my throat constrict. I moved away from the window, out of his line of sight. I tried to think about the best way of handling this. Eventually, I went and got a couple of beers from the refrigerator. I climbed out onto the fire escape. The gravedigger was staring at me without any pretense of subtlety.

“Hey,” I called out to him.

The gravedigger leaned on his shovel. “Wassup,” he yelled back in a deeply heavy baritone voice that had the unquestioned coloring of menace. Just like the first time I saw him, he was shirtless, and his tight tattoo covered shredded torso was streaked with dirt. His ripped body was glistening in a thick coating of sweat highlighting his extraordinary blackness.

His tight, dirty sky-blue jeans hung low off his narrow waist to the point they appeared they were on the verge of falling off. They cling tightly around his tree trunk-sized legs. The way they were hanging not only showed off his superbly developed sexy v-line abs but also his treasure trail making it obvious he wasn’t wearing any underwear. The bulge at his crotch was dangerously huge. He was a raw sexual animal standing!

 I held a can of beer out to him. “You look thirsty. Beer?”

He kept looking at me, saying nothing for a couple of beats, he seemed more captivated by the view he was currently staring at which was flattening. Finally, he grinned, and the white of his teeth flashed in sharp contrast against his midnight-colored face. “Sure,” he called out.

“Come down to the fence,” I shouted.

The gravedigger dropped his shovel and descended the small hill. His legs were long and graceful despite their thickness and he walked with a butch swagger. When he was almost at the bottom, I pulled my arm back and tossed the beer with a snap. The can flew, glinting in the light of the sun, and cleared the fence.

The gravedigger ran down the rest of the hill and caught it skillfully with his enormous hand. He pulled back the tab, and a spray of foam spewed out onto his face and torso. We both laughed. He toasted me with the can and chugged down what was left. I watched as the beer foam dripped down his chest and onto his hard abs. When he was done, he tossed the can and climbed back up the hill. He continued with his digging, but a minute didn’t go by without him looking up at me.

I leaned against the wall of the building, warmed from the afternoon sun, and watched him with a deceptive laziness. After about half an hour his work was done. He slung his shovel over his shoulder, but before he walked off, he turned to me. “What’s your name?” he shouted at me.

“Kwang,” I shouted back.

“I’ll be back later tonight. Around 11:30. If you want it, meet me here.” He climbed to the top of the hill and disappeared over the edge.

I couldn’t quite believe I heard him right. I told myself that there was no way I’m going to be lurking in a graveyard in the dark, like some damn ghost, to get a quickie. But the rest of the evening I couldn’t take my eyes off the window for no more than a minute or two. A few minutes before eleven-thirty I was clambering down the fire escape and over the board wall as if I’d planned this all along.

There was a cloud hiding the full moon, and I had to grope my way between the tombstones. It was a pleasant night, with a cool, comfortable breeze. I could hear traffic off in the distance, but here it was quiet and still. Thankfully the open grave the gravedigger had dug was bathed in a standing streetlight. With the light there the tombstones surrounding the open grave made of marble gleamed faintly. After a while, I sat on a granite headstone adjacent to the open grave and waited while smoking a joint. I figured it had to be close to midnight by now. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, trying to calm down.

“Hey, Kwang,” a voice said behind me. I jumped up, with a start. The gravedigger stepped out of the shadows of a cypress tree.

“Jeez,” I said. “How long have you been standing there?”

The gravedigger walked up to me. “Not long.” He smiled. “I was just standing and watching you in the light. It was nice. Your Asian skin has a nice glowing sparkle thanks to the streetlight. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come.”

His smile wasn’t altogether reassuring. Yes, there was a charm about it, unquestioned confidence but there was something wolfish about it as well. “I didn’t know either,” I said dropping the joint and dashing it out with my foot. “It just sorta happened.” I gave a nervous laugh as I pushed my glasses back. “I wasn’t sure whether or not you’d come either.”

The gravedigger stepped closer into my personal space which bathed him more brightly into the light. Up this close, I was truly thunderstruck at just how gorgeously sexy he was. His smile broadened and his teeth sparkled. “Oh, I’m going to come tonight,” he said. “You could’ve bet your life on it.”

Staring down at me with his hypnotic, sexy eyes, I suddenly aware of the differences in our height and weight, I was bowled over at just how magnificently tall and hugely muscular the gravedigger was despite my own personal sleek, muscular strength. There was a sinister grin on his lips as he licked them with his long thick tongue. No question about it: he was indeed a wolfish animal and hell yeah it was hot.

“So,” the gravedigger asked in a sexy voice, “are ya Japanese, Chinese, what?” He was turned on by my ethnicity.

“I’m Korean but I can understand the confusion.”

“My bad,” he answered. “I can imagine that confusion can be annoying at times and a touch racist. I get that, believe me. So if I offended you in any way I apologize.”

“Not offended…but I thank you just the same.”

“Whatever the case…you’re seriously hot as hell. I love your glasses.”

 “You do?”

“Yeeah,” he growled. “It gives you a nerdish quality which I like.”

With no ceremony, he hungrily pulled me into his arms. His embrace was powerful as he stared deeply into my amber eyes. He was crushing me forcibly in his arms to the point I was barely able to breathe. His smell was of dirt and foul sweat as if he hadn’t washed in days. The odor was intoxicating. There truly was something unmistakable primitive about him; also savage as he leaned in sniffing my face with his nostril like a hungry animal stalking his prey.

“Mmm…smell nice,” he said in a soft growl as his nose continued rubbing over my face. I felt one of his hands grip my ass. He firmly squeezed it. It wasn’t long before both his huge callous hands were fondling my buttocks. “Ass feels good…damn good. Gonna let me have it?”

“Yeah you can have it,” I said wrapping my strong arms as best as I could around his wide shoulders. I had to stand on my toes which made it all the hotter, “but you smell like shit.”

“Like it,” he asked confidently smiling.

“Love it,” I answered inhaling his raw scent.

He rushed his mouth into mine and began kissing me. His tongue worked its way deep inside my throat. It was a sloppy, passionately nasty kiss with globs of spit. His full, soft juicy lips had my mind stretched to the extreme. I felt as if he was trying to swallow me up whole and damn if it didn’t feel good as I happily gave myself completely over to him. He was wonderfully forceful and extremely dominant which had the toes in my sneakers curling. He was turning out to be a fantastic kisser.

I greedily responded, my hands slipping under his soiled wife-beater and across the bare skin of his iron torso. I pinched his nipples hard, and he gave out a long, trailing growl. He cupped my ass even more firmly and pulled my body even closer against his if possible. We grinded our torsos together, dry fucking each other with slow, circular thrusts of our hips. I could feel the hardness of his dick against the rough fabric of our jeans. It was big, thick, and outrageously long.

He raised his arms as I peeled his T-shirt off, and I got an even stronger whiff of his dirty sweat. I buried my face in the nearest pit, inhaling deeply as my glasses fell off my face and landed on the ground. The acrid/sweet smell filled my head, and I slid my tongue across his torso, till my mouth engulfed his left nipple. I ran my tongue over it, feeling it harden. Taking it between my teeth I nipped it gently. He gave out a long sigh, just shy of a groan. I trailed my tongue across the granite hardness of his chest and worked over the right nipple as well. His hands slid down my back and slid into my jeans. I felt the roughness of his palms rub tightly against the smooth skin of my ass.

I dropped to my knees in front of him. I ran my tongue across the front of his jeans, tasting the dried mud and grit accumulated from that day’s digging. I could feel his dick pushed up against the fabric, and I worked my mouth against it, wetting the cloth with my saliva. He unbuckled his jeans; I opened his fly and pulled his jeans down just past his buttocks. His dick sprung out at full attention. It was twelve inches in length and tremendously thick. It gleamed in the light, the iron shaft was covered in thick pulsating veins and it was tapped off with an enormous cut helmet head. The balls were shaven, swollen like ripe fruit. I buried my face in them and inhaled deeply, breathing in their sharp, musky odor.

“Aah yeeah bitch,” the gravedigger growled as he slowly yet firmly wrapped his huge hands around the back of my head and neck. “Play with my dick!”

I wrapped my hand around the gravedigger’s cock and squeezed gently; I fisted it hard but there were still a few inches of space between my thumb and fingers. A spermy pearl oozed out and I lapped it up. The warmth of his heavy dick spread across my palm. I ran my tongue along the hugely thick and extremely long shaft teasingly, flicking it lightly as my hands moved across his lower abs.

I began licking the shit out of his cock coating it in a heavy amount of spit. His shit was so fucking juicy and tasty. I took his dick into my mouth and nibbled my lips down its length. His body trembled beneath my fingertips, and his breath took on a harsh, rasping quality, like some large, wild animal struggling to release itself.

“Aahh fuuck,” he bellowed. “That’s it…eat it. Swallow it up, bitch!”

He gripped his hands tighter around my head and began humping his hips. He fucked my mouth savagely with his colossal dick producing loud gulping and gagging sounds from me as he forced-fed nearly all twelve inches down my widened throat. After every five to six plunges he would jam nearly all his massive inches down my throat and for several long moments intensely grind my throat to the point I was growing light-headed thanks to the fact I was barely able to breathe. But shit if it didn’t feel awesome!

“Yeah bitch, that’s the way. Make your Daddy happy!”

He fucked my throat raw. He overwhelmed me with his brutality. Moving my head back and forth off his cock like a yo-yo he jammed his gigantic cock down my throat choking the hell out of me. I could feel how the cock ballooned and expanded in my windpipes stretching it out to its fullest. I could feel my cock hardening and tightening up in my jeans as I gagged and gulped loudly.

Like everything else he was demanding, forceful with just that right touch of brute savagery. I twisted my head from side to side to increase the sensation of my lips sliding along his chunky dick as his loud, beastly groans expressed his appreciation. With both hands, I grabbed his ass cheeks. I could feel them tense and relax with each thrust of his dick down my throat.

“Urrggghh baby…aah fuuck! Suck harder…c’mon bitch eat it up!”

I worked a finger into the crack of his ass and rubbed it against his bunghole. I looked up at his face, washed in the streetlight, as I slowly penetrated his sphincter with my index finger. He returned my gaze with feverish eyes and another groan escaped from his open mouth. I worked my finger up his ass and began finger-fucking him at a fast, steady tempo that matched the way he fucked my throat with his huge black dick. His bent spread legs trembled against my body like trees in a stiff wind.

He pulled his dick out of my mouth with a sounding pop. “I want you naked,” he growled, his voice urgent as he slapped his dick across my face. It felt like he was hitting me with a lead pipe. I kicked off my sneakers and pulled off my t-shirt and jeans. “The socks, too,” he said. “I don’t want any clothes on you.” I pulled them off too. “Jump in the grave.”

There was a breezy gust and I shivered slightly as I climbed down into the grave. Staring up I watched as the gravedigger removed his boots and jeans. He now stood naked above me, legs apart, with his dick jutting sharply over me. Last night’s dream came back to me with a sudden vividness. He squatted back down until his scrotum dangled above my face. “Eat my balls bitch,” he ordered. God how I loved the way he was calling me 'bitch'. He was turning me into his whore and it stimulated the hell out of me!

I eagerly placed my mouth on them and kissed them lightly, the scrotum smooth as a baby’s bottom as I rubbed my cheek against them. I bathed his nuts with my tongue, and then opened my mouth wide, sucking them in. I reached up and ran my hands over his lower chiseled abs. He playfully slapped my face with his thick dick with a sharp thwack and then rubbed it over my cheeks, my eyes, and nose.

He pulled away and stepped into the grave with me. He wrapped his arms around me tight and began hungrily kissing me as he lowered me on my back. As if in a trance, I let him determine the action. God, he was so powerful and forceful. He knew exactly what he wanted and damn it felt nice being taken in hand. By nature, I’m a passive bottom, and I love it whenever I come across an aggressive dominant top, and by the intensity with which this gravedigger was holding and devouring me, there was no question he was determined to use me to satisfy his beastly hunger. What’s more, I got the feeling he didn’t give a shit about my feelings and desire. Oddly that only aroused and turned me on even more. This is gonna be a nice and much, much-needed fuck on my part.

Grabbing our jeans, he stuffed them behind my head to make a rough pillow, and then he stretched out full on top of me, his mouth planted hard on mine. Our kiss was needful, sloppy, and savage. Large globs of spit slid down my neck as he inhaled the oxygen from my lungs.

His body writhed against me with a slow, heavy sensuality as our heated groins kissed heavily against one another. I raised my arm and accidentally brushed against the side of the grave. Dirt sprinkled the back of his head.

He lifted his hips and his dick began poking in the crack of my ass. “Wait,” I whispered. I reached behind me and fished out a small tube of lube from my jeans. I was sure this was how things were going to end up and I wanted to come prepared.

The gravedigger watched silently as I lubed up his steely foot-long shaft along with my crack. With excruciated skill, the gravedigger mounted me, impaling himself deep inside my ass. I gasped and closed my eyes, feeling the unnatural fullness of his gigantic, inhumanly thick dick sliding deep inside me. It was overwhelmingly stimulating. It’s been so long…too long!

“Holy fuck you’re massive as hell,” I moaned out in a heavy voice. “Goddamn, you’re tearin’ me up!”

“Yeeah bitch, you love me ripping you apart,” he growled.

“I love it!! Feels so good!! Urrggghhh...fuck me…fuucck me!!”

Every inch of my body began lightening up with euphoria as he began humping his hips, fucking me in a grinding, hypnotic rhythm that was as stately as a waltz and as intense as hip-hop. Each thrust drove me deeper into the dirt; I could feel the gravel and gritty mud rake my hardback, working their way up into the crack of my ass. His body pressed down on me like all the weight of the world and his hot breath rasped across my neck as I wrapped my limbs hungrily around his immense muscular frame. The powerful force in which he began fucking me I felt as if I was being mounted by a savage African lion.

“Ahhh shiiittt,” I squealed out. “Ooh fucckk!! Yeesss Dad-dyyy…pound me…pound me!!!”

The sides of the grave seemed to close in on me and I was suddenly swept up by a wave of claustrophobia. I looked up and could see the full moon caught in the branches of the cypress tree. I breathed deeply and focused on the moon. Eventually, the panic passed. The gravedigger had his strong arms wrapped around me crushing me deep as he plowed my ass. I held on for dear life as I slid into the warmth of the embrace.

 “Urrrggghhh…aaarrgghhh!! Let me have it bitch…give it up!! Give it up!!”

 “Ooh God…ooh God!!”

I thrust my hips in time, as well as squeezing the walls of my sphincter around his bloated cock, to match the extraordinary rhythm of his deep strokes. He groaned his gratitude. The growling sounds coming from him were so barbaric, animalistic, and wonderfully savage. He truly did have all the instincts and attributes of a real-life wolf! My hard dick throbbed with the knowledge of the pleasure I was giving him as it rubbed up between our steely abs.

But his stamina proved to be stronger than I could have anticipated. For twenty intense minutes he continuously ravished me; his hunger was insatiable. He grabbed my legs and rested them upon his board shoulders. He began ramrodding his massive inches inside me with the force of grease lightning. His grunting and moaning sounds filled the grave as my screams of ecstasy filled the night sky.

“Unnggghhh…aggghhh sh-ee-tttt!! Aaahh fuccckk!!!”

“Goddamn, your pussy feels so fuckin’ good!! That’s it bitch…squeeze that cunt of yours tighter around my dick. Aah fuck yeah that’s it…shit tighter!!”

He was relentless like some demonic beast as he stared down at me with sexy, evil eyes. Pound for pound he was wearing me out. I was in a state of pure delirium as my limbs wrapped tightly around his body opening and accepting him willingly.

“God yes,” I yelled out, “yes! Fuck me…fuccck meee!!”

He humped his hips faster now, with more driving force and I tried matching him thrust for thrust but he was overwhelming. He truly was a demon-possessed as he crashed his full massive length inside me repeatedly. The intense strength of his fucking was incredibly raw. It was all so searing and awe-consuming.

I reached up and twisted his nipples hard and his body shuddered convulsively. He raised his head and bellowed like a werewolf in the night as he finally released his seed inside me. I could feel his throbbing dick squirt out loads after loads of jizz deeper inside my well-used ass. I pulled him down and kissed him hard and passionately, biting his lips.

As our bodies rocked together against the grave walls, dirt rained down on us. I started stroking my dick furiously and it was just seconds later before my load pulsed out of me, gushing onto my abs in thick puddles. The gravedigger gave one last, trailing groan and then collapsed on me. We lay there in the grave for God knows how long. The moon had passed out of sight, beyond the grave walls, and everything was dark.

The gravedigger eventually stirred and rose to his feet. He climbed out of the grave and squatted down, offering me his huge hand. I took it and he pulled me out back into the night air and into his strong arms, kissing me passionately and deeply. It was a long sensually wet kiss. I felt myself drowning in that kiss as my entire body became electrified. A breeze blew by and I shivered.

“Put your clothes back on,” he said softly. “It’s getting cold.”

We dressed in silence. He reached down and grabbed my glasses off the ground and handed them to me, before pulling me to him and once again we resumed kissing with our hands roaming each other’s bodies. He kept me there for a long time, indulging himself with my mouth, as he squeezed me harder in his embrace. My toes eventually began curling in my sneakers. Damn if he wasn’t one of those rare men who was pure sexual animal.

“Damn you're a good bitch,” he growled in between kisses as his giant hands gripped tightly around my ass. “It was just want I needed.”

“Me too,” I replied as I deepened our kisses.

“You’ll be back,” he murmured confidently as he continued digging his tongue further down my throat. “This is just a taste of things to come.”

“I know,” I whispered. He eventually had enough and pulled away from me. My heart was racing, pounding hard in my chest. I had never been so well kissed and fucked before. “By the way,” I said to him, “I didn’t catch your name.”

“I didn’t throw it out,” he smiled wickedly at me. “All you need to know about me is my dick and that your pussyhole belongs to me.”

He turned and walked away and after a few steps disappeared into darkness. I stood there alone in the cemetery and breathed in the night air, grateful for the open space around me. The breeze blew again, brisker this time, and I shivered once more. I climbed over the board fence and up the fire escape back to the warmth and security of my apartment.

After showering, I was in bed on my stomach with my face buried in my pillow thinking about the fantastic encounter I had just endured. Not only was the gravedigger an exceptional fucker, I loved the way he treated me. In his eyes, I was a gutter slut. He had so little respect for me he didn't even bother to give me his name. I knew I should be offended but instead, I loved it. so much so my cock began growing hard.

Suddenly, I sensed I was no longer alone. Before I could react, I felt the calloused, strong hands of the gravedigger on my body. Felt lubed covered fingers greasing up my ass hole before an equally coated cock slowly began drilling itself inside me. Arms encircled my torso as I felt the heavy muscular weight of the gravedigger pressing his body on top of mine.

“Watched you climb back into your apartment,” he whispered in a jagged, heated breath in my neck as he began fucking me long and deep jockey-style. It was obvious he was planning on staying here for a while.

“I couldn’t keep my eyes off that amazing ass of yours.” He was humping me strong and steady as he palmed my forehead pulling my face back. “Need more of this good stuff - NOW!” And with that, he drove his tongue passionately down my throat.


For the rest of the night, he continuously fucked me. He was relentless as he roared, growled, and yelled like a deprived beast in heat fucking me in all different types of positions. His stamina was terrific. He was overwhelming the holy shit out of me! At one point I begged him to slow down, which was a huge mistake. It only increased his barbaric savagery.  By then he was going after me doggy-style. The ease with which he bodily moved me back and forth as he crashed his colossal cock repeatedly in me was extraordinary. The headboard of the bed was banging ferociously up against the wall thanks to his passionate fucking. He had my taut ass arched high in the air. The back of my head was resting on my hunched shoulders thanks to the belt the gravedigger had wrapped around my neck. He was holding onto it pulling it tight, choking me steadily.

Just when I thought he was finished with me he would start all over again with renewal power and strength. The colossal force with which he fucked me was too much for my flimsy bed. The legs eventually cracked and gave way crashing the mattress, box string and both of us onto the floor.

But that didn’t stop my nameless gravedigger. If anything, it excited him even more as he continued pile-driving himself deeper, harder, and more passionately inside me.

By morning light, he left me disheveled, haggard, demoralized, and barely able to breathe across my destroyed bed. I watched him through heavy diluted eyes by the window satisfied with his ferocious accomplishment as he stuffed his still very hard jungle cock back into his jeans.

“I’ll be back tonight,” he growled at me as he began slipping through the window, “and you better have a new bed waitin’ for me,” he laughed. And with that, he was gone.

That very afternoon I brought myself a new bed and had it delivered. And I waited there on the bed, naked until midnight, and sure enough at that twilight hour, the gravedigger came through the window like a werewolf in the night and fucked me savagery throughout the night.

A year later he’s still climbing through my window during the twilight hour, fucking me like an untamable jungle animal…and yeah I still don’t know the gravedigger’s name.



by Darrell

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024