The Skreel

by rubber collector

19 May 2024 85 readers Score 5.3 (2 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The  rubberlaxins are here on planet earth to find female host for breeding purposes. The rubberlaxin select young female teenage girl for impregnation process. Once she has been selected she is taken to the alien spaceship where she is placed in the breeding chambers. When she awakens she will find herself naked and bound with her wrist and ankles bound. She sees the rubberlaxin standing there. Here is where i story continues.

Amy  woke and saw that she was naked and she was bound. The green rubbery figure walk over to her. " what are you? The green rubbery figure said i am a rubberlaxin earthling female. Then he opened his mouth and this strange looking creature emerged from it.

She pointed to it. what is that that came from your mouth? This is a skreel earthling it is a symbotic creature from my planet that lives inside my mouth. It is ready to lay its eggs inside a host like you.

Then the alien touched a device on its spacesuit and the amulet that amy was wearing started to glow the alien  creature was placed on amy chest. It started to move towards amy mouth and when she opened her mouth the creature slittered into her mouth.

She suddenly swallowed and now the alien creature was inside her stomach  soon the skreel will release its eggs inside you. impregnating you thousands of her eggs. They will grow inside your stomach and when they hatch you will have thousands of the skreel young inside your body.

As the skreel grows they will feed on your stomach acid eating their way through your stomach and feeding on the rest of your insides. Until you are dead then they will emerge from your dead body and i will collect them.

They will take the female skreel and place her back inside me until she is ready to release more eggs i will find more human host for the young skreel to live in. 

by rubber collector

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