The Kinksters are Alright

by Alex Ryder

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Chapter 25


 “Hey Raccoon, I need you. I really fucking need you bad.”

“Are you ok?”

“No, I’m not fucking ok.” Harrison’s voice shook. “I need…I need you to make me…fuck. I need to fucking forget everything. Please help me.”

“It’s ok, Scooby. I’m here. Come right over. Whatever you need, ok?”

“I need to get fucked up. So fucked up. Like a god damned zombie. I just want to fucking forget everything! I need to not feel this god damned pain.”

“Jesus, Harrison. I have no idea what happened to you, but get here quick. I will take care of you.”

“You’re all I have right now.”

Raccoon called Harrison ‘Scooby’ because of his fondness for pills, especially ecstasy and meth, which are sometimes called ‘Scooby Snacks’ on the street. He also thought it was a cute pet name for him. 

Raccoon was Harrison’s drug dealer. They hooked up the first night they met more than six months ago and they’ve become very close since then. They continue to see each other pretty regularly and have found they really enjoy each other's company - and the great sex. Harrison liked Raccoon. He trusted him. Rusty, which is his real name that he rarely uses, introduced Harrison to some of the harder drugs, but also tried to protect him from the worst of them. He could tell Harrison had an addictive personality and he was already pushing his limits with some of what he was using.


For all Harrison had been through up to this point in his life, he’d never felt so shaken. He was never so scared. It was as if Aidan’s actions brought out every insecurity Harrison had. Harrison was so unnerved by the experience with Aidan that he wanted to get very fucked up. He needed to be with someone who wouldn’t give him any grief, judge him, or take advantage of him. Someone he could trust to support him as well as give him some space to reflect on what happened and what to do next. Raccoon was the only person he felt could fit the bill.

He didn’t want to share this with anyone in the circle of people he considered family, thinking it would just make things awkward. Justin would only want to hurt Aidan. CJ just wouldn’t understand. Chandler and Finn weren’t those kinds of friends. Blaze was an option, but he was too far away. Usually it would be Jack, but he was probably the last person he could go to for this situation, at least right away.

Jack was basically at the root of what was happening. The fact that Jack had serious feelings for Aidan was an immediate deal breaker. He was compromised in this case and it would be hard for him to be objective. Of course, Jack could also respond very badly. Aidan crossed a line that Jack would probably not accept, regardless of his feelings for him. The only times Harrison had seen Jack seriously angry was when someone hurt someone he loved. He was not kind to Alex after he raped Calista and he ruined Joshua, deservedly, after what he did. Harrison was furious with Aidan, but didn’t want Jack to do anything extreme, and he felt the relationship could be saved. He was truly worried about Aidan. So, he reached out to Raccoon.

Raccoon was surprised to hear from him. It was a weeknight, and he’d just seen Harrison over the past weekend. He knew Harrison was stocked up. When Harrison texted him, it was a jumbled mess, so Raccoon called him. Hearing the sad desperation in Harrison’s voice, he knew something was wrong.


Harrison was a mess. He ran out of the apartment so fast he didn’t bother to clean himself up. His shirt was torn, his pants had huge cum stains on them. The bruises on his face were now visible, his hair disheveled. He was still shaking and sweating quite a bit. While he waited for his car to arrive, he sat on the curb, bunched up in a tense ball. 

The giant black Suburban pulled up and the driver got out to open the door for him. One look at Harrison and he was concerned. “Oh my goodness, Mr. Harrison! Are you ok? Do I need to call someone? I will call Mr. Jack.”

“No. I’m fine. Just take me where I want to go. Don’t fucking call Jack!”

“You look like you’ve been in trouble. Are you sure I can’t help you? Mr. Jack will be wor…”

“Dude! Just fucking drive me!”

“Yes, Mr. Harrison…to this address, are you sure it is correct? This is not a nice neighborhood.”

“Jesus fucking Christ. Stop with the fucking questions. If you can’t take care of me, get me another fucking driver!”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Harrison. Right away, Sir.”

Harrison would never treat anyone that worked for Jack, they basically worked for him too, as poorly as he did that driver. He was way out of line and felt terrible. The driver didn’t deserve that treatment. Harrison brought down the divider window. “Hey, I’m sorry. Thanks for your concern. I just had a, um, rough day. Please don’t tell Jack. I’m really sorry I was such an asshole.”

“You have nothing to worry about, Mr. Harrison. Just know I am here if you need anything, ok? You will call me if you have to, ok?” The driver handed Harrison a card with his personal cell phone number on it.

“Ok. Thanks, man.”

Still bunched up, still shaking, Harrison sat quietly until he arrived at Raccoon’s house. Raccoon lived in a shabby ranch in one of Chicago’s declining suburbs. It wasn’t a neighborhood rich kids like Harrison should be frequenting. The driver dropped Harrison off and said he’d stay nearby for a while, just in case. Harrison thanked him, apologized again, and went up to the door.

When Raccoon opened the door, Harrison ran into his arms. Raccoon quietly held him for a few minutes as he cried into his shoulder. Harrison slipped off his torn shirt and used it to wipe his face.

“What the fuck happened, Harrison? Who did this to you?”


Jack was on his way home when his phone rang. It was Harrison.

“Hey sexy man.” His voice was shaking.

“Hello, sexy boy!” Jack noticed right away that Harrison did not have the usual spark to his voice. “Hey, um, is everything ok? You sound down.”

He really wasn’t ready to go into everything with Jack. He just wanted him to know he was ok and he’d be gone for the night. Harrison didn’t like being dodgy with Jack. His voice quivered as he spoke. “Yeah, everything is, uh…it’s fine, Jack. I have so fucking much to tell you…I…I…just can’t now.”

“This sounds bad, Harrison. I’m not gonna lie, you have me kinda worried.”

“Jack…it’s just…fuck!” Harrison started to cry. 

“I can come get you wherever you are. Harrison, please. Whatever happened…I’m here for you.”

Harrison let out a big, frustrated sigh. “Please…Jack… don’t push me, I just need some space, ok? I promise to tell you everything.”

Jack was apprehensive, but he wanted to give Harrison the space he asked for. “I don’t like this, Harrison. I’m really worried.” Jack was upset. He’d never heard Harrison talk this way. He took a deep breath. “You know I trust you to do what you have to. Please call me as soon as you can. Let me help you. Let me hold you. It will be ok.”  

“I’m fucking fine, ok? Don’t worry.”

He did trust Harrison, but lately Jack has been growing more concerned. He knew he could find him and drag him away from whatever he was doing, but Jack wasn’t like that. This was all too familiar to him. Harrison sounded like something was spiraling out of control and Jack knew these feelings all too well. “Well, I can tell you’re not fine, but I am going to let you handle this however you need to. You don’t have to tell me anything more than that you will be somewhere safe and you won’t be alone. Hopefully you’ll be around someone you trust.”

“Thank you, Jack. I’m sorry I’m being dodgy. I’ll be safe and with someone cool. I want you to meet him. Soon, Jack. I promise I’ll be safe. I love you and I can’t wait to see you.”

“I love you too. I was looking forward to being with you. I guess I’ll see what Aidan is up to.”

That was the last thing Harrison wanted to hear. “Sure, cool. Maybe check on CJ. I think he needs some company and he likes hanging out with you.”

“Oh, yeah. That sounds fun. Alright, sexy boy. Take care of yourself, ok? I can’t tell you enough how much I love you.”

“I’ll be ok, Jack. I love you so much. Bye.”


Harrison had been making the rounds at various exclusive gay parties, the kinds of parties where rich gay boys got together to the exclusion of anyone they deemed not good enough. He was invited to one by a trick and it took off from there. Being cute and rich, Harrison was on the invite list for every party. 

These parties weren’t anything that special. They were sort of like fancy frat parties. Lots of pretty and pretentious boys hanging out, hooking up, drinking and doing drugs. Harrison liked to attend them because he could satisfy his insatiable horniness with multiple, usually hot, guys in a night. He did a lot of cock sucking, drinking up as much cum as he could swallow. He earned the nickname ‘guzzler’ from some of the guys. He also would get fucked and do some fucking. Rarely did things get far beyond that. Occasionally, someone would let him eat their ass. These boys might have kinks, but they were too pretty and fussy to share any of them in front of their hot rich friends. 

As one could imagine, Harrison was popular at these parties. He was a hot boy willing to take care of any boy’s needs. All the boys knew that Harrison would never say no to cock. As Harrison delved more into drug culture, these parties became regular events for him. Sometimes things would go further. He’d meet up with someone, or a few someones, and go back to their place or a hotel. He would get fucked in guys cars or in random places. Sometimes things even got wild. He never brought anyone back to his place. He knew that was too risky for Jack.

It was at the first party he attended, quite a while ago, that he met a cutie known as Raccoon. Rusty was his real name, but he rarely was ever called that. He got in good with the rich gay party boys because he could be counted on to deliver the best stuff - it also helped that he was adorably hot. He earned his nickname by being very stealthy, a loner, usually only seen at night and he could climb just about any wall or fence. He’s managed to survive more than ten years in his line of work.

Raccoon had a strict rule to never fraternize with his clients. Even though many guys tried, he never touched anyone he sold supplies to. In fact, he never hooked up with any of the boys at these parties. He really didn’t like them that much and found most of them to be assholes. He was happy to flirt with them and take their money though. 

A nearly seven year perfect record of not sleeping with any of his clients was broken when Raccoon met Harrison. He simply couldn’t resist Harrison - who was nothing like most of the other boys. Not only was Harrison a hot boy, he was friendly and chipper. He told jokes and stories. He was actually a nice person. Raccoon took an interest in him immediately and it didn’t take him long to act on it.

Harrison was a newbie to the scene and was a little too eager to try new things. Raccoon watched out for Harrison, sort of like an older brother, making sure he didn’t get into trouble and that he didn’t get crazy with the party supplies. Raccoon had a deep crush on Harrison. He knew Harrison was married, though not to whom, other than to know his name was Jack - Harrison talked about Jack a lot when he was high, or even when he wasn’t. Raccoon could tell Harrison was madly in love and found that especially endearing. 

They hooked up the first night they met, which began a deep friendship.


“So, I’m told you’re the guy I need to know.” Harrison said as he walked up to Raccoon. The trick that brought him to the party pointed him out and told Harrison to make friends with him because he had the best stuff in Chicago.

“Maybe. It depends on what you like.”

“I like a lot of things. Good burgers. Bourbon. Cock. Getting cracked out of my mind. Your ass.”

“Well, I don’t sell burgers or bourbon. You can get cock from anyone here. My ass isn’t available. I can definitely get you cracked out of your mind and more.”

“Maybe, if I’m a good boy, I can get you to give me all the things.”

“Aww, you’re cute. Look, I’m here for a reason and it isn’t to entertain you.” Raccoon was a little snippy, though it was mainly a defense mechanism. He was melting inside for this little hottie standing before him. “How about you try this? I promise you will love it.” Raccoon handed Harrison a clear capsule filled with white powder in it. After eagerly grabbing it, Harrison reached into his pocket to hand him cash. “Oh no. The first one's on me. You’ll be back for more.” He watched as Harrison walked away, “mmmmm, that sweet ass must taste yummy”.

As the night wore on, Harrison got to know many of the other boys. He got on his knees at one point and was servicing cock after cock. Raccoon watched in awe as Harrison blew six guys in a row, swallowing load after load. “Damn, this kid is a machine,” he thought to himself. “No, man. You can’t do it. Stay away from the pretty boy.” 

As the night wore on, the party had gotten to the point where most everyone was either hooking up, fucked up, or passed out. This was the point when Raccoon would quietly ghost. He knew he should just let it go, but he couldn’t stop himself from looking around for Harrison after noticing that he was gone for a while. He found him in the dining room fucking the trick who brought him to the party over the table. A couple of others stood by jerking their cocks. Raccoon felt his own cock growing as he watched Harrison intently. He loved watching Harrison’s ass as he thrusted his monster into the writhing, moaning guy. Harrison finally came and pulled out. “Holy shit, that thing is a monster!” he thought to himself, amazed at the size of Harrison’s cock. 

Harrison wasn’t wearing pants or underwear and turned to see where he’d dropped them. Raccoon had already found them. He stuffed the underwear in his pocket and held the pants by a belt loop over his finger. “Looking for these?”

“Yeppers! Thanks dude. You were right, this shit is fucking amazing.”

“Good, I’m glad you like it. And I thought I was the only one who knew how to keep all the boys happy.”

“There’s a lot of tasty snacks here.” Even though the drugs were wearing off, Harrison was still kind of high. He leaned in closer to Raccoon and brushed his hand across his crotch. “I’ll bet this is a pretty nice cock.”

Unable to resist Harrison’s advances any longer, Raccoon pulled him close and started kissing him. Harrison put his hands on Raccoon’s back and tightened their embrace as he deepened the kiss.. Raccoon stopped him as he slid his hand down his pants, pushing his fingers into his ass crack.

“No. No way. We can’t do this.”

“Aww, come on Raccoon. Let me fuck you. Or do you want to fuck me? Shit. I’ll do just about anything with you.”

“That is not what I needed to hear.” Raccoon was too weak to resist this boy who had completely mesmerized him. He couldn’t let this opportunity slip away. “I’m going to regret this, I know. Follow me.” Raccoon grabbed Harrison by the hand and took him up stairs. 

He led Harrison to the bathroom at the end of the hall, but someone had vomited all over the place so they went to find a bedroom. The first room had three guys going at it, the second had a few guys hanging out and smoking. The third room had two guys on the bed fucking. “Oh fuck it.” Raccoon said as he pulled Harrison into that room. 

“It is adorable how flustered you are right now. First time with a guy?”

“Oh, be quiet. I don’t do this at these parties. Mixing business and pleasure is a terrible idea. God damn it, I can’t resist you.” Raccoon whispered as he pulled Harrison close and began making out with him. 

“I guess it’s a good thing we haven’t done any business yet. You gave me this pill.”

The other two guys were oblivious to them and one of the guys seemed to be a little out of it. It didn’t matter anymore to Raccoon, he wanted Harrison in every way possible.

“God damn it.”

"I don’t want to mess you up. You can just leave me here and I’ll join these boys.” Harrison whispered into Raccoon’s ear. Harrison was leaning in close, his body pressed against Raccoon’s, his warm breath making the hairs on Raccoon’s neck stand up. Harrison gently rubbed his hand on the bulge in Raccoon’s shorts. Resistance was futile. 

“Ughhhh. I need to do something with you. I want you, kid. Damn, do I want you.” Raccoon said through a deep sigh.

“, what did you have in mind? Like I said earlier,” Harrison leaned into Raccoon so close, his lips were brushing against his ear as he whispered, “have you ever met someone who will do anything you ask?” Harrison licked the inside of Raccoon’s ear, “annnnnnnyyyythhhhhinnnnng…" 

Raccoon smiled weakly and swallowed. “As much as I want to do a lot of things to you, it ain’t happening here.” 

"Well...I don't know. Something is definitely happening.” Harrison had unbuttoned Raccoon’s shorts and let them drop to the floor. He slid his hand into Raccoon’s underwear and started to stroke his thick almost nine inch cock. “I'd like to help you out with this, at least."

"Sounds good...right now, please..." Raccoon moaned, grabbing Harrison’s shoulders playfully, pushing him down his body.

"If I, uh, go too far or something, you know, just tell me to stop and I will..."

Raccoon just let out a deep breath and smiled at Harrison. As the other two boys were lazily fucking, Harrison slowly knelt before his new friend. 

With his face now in front of Raccoon’s crotch, Harrison mouthed his erect cock through the thin material of his cotton briefs. There was a sweet and salty taste to his well-worn underwear that seemed to indicate that he might have been wearing these same briefs for more than a few days. The musky scent filled Harrison’s head with perverse and lewd thoughts, thoughts that continued to turn him on more and more. Harrison teased Raccoon a little further as he licked at the sticky precum soaked spot on the fabric that stood as the last barrier between him and Raccoon's hard throbbing pole.

“Oh God! Please, just do it already!” Raccoon gasped as he peeled off his underwear. It was loud enough to get the attention of the other two boys, who were now watching the show. 

Raccoon’s nearly nine inch, thick, achingly hard member sprung out and poked Harrison in the face. Once again, Harrison teased Raccoon by extending his tongue out slowly, moving his lips closer and closer, and just barely licking the precum from his piss slit. Raccoon trembled as he tried to gain his balance leaning on the wall behind him. "Stop, kid." Harrison froze instantly, closed his mouth and looked up at Raccoon as he put his hands on Harrison’s head and grinned. With an evil laugh, he said, “just kidding, but please…please stop teasing me. I’m gonna explode.”

The other two boys, now very involved in what Harrison and Raccoon were doing, began to quietly giggle uncontrollably. Harrison turned and gave them a look. "Do you realize," he said, trying not to laugh, "that I've killed men for less?" They just laughed at Harrison’s silly exaggeration.

Raccoon just looked down with lust and desire in his eyes. “Please, kid, I need this now.”

Harrison opened his mouth as wide as he could and proceeded to slide his head all the way down on Raccoon’s cock, deep-throating him all the way in, even tucking both his balls into his well-stuffed mouth. He took it all in one gulp and didn’t gag or choke at all. As he buried his nose in Raccoon’s musky pubes, he closed his lips around the base of his cock, his throat tightening around the head. He held his position for maybe 10 or 15 seconds, letting his throat do magical things to Raccoon's huge rod. Raccoon gasped and shuddered as if he were drowning and desperate to breathe.

“Holy fuck!” One of the other boys said. “Fucking impressive!” Said the other. 

Slowly, and deliberately, Harrison devoured Raccoon’s cock and balls. His talented throat and tongue worked their magic on him. Raccoon’s body was shaking, sweating, his legs were like jelly. He wasn’t going to last long with such a skilled cocksucker giving him the blow job of his life. As his body started to tense up, Harrison wrapped his arms around Raccoon and pulled him in tightly, forcing his cock as far down his throat as it could go. This sent Raccoon into orbit. 

"OH. M-M-MY. G-G-G-GOD!!” Raccoon bellowed, losing control of himself as his already gigantic sex organ grew more and more swollen until it was at its biggest and hardest. Harrison loved how Raccoon was reacting and wanted to push him as far as he could. He gently raked his teeth across his superhard shaft - just enough to add a powerful sensation to what was likely the best blow job he had ever gotten. 

The other two boys were furiously pumping their cocks and were about to explode themselves. Harrison didn’t relent and finally sent Raccoon into a spastic set of uncontrollable convulsions. Wave after wave of thick, creamy cum came spewing out of his throbbing cock, so much that Harrison was drowning in a sea of white sticky jizz. He let it pour down his throat, but the flow was so much that it filled his mouth and dribbled down his chin and leaked out the corners of his mouth. One of the other boys shot a load so far that it landed on the back of Harrison’s head.  

Finally, the flow of cum abruptly stopped. Raccoon’s body went limp and he leaned against the wall, barely able to hold himself up. He was gasping for air, drenched with sweat, and completely spent from his wild orgasm. Harrison was just getting started. He pulled Raccoon’s rapidly softening prick from his mouth and grabbed him by the hips. Harrison pulled Raccoon away from the wall, spun around and pushed him onto the bed. Before Raccoon could protest, Harrison buried his long, slick tongue into Raccoon’s sweaty asshole. 

Wide eyed, and slightly overwhelmed, Raccoon stared at the other two boys. He was quickly learning that Harrison’s oral skills were not just limited to cock sucking. Harrison shoved his tongue as far up Raccoon’s chute as it could go, tasting the funky bitterness that he loved so much. As he tongue fucked his new friend, he locked his lips onto Raccoon’s hungry hole and made out with his ass. Raccoon’s eyes rolled back in his head as he gasped, writhing under the wildly horny boy overtaking him.

One of the other boys slid closer to Raccoon and brushed his hand on his face. “You are the luckiest son of a bitch!”

“What a fucking maniac that kid is!” The other boy said. “Where the fuck did he come from? I’m in fucking love!”

All Raccoon could do was moan as Harrison turned him into a quivering mess.

The other two boys were so turned on by the scene in front of them, they resumed their own fun and began to fuck again. 

Suddenly, Raccoon felt Harrison’s tongue gliding up his spine. He soon felt Harrison’s body against his, and his rock hard monster pressing against his back. Harrison licked the sweat from Raccoon’s neck and rested his head next to his. “Are we having fun yet?” He whispered seductively.

“Oh my God, you’re going to kill me.”

“Oh, that was nothing. Please let me fuck you.” Harrison licked at Raccoon’s neck and caressed his head.

“And you’re polite too.” Raccoon reached around and did his best to caress Harrison’s neck.

“I mean, consent is important. Or, if you want, you can fuck me?” Harrison said as he kept kissing Raccoon, gently grinding against him. 

“Dude. Even though I can’t believe how hard I am again, I don’t have the energy for that.”

“So then I can fuck you? Look at how much fun they are having.” They glanced at the other two boys, one of whom was rapidly pounding the other. “I promise to be more gentle…if you want me to be.”

“Yes, please. Just fuck me already!”

“Hey, you’re the one being Mr. Apprehensive.” Harrison positioned his cock head at Raccoon’s opening and pressed down slightly, gently pushing his cock head inside of him. Raccoon gulped and moaned as it slid past his tight ass ring. It was obvious to Harrison, that Raccoon did not get fucked a lot. Raccoon moaned and said, "wait wait wait wait". Harrison just stood still, his cock head inside him. 

“Are you ok? Do you want me to stop? Pull out?”

Raccoon took a deep breath. “Please, no, don't pull out."

"Are you sure?” Harrison could feel his hole tightening around his cockhead, “it doesn't hurt?"

"Oh God, it really hurts,” Raccoon said in a strained tone, “just…just…go slow. Really slow..." Raccoon shook his head as he took another deep breath. He turned and looked up at Harrison, 

“you are the biggest thing that has ever been in my ass.”

Harrison knew what to do. This wasn’t the first time someone struggled with his huge cock. He gave Raccoon a few kisses on his neck and repositioned his hands on his sides and pushed more of his cock into him. Raccoon moaned as he went deeper. Harrison stopped and said, "more?"

Raccoon looked up at the other two boys pounding away, frustrated that he wasn’t able to do the same. He was silent for a while and just squirmed under Harrison and then said, "please."

Harrison pushed a little further until Raccoon moaned again, then just stopped and waited for him to be ready. By this point, the top from the other couple was cumming again. He pulled out and rolled over. They positioned themselves to watch Harrison and Raccoon. Harrison started rocking back and forth a bit at the same spot, never going deeper than that point of pain. Raccoon let out a soft, much more pleasant moan, "oh yeah... that's nice."

His rocking motions pushed a little deeper into Raccoon, who moaned again. Harrison pushed deeper...then a little deeper. Finally, all ten inches of Harrison’s cock was deep inside of Raccoon. He moaned and groaned a bit, so Harrison just stayed there. Keeping his entire cock inside of his warm ass.

Raccoon was quiet for a while and then said, "this is really nice. Can we just stay like this for a bit?"

“Of course. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel tonight.” Harrison wrapped his arms around Raccoon and held him tightly, softly kissing his neck.

As Raccoon folded his arms under his head he noticed the other two boys quietly watching. He knew these boys as regulars at these parties. They knew this was not something Raccoon ever did. For a brief moment, Raccoon panicked. “Oh no. This isn’t good. Guys, you’re not going to tell anyone about this, are you?”

The bottom boy laughed, “oh no Raccoon. We aren’t going to give away your secret.”

“I knew you had to give in sometime. I’m just disappointed it wasn’t with me,” the top boy added. “I don’t think we get anything out of messing things up for you.”

Harrison didn’t acknowledge the conversation, he just kept lightly grinding on Raccoon, kissing his neck and sliding his hands over him. His cock moved ever so slightly, making Raccoon moan. 

“Oh God, kid.” He took another breath and reached a hand out to touch one of the other boys, “thanks Connor. You too, Kenneth. I promise to take good care of you boys.” Raccoon shook his head and rested it back on his arms, “this kid is amazing.”

Connor, the top boy, laughed again. “Yeah, I know. He sucked me dry hours ago.” The bottom boy, Kenneth, added, “yeah and he fucked me senseless.”

Raccoon looked up at Harrison, who just smoked and shrugged his shoulders. “You are out of control kid.”

“You don’t even know, my friend. Are you ready for me?"

"Yeah, just…please…nice and easy. I’m not as experienced as Kenny here.”

With a devilish grin, Harrison started slowly fucking Raccon. He was pulling his cock a few inches out and then gently sliding it back in. He kept repeating the motions, adding a few more inches each time. Raccoon moaned and grunted, overcome by sexual stimulation. Harrison never took things beyond that deliberate level of slow, passionate fucking. He loved how much Raccoon was not only loosening up, but truly enjoying Harrison’s big cock inside of him. 

“I hope you’re enjoying this, because I have no intention of letting this end anytime soon.”

“Please don’t stop. You can do this for a week if you want.”

“Be careful what you wish for.”

All three boys were amazed at Harrison’s stamina and focus. He was very focused on fucking Raccoon, making him feel good. Every fiber of his being was focused on the task at hand. Every muscle seemed to work in unison to give Raccoon more pleasure than he’d ever imagined. 

Being the filthy boy he was, Harrison wanted more from this already intense moment. He looked over at Conner and Kenneth. “I think that hardon would feel really good up my ass, don’t you think so, Conner?” Harrison glanced at Kenneth, “and you could slide yours down my throat.”

Conner and Kenneth looked at each other and smiled. They quickly got themselves into their respective positions. “Wow. I really have no idea what is happening right now,” Raccoon said in a muffled tone as he buried his face in his arms, feeling Kenneth’s ass just above his head.

Once Conner slid his seven plus inches into Harrison’s ass, Harrison turned to him, “just hold it right there, let me do the work. I don’t want to break this rhythm.” Conner gasped as Harrison tightened his sphincter around his cock. Harrison greedily swallowed Kenneth’s cock and let Kenneth fuck his face.

“How in the world did I end up in a porn scene?” Raccoon thought to himself. This was like nothing he’d ever done before, even in his wildest days.

Connor reached up and ran his hand through Harrison’s hair, holding his head in place for Kenneth to get even deeper with his throat fucking. Finally, Kenneth couldn’t take anymore and he blasted his cum, first in Harrison’s mouth and then finishing off all over Harrison’s face. Connor held out as long as he could before he shot a load into Harrison’ ass, pulling out and shooting the rest all over Harrison’s back.

“Jesus! How am I cumming again?” Raccoon shouted as he shot another load into the bed.

Harrison did finally increase his pace and started slamming down into Raccoon, who seemed to welcome the harder pounding. Harrison had his eyes closed and they were sort of flickering slightly as his mouth opened and let out a gasp. He was fucking and bucking his body, now slamming into Raccoon with a stronger force than before. He reached his arm around and held Connor in place, keeping him from pulling out.

As he got lost in the moment, he felt the climax get closer. Harrison kept banging Raccoon a bit longer and then blurted out with a grunt, "AWWWW FUCK YEAHHHH!!" He slammed as deep into him as he could and then didn’t move as his balls were emptied and shot what felt like a gallon of seed through his rock hard rod. Cum gushed out and filled Raccoon’s tight ass, coating his insides with sticky white fluids.

Harrison grunted as gush after gush left his body. He finally collapsed on top of Raccoon, his entire body pinning him below. He gasped out moans into Raccoon’s ear as he continued to spray a seemingly endless amount of seed inside him. When he was done, Harrison started moving his hips back and forth again. Connor climbed back to the other side of the bed and took Kenneth in his arms and started making out with him. Harrison pulled Raccoon’s hips upwards so that his ass was easily accessible again. 

He dove down into Raccoon’s ass again, this time desperately wanting to suck up the massive amount of cum he’d just pumped into him. This was something that got Raccoon even more excited, though he was a little freaked out that things were going too far. He’d already done way more than he expected - or felt he should have. Certainly this was not what he wanted to do while he was technically ‘working’. 

“Hey kid, ease up. Not here.” Raccoon said sternly. “Let’s go to my place and we can go from there, cool? This has already gone way overboard.”

“Uh, yeah, ok. Sorry. I get kinda excited.”

“Yes, I see.” Raccoon rolled over and pulled Harrison in for a kiss, “I like it. We just need to be careful. My business is all I have.”

Harrison grinned and kissed him gently on the lips. They pulled apart, smiled at each other and then I kissed again, more firmly. Raccoon’s lips parted slightly and Harrison’s tongue ran over his closed lips, seeking entry. Almost instantly, Raccoon’s lips opened themselves up and they traded tongues, exploring each other deeply. When they finally broke the kiss, they were both out of breath and hornier than ever.

“We have to go. Now.” Raccoon said, pushing Harrison away. They both stood up and got dressed.

“We should do this again!” Kenneth said.

“Yeah, uh, maybe not.” Raccoon replied. 

“Fuck! It’s fucking 5:30! I gotta go to work. God damnit.” Connor barked.

Raccoon dug through his backpack. He pulled out a couple of baggies filled with white powder, “this will get you through the day. It’s some of our best stuff. Don’t do it all at once! Bumps, not lines.” Connor laughed as he took the bags of coke. “And this is for you two to have some fun together another time.” Raccoon gave them two vials of G and two pills with raccoon faces on them. “Don’t waste this stuff now. Save it for another night. I promise you two will have the best night ever. These are like no pills I’ve ever sold you guys.” 

“Hehe. I guess we are going to see each other again.” Kenneth said to Connor as he kissed him on the cheek.

“Looks like you got everything you’ve ever wanted tonight.” Connor replied.

“Thanks Raccoon. Don’t worry, we got you. No one will know about this.”

“Much appreciated Kenneth. Oh, and I will be at your house on Friday, right Connor?”

“Yes, Sir. Bring favors for 12. And bring your friend.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Raccoon smirked. “You ready, kid?”

“Yeppers!” As they were leaving the room, Connor yelled to Harrison, “hey, he might not want to hook up, but I’ll bet you do.”

“Yeah, I could fuck with you guys again.” Harrison pulled a pen out of his pocket and wrote his number on Kenneth’s back. “Text me. I’m looking forward to it.”


As the elevator pinged its arrival, Harrison's heart raced. He had never spent so much time away from Jack, at least like this. He needed time to process the trauma of Aidan's attack. He knew Jack sensed something was wrong, but he feared his reaction. Not only was the situation with Aidan something he needed to talk about, he will probably have to explain his relationship with Raccoon as well. 

Harrison stepped out into the luxurious penthouse, taking in the familiar surroundings - the same surroundings where Aidan and he clashed. Jack was sitting on the couch, a glass of whiskey in his hand, gazing out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the stunning Chicago skyline. The soft hum of jazz music filled the room, providing a dab of ambiance. Harrison suddenly felt more comfortable. 

Jack's eyes were warm and filled with emotion. He stood up and put his arms out, "Hey, you," he greeted, his soothing voice tinged with a mix of concern and love. "I’m happy to see you, sexy boy." He pulled Harrison into a hug, whispering, "I've missed you so much."

Harrison's shoulders shook as a few tears escaped down his cheeks. Jack's familiar scent, feeling the warmth of Jack's body, hearing Jack’s voice, all helped Harrison's turmoil begin to subside. They broke apart, and Harrison's eyes were focused on the man before him. Jack's unwavering stare expressed a multitude of emotions—love, anxiety, and a hint of apprehension, even a bit of desire.

 "I needed some time, Jack. After what happened with Aidan, I just—I needed to clear my head." 

"Something happened with Aidan? Space is healthy, you just have me worried. Obviously something bad happened. You've never stayed away this long. You’ve never not come to me."

"I can't tell you what happened without upsetting you, Jack." Harrison whispered, his voice strained with emotion. "Fuck. What Aidan did..." At the mention of Aidan's name, Jack's muscles tightened. He loved Aidan, but their complicated relationship had been causing tension between him and Harrison. Jack now worried that he let things go unresolved for too long.

“Harrison, no matter what it is, you have to know I am here for you no matter what. I’m worried I might know what happened.” Jack’s voice was soft and reassuring, despite his own inner turmoil Jack had spoken to Dillon earlier and knew that Aidan had attacked him. His heart sank realizing that the same thing probably happened to Harrison.

They sat down on the spacious couch, side by side, Harrison's knees drawn up to his chest, his eyes downward, unable to meet Jack's gaze as he began to unravel his horrific afternoon. He was surprised to hear Jack may have a sense of what happened.

"Please, just hear me out," Harrison begged, taking Jack's hand. “Just let me tell you everything first, ok? It is hard to say, so I just need to fucking let it all out at once.”

“Yeah, of course. Take your time.” Jack said as he passed a glass of bourbon he’d already poured anticipating a tough conversation.

Harrison took a shuddering breath and began to relate the events that had shaken his world. He spoke of Aidan's anger, the harsh words and the physical violence that had left him battered and bruised. He described the fear that had gripped him, the sense of violation after Aidan's brutal actions.

"It was awful, Jack. We fought, over stupid shit and it escalated, so fucking fast. He… he lost control. Shouting and accusing me of things, saying I was using you, that I was a disgrace. He said I didn’t deserve you, that you belonged to him. He called me all kinds of things, told me what a disgusting slut I was.” Harrison's eyes darted to Jack's, seeking some assurance. "He claimed you'd eventually leave me for him, that I was just a toy."

Jack fell silent, the only sound Harrison's painful sniffles. Jack was shaken. He let this happen. Jack's mind raced with images of Aidan's volatile behavior in the past, the hints of darkness he'd seen in him but had chosen to ignore. Even so, Jack's jaw clenched at Aidan's venomous words, angry and saddened that Aidan could say such things. He wasn’t ready for what came next. 

“Then he… he forced himself on me." Hot tears stung Harrison's eyes, and he brushed them away, feeling ashamed and vulnerable. "He hurt me, Jack," Harrison continued, "he hit me and... and he fucking raped me, Jack! I told him no. He didn’t listen. I couldn't stop him, and it was like he was a different person. It was so fucking horrible. After I finally pushed him away, I hit him, he started to bleed. God damn it, Jack. I didn’t know what to do."

Jack had so much to say, but he waited, wanting to be sure Harrison had gotten everything out. He fought the urges to cry and yell. 

"I couldn't stop him. He was so angry, and… it hurt, Jack. Physically, emotionally." Harrison's voice cracked, and he took a shuddering breath, the memories overwhelming him. “I love Aidan. I know he loves me. These past months have been… difficult. I never thought it would get to this.”

"He crossed a line, and I needed some space to process it all. So, I ran away after... after it was over,” Harrison's voice trembled, “the driver wanted to call you, I said no. I was terrible to him. Please don’t be mad at him, he did exactly what he was supposed to do, but I needed to get away. Blaze might have been the only person I could turn to, but he’s not here.” Harrison took a deep breath, then his voice turned to a whisper, "I didn't want to come to you because I know how much you care about him. I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Aidan, but... but I can't keep this inside. It's eating me alive. I felt like Raccoon was the only person I could trust at that moment."

Jack's heart wrenched at Harrison's words, and he felt a searing heat in his chest at the violation of his precious boy. He wanted nothing more than to protect Harrison from the world's cruelties, yet here they were, once again, faced with an unspeakable act. "You're not ruining anything, Harrison," Jack assured him, his voice steady despite the fury building within him. "Aidan's actions are despicable and so fucking unacceptable, but… fuck… but first, I need you to know how much I love you and how sorry I am, for what happened and for the fact that I didn’t see this coming."

Harrison looked up at Jack, his eyes pleading, afraid of the repercussions of his confession. "I love you, Jack," he whispered, reaching out to take Jack's hand in his. "I love you so much, and... and I know you love Aidan too. I just don't want things to change between us. But, what do we do? There’s some serious shit going on with him. He’s not himself."

“There is. He assaulted Dillon too. He’s on a rampage. I don’t even know where he is right now. I’m worried about him, though I’m also fucking pissed at him.” Jack grabbed Harrison and pulled him in for a deep hug, “right now you are what matters and I want to make you feel better.”

Harrison's heart warmed a little, but he knew he had to reveal the rest of the story. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to you, I hope you understand why.” He looked away, unable to meet Jack's loving gaze. "I-I went to see Raccoon."

“Even though I have no idea who Raccoon is, it sounds like he helped you when you needed it. He can’t be that bad, right?”

Harrison’s stomach was turned in knots. He had been meaning to talk about this with Jack for a long time, but he just kept avoiding it. "There's something else you should know," he began, his heart rate quickening again. "Something I've not told you before." Jack's curious yet cautious expression encouraged Harrison to continue. "Raccoon… he's not just a friend. He's my drug dealer."

Jack fell silent again, Harrison observed the shift in Jack's body language. His eyes narrowed, and his lips pressed into a thin line, he let out a long sigh. "Harrison… do you really think I’m not aware that you’re using drugs? It’s fairly obvious to most of us.” Jack chuckles, “you’re not exactly good at hiding things like using drugs and hooking up constantly. The only thing that bothers me is… why didn't you trust me enough to tell me this before? I mean, Jesus fucking Christ Harrison, you know my history."

Harrison shrugged, looking away. "I didn't want you to think I was coming undone. I was ashamed, and I didn't think it would help the situation."

"Harrison, you were the one who told me, there’s nothing we can’t share with each other. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can come between us. So, this, Raccoon… is his name really Raccoon? Is he someone who you've been seeing regularly?” 

Harrison hated this feeling he had, that he’d betrayed Jack. He didn’t like the guilt he was feeling for lying to the man he loved. "I’m sorry. I didn’t handle this the way I should have.* Harrison laughs, “yeah, his name is Raccoon. There’s a story to that. You know how Blaze hates his real name, so does he. Who the fuck wants to be Rusty?” Jack smiles and nods in agreement. “He's been… helpful. With my anxiety, and… other things."

“Other things. Hehe. That goes without saying with you.”

"Yeah, well… anyway, it’s become more than that. Nothing serious, like anything you need to worry about, but he is special to me. Raccoon has been a friend, someone I could turn to, someone outside of the circle who told me what I needed to hear." Harrison looked down, a little embarrassed. "I didn't want you to know," Harrison admitted, shame flooding his veins, “because I thought you’d react negatively. Which is stupid. He even told me so. He has no idea who you really are other than you’re Jack, the man I talk about endlessly.”

“He sounds like a good guy. Probably not common among people in his line of work.”

“Raccoon's different, Jack. He's not some random dealer. He's… kind, and he's helped me through some dark times. He takes care of the people he sells to. He’s also, um, I don’t know how to explain it. He’s like a shaman. I can’t wait for you to meet him. He’s kinda hot as fuck too. Not gonna lie."

“I would expect nothing less from my sexy boy.” With the mood lightening, Jack pulls Harrison in for a kiss. They kiss deeply and passionately. They pulled away and sat quietly together.

"I've been thinking," Harrison said softly, "Do you think Aidan's actions stem from something deeper. Something none of us know about? Something from his youth or whatever? We're seeing him at his lowest, and it's clear he struggles with more than just his temper."

"I've been considering that too. Aidan's past must have some sort of darkness, something he's never really dealt with. I think… he needs therapy, or some kind of professional help."

"He needs help, Jack. I think he's beyond angry; he's lost. I’m really worried about him. I do love him, Jack. I just want him to realize how much he's destroying himself. Please, whatever comes next, please don’t be hard on him. That wasn’t the real Aidan. I worry he might get worse if you, of all people, are mad at him. I know it’s gonna be hard, but this isn’t like the other situation, you know."

Jack considered Harrison's words, knowing they made sense. "I asked Wagner to find him. He’s gone off the grid and it scares me. His mother hasn’t heard from him either. Your empathy for him just confirms for me what an amazing person you are. Really fucking amazing. Anyway, we'll discuss it later," Jack suggested, stroking Harrison's hair. "For now, let's get you relaxed, get some warmth into your body. You're still shaking."

Harrison nodded, his body heavy with exhaustion. Jack helped him rise from the sofa. They walked hand in hand toward the bedroom, leaving the ugly events of the day behind for the moment. In the safety of their bedroom, Jack ran a warm bath for Harrison, filling the room with soothing bubble-infused steam. Harrison undressed, his body bearing the bruises of his encounter with Aidan, and stepped into the tub, sinking into the comforting heat of the water.

Jack prepared some hot tea, and two more glasses of bourbon. He gently cleaned and dressed Harrison's minor cuts, his touches gentle and reassuring. "I promise, we'll make sure Aidan gets the help he needs. And Harrison... no matter what happens, I love you. Nothing will ever change that." Harrison smiled weakly, knowing the complexity of the situation they were facing. But with Jack he felt capable of facing anything.

The night stretched on, and the city lights reflected a gentle glow and cast shadows on the walls, adding an air of intimacy to the cozy room. Harrison snuggled under a soft blanket, curled up against Jack. He was so horny for Jack right now, but was also exhausted. He’d take care of Jack in the morning. 

by Alex Ryder

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024