The Kicker

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 9


I spent the week between graduation and when I was to leave for Sante Fe cleaning out my room at my parents’ house. On my last visit to Sante Fe I rented an apartment at the Siera Vista Apartment building. Several other rookie players also had a place there. It was set up furnished, and the manager told me that they also rented to a lot of businesspeople that were working in the area for an extended period. Even though I had been drafted, I still needed to make the final roster on the team. They wouldn’t make the final cuts until after training camp. I also knew that the Bandits had brought in a free agent kicker, and we would be competing for the starting position, so I didn’t want to rush into buying a house.

I finished packing up my car and said goodbye to my folks and made the drive to my new home. Mom and dad had already bought tickets to all my home games and even a few of the closer away games. My sisters and their husbands planned to come to a few of my games as well. I got to Sante Fe on Saturday before I needed to report for my first team meeting. After I had my car unloaded, I walked across the street to a nice bar called Carlos’s Cantina. I had a beer and ate dinner, by the end of the first week, I was a regular and the bartender, Mario and I had already become friends. Several of the other regulars recognized me from all the interviews that I did at the time of the draft.

The first week of camp was just for rookies, it gave us a chance to get acquainted with one another and get settled before the rest of the team showed up. That is when I met Will Harris, he was the punter the Bandits drafted from Ohio State, he would also be my holder when I kicked. We spent a lot of time in team meetings and practice together and were soon good friends. He also had an apartment at the Siera Vista, so we would often eat together at Carlos’s.

On the second week of camp, all the veterans arrived, that’s when I met Rex Wilcox, the veteran kicker that I would be competing with. It was clear from our first meeting that we would probably not be the best of friends. Our first interaction ended as he walked away and said, “good luck kid, being on the practice squad won’t be so bad, you’ll see.”

Will looked at me when he heard that comment, he said, “someone is sure full of himself, isn’t he?”

I nodded, “yep, I guess I just need to work a little bit harder. We’ll see who ends up on the practice squad.”

The average kicker lasts about 12 to 15 years in the NFL, Rex had just been released from the team that had drafted him 12 years ago. We all knew he was nearing the end of his career, and the Bandits only brought him in just in case I got hurt or didn’t live up to my hype. As training camp progressed, it was clear that Rex had an attitude that he was guaranteed a roster spot. I listened to my kicking coach and worked on every pointer that he gave me, Rex just muttered, “yeah, yeah, I got this.”, every time he was given any instruction. As we neared the preseason games, I was becoming more confident in my abilities and was feeling good about landing on the final roster.

As the first preseason game approached, I watched as several of the other rookies were traded to other teams, moved to the practice squad, or simply released as the roster was pared down to 80, the final roster would have 53. The coaches made the decision to have Rex play the first preseason game, he made 2 of the 3 extra points after touchdowns and missed the only field goal he attempted. I got the start for the second preseason game and made all my extra points and 2 field goals. I could tell it was bothering Rex, but I held my tongue and continued to work hard. I got the start for the final game before the real season started and again, made all my kicks.

I saw the disappointment on Rex’s face when he couldn’t find his name on the final roster, While I could barely contain my excitement when my name was listed as the starting kicker. Will was also excited that he won the punter job as we gave each other a big high five. I tried to remain professional and didn’t want to gloat in front of Rex, but I burst out laughing when Will had my back.

He turned to Rex and said, “it’s ok Rex, being on the practice squad won’t be so bad, you’ll see.”

The next day, Rex announced that he would be retiring from the NFL, no one seemed surprised or upset at his announcement.

The NFL season was finally under way, our first game was a home game, and we were kicking off to our opponent. My first kick was a good one, we had the other team pinned on the 8-yard line. All our hard work in training camp began to pay off and we won our first three games. During those games, I made all my extra points and had only missed one field goal, and it would have been good if it hadn’t been blocked.

After the game on Sunday, I headed to Carlos’s for my usual dinner and beer. I was greeted by a round of cheers and congratulations, save for the guy sitting at one of the back tables. I had seen him there a couple of times in the last few weeks, he was always working on his laptop. I noticed how good-looking he was, his caramel skin and those sexy brown eyes never failed to cause my cock to stir. I saw him looking in my direction and quickly looked back to his computer when I looked at him.

I asked Mario, “who’s the guy at the back table?”

He said, “his name is Rudy, he’s in town for work. I think he said he was here from San Diego and is supposed to be here for about six months.”

I had never talked to Mario about being gay and as far as I knew he didn’t know that I was interested in guys. I was still coming to terms with all of this and didn’t want to ask too many questions as to give my secret away.

Mario chuckled, “he seems like a bookworm and not much of a sports fan, I don’t think he know who you are.”

I laughed, “yeah, I think you’re right, he didn’t seem to share the rest of the crowd’s enthusiasm when I walked in.”

As I finished my beer, Mario asked, “you want another one?”

I nodded, “sure, and give me whatever he’s drinking, and could you please send my food to his table when it comes out?”

He smiled, “sure, he’s got food coming too, I’ll bring it out with yours.”

I approached his table with a smile, I held my hand out, “I’m Leo Foxx.”

He returned the smile, “Rudy Jackson, nice to meet you.”

I handed him the drink as I sat down, he said, “thank you, so is Leo short for Leonard, or…”

I chuckled, “Leonardo, as in DiCaprio, my mom has been in love with him since she saw him on some show in the eighties or nineties called Growing Pains. Somehow my dad let her talk him into naming me after him. I think I’ve seen Titanic at least 1000 times, I can recite the entire movie from memory.”

He laughed, “well he is a very handsome guy, and the name seems to fit you.”

Ok, he isn’t afraid to say another guy is handsome, this might be promising.

I said, “thanks, what about Rudy, were you named for Rudolph Valentino?”

He flashed that killer grin, “no, I was named for my grandfather, he was named after Valentino. I guess my great grandma had the hots for him, just like your mom did for Leo.”

I chuckled, “well, your name suits you too.”

Something else in common, things were definitely looking up.

I said, “so, Mario says you are in town for work, what do you do?”

He rolled his eyes, “I’m sure you’ll find it boring, just like everyone else. I analyze data and use it to help businesses be more efficient and streamline their systems.”

I nodded, “you mean like analytics.”

He looked at me in surprise, “yes, exactly. How do you know about that?”

I laughed, “I’m not just another pretty face, I do know some things. We actually use analytics in my job too.”

Rudy said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything, I just don’t meet too many people that know about these things. What do you do?”

One more thing we share, another plus.

I said, “I’m with the Sante Fe Bandits.”

He gave me a blank stare, “so what, you go out and hold up stagecoaches for a living.”

I laughed, “no, the Bandits are a football team. You know in the NFL.”

He still had that blank look on his face, “are like a coach or a player?”

I said, “I’m a player.”

He nodded, “are you the pitcher or something.”

God, he was so cute, he had no clue. I chuckled, “a pitcher plays baseball.”

His face turned red, “well, I mean the guy that throws the ball.”

I laughed, “that would be the quarterback, and no I am not the guy that throws the ball.”

He shrugged, “sorry, I don’t really follow sports, I guess I will have to watch a game sometime. To be honest, the only sports I have ever watched were a few basketball games when I was in high school.”

I smiled, “it’s ok, I usually only get in for just few plays every game anyway.”

Mario brought our food and we continued to chat while we ate. I was finding myself more and more attracted to Rudy as the evening went on. I felt so at ease with him, and he had no idea who I was, so I knew his interest in me wasn’t because he wanted something from me. If I wasn’t mistaken, he seemed to genuinely like me.

He looked at his watch, “I should probably be headed home, I have a meeting first thing tomorrow morning.”

I finished my beer, “yeah, me too. We have to watch game films.”

He nodded, “I assume you won your game today, by the way everyone reacted when you walked in tonight.”

I smiled, “yes we did, we have a big game next week in Kansas City.”

Rudy packed up his backpack as we both stood, he said, “I’m staying at Siera Vista, so I just need to walk across the street.”

I said, “I’ll walk with you, I live there too.”

We stepped into the elevator together as he pushed 3, he asked, “what floor do you need.”

I smirked, “we’re on the same floor.”

It turned out, his apartment was just around the corner from mine, why hadn’t I seen him before?

As we walked into the hall, Rudy asked, “I could make some coffee if you want to come in.”

God, I hoped I was reading his signals correctly.

I smiled, “sure, I would like that.”

Rudy closed the door and set his bag down on table, he took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry if I’m wrong, but I feel like you have been sending me signs that you want…”

Before he could finish the sentence, I pulled him for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me as I felt his cock swell and rub against my also growing member.

He broke our kiss and panted, “yeah, that’s the sign I was looking for, the bedrooms this way.”

We shed our clothes as we kissed our way down the hall, we fell onto the bed as I took a moment to look at his body. The sexy brown eyes that I had been staring at all night were now filled with lust, his full lips were now red from our brief make out session. I scanned down further, Rudy was by no means a jock, but he was certainly in very good shape. Two heresy kiss sized nipples stuck straight out from his well-defined pecs, his taught stomach had the slightest ridges of a six-pack. Other than a neatly trimmed bush surrounding a perfectly proportioned six-inch cock and plump balls, he was virtually hairless. My mouth watered as I studied his dick, it appeared to be just the right thickness to fill my waiting mouth. I immediately tested my theory and was proven right, he was just as delicious as he looked. Rudy gasped as I greedily licked the drop of precum that had formed on his magnificent broad cock head. A second later, Rudy’s hands were on the back of my head as I bobbed up and down on his sexy manhood. I only let go of his cock to give those succulent balls a thorough sucking, they of course, were just as tasty as his pole. Rudy pushed me off his cock and pulled me in for another kiss then sat up on the edge of the bed. I remained standing as he went to work on my aching cock, it was now my turn to put my hands on his head as he inhaled every inch of my pleasure stick.

I felt my nuts start to churn, I wasn’t ready to spill my seed just yet, I pushed Rudy off my cock and onto his back. He grinned as I began to push his legs up, I needed to taste that ass, and he appeared to want it tasted. He grabbed his ankles as he spread his legs open wide. Jesus, that hole looked just as good as the rest of him. I licked and sucked his pucker until the room was filled with my slurping sounds and Rudy’s moans. His head was writhing back and forth, his eyes rolled back in head as he nearly folded himself in half to give me room to get the proper angle at his pucker. I reluctantly stopped rimming him and once again began to kiss him.

I whispered, “can I fuck you?”

He panted, “God, yes.”

Our tongues continued to dance in each other’s mouths as I slowly pushed into Rudy’s velvety smooth canal. Every nerve in my over stimulated cock perked up as I started to pull and push with ever increasing speed. Our lips remained locked together as Ruby was now holding on to my ass cheeks for dear life and his legs locked around my back. The tingling feeling in my nuts began to increase as I approached the point of no return. I panted, “I’m getting close.” I felt Rudy’s grip on me tighten, ok, if he wants my seed inside him, that’s what he’ll get. I pushed in until my balls were tight against his ass and let my baby makers fly. Just as I did, he exploded, covering our abs with sticky white cream. We continued to kiss until our spasms finally stopped and we collapsed into a pile.

As I rolled to Rudy’s side, he asked, “so, are you always this horny after a game?”

I chuckled, “yes I am, and after practice and before a game and…”

He laughed, “ok, I get it, you’re always horny.”

We kissed again as we shared a shower, Rudy asked if I would like to spend the night, I of course agreed. The next morning after another quick love session, I pulled on my boxer-briefs, gathered my clothes from the hallway floor and made my way back to my apartment.

We had a busy week at practice, we were playing Kansas City, they were the team that the Bandits lost to last year in the final game and went on to win the Super Bowl. They were favored to again win the Super Bowl this year, so we knew we had our work cut out for us. Rudy and I had talked a few times, and he was also having a busy week at his job. We said we would talk again when I got back from Kansas City and set up a time to get together again.

We were evenly matched and were tied throughout the game. By the fourth quarter, it became clear that the last team to have the ball was going to win the game. On their last possession, we were able to hold them to a field goal, we were now behind by three points. There were two minutes left when they kicked off to us. We were starting from our own 25-yard line, we needed a field goal to tie and a touchdown to win. Over the next minute, we drove down to the Chiefs 20-yard line. We only gained 3 yards over the next three plays, it was fourth down with 7 yards to go. Coach decided to go for the tie and hoped our defense could stop them and win in overtime. Will and I ran on the field and did our job perfectly and the score was now tied with 53 seconds left. Three plays later they were in field goal range, they let the clock run down to three seconds and of course they made the kick and won the game.

We were disappointed, but we played well, and it was only our first loss of the season. We would probably meet Kansas City again in the playoffs. I was just glad that I wasn’t me missing a kick to lose the game.

I talked to Rudy after I got back to Sante Fe, but our schedules didn’t mesh this week, either he was working, or I had practice or another team meeting.

He said, “I watched the entire game, I was pulling for you guys.”

I smiled to myself, “thanks, I appreciate the cheering.”

He chuckled, “I have so many questions, there is a lot about the game that I don’t understand.”

I laughed, “don’t worry, I’ll watch a game with you when I’m not playing and answer all your questions. How about I get you tickets for our game next Sunday?”

Rudy said, “sure, it might make more sense if I see the game in person.”

I said, “and then we can come back to my place after, and we can practice some tackling drills.”

He laughed, “ok, but just so you know, there will no penalties for holding.”


 To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024