The Delivery Man

by TieMeUpPhil84

27 Mar 2024 2497 readers Score 9.9 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual/non-consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted toany other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

DeMarco woke up in a groggy haze. The room he was in spun around him like he was just coming off a world class bender. He listed his drugged eyes around to get a glimpse of his surroundings. He was on the floor, cramped up in a ball position and tightly packed into a small area.

Once his mind had the opportunity to readjust he realized he was in the sleeper cab of a truck. He tried to ascertain how long he’d been out, but the drugs and the area he was in left him with little clue as to what time it was or even where he was. In the end he decided to focus on the more pressing issue at hand. He was naked and tightly cuffed on the floor. Whatever chains held him down were strong. He attempted to stand but they kept him grounded on the dirty floor. Beyond that, he had a jumbo ball gag tightly strapped around his face. Drool was flowing down his well-sculpted hairy chest. To add further insult to injury, his cock and balls were tightly bound and throbbing. How long had he been like this?

He pulled and pulled on his chains but they kept him on the floor. He angrily tried to shake the cab and kick the walls but the chains prevented his legs from getting the leverage they needed to do any damage or make any noise loud enough to attract attention.

“MMMMMMPPPHHHH! MMMMMMMFFFFFPPHHHHH!” he shouted into his gag, further adding to the giant river of drool that was going down his chest. 

After about twenty minutes of vain struggling, the door to the cab rolled open. A muscular guy in a delivery man uniform climbed into the cab with DeMarco, who was still yelling into his gag. 

“Mmppphh FFmfff Mmfff!” DeMarco groaned, trying to tell the man to stay the fuck away from him.

“Wakey, wakey detective,” the delivery man said in a mocking tone, “I’ve let you sleep long enough. I want you up and adam. Speaking of which, it’s almost time for our little friend Adam’s life to change. I rigged up a cam on the front of the cab so you can watch the show back here.”

DeMarco fought heavily against the chains now. He wasn’t going to be this mother fucker’s pet, and he was certainly not going to let him continue on with his work. It turned out Mason had been right after all, and now DeMarco was smack dab in the middle of this psycho’s sinister sex slave operation.

“I know,” the man continued, “if you were any good at being a cop, you would have figured this whole thing out before it was too late for you. But sadly for you, my little dumb ass cop, you are now mine. I’m going to take my time breaking you down. Pretty soon, you’ll be just as big of cock whore as young Adam out there.”

As the delivery man continued to inform DeMarco about how his life was going to change, he slowly began stroking the bound detective’s exposed cock and balls, eliciting sexually frustrated moans from the detective’s gagged face. He glided his fingertips up and down his long engorged shaft. DeMarco could only look down at his cock and balls betraying him and moan along in hopes that he might actually get out of this.

The delivery man took his hands away from DeMarco’s cock for a moment, flipped on a TV monitor, and sat back as DeMarco helplessly watched a closeup of Adam, buried up to his neck, still struggling out some forty yards away from where the truck was parked. DeMarco’s captor adjusted some controls and got a closeup of Adam. DeMarco could see he was still tightly gagged with layers of duct tape wrapped around. Adam was bobbing his head back and forth, but could go nowhere. 

“Ya see this boy told me about your little assault on him detective,” the delivery man said, “he told me all about how you enjoyed fingering his little willing ass.”

DeMarco’s gagged face started to turn red from embarrassment. He had indeed worked over poor Adam in an effort to get a name out of the kid. It turned out the kid pulled one over on him and framed his brother’s friend, Mason. Now, DeMarco was powerless to set the record straight. 

“I bet you loved it didn’t you DeMarco,” his captor teased, “I bet feeling that tight little boy ass squeezing around your finger made you imagine how great it would feel on your dick.”

It was true. DeMarco had gone home thinking about fucking Adam. How much the boy would love the feeling of his big eight inch piece of meat railing him. Hell, he’d love to cuff the boy somewhere and fuck him like a dog in heat, then blast his five day old load deep up the boy’s ass. Then maybe tell his bitch of a wife that a nineteen year old boy know’s his way around DeMarco’s dick better than she does. 

He had shot a huge load all over his chest that night. He intentionally used his wife’s panties to wipe it up. He always did that, the more expensive the better. That way he knew his wife was walking around all day with his big load drying on her crotch. If the bitch put out more maybe he wouldn’t have to resort to such extreme measures, but that was really a long way off now.

DeMarco continued to watch the monitor as his kidnapper pulled open a cabinet with a smaller tv hidden inside it. 

“I figured you’d like to see Adam’s face and have some sound so I got a little web cam show broadcasting out there,” the delivery man said. 

The monitor turned on, and sure enough there was a closeup of Adam’s face. He was gurgling and moaning into his gag. It was clear that he wanted out. DeMarco wondered how long the stupid kid had been buried there. 

As the two watched safely from the cab, a broken down looking diesel truck started winding down the road towards where Adam was being kept. 

“I sold Adam, but not to the highest bidder,” the delivery man informed DeMarco, “I sold that faggot for cheap. To some of the members of the rival high school team. Them boys live out in the boonies, and could really use a slut to work over on a day to day basis. Adam’s going to be that slut. I sold him for $500 with the only condition that he never go free again, and never be allowed to cum.” 

The delivery man flashed a smile across his strong, handsome face as he looked down on DeMarco. The bound cop was beginning to realize just how dire his current situation was. If this guy had the power to make people disappear permanently and move on to another town, like DeMarco had seen in his previous work, he might not ever make it back home. 

The truck stopped a few feet away from where Adam was, and three young men climbed out of it. All of them looked pretty poor, and DeMarco couldn’t believe they could come up with $500. The leader was a well-built looking kid, wearing only denim overalls, his burly exposed arms were covered in tattoos. He had long stringy red hair, but despite his obvious poverty he carried himself with dignity as the other two followed behind. The other guys looked like brothers, both were Hispanic looking, similar height and had dark hair. DeMarco could start to hear their conversation being picked up by the web cam speaker.

“Fuckin-a dude, look. Right where the guy said the bitch would be,” the younger Hispanic kid said. 

“Yea, seems like Adam’s gotten himself into a bit of a situation boys,” the long red haired ringleader said.

“That long haired hick is Chet Meyers. He pitched against young Adam in high school and Adam always won. When I pitched the idea of selling Adam as a sex slave, Chet jumped at the opportunity,” the delivery man informed DeMarco. 

DeMarco stayed silent. He had spent the last several minutes pulling on his cuffs trying to squeeze his hands through. He felt sure they were pretty raw now, and he had made no progress. This guy had him, bought and paid for. He and Adam were trapped in his sick game. 

As DeMarco watched unable to change Adam’s fate, the delivery man fumbled with a drawer and pulled out some lube and on odd looking rubber piece of equipment. It didn’t take long for DeMarco to realize it was a butt plug. The delivery man looked like he was using a generous amount of lube to coat the plug, and he had a pretty good idea of where it was going. As a defensive tactic, he clenched his asshole tightly closed and backed up to the wall.

“Aw don’t get shy on me DeMarco. You know how much you loved fingering Adam, and you know how much Adam loved getting his ass played with. I’m just showing you how good it can feel,” the delivery man said as he approached DeMarco with the large buttplug in hand.

“MMFFFPHHH! MMFFF!” DeMarco futilely tried to object again.

It was no use, the delivery man forced DeMarco so he was leaned over, face on the truck floor and his hairy ass exposed. The man used his already lubed finger to open up the detective’s hole. He worked it in, despite DeMarco holding his ass muscles as tightly closed as he could. Then the finger fucking began. At first, it felt like he was being probed by an unwanted invader with no hope of expelling it given his current bondage, but once the delivery man started stroking the cop’s hard dick, DeMarco himself acknowledged that there was something to getting finger fucked. It felt good, better than good. It made his already hard dick throb. In his horny state, he turned to the monitors to catch up on what was befalling Adam.

“Well, well, Adam. I hear you want to be a cock slave,” Chet said off camera before kneeling down right next to where Adam was being kept, gagged and terrified at what Chet had in store for him. 

DeMarco watched as Chet removed Adam’s collar that looked it was outfitted with some weird GPS transmitter.

“I put that on so the boy’s would have fun finding the little bitch. Looks like they didn’t have much trouble in tracking him down,” the delivery man said as he tweaked DeMarco’s sensitive nipples. DeMarco continued to fight and groan into his gag, but he was trapped and forced to play out the scene as this man’s bound toy.

Now that DeMarco’s ass was sufficiently lubed, he didn’t even resist as the man began to force the large butt plug deep into his virgin hole until it locked in place. Once the man was finished, he gave DeMarco a gentle, degrading slap on his face before returning to working over the cop’s dick. 

Chet wasted no time. He threw off his overalls, revealing a lean naked body with a big seven inch cock and low hanging balls. He gripped his cock with both hands and shook it. Not long after a huge stream of piss shot out of his dick and onto Adam’s head and face. 

“Oh fuck bitch I’ve been dreaming about pissing on your faggot face for a long time,” Chet laughed, “you guys go get the shovels, I’m gonna start working this bitch over.”

Once Chet was finished with the first part of Adam’s humiliation, he knelt down again and started pulling off the layers of duct tape around Adam’s face. Once it was completely gone, Adam spit out the jock that the delivery man had obviously taped in there and began to plea for Chet to let him go. 

“Come on, Chet. This has gone too far. Just let me go and we can forget about this,” Adam tried to reason.

DeMarco knew there would be no reasoning. The kid had already paid up. Adam was now property, and there was nothing he could do to help the kid. He had problems of his own. For some reason this whole scene was causing him to get uncontrollably horny, and this guy who had captured him knew just how to manipulate his cock to keep him right on the edge, horny and focused on Adam’s fate. 

“Oh poor little Adam,” Chet smirked feigning pity, “In way over his head, buried up to his head, with my piss on his head. Did it smell good? Did you taste any? You’ll taste a lot more of it I promise you.”

By now the other boys had returned with the shovels. Chet instructed them to dig Adam out of the hole but first pissing on the boy as well to ‘soften up the soil.’ The boys gladly agreed and surrounded Adam on both sides and let him relish in the streams of their combined piss. After that the boys set to work digging Adam up while DeMarco and the delivery man looked on.

Once Adam came out of the hole, DeMarco got a better look how the boy was situated. He was tied up sitting indian-style so the hole wasn’t too deep. His wrists were zip tied behind his back and his ankles were zip tied together. No matter what, Adam couldn’t get out of that hole himself. Once he was out, Adam was a naked, muddy mess. The boys didn’t even give him a chance, they locked a heavy chain tightly around his neck almost to the point it looked like it was choking him.

DeMarco was permanently on the edge of cumming at this point. The delivery man would bring him to the edge, and back off right at the last minute as he watched these young men unearth their new whore. He wanted to cum. He was trying to cum, but the man wouldn’t give him the opportunity. If there was a point where he did go a little too far, his captor would violently twist his nipples to the point where all DeMarco could envision was the pain, until the need to shoot subsided. 

“So Adam, before me and my buddies here lock you up in our tool box and drive you home, you’re going to show off what a good little slut you will be. Lick my ass crack,” Chet commanded as he turned around and put his ass in Adam’s face while keeping a tight grip on the slave’s chain leash. 

The idea of Adam being forced to lick his competitor’s ass was a huge turn on to DeMarco for some reason. He kept moaning in and out of his horny daze while the delivery man expertly worked over his cock. He would do just about anything just to cum.

“Chet, please…” Adam started but before he got the chance to finish Chet hurled him forward by his chain leash and released a hail storm of powerful slaps all over the boy’s muddy ass. 

Chet kept up the onslaught for a good ten minutes until Adam was sobbing at his rival’s feet. 

“Good boy, Adam,” Chet said, “I like you groveling. Now obey your master and LICK MY ASS CRACK. I want to feel your fag tongue glide up and down, cleaning up the sweat after a long day’s work.”

Adam cringed at the thought. But he knew he had to. He stumbled to his knees, pressed his face against Chet’s ass and began to aggressively lick up and down the other boy’s crack. The other two boys continued to slap Adam’s ass intermittently to keep their new whore motivated. Adam didn’t falter, he just continued licking away at his new master’s ass, hoping to earn his mercy. 

After he was done with Chet, the hick insisted that Adam lick his buddies assholes too to further his humiliation. Chet even got out a phone and took pics of Adam’s debasement. He was obviously enjoying himself a great deal while he stroked his own rock hard dick.  

DeMarco was enjoying himself as well. His cock was trembling with an urgent need to cum. His eyes constantly searched to meet the eyes of the delivery man to signal is imminent need to cum. Suddenly, he felt a powerful buzz radiate from deep within his ass sending waves of pleasure through his prostate. 

“Like that, don’t you detective?” the man asked him, knowing full well he did. DeMarco’s dick was leaking like a faucet now, “you wanna cum boy?”

DeMarco didn’t even mind the derogatory way the man accentuated ‘boy,’ he wanted to cum bad. He furiously nodded his head and grunted along in hopes that the man would finally get on with letting him blow his huge load all over the place. 

The man indeed seemed to oblige, he picked up the pace at which he stroked DeMarco’s cock and tightened his grip. DeMarco’s eyes once again fixed upon Adam’s fate. The boys were finished letting Adam lick their ass holes. Now they were leading him around on his hands and knees in the mud and smacking his already raw ass. Eventually the boys led him to the back of the their truck, where they indeed threw him into a presumably empty toolbox and slammed the lid shut. Both boys sat on it to hold it down while Chet locked a strong padlock on it. Adam was theirs now. 

As DeMarco witnessed this, he was just about to shoot his load. The man had worked him into a frenzy of lust, and he was constantly moaning behind his gag for his captor to let him cum. 

“Mmfff mii mgmmg,” he pleaded, the man just smiled back. 

“You have to promise to clean up after yourself if I let you cum. You promise?” the man asked.

Fuck, DeMarco didn’t care. He cleaned up after his own jizz all the time. He didn’t get why this bastard cared so much about a dirty paper thin carpeting on his truck, but as long as this fucker would let him shoot, he’d gladly wipe it up. He repeatedly nodded his head and promised through his ballgag that he would clean up. 

“Okaaaay, here we go DeMarco…SHOOOT!” the man ordered, stroking the detective’s cock like a veteran porn star and driving him over the edge. 

DeMarco did indeed shoot a huge load of cum all over the man’s floor. His large, thick cock looked almost like a fountain of cum for a few moments, but as soon as the cop achieved that sweet ecstasy of his long pent up orgasm, it was over. The bound cop collapsed in a heap against the wall he was tightly chained to, sending his butt plug a bit further up his ass and causing a soft moan to release from his gagged lips… 

The delivery man let him stew in his bonds for a moment as he watched the boys on the monitor drive away with their slave in tow. Chet was kind enough to share with the delivery man some of the intimate details of Adam’s life with him. Adam would sleep hog tied in a small dog kennel at the foot of Chet’s kingsize bed. The cage would be decorated with Chet’s dirty, well used jock straps he had used over his life time. He never threw anything like that away, and he loved the raunchy smell from them. Now, Adam would have to learn to love it too. 

Adam’s day would consist of eating on all fours like a dog in the corner of the kitchen. Chet planned to lock a shock collar on Adam to limit his freedom even further. The boy would grow more and more sexually frustrated and need to do more and more for the obedient. Chet would leave him locked in his cage all day with a gag locked on his mouth. One of his cousins would come over twice during the day to give Adam a glass of water, a bladder full of his piss, another helping of food, and a load of cum. Adam would be conditioned over and over to suck cock and drink piss straight from the tap of his captors. He’d be taken outside like a dog, sleep like a dog, and be treated far worse than any prostitute. Chet admitted he spent about five hours a day playing video games and even more on the weekends. During that time, Chet would be on top of a rim seat, with his former highschool rival Adam tied up under him. Chet would force him to lick his ass and recite incredibly detailed compliments consisting about how Adam was a worthless faggot and lucky to taste a real man’s ass like Chet. 

Once a week, the entire former high school baseball team of Chet’s would meet to collectively cum in their second place trophy, second place due to Adam’s pitching performance. Chet would then parade his naked slave around to all of them to mock and degrade. He would then be forced to drink the cup while it was videotaped, and documented over time. 

Chet’s plans for Adam are what got Bronson interested in him and a big reason as to why he sold Adam so cheap. He wanted to make sure it wasn’t a vacation for Adam, something that was going to be hard to do considering how much and how low Adam was willing to go in just a short time. But the delivery man felt confident that leaving him with someone like Chet would enforce Adam’s true position in life. 

Thinking about Adam trapped in that box and what lies ahead for him made Bronson even more horny. He decided to work one out right then and there, and slipped his pants down to his knees and started working his fat cock. 

It took the dumb ass cop a second to catch on, but sure enough once he realized, the little bitch started moaning into his gag again. Bronson chose that particular ball gag because it was so big. He loved how it stretched across Demarco’s pathetic face. 

Bronson smiled, stepped on a switch and watched as the chains binding the cop released from the wall and sent him crashing down on the floor. Bronson kept stroking his cock and grabbed a cattle prod he had set aside for training circumstances with the cop.

“Hurry up little piggy, lick up your cum off my floor,” Bronson ordered. 

The confused look on DeMarco’s gagged face was priceless. He actually thought it that something as simple as that would be off limits. If he only had any clue what type of degrading acts Bronson was going to have him perform. A smile stretched across his face as he raised the cattle prod towards DeMarco in a menacing fashion. The cop cowered on the floor in his chains. He may be free of the wall, but his wrists were still tightly cuffed behind his back. Bronson had no problem zapping DeMarco’s ass over and over again.

MppppfHHHHHHHH!” DeMarco squealed into the ball gag. 

“Fuck yea little pig,” the delivery man laughed as he stroked his big dick and zapped the cop, “lick up your jizz from my dirty floor. Show me how obedient you are.”

He continued zapping away and listening to DeMarco squeal and watching him cower away as best as he could hobble chained as he was. The whole scene got Bronson incredibly horny. He felt a load churning in his balls.

“Fucking lick it you dirty whore cop,” Bronson snapped, holding his legs open with his strong feet and zapping the cops exposed, bound balls. 

“MMMMMFFFFFFFPPPPHH!!!!” DeMarco cried. 

Almost instantly, he crawled over as best as he could towards the large puddles of cum he had sprayed everywhere and began licking them like there was no tomorrow. Watching his new slave finally cooperate sent him over the edge, and Bronson leaned in close and held out DeMarco’s face so he could coat the once arrogant cop’s face in cum. 

“FUUUUUCK YEA FAG!” the delivery man groaned out as he huge load of his cum erupted all over his face. 

The delivery man leaned back on the wall, satisfied with his work.

“Keep something in mind DeMarco,” he warned, “there won’t be any escaping me. You’ll have to earn your freedom from being my slave, and I’m going to turn you into my cum craving cop faggot. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to come within five feet of a man’s dick and not want to suck it, just like that little queer you finger fucked.”

Bronson walked over and pulled a large fold up dog kennel out of a hideaway cabinet, “right now, I bet little Adam is seriously wishing he wasn’t such a bitch for dick. But I bet you he’ll still lovingly suck every cock his new master’s put in his face, and back his ass up on any piece of meat Chet sees fit to let fuck him. And soon, so will you. That’s your fate, to be a cock craving slave. So let’s lock you up in your little fag cage and transport you to where no one will find you. Don’t worry, I’ll leave the butt plug in to train your new favorite hole.”

Bronson dragged DeMarco’s struggling body over to the cage, and with a little difficulty, shoved the cuffed cop into the cage and quickly slammed the door shut and locked it behind him…

Dressed in a baggy hoody and dark jeans, Mason raced through the woods nearby a back road towards the house he’d been hiding out in ever since all of this framed for kidnapping shit went down. He didn’t know much about the law, but his parents encouraged him to lay low until they could come up with a good legal defense or god willing, until the real person was caught. Mason actually didn’t have any trouble avoiding police. He knew the town extremely well having grown up here and he was used to hiding from cops due to his adolescent hijinx. In this small town, he was basically a special forces operative when it came to sneaking around. 

He raced along the road and kept up a steady pace. The years of running were also contributing to him getting around with ease. He focused on his end destination. He had taken in with a buddy of his who used to babysit him. Now the dude just got him beer and kicked it with him. He had small house just outside of town now and honestly seemed to believe the story Mason had told him, despite how incredible it seemed. 

His name was Josh. His family and Mason’s were close friends. Mason trusted Josh, and for the moment, felt safe. He had to get this mess sorted out. How did that stupid detective get him mixed up in all of this. Who the fuck was this delivery guy either and why did he want him. What had he done with Kevin and Kyle and god knows how many other people. 

As Mason rounded the curb that led towards Josh’s house, he saw the light was on and everything seemed normal. Josh promised if there was anyone waiting for them he would leave his car parked in the driveway. It was in the garage. Mason still approached with caution, but he didn’t expect to find anyone. 

His plan was to just wait the guy out. He would have to move on with his business at some point, and with all the heat on him he couldn’t do it here. He hoped it had already happened. Dressed as a hooded figure, he slowly approached the backdoor from the woods out of sight from any possible onlooker. 

He ran up the porch steps and entered the kitchen through the garage. A faint beep of the dishwasher went off the second he opened the door. The lazy oaf decided to actually wash some stuff. The entire time Mason had been hiding out Josh took some time off work, he wore only boxers and the seem sleeveless tshirt half the time and played endless call of duty. Sometimes even his low hanging balls would poke through his boxer shorts and Mason would have to remind him to put that shit away. He was a slob. So at least the slob was getting back to cleaning. 

“Hey Josh? Where are you man? Feel like going head to head in modern warfare?” Mason yelled out so the whole house would hear. No one replied. 

“Josh? Where you at dude?” Mason asked again. 

He searched around the kitchen and in Josh’s room and found no one except his traditional clothes thrown everywhere mess. He thought for a second maybe Josh had gone out for the night when he found the guy passed out  on the couch next to a have empty beer bottle and few more fully empties. Mason smiled to himself. ‘What a drunk’ he thought. 

The dishwasher beeped again. Making an annoyed grunt, Mason jogged over to open it and unload it. He leaned over and hastily pulled open the door, but there were no dishes inside and the machine felt cold to the touch. The beep went off again. It wasn’t coming from there. Mason glanced around the room and centered on a strange case lying on kitchen table. It was sitting in a ripped open package and it looked kind of like an air compressor. As Mason approached it he started to feel dizzy, and realized it was emitting some type of sedative gas. He raced over to Josh and tried to get him up.

“Josh! We got to get up man!” Mason shouted right in the guy’s face. Josh replied with a disoriented groan and went back down. 

Mason pulled and pulled. Josh wasn’t that big of guy, 5’11, 25 decent build. But in his already inebriated state, Mason realized he would have to leave him or he’d pass out too. 

He hurried over back towards the garage door. When he first entered, it seemed like a short distance from the living room toward the door, now it truly seemed like a journey. He did his best to make for the door, but his drug induced haze made it seem more like sleep walking. He would bump into things and knock glasses on the floor before ultimately falling face down in the kitchen. Looking up and seeing the world spin around him, Mason did his best to still try and pull himself out of the house. But it was too late, he was in too long and now passing out was inevitable…

15 minutes later, the remote for the machine switched it off. Two men dressed in black and wearing sophisticated gas masks casually entered from their hiding place in the garage. One was holding a paint-ball resembling gun. The other carried nothing but coils of rope. 

“The boy made it far,” Bronson announced from behind his mask.

“But sadly for him, not far enough. I told you I’d find him,” Luke smiled back kneeling down and pointing the gun with one hand and pulling down Mason’s shorts to reveal his tight butt cheek. 

“What IS that thing you got with you?” Bronson asked.

“Oh this?” Luke replied, “This is a next gen tranq gun. The subject is down instantly, and out for hours. Leaves an innocuous mark and no permanent damage.”

Bronson was satisfied enough. He nodded his head and anxiously watched Luke stick the end of the gun on Mason’s left butt cheek and pull the trigger. Luke smiled back, stood up and pulled back on the end of the gun to load in another cartridge. 

“Alright, should I load him up?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, load him up, but give me the tranq gun. I’ll go collect the other one and open up the windows on my way. We need to move fast,” the delivery man replied. 

“You’re taking both of them?” Luke asked.

“Fuck yes I am,” he replied, “No one escapes from me, and those who harbor my property need to be punished.”

Luke handed over the gun and positioned himself above Mason to prepare to lift him. Luke was 5’9’’ but he had worked hard to become solid muscle. So he didn’t have much trouble carrying the eighteen year old boy out to their inconspicuous car that looked almost exactly like Josh’s parked in the garage. 

Bronson set down a few coils of rope to reserve for binding Mason, then continued on opening windows as he walked through the house to clear the sedative gas. Once he reached Josh the cool evening breeze was actually starting to help him come around. He squinted his eyes open and probably had just enough time to see the gas masked figure approach him before the man injected the additional sedative into his thigh, rendering him unconscious. 

He worked fast to bind the man, tying him in a tight, unforgiving hogtie. His wrists tied behind his back, as were his elbows. He wound rope around his biceps. He pulled his wrists far back close to his ankles and tightly tied the two together. Next he tied the Josh’s shins together. For good measure the man produced a medium sized butt plug and a small bottle of lube. After wripping off Josh’s clothes, the delivery man sensually rubbed the man’s plump hairy and obviously virgin hole. With a smile, he shoved in the butt plug and watched it fall into place. His new slave would definitely feel it. Finally, he grabbed one of the man’s own dirty socks he had been wearing for over a week straight, shoved it in his mouth, and secured it with duct tape tightly around his head. 

Once this new boy woke up. He would not be able to move a muscle. He would barely be able to make a sound from his tight, binding gag. And he would be auctioned off right next to the boy he tried to help. Bronson was pleased at his revenge over Mason, and lifted the unconscious guy up and carried him back to their getaway car. 

When he arrived, Luke was smoking a cigarette leaned against the trunk. Mason had been lazily thrown in and his limbs were outstretched everywhere. Bronson let out an audible sigh of disappointment and set Josh on the garage floor. 

“Get him out of there, I gotta get that little bitch tied up. I’m not taking any chances this time,” he said to Luke. 

“Come on man, that drug will keep him out for hours to come,” Luke whined.

“Do it,” the Bronson snapped back. 

“uh..alright man sure, sorry,” Luke said with a hint of fear in his tone. 

Bronson went back to retrieve the rope and the knock out machine from the kitchen while Luke worked to set Mason on the cold floor of the garage and put him into hogtie position. Once he was in place, Luke began tearing the boy’s clothes off. Once Bronson returned, he showed Luke a faint smirk to show that he was happy with his work and began tying him up just as tightly and inescapably as Josh was tied. Both boys were loaded into the trunk and Bronson gleefully shut the lid. 

“No loose ends man. No charge for this one haha,” Luke joked, happy that they just dodged quite a legal bullet. 

Bronson smiled and looked at Luke, “Yep, none.”

Moving as fast as he could, Bronson loaded another dart in the tranquilizer gun, forced it into Luke’s exposed neck and pulled the trigger. Luke hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, out cold. Bronson smiled at his excellent work. Everything had gone according to plan.

“No one fails me Luke, now you can join the rest of them,” Bronson said more to himself than any of his unconscious captives in the garage. 

He stripped Luke naked, threw his clothes in a trash bag where he had put Mason and Josh’s. The delivery man took a moment to admire Josh’s meaty ass. He had caught glimpses off it before, and he had long wanted to plant his seed in it. Luckily, he had brought an extra butt plug – one that was a bit larger especially for the incompetent ‘former’ private investigator. 

Once Luke was sufficiently gagged, Bronson loaded him in the backseat and covered him up with a tarp. He got into the driver’s seat and started the car, excited to get back to his auction…

Hours later, Bronson had all of his captives set up just as he wanted them safely hidden inside his lair. DeMarco, Luke and Mason were tied up in the exact same manner: bound tightly on their knees to shipping pallets. Mason and Luke kept their tight tape gags, Luke with his sock stuffed in and Mason with the delivery man’s extra special jock that he had spent the past couple days shooting every load he could in. DeMarco was gagged with an open mouth spider gag and frantically trying to mumble a yell for help.

When Mason and Luke came to they tried doing the same thing. They also tried pulling at their ropes trying to get free. The delivery man had tied them far too tight, they could barely move. To make it worse, they both realized their asses were plugged. 

Bronson made sure his entire stock was visible on the cameras for his entire audience to see. He wanted them to get to know his new whores. He thought he might be able to earn more money that way. When he was sure that they had struggled in vain long enough, he made his approach. 

He appeared in front of them from the shadows. Wearing only dark brown dirty work boots, the delivery man appeared before them in his glory. His ripped chest, broad shoulders, strong form all worked to further intimidate his guests. His huge 9’’ cock did the most intimidating of all. Hard and throbbing, it seemed to point at each of the bound men. 

“You all probably can guess why you’re here,” Bronson announced while stroking his fat meat.

He approached DeMarco in the middle and stuck his cock passed the spider gag that held the detective’s mouth wide open. He groaned in disgust as Bronson groaned from the hot moist tongue action his cock was getting. Once he felt properly lubricated, he withdrew his cock. 

“DeMarco, you’re here cause you’re a horny little pig slut who can’t control himself. So I’m going to teach you how to behave and serve real men. Soon, you’ll be begging me to suck on this fine grade a piece of meat,” Bronson said swinging his dick all over DeMarco’s gagged angry face. 

Next, Bronson walked over to Luke. He gripped his former partner’s face with one of his hands to make him lock eyes with him.

“You, Luke are here because you did lazy work. So now I’m going to make sure you never repeat this error by training you for a new, more appropriate job. Oh by the way, this job doesn’t really allow you to clock out early like your other one. This one is more than nine to five, this one is all day, all night service. And there will be no escape,” Bronson said intensely.

Luke pleaded in his gag for his ex friend to listen to reason, but Bronson ignored him and deliberately walked away towards his last little rebel, Mason. 

“You, Mason, are here because you thought you could insult my business. You thought you could cheat out on your fate. But that’s not the way it works,” Bronson yelled while slapping his big cock on either side of Mason’s tape gagged face that stared back with a matching intensity. 

Bronson crossed the room to where he had draped a tarp over the night’s entertainment, “Loyal viewers,” he announced to the camera, “Some of these slaves will be for sale in the coming days, but here is what I offer you today!”

Bronson threw the tarp off camera, revealing Josh naked, still gagged and locked into a body cage that kept Josh on his hands and knees. Once Bronson got him locked in there, the new slave could only look straight ahead, and had to keep his arms and legs perfectly stationary. The cage left his ass open to train. Bronson reached in and slowly pulled out the butt plug, making Josh let out a low moan. 

“Little Josh here is ready to take your cum at both ends. Loves to be humiliated and used by groups, the more dick in his holes the better. Isn’t that right slave,” Bronson laughed as he gave the boy’s ass a smack. Josh replied by yelling into his gag and shaking his head.

“Now Mason, I’m going to ungag you. Trust me, you won’t be able to call for help anyways. I just like hearing my slaves muffled groans. But you are special. You get to play in my game,” Bronson mocked while tearing the tape away from the boy’s mouth. Mason quickly spit out the jock.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE..!” Mason yelled before the delivery man gripped his face tightly. 

“I think I’m your master, and I tell you what Mason, I think I’m fucking right about that fact. Now, as I was saying, you can talk but I wouldn’t advise it. Every time I hear your bitch ass voice I’m going to fuck your little friend over there even harder, and I’m sure you can tell this big fucking piece of meat is something he’s going to feel anyway!” Bronson said in a dominating tone.

As Bronson walked away from him, Mason yelled out, “You sick fuck!”

“Getting fucked harder,” the delivery man reminded.

“Don’t worry man, he’s bluffing,” Mason tried to console Josh.

“Harder!” Bronson shot back, “maybe I won’t use any lube…”

Mason stayed silent. Bronson smiled as he thought maybe the kid could be taught. He took out a bottle of lube and lubed up his cock right in front of Josh’s concerned face.

“You ready to become a bred slut Josh?” the delivery man laughed before walking around to the boy’s ass. He lined up his cock and started working it in. 

“MMMMMPPPH!” Josh moaned out into his gag.

“Aw, hush boy, you earned this,” Bronson said.

“Fuck…” Mason blurted out.

“Harder!” Bronson said, jamming more of his dick into Josh causing the boy to feel like he was being split in two. 

Bronson started to move slowly back and forth. The motion helped Josh learn to accommodate his enormous cock. Soon he picked up the pace. He didn’t want to destroy his new prize’s new hole, but he meant what he said to Mason, he made Josh’s decent from asshole to boypussy a lot quicker. He deep dived his dick in, then withdrew it, then deep dived it in. The entire time Josh was trying to relax his asshole and learn to take it. He had no other choice. 

“If you want this slut to have a break Mason, I will let you ask to suck my dick. Let me know when you’re ready cause I feel a hard fuck coming on,” Bronson yelled to his other captive. Mason stayed silent. 

Bronson began a steady fucking pace. He rammed his big dick in and out of Josh’s new ass while the boy groaned into his dirty sock gag. After five minutes, Bronson picked up the tempo. He looked back at his slaves, forced to watch him fuck their slave brother from behind. They were all his now, and they would soon learn to please him accordingly. 

More time passed, Bronson picked up the tempo again and Josh began to groan all over again. This time louder. As he looked back, Bronson could tell that Mason was starting to feel guilty. To speed things up, he picked up his speed again. 

Soon he was practically piston fucking Josh. Bronson’s balls felt tight, he knew he would cum soon. It was building up fast. But before he could seed Josh’s hole, Mason yelled out.

“Ok dude, stop! Please let me suck you!” Mason said.

Bronson stopped, smiled and took his cock out of the spent boy. Bronson’s prized meat was covered in lube and Josh’s ass juices. The delivery man made sure to clean each boy’s hole out before he got started, but Mason didn’t know that. He approached slowly swinging his dick from side to side as Mason stared right at it, transfixed by its enormity and power. 

“What was that Mason, I didn’t hear you?” Bronson mocked.

“I said please let me suck it Sir,” Mason repeated, louder and more audible. 

The boy had balls, but it was his mouth that Bronson was interested in at the moment. He stroked his cock and aimed it right at Mason’s parted lips. 

“Open up boy,” Bronson ordered.

“Yes sir,” Mason said as he opened his mouth and swallowed as much of his owner’s dick as he could. He worked the shaft like an expert and cleaned off his fat dick in no time. 

This new realization that Mason was a champion at sucking cock was too much for Bronson as his cock blew a huge load down Mason’s unsuspecting throat.

Now it was time to check the auction results…

To be continued...

by TieMeUpPhil84

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024