The Cove

by Hunknown

12 Apr 2022 303 readers Score 9.1 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

In the previous chapters…

Gerry's heterosexual inclinations and his inhibitions make it hard for him having sex with Rowan, despite the sheer love he feels for him. However, a part of him longs for men's love, and at the Cove he cautiously explores his sexuality, sucking Alex' cock and then making sweet love to Brennan.
Kale goes to Hawaii to pay a visit to his dying father and brings back with him his young cousin Laniakea, who struggles to fully explore his sexual inclinations and find his place within the Cove. With Kale's help, Laniakea learns how liberating is voicing (or even screaming) his pleasure and reveals to have been raped by two homophobic guys, back home.
Beau understands that he's not the wonderful and generous man he's always believed, and tries his best to overcome his limits.
The sudden appearance of Gerry's female lover causes a fuss in the Cove and leads to a weird three-way between Kale, Gladys and Gerry. Rowan feels inadequate for Gerry, and looks for reassurance into Barry's arms, but this causes a fight between Gerry and Barry, who later on find a common ground (rough sex!) to settle their quarrel.
Barry is arrested and put in jail, where he ties a strong bond with Wade, a barely legal straight boy. At his trial, Barry makes the hot Judge Ricardo Garcia fall for him.
Jorell reveals to Kale that his father walked out on him when he was seventeen and never heard from him since. Immediately, the Cove starts searching for Jorell's father, and the traces lead to the infamous San Quentin Prison. There, Jorell finds out how unexpectedly caring and understanding was his father, who unfortunately died in prison.
LaShawn meets Joshua, the supposedly straight jet pilot, and gently brings the uptight and repressed guy into the frightening and delightful world of man-love; and though the brave pilot then dies in a plane crash, LaShawn knows for sure that he died in peace with himself. After pondering it a lot, Beau proposes to Kale: the news about the surprising marriage makes happy everyone... but Barry.


Alex and Charlie, inspired by the upcoming marriage, renew their mutual man/boy bond. Beau is anxious, and Gerry is the rock he can cling to... in every sense. Kale and Laniakea have a thrilling night out that suddenly turns into a huge mistake.

Additional downloads (PDF)

Cast of Characters: the “Who’s Who” of the Cove!
Floor Plan of the Cove
Book 01: Chapters 01-10 (PDF with bookmarks)
Book 02: Chapters 11-20 (PDF with bookmarks)
Book 03: Chapters 21-27 (PDF with bookmarks)


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~ A romantic evening ~

“What a wonderful romantic moment!” – Alex said to Charlie, closing the door of their suite, heading to bed for the night – “When Beau proposed to Kale I couldn’t believe my eyes! It was the most romantic moment I’ve ever lived!”

“I was about to swoon for the emotion!” – Charlie replied, with dreaming eyes, and ran to dive his face into Alex’s massive chest. Despite being now almost twenty, Charlie was a minute guy, slim and a bit short for his age, and the size difference with Alex was impressive, also because Alex was by far the bulkiest man of the Cove, and almost the tallest one, second only to Beau. Charlie hugged tight his man at the waist and almost disappeared into his mass of muscles when Alex wrapped his strong arms around the boy’s back and head.

“I held my breath” – Charlie then said, recoiling – “when Kale didn’t give to Beau his answer, at first… I couldn’t believe he was hesitating!”

“He wasn’t hesitating, he was just breathless!” – Alex laughed out loud, taking Charlie’s hand and pulling him to the bed – “Come, let’s relax a bit before changing for the night, I don’t feel to sleep, I’m too excited…”

They took away their shoes and lay on the bed, still clothed. Charlie placed his head on Alex’s chest and sighed contented. “It’s the first same-sex marriage I happen to witness, sir, and it’s so strange, in a way…”

“Strange? Why?”

“I mean, they will be husband and… husband, right, sir? Isn’t it a bit weird to say?”

“They will be spouses, if you like” – Alex replied with a fatherly tone – “but the sentiment is the same: they’re two persons deeply in love with each other, two persons who have chosen to share their entire life. I admire their courage and determination in making such a long-term commitment. I’m not sure I could do that. I mean, it’s a lifetime vow!”

Charlie raised his head and turned to look at Alex, and there was a silent struggle in his eyes, a childish anxiety that moved Alex’s heart. “What’s up, kid? Why that face? Is it something that I’ve said?”

“I’m your boy, aren’t I, sir?”

“You sure are! Wait, are you afraid that one day I may dump you because I’m no good at long-time relationships? Don’t be silly, that will never happen, you’re my boy and you’ll always be! Till death do us apart!”

He held tight Charlie into his strong arms for a while, and when he let go of him, Charlie still had a dubious expression on his face, but he didn’t say anything, he just turned his head away and placed it again on Alex’s chest.

“I bet that Kale won’t ever forget the moment Beau asked him to get married…” – Charlie said in a low voice after a long silence – “Say, sir, do you remember the day you asked me to be your boy?”

“Sure I do!” – Alex replied, ruffling his boy’s head – “How can I forget? It was… well… We were… Fuck! I… I’m unforgiveable, I really can’t remember! I feel so ashamed, kid!”

“Don’t feel like that, sir. It’s not your fault.” – Charlie said with strained voice, as if he was putting an effort in keeping a neutral tone while inside he was about to burst in tears – “You can’t remember because… it never happened.”

Alex gasped, in shock. “Never?? How can it be? I mean, taking a boy is not something a man does absentmindedly, it’s a life-long pact, not that different than a marriage, now that I think of it. And above all, what if the boy doesn’t agree? Are you serious? Didn’t I ever asked you to be my boy?”

“That night, when you saved me from your fellow cop Harrison, who wanted to rape me, and you offered to take my place [1], at the end of the shift you drove me to your apartment, and you said ‘You’ll stay with me for now’… and that ‘for now’ lasted to this day. And beyond, I hope, sir…”

Alex was speechless. “I feel so guilty, kid… I should’ve asked you, I should’ve told you something… Fuck, I’m such a caveman! You… You don’t regret staying with me, do you, kid?”

Charlie turned around and literally climbed Alex’s massive torso like it was a small mountain, until his face was at an inch from his man’s. “Regret? I’ve been on cloud nine since then, sir. When that night you told me ‘Come, let’s go home’ I thought that my heart was about to rip out of my chest for the joy. I don’t think anyone can love another person as much as I love you, sir…”

“This is not true, kid, because I love you just as much…” – Alex replied under his breath, and pulled Charlie in a tender, passionate kiss. They went on kissing for a while, feeling their cocks stirring into their pants, but both ignored them, as that kiss was too sweet, too full of tenderness to be interrupted.

But it got interrupted, and quite abruptly, when Alex gasped and pushed Charlie away, with an excited expression on his face: “Wait! I have an idea!”

The bulky guard rolled on the bed and leapt on his feet: “Come, kid! There’s something I bought for your birthday, next month, but I want you to have it now! I’ll buy another present for your birthday!”

Charlie got off the bed and watched Alex rummaging in the back of a drawer to take a tiny sac. “Here!” – Alex said, excited, opening the sac and pulling a thin gold bracelet with a small plaque. He pulled Charlie in front of him and looked straight at his eyes with a serious expression.

“Kid… Charlie… This is not something a man says any day, and some men never say it, because it creates a strong bond that can’t ever be severed. Ever. Charlie, will you be my boy?”

“T… Til death do part us, sir?”

“Til death do part us, kid”

“Yes… Yes, sir! A thousand times yes!!” – Charlie exclaimed, jumping on his bulky man and grabbing him with his arms and legs. Alex held him tight and then helped him on his feet: “Here, give me your left hand…” – he said tenderly, and tied the bracelet around the boy’s wrist. Charlie looked at it with adoring eyes, and read the little plaque: “It’s beautiful, sir, thanks a million!! But… ‘Alex’, sir? Shouldn’t it read ‘Charlie’? Why is there your name on it?”

“To remind you, every moment of your life, whose boy you are…”


~ Alex’s virgin boy ~

They kissed again with passion, until they couldn’t ignore anymore the pressure in their underwear. Charlie, with feverish hands, started unbuttoning Alex’s shirt, but the man stopped him: “Kid, you don’t have to do this to thank me for the gift, you know it…”

“I’m doing this because I want another gift from you, sir…” – Charlie replied with an impish wink, and his hands set in motion again, and didn’t stop until Alex was standing in all his naked and hairy glory.

“Aren’t you going to undress, boy…?” – Alex asked, winking playfully, and Charlie quickly stripped off, scattering his clothes all around. When he was about to pull down his briefs, he feigned a sudden shyness: “Are you going to… fuck me, sir?” – he murmured, tearing away his underwear with one hand only, and using the other one to modestly cover his manhood… or better, to hide his throbbing erection!

“You’re my boy, now, so yes, I’m going to fuck you…” – Alex replied, happily playing his role – “Is it your first time?”

“Yes sir! I’ve never… never ever done… that with anyone! Will… Will it hurt, sir?”

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“It hurts only if the man doesn’t love you. But I love you with all my heart, so it won’t hurt, I’ll be gentle with you. Now get on the bed and take the lube!”

“The lube, sir? We don’t need it, you know” – Charlie said by mistake and Alex giggled: “Wait! Aren’t you a virgin? Virgin boys need a lot of lube!”

“Oh! Right, sir! I’m a virgin!” – Charlie hastened to reply, taking the lube from the nightstand – “I’m the… most virgin boy you’ve ever met! Even your pinky would be too much for my tight virgin hole, and you’re so big, sir! Oh, you’re going to split me apart!”

With a low growl, Alex was suddenly on him: “You’re a naughty kid who badly needs a punishment! No, I know what you are hoping for, I won’t impale you as you would like, fucking you to oblivion, no kid!”

The man took the lube from the boy’s hands and thoroughly greased his cock, and then smeared some more on Charlie’s anus: “I’m going to make you feel such a mind-blowing pleasure that you’ll feel like you are melting under my cock, but you won’t cum until I say so: this is your punishment!”

With those words, Alex gently slid his big cock into the (definitely not virgin) boy’s hole, and the huge amount of lube he’d used gave an irresistible velvety sensation to Charlie, who suddenly gasped, already feeling on the verge of cumming: “Ooooohhh… sir! You… you can’t be… this cruel!”

“I’m your master, I can be as cruel as I want, boy!” – Alex replied, with a fake authoritarian tone, but such a loving glance that Charlie felt a fire burning inside him. The big stiff member started moving ever so slowly into the slick chute, and every thrust seemed endless. The sense of fullness that Alex’s thick cock, so masterfully maneuvered, was giving him surprised Charlie, despite being well used to his man’s fucks.

When the boy felt Alex’s hips switching to short quick thrusts, and felt the swollen cock head tapping over his sensitive joy nut over and over, he stiffened and pleaded with chocked voice: “Sir… please sir… I can’t… Have mercy sir!”

Alex smiled and stopped, giving his boy time to catch his breath and regaining control: “You’re such a good boy, Charlie… No more punishment, no more restraining yourself… You can cum whenever you want…”

“Thank you sir… ggghh…!” – Charlie blubbered, when the big slick meat started moving again deep inside him. Oh, how much he wanted to cum! Every fiber of his being commanded him to cum! But he looked at his man and knew that he wasn’t ready yet. «I’m his boy…» – Charlie thought, taking a deep breath and getting ready to restrain himself, this time willingly, so to let his man cum first.

“You too, sir…” – Charlie said under the steady, gentle thrusts of Alex’s hips – “Don’t restrain yourself anymore… I… I’m not really a virgin, sir, I lied…!”

“You bratty kid!” – Alex giggled, while his loins became a powerful piledriver. Charlie withstood the sensorial overload that suddenly washed his mind away at his best, but it was hard: Alex’s cock, made slick for the copious lube, seemed to reach places and stimulate sensitive spots inside him that he didn’t even know to have!

Charlie had always been a gusher, he even had spontaneous orgasms if horny, and now Alex was doing a number in his ass; true to his word, the man was giving him such a mind-blowing pleasure that he felt like he was melting. That masterful fuck was just too much for his sensitive body, and the view of the hairy, massive chest swaying in front of his eyes was quickly making him lose his battle.

“Sir… please… sir…” – Charlie uttered haltingly, smashed under the powerful blows, and his eyes exuded such an irrepressible urgency to cum, and such a desperate determination to put a lid on his compelling climax, that Alex was blown away: “Here it comes, kid… NNNNGGHH!!!” – he grunted, and while shooting like a cannon into Charlie’s fiery canal, he reached with his hands to the boy’s nipples and started flinching them madly.

Charlie stiffened like his body was hit by a high-voltage electric jolt and an endless high-pitch squeal escaped his mouth. His untouched cock throbbed hard and exploded in a fountain of pent-up boy cream that seemed to never drain. Alex counted no less than nine long shots of sperm, but quickly lost count, as his own climax was making his mind numb.

Then, for some moments the room became silent, while both the boy and the man tried hard to catch their breath, until Charlie’s feeble voice emerged from under the mass of sweaty muscles crashed over him: “Sir… You’re taking my breath away, sir… Literally!”

“Oh, sorry kid!” – Alex replied, quickly lifting himself up and setting Charlie free – “It’s been way more intense than I expected…”

“Tell me about it, sir!” – the boy giggled – “I bet my squeals have been heard even up to the attic!”

“You… You have waited for me to cum?” – Alex asked, pleasantly surprised and thankful for such a proof of respect and love. “I’m your boy, sir…” – Charlie replied, and those few simple words were the most meaningful ever spoken.


~ Fatherly advice ~

It was early in the morning when Beau came out of the still deserted dining room holding two cups of coffee; in the kitchen, Rick was already working hard to prepare the breakfast, but none of the men and boys had already shown up.

Beau crossed the living room and took the small concrete staircase leading downstairs, to the basement. He stood for a moment out of Gerry and Rowan’s door, listening to possible noises coming from inside, as he didn’t want to wake them up; but he relaxed when he heard them talking, while getting dressed, and knocked on the door.

A slightly surprised ‘Come in…?’ came from inside and he entered the room. Rowan was already dressed, while Gerry clearly had just come out of the shower, he was still dripping wet and wore a white towel around his waist.

“Beau! It’s such an unexpected, pleasant surprise seeing you down here!” – Gerry exclaimed, smiling wide – “And you brought some coffee, too!”

“Good morning! Yes, I brought coffee, but I only have two hands, so we’re one cup short…”

“Don’t worry, sir” – Rowan promptly said, guessing that Beau wanted to talk privately with Gerry – “I’m going to have breakfast upstairs.”

When alone, Gerry went on toweling off, and absentmindedly tore the towel off his hips and used it to dry up his face and hair, giving to Beau an enticing view of his muscular, hairy torso, his bulky legs and his long, veiny cock.

Beau, politely, averted his gaze as quick as he could, but he couldn’t help but notice Gerry struggling to towel off his back. “Fuck, I’m not as flexible as I used to be… I’m quickly becoming a creaky old geezer!”

“You’ve just built up too many muscles, with that grueling job of yours. I’m sure I could never do what you do, not even at my age…” – Beau said with a smile, putting the coffee on a small table – “Here, let me help you…”

Beau took the towel from Gerry’s hands and started rubbing him vigorously, moving from the nape of his neck to his shoulders, and then down to the small of his back. He hesitated for a moment and then lowered the towel to Gerry’s buns, that felt as firm as marble. His hands slowed down, feeling the muscular ass through the thin fabric of the towel. Beau almost held his breath and sneaked one hand, covered with the wet towel, between the bulging ass cheeks, until his fingers reached Gerry’s puckered hole.

Beau’s finger lingered there a bit too long, probing the secret door, until Gerry turned around with an amused tone and took the towel back: “Stop there, big guy… I guess you didn’t come downstairs to help me toweling off, did you?”

“I… Well…” – Beau murmured, feeling to have gone a bit too far – “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Gerry, you know that I…”

“I’m not embarrassed, Beau.” – Gerry interrupted him with a sincere smile – “A month ago, two weeks ago I would’ve been, but so many things happen here at the Cove all the time, and lately I’ve learned so much about you all… and myself. The coffee is getting cold, go seat on the sofa and let me put on something… or you get naked, your choice! Hahaha!”

Beau giggled and shook his head, sat on the sofa and started sipping his coffee; in few moments Gerry, now dressed, joined him: “So, how is doing our handsome bridegroom? Or should I say… groomgroom? No, please, it’s too hilarious, hahahah!”

Beau laughed heartily with Gerry and then became more serious: “Actually, I came downstairs to talk to you about that. Don’t know… To ask you for some advice. You’ve been married, after all, though you were married to a woman…”

“Since when love and respect have a gender?” – Gerry said, with a calm, almost fatherly tone – “My love for my wife, I guess, wasn’t different than the one you feel for Kale; and sure enough the deep respect you feel for him is exactly the same I felt for my wife. We loved each other, we really did. Our bond was strong. But unfortunately the death of a son can shatter the most solid relationship.”

“Had you been married for long, before she… er… went away?” – Beau asked cautiously, unwilling to bring sad memories to Gerry’s mind.

“Twenty-seven years” – Gerry replied with a faraway look in his eyes – “I was 24 when we got married. She was the prettiest girl of the valley. For almost ten year, we tried to have children to no avail, and I thought that there was something wrong with us, but then Jason came into our lives… He was born the same day as Rowan, did you know?”

“Twenty-seven years of marriage… Wow. It’s almost… scaring, isn’t it?”

“What, are you regretting proposing to Kale?”

“No! No, for the life of me!” – Beau exclaimed – “But… tell me… how can you live next to your spouse for so long and still feel happy, still love him or her, still feel you’re not… you know… imprisoned in a life that you can’t change?”

“I don’t think there is a magic formula to make a marriage a good, long-lasting marriage. But I strongly believe that things are much easier if everyone leaves some free space to the spouse, time to be alone, time to do something we like. My wife was not sticky, and sure enough I wasn’t either, and this let us live together, loving and respecting each other, for many long years.”

“Respect, you say… But… Please, don’t think I’m judging you or anything, I just need to understand… What about Rowan’s father, Caleb? You both were married, and you two had an… affair, may we say?”

Gerry flashed a sad smile: “We were lovers, there’s no point at giving to our relationship a fancy name. But though it was undoubtedly an extramarital relationship, I never felt I was cheating on my wife. Caleb gave me something that my wife, nor any other woman, could. I see from your face that you know what I’m talking about…”

“Yes, Gerry, it’s the same for me. Kale recently told me that Barry gives him something I could never, for instance. Well, even Gladys once gave to Kale something that I could never give him…! And I do the same, sometimes I long for something that Kale can’t give me, and we don’t feel to cheat on each other.”

“You see? Love, affection and respect have no gender. You ‘guys upstairs’ and I are different in many ways, but under the skin we’re all alike.”


~ Questions and answers ~

“You’re such a wonderful man, Gerry. Talking to you is always so enlightening…” – Beau said, standing up and flashing a warm smile – “Now I better let you go to work, I really abused your time, thank you so much! And if you ever need someone to rub your back, don’t hesitate to call me!”

“Hahaha! I will!” – Gerry laughed out. He stood up and gave a sincere, warm hug to Beau: “Remember, big guy: love and respect will make your marriage a life-long dream.”

“Man, I would ask you to walk me to the altar, if I were a bride…” – Beau replied, recoiling – “…and if there was an altar! Haha! Too bad.”

Beau turned to the door, but immediately stopped and turned around: “Wait! You can’t walk me to the altar, but… Gerry, will you be my best man?”

“Me??” – Gerry gasped – “But… You have many friends upstairs, guys who love you and know you way better than me!”

“None of them has… lived as much as you. And I’m not talking about your age, Gerry. You’ve seen so many things, had so many different experiences, exciting and terrible alike. I’m in for the long haul, and if ever I’m in need, if my marriage needs to be saved, I can’t think to anyone better than you to help me get back on track. Please, tell me you’ll be my best man, Gerry…”

“I’ll be your best man, Beau. And sure enough I’ll watch over your marriage” – Gerry replied with a fatherly smile – “And if ever you mistreat Kale… you’ll have to face my wrath! Keep it in mind, big guy!”

Gerry pulled Beau in a friendly hug, a sort of bro hug, with one arm around Beau’s neck and the other hand barely touching his back. Beau reciprocated, finding comforting and rather exciting feeling Gerry’s buff body pressed against his own. The hug went on a bit longer than usual, and Beau had a distinct impression that Gerry’s hand was lingering on his back, slowly moving down, to then fleetingly land flat on his buttocks.

They recoiled, and Beau looked straight at Gerry, trying to understand whether he had guessed right or he just imagined what he definitely would’ve liked to happen; for a fleeting, intense moment, their faces were a few inches from each other, and their mouths were so close that Beau could feel Gerry’s breath. Beau dug deep into Gerry’s eyes, hoping to find an answer to his doubts, a desire that could match his own… but all he could see into Gerry’s eyes was strong friendship and fatherly affection, so he just smiled, waved goodbye and turned around, heading to the door.

«It felt so good talking to Gerry!» – Beau thought, while climbing upstairs, feeling something weird and sweet stirring deep into his soul. He couldn’t understand that special feeling… because he never really knew what having a caring father meant. All he knew is that he liked the warmth that talking to Gerry infused into his heart.

Truth to be told, another part of his body was stirring, too, while Beau’s mind got filled of memories of Gerry’s hairy body dripping wet («Did he do that on purpose, maybe?»), the manly confidence he showed off at being completely naked in front of a fully clothed man («Was there a hint of seduction?»), the firmness of his glutes when he toweled them off («He stopped me… but after letting me have a good feel of his buns!»).

Beau’s feet slowed down, while his mind reeled. Since the first time he met Gerry, a little more than a month earlier, Beau felt attracted to that bulky, wise, aged man; but he was a troubled, straight man, trying hard to understand himself and build a difficult relationship with Rowan, and Beau wiped completely off from his mind any thought of him, other than respect and friendly affection.

But now, what happened downstairs? Was Gerry purposely sending him sexual vibes, or was it just his excited imagination? He felt again on his face the warmth of Gerry’s breath, when their lips were at an inch from each other, and his heart raced.

«What the hell!» – Beau thought, turning around and hurriedly climbing down. He almost ran downstairs to the basement and broke into Gerry’s room, heaving for the sudden tension. Gerry was almost ready to go to work and turned around, looking at Beau. If he was surprised to see him there, or to spot the fire in his eyes, Beau couldn’t tell, but this didn’t stop him.

Beau got closer to Gerry, held him firmly by the waist and kissed him on the lips. He felt Gerry hesitate, but when he stuck out his tongue and tried to intrude into Gerry’s mouth, he felt the man’s warm lips part and accept that unexpected sign of passion.

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Gerry’s thick beard tickled on Beau’s face, his muscles rippled under his work clothes, and Beau felt completely caught into the aura of sexiness that Gerry emanated. Even if Beau was the one who almost forcefully had pulled Gerry into that passionate kiss, he felt like he was drowning into Gerry’s superior manliness. Beau’s hands hesitated, hovering over Gerry’s back, as he didn’t know if he could ask for more, beg for more…

“Oh! I’m sorry!” – came Rowan’s voice from the door – “I didn’t imagine… I… I’m going back upstairs, don’t mind me!”

Beau felt like someone had thrown a bucket of icy water on him and gasped loud, parting from Gerry. Once again, he looked deep into the man’s eyes, hoping to find his own passion, and fearing to find shock and disgust. He didn’t find either of them: Gerry didn’t seem particularly moved by what had just happened and smiled at him.

“No, wait, Rowan” – Beau said, stepping back from Gerry – “Your timing was actually perfect. You just kept me from making a complete fool of myself, asking for something that I can’t possibly have…”

Gerry’s voice was warm but somewhat uncertain when he replied: “You won’t ever really know, until you ask. And neither will I…”

There was a brief, awkward silence, and then Gerry, suddenly all business, exclaimed: “I’m fucking late for work!” – and fled out of the room through the back door like someone was chasing him.

Rowan stifled a smile and acted like nothing special had happened; he moved to the coffee table and took the two cups: “Better put these into the dishwasher” – he said, and went upstairs, leaving Beau alone.


~ Wedding plans ~

Beau went upstairs and stopped in front of Kale’s door. He knew that Kale was free from work that day, so he hoped to have a nice chat with him: he had so many things to tell him! About the wedding, of course, but also about Gerry.

Laniakea opened the door, wearing only knee-long shorts and Beau winked at him: “Damn, you Hawaiians are so hot! I don’t know how they don’t spend all the time making love, in your homeland!”

They laughed and Kale echoed them from inside: “Come in, husband! Soon-to-be, anyway! Hey, what’s that face? You look like a cat who just ate the canary!”

“The canary is off-limits for me” – Beau replied, giggling with a little embarrassment – “and I was about to make fool of myself, putting my paws where I shouldn’t have…”

He looked sideways at Laniakea, who took his cue and said: “I’m going downstairs to have breakfast, see you later!”, and off he was.

When alone, Beau sat down on a small sofa with Kale and said in a shy tone: “Gerry is such a tease! Damn, that hairy daddy is hot as hell…”

“Wait, Gerry is the canary? Hahaha!” – Kale laughed – “You mocked me when I told you he was irresistible…! Have you seen him this morning?”

“Yes, we talked, and then there was a moment where we were very close, and I thought… I believed that maybe he wanted… So I gave him a kiss. A real kiss, tongue and all! He faltered, but didn’t reject me, and I was this close to openly ask him to make love… but luckily Rowan came into the room and interrupted us. I feel so ashamed! I mean, we all know that Gerry is not comfortable, to say the least, with man-to-man love…!”

“Oh, so you kissed him!” – Kale exclaimed, lowering his voice in a conspiratorial tone – “Say, is he the great kisser I think he is?”

“Why, didn’t you kiss him, too? You made love with him…”

“He was more interested in my… other end!” ­ Kale laughed, and Beau followed suit – “I couldn’t get as intimate with him as you…”

“What are you talking about, he fucked you! Twice! I’d say you are quite intimate!”

“Yeah? Why do you think most prostitutes do everything but kiss? A kiss goes straight to your heart. I know for sure that Gerry kisses Rowan, but I suspect that he never kissed any other man, including Caleb.”

“If so…” – Beau objected, doubtfully – “…why didn’t he stop me?”

“You know the answer. You are special, Beau, you have a particular charm. And damn, you know how to kiss!” – Kale said with an adoring smile, and then suddenly his eyes flashed with excitement – “But hey! Are you going to marry Gerry or me? Come on, tell me what you planned for our wedding! Where will be held the ceremony? Who will officiate it? Have you chosen the flowers? Please, don’t tell me they will be white and pink!”

Beau laughed out loud, under the barrage of questions: “Hahaha! White and pink? Not my cup of tea, either. Purple and yellow, my favorite color match! As for the wedding location, I wanted it to be quiet, I didn’t want reporters or paparazzi around, so I decided to hold the ceremony at Maison de la Motte, but if you prefer something more… uhm… public, we can choose another location.”

“Maison de la Motte is perfect. Thank you for offering, but it’s your wedding, too, and I want you to enjoy it as much as you can. It would be impossible with the press chasing you. How many guests will attend the wedding?”

“Uhm… let me count…” – Beau said, pretending to make a difficult count – “Fifteen persons, including us!”

“You mean just us of the Cove? Don’t you have any relative or friend to invite?”

“No one. My friends, my real friends, are all here at the Cove, and my living relatives are either in France or Scotland. I talked to my aunt Yvette, in France, and she was terribly sad she couldn’t be here and meet ‘my husband’, her words, would you believe it? She’s ninety-eight, God bless her, and didn’t even flinch when I told her I was gay and I was about to marry a man. She said that I could marry a woman, a man or an alien and she was perfectly fine with that, as long as I was happy! And I told her not to be sad, because we’re going to meet each other soon, anyway.”

“Are you going to France?” – Kale asked, surprised.

We are going, actually, on our honeymoon! Don’t you remember where my aunt lives?”

Kale’s eyes widened: “Juan-les-Pins! Are we going back to Juan-les-Pins? [2] Oh, Beau, you’re wonderful! Have you already reserved a room there? Have you booked the plane?”

“I’ve booked a plane, yes. As for the hotel, we don’t need it, we’ll stay at Palais Harcourt, of course, it’s my family residence in Côte d’Azur. My aunt lives there, but don’t worry, the house is so big we’ll barely meet!”

“How on Earth could I deny her the pleasure to meet ‘your husband’!” – Kale said, laughing – “I just love her!”

“What about you?” – Beau then asked – “Do you wish someone from Hawaii to come over?”

“My sister is having a difficult pregnancy, she can’t travel. All the Hawaii I need is in the adjacent room” – Kale replied with a smile, pointing to Laniakea’s room – “Speaking of whom, I planned a special night out with him tonight. When I brought him here to California I promised I would’ve shown him the many faces of the LGBTQ culture, he has so much to learn, so much to see… Back in Hana, except from some gay porn on the net, there wasn’t much to see.”

“So, you’re going to leave me alone, tonight…” – Beau said, feigning a sudden sadness.

“If you need a strong shoulder to cry all your tears over, you can always go downstairs and make goo-goo eyes to Gerry!”

“Quel trou du cul!!” – Beau exclaimed, laughing – “So you can dust off your French!”


~ Dining out ~

After lunch, when Laniakea finished tidying up the kitchen, he went to his room and found Kale waiting for him, leisurely laying on the bed. With a bright smile, Laniakea lay beside him: he was always happy to have some private time with his older cousin, especially now the he was going to get married.

“Do you have any plan for the night?” – Kale asked – “Because I was thinking to have a night out with you, a guy’s night, the two of us and no one else. Do you fancy it?”

“Fancy? I’m all for it!” – Laniakea exclaimed, excited – “Are we going to a restaurant or something?”

“Of course! It’s not a… traditional restaurant, but the food is excellent. I promised I would’ve guided you through the many faces of the gay culture, and tonight I want you to have a taste of it. Something you won’t ever find in Hana! Get ready by 5:30PM, don’t tie up your beautiful hair, I want you to look stunning! Dress elegant but not formal, no tie.”

“I don’t have even a tie, Kale!” – Laniakea laughed, leaping off the bed – “OK! See you later!”

The sun was setting when Kale and Laniakea entered the ample restaurant in East Downtown. Laniakea glanced around, noticing several groups of friends, all males, and even some gay couples. “I like it!” – Laniakea said, with wide eyes – “It’s all so… natural! I know, you maybe don’t find anything special in seeing gay couples dining at a restaurant, but in Hana…”

“Your table is ready” – a voice interrupted him, and when Laniakea turned around, his mouth sagged open. The restaurant manager was a very tall guy, extremely handsome, wearing tight black slacks and a perfect black bow tie on a white collar… with nothing underneath! His massive, clean shaved torso was bare, and Laniakea had to force himself to shut his mouth close.

“N… Nice uniform…” – he stuttered, and the manager flashed a dazzling smile: “Thank you sir! I guess it’s your first time here, right? These uniforms are our trademark, all the restaurant staff wears it.”

“All the staff? In the kitchen, too?”

“Oh, no, sir! Black slacks and white collars would get dirty, there; so they don’t wear anything at all.”

Laniakea gasped like he had trouble to breathe, and the manager chuckled: “I’m joking, sir! They wear a full kitchen uniform, we care very much about hygiene. But please, let me walk you to your table. This way…”

When the two Hawaiian cousins were comfortably seated, Laniakea looked at Kale with sparkling eyes and a blushing face: “He had me! When he said they cooked in the nude, I totally believed it, hahaha!! But after all, in a place like this I… Oh my god…!”

Laniakea didn’t finish his phrase because he laid his eyes on two half-naked waiters who seemed to come straight from a porn magazine, with fit bodies to die for, big muscular buns bulging from the tight slacks and a silver ring piercing their right nipples. And when Laniakea finally averted his gaze from their torsos and looked at their faces, he realized they were identical! He shamelessly stared at them, thinking to see double. They came close to their table and Kale flashed a happy smile: “The twins! We’re treated as guests of honor! Nice to see you again, guys!”

“Our pleasure!” – they replied in unison, with a wide smile, and then they started talking like the twins in the cartoons, with each of them completing the other one’s sentences: “May we suggest - the chef’s choice? - Venison à la gourmand! - It’s braised in a special wine sauce - made of Barolo - an Italian wine - very tasty! - Do you want to try it?”

Laniakea’s facial expression was rapt, bordering on ecstatic, and when he said a feeble “Yes…” Kale thought that he would’ve taken whatever the twins would’ve suggested.

“Sound fabulous!” – Kale said, smiling, snapping Laniakea out of his trance – “We both take the Venison with a bottle of… let’s see…”

“Château Lagrange!” – Laniakea said, confidently, pointing it on the wine list.

“Excellent choice, sir! - Thank you sir” – the twins replied and went away.

“I didn’t know you were an expert in wines!” – Kale said to Laniakea, pleasantly surprised, but the guy flashed an impish smile and replied: “Not as much as you think. All I know about this wine is that is a Bordeaux, which is good for tasty meats like the venison, and it’s produced… in Saint-Julien! I couldn’t pass it up! I mean, soon you’ll be the Viscountess of Saint-Julien!”

“Ah! This is how you repay me for my efforts of showing you around!” – Kale laughed, while the sexy twins came back with their wine.

The dinner was excellent, and Laniakea was excited and happy, as the elegant restaurant, the gorgeous staff in their enticing uniforms, the delicious food and even the relaxed male couples around them added to an unforgettable experience.  


~ A transgressive after-dinner ~

After a couple hours, feeling their head light for the excellent wine, Kale and Laniakea were leisurely walking around the vibrant East Downtown. Crowds of people flocked from one place to another, and the bright neon signs lit up the streets.

“Are you tired?” – Kale asked at some point – “Do you want to go back home?”

“Tired? Not at all, I’m so excited!” – Laniakea replied with gleaming eyes – “The place you brought me to was just wonderful! But yes, I’d like to go home…” – he added, with a lustful tone – “because all those hot half-naked guys definitely put me in… a good mood, and I’d really, really want to properly thank you for this special night!”

Kale felt his heart beat faster, as often Laniakea was naïve like a teen, but other times he looked 100% man… like in that very moment, while watching at him with an almost predatory glance in his eyes.

“Damn, if we weren’t in the middle of a public street I’d ask you to… thank me right away! We’ll have to wait until we’re home… Or maybe there’s a quicker solution!”

Kale flashed a dirty grin and pointed to a neon sign across the street, with a black rampant horse. Laniakea’s eyes widened: “The Mighty Stud? Isn’t it the pub where Charlie… worked before becoming Alex’s boy? [3]

“Precisely! As Charlie surely told you, they have a back room where guys can… get their rocks off! It’s not a place where I would normally go, as it’s all about anonymous sex, definitely not my cup of tea. I actually didn’t plan to show you so soon the… uhm… dark side of man-on-man sex, but if you feel to, let’s do it! We’ll have to trick them, though, because they don’t allow couples to use their back room like a hotel by the hour; we’ll act as if we don’t know each other, it will be fun!”

“It’s so exciting!” – Laniakea said with sparkling eyes – “Let’s go!”

“Wait, there are some rules you should know about this place. First, always wear a condom. Always! You can find them on a small table near the door. Second, people don’t have a name, once inside: they are either a ‘hole’ or a ‘cock’, depending on their role; but you won’t need to call anyone, because the unspoken rule is that no one talks to anyone, there: you just choose a ‘hole’ and fuck him to your heart’s content. No ‘may I’ or ‘Thank you’. Does it sound too weird or scary?”

“Well… a bit” – Laniakea replied – “So… should I fuck a random guy? Frankly, it’s not what I had in mind, I mean, I wanted you…”

“Of course you’ll make love to me!” – Kale giggled – “We’ll just pretend not to know each other, I will bend on a stool and you will choose me as your ‘hole’. And then… you can do to me whatever you want…”

That last brazen invitation clinched it, so they crossed the street and entered The Mighty Stud.

The front room was just like a normal pub, with guys of all ages sitting at the bar chatting and glancing at each other. Kale opened the door at the end of the pub and they ventured into an almost completely dark room, only lit by few reddish spotlights that cast an eerie light on the stools underneath.

Most of the stools were taken by ‘holes’ who lay on them, on their bellies, keeping their bare asses trussed up, silently waiting for a faceless ‘cock’ to fuck them. It was impossible to see the patron’s faces, as the light cones were pointed to the asses, keeping them in full display, while the rest of the room was pitch black.

Click to see hi-res image

Kale waited a moment in the darkness, to let Laniakea recover from what in all likely was a shock for him, as nothing could’ve prepared him to such a place, that smelled of raw sex and sordid lust.

“See that stool over there? The third on the left…” – Kale whispered in the darkness into Laniakea’s ear – “I’m going there. Take a condom from this table, wear it and pick some lube from the dispenser over there. Then come and… give it to me! And remember: not a word!”

Kale went to the stool and quickly pulled his pants and underwear down. Following the example of the other ‘holes’, he stepped out with one foot from the pants, so to be able to spread his legs and offer an unobstructed access to Laniakea. He didn’t have to wait for long. He heard the guy silently take place behind him and felt two warm hands caressing and parting his ass checks. A familiar mushroom head, slick with lube, pressed on his back door. Kale wasn’t perfectly at ease in that place, and found a bit difficult to relax his ass muscles, but he knew for sure that Laniakea would’ve waited for him to open up.

But Laniakea didn’t wait. With a mighty thrust he sank his manly tool all the way inside Kale, who brought both his hands to his mouth, to muffle a scream of surprise and pain, suddenly feeling torn apart.

«It’s not his fault, I’m nervous, too» – Kale thought, taking a deep breath, while the stiff cock started pumping in and out of his sore ass. Kale had urged Laniakea to give it to him, and boy, he did it! The fiery rod plunged deep into Kale’s furnace, hard, pounding his ass like a jackhammer, roughly scraping Kale’s tender linings. Laniakea, maybe for the wine they drank, seemed almost out of control, and the fuck he was giving to Kale was quickly becoming a torture.

“Please… Slow down…” – Kale murmured under his breath, when he couldn’t stand the rough onslaught anymore.

“Shut the fuck up, ‘hole’! Don’t you know the rules? You don’t talk to your ‘cock’!” – growled a rude voice behind him and Kale winced. “Who are you??” – he gasped, trying to turn around, but a strong hand kept him down, immobilizing him, and another hand muffled his mouth. The faceless man leaned to him and angrily hissed into his ear: “Too late, sissy! You should’ve known better!”

The fuck became even harsher and Kale couldn’t even whine, forcefully reduced to silence by that big dirty hand keeping his mouth shut. The big cock had become a deadly weapon into him, carelessly and viciously breaking open his depths.

Kale was an experienced bottom, he was even used to Barry’s notorious fucks, but only now Kale realized that Barry, no matter what, never treated him this rough, not once, because he respected him.

But there was no trace of respect in the harsh fuck the man was giving him. It was more than clear, by now, that the man wasn’t just careless, he wanted to hurt him, to break him. Kale felt violated, humiliated by that evil rod crashing into his intimacy over and over, relentlessly. If the men felt Kale’s tears bathing his hand, still pressed on his mouth, he didn’t show it.

At long last, he felt the disgusting cock throb hard inside him, and heard the man uttering a few muffled grunts into his ear. A couple more, weak thrusts into his devastated ass, and Kale felt him pull out. “Good boy” the man said with a satisfied tone, zipping up his pants and disappearing into the darkness.

«Oh my god… Oh my god…» – Kale silently sobbed, feeling wreaked and disgusted. He stood up in shock and moved a couple steps into the aisle between the stools, before realizing he had his trousers still around his ankle. Someone next to him muffled a moan, in the ecstasy of his climax and Kale felt even worse. He leaned down to pull up his underwear and for a moment his face entered the reddish light. “Kale??” – exclaimed the guy who had just cum next to him – “You… You are…”

“Bring me out of here, Nani Kōkī…!” – Kale whined, throwing himself into Laniakea’s arms – “Bring me home…”

Laniakea quickly got rid of the used condom and zipped up his pants, while his ‘hole’ fled away into the darkness. “Wait, you can’t go home like this” – the guy said, gently walking Kale to the exit – “I saw a bathroom right out of this door, come with me.”

Thankfully, the bathroom was deserted. Laniakea looked at Kale and gasped, seeing his red eyes, his cheeks streaked with tears and his lips still reddened for the pressure of the man’s hand. Instinctively, he knew it was not the right moment to ask Kale for explanations, so he efficiently opened the tap and helped Kale freshen up, removing the traces of… whatever happened from his face. But it was more than clear that he could only clean up the surface, while inside Kale was still hurting.

“Wait.” – Laniakea said, and went out, to come back soon with a small glass of brandy. “Drink it, it will help you”.


Kale looked at Laniakea with thankful eyes, while gulping down the liquor, and then took a deep breath and said in a plaintive, defeated tone: “I really fucked it up, this time… I’ll never be Beau’s husband. This time he can’t possibly forgive me…”


* * * * * * * *

Footnotes and references:

[1] See the stand-alone story ‘Tales from the Cove – Bad cop, good cop
[2] Juan-les-Pins is the town in Côte d’Azur, southern France, where Beau and Kale first met: see Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 26, ‘Juan-les-Pins
[3] At 17 and with no family taking care of him, Charlie raised some cash working in the back room of the Mighty Stud offering oral sex to patrons for tips. See Rowan’s Journey, Ch. 2, ‘The Mighty Stud

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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