The Consequences of Envy

by Watkins

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Chapter Six

On Sunday midday I became stir crazy sitting alone, locked in the bedroom, and called out; ''Master, can we talk?''

I intended to get home before the weekend ended; since, Monday I had a big test to take.

‘’Can you give me my books?'' I asked the man.

I followed with reasonable necessities.

''I have to study or I’ll get behind. Also, you can put me on a bus later today?  I'll let you do me again before you put me on it, and, you can come visit anytime; and mom will pay you back. I won't say a word about Stu, I promise.’’ I said with increasing urgency.

He led me to the kitchen.

‘’I burned them yesterday,’’ he told me. ‘’I’m going to home school you till we can get something worked out here at the local high school.’’

I was jolted by this matter of fact assertion. My anus tightened and cock twitched, as my body seemed to hear it as more fun with this kidnapper, and it was openly betraying my sense of victimhood.

The man sat me down.

’’I spoke again with your mother, and she agreed to give me parental powers. The papers should arrive in a few days, and I’ll be your legal guardian, Patrick -- slowly voicing my name. Isn’t that great? BTW, Your mother tells me everyone calls you Pat; but, I’m going to call you ‘boy’ and you are to still call me ‘Master’. '’

‘’I don’t even know your name. You’ve kidnapped me, and I want to go home. PLEASE?’’ I shouted; as much at my own body as this abductor, near hysteria.

I sat upon that oak chair again in the kitchen. I squirmed in my seat again against the saddle seat's high butt crack ridge; finding my urges and body still not fully silenced to my will. 

He pulled his chair in front of me as a doctor might.

‘’For starters, I didn’t kidnap you. I saved your life, for god’s sake, Patrick; yet, my life, being what it is necessitated I be back here for my own survival; so, I might add, in some cultures that means you are  ‘by that gift of life’ obliged to do my bidding from henceforth. Even if you don’t believe that, you should at least show just a little appreciation for that, boy.’’

Again, he held my naked shoulders and pumped his thumbs; as, if injecting me with the truth of it.

‘'You yourself told your mother you needed to be away from a bad home experience, and after I discussed this matter again with her, she agreed; since you were ‘that way’, a queer.

She thinks it’d be in your interest to live with a man and family, even if Stu is now dead, that understood boys as yourself. 

She told me she talked with your friends who saw us drive off together, and they figured it was what you wanted. They too figured you were a fag. We are a group that looks after its own.   ’’

As if anticipating some proleptic objection he continued.

‘’No, I didn’t tell her of Stu, his death, or the sex you enjoyed with us both; nor, did I figure you’d want me to. Her concern is your well being, and that of your brother too — she told me of conditions and poverty ya’ll had to endure, and the need to see that your brother, at least, had a shot at a normal life; without the daily fights, delinquency you engaged in daily, and chaos that your budding perversions caused.

She worried you might kill each other. She needs the peace this will bring her.

She told me she’d tried to delay your homosexual behavior with puberty blockers, but now thinks this course with me is a better way — I think so too.’’

He grasped my upper arm and led me to the bath room.

‘’Now, I think it’s time for that patina. Lie down in the tub.’’ He ordered.

‘What the hell?' I wondered, as I laid down.

He dropped his pants and peed upon the length of my body, then focused upon my head; then mouth.

’’Open up, faggot! Swallow it baby!’’ 

I opened my mouth swallowing, as I also became erect too. I squirmed about in the piss heaving cries of despair in my realization of total degradation; yet, again delighted in my nude body, slick and stinking wet, sliding upon the warm pee in the ceramic tub.

And, shaking the last drop, he said;

‘’You are mine, I own you!’’

I began masturbating, as some mental patient might, but again, he pulled my hand away.

’’Now get showered. Later we’ll watch 'Pinocchio', as it’s on Disney tonight. The color is fantastic!’

* * * * *

‘This is bullshit!’ I thought, locked back in my room.

''Mom would never do that to me!'' I yelled. But I wasn't sure she wouldn't -- given our relationship in the last year. I had certainly made her furious with me on too many occasions, and she had even caught me stealing money from her purse. I'd even threatened to run away.

‘’You’re a liar!’’ I screamed at the top of my lungs. And I heaved tears again till I flopped down from the frenzy of emotion, and fell asleep. I hated him.

* * * * *

We both sat naked in his recliner chair under a blanket as we watched Pinocchio. The color was dazzling; the warmth of his body comforting, the feel of his dick, semi-hard in abeyance, pressed against a cheek, wanted. During commercials he let me play with the remote, flipping the channels, and I could hear a noisy clunking mechanism working as it moved to the other three available channels.

I could not but help of making the comparison to Stu of that red head friend to Pinocchio, nor myself to the puppet; where I knew in minutes I'd be his puppet, played from his big cock up my ass.

I felt my condition to already be realized, of those once boys, now jack asses, tossed into the pen, stripped rudely by a sadistic, happy, fat man; naked -- crying for their mothers; just animals. I was growing into a form I had hoped to avoid too, but life goes on.

Indeed, my position was a consequence of being a delinquent and stupid. Yes, the transition is permanent, but didn't have to be with smarter boys, as 'my father had avoided being a fag', I thought. I was now a fully transformed jackass, a failed faggot.

I squirmed my ass deeper into the man's crotch; and, with a couple of my ass shakes, arching and backing into his crotch, his hardening cock found my hole, as we sat. After then, otherwise we again sat unmoving. His pre-cum wetted my anus; my legs spread over the arms of the chair, I cinched at his wet cock head, squeezing the anus lips. Wanting in anticipation; where we went about other concerns; him puffing a cigarette and me with my beverage, sucking upon a straw. 

I watched staring, dazzled, as the whale gobbled up the donkey eared puppet boy. He punched in my hole as the whale thrashed about. It hurt terribly too; as, I hadn't prepared as with lube or a dildo; and my anus had again returned to its tight condition. I screamed and I begged him to stop, but he didn't and even pinched my nipples as before -- yes, sex and pain are connected, with me anyway. After a minute the pain abated enough, and I again joined into his rhythm hunching passionately; actually wanting him to pinch my nipples harder.

He turned off the set with the remote as he pumped my hole, and he tore off the blanket. The TV set, as a mirror, reflected me; laying back upon his chest, spread eagle, ass spread by his dick seen from the fish eyed tube. I watched with curiosity the fat pole sliding in and out those wet pink ass hole lips -- and, I liked it. 

Later, he showed me the Sunday Atlanta paper. There was short article about the unknown boy found drowned at the motel pool.  ‘The Drowned Youth’’ it was titled. He also had the next evening edition. It still featured the drowning as front page news too, though Stu's identity was now known, saying his driver's license was in his clothes that had been found, hidden in some bushes nearby.

There was a picture of this haggard old looking woman in tears, who was Stu's mother. There had been some reports Stu had been seen with others; yet, it was still assumed to have been an accident. The police did seek those 'Stewart' might have been with.

The article was civic oriented, too with calls for ordinances to prevent these kinds of accidents; such as, tall locked fencing mandatory around pools in back yards. The article went on about how many homeowners were now filling  their pools with dirt to avoid lawsuits from children’s families who drown. Stewart's family said they plan to file a lawsuit.

''See?'' the man said. ''Every thing has a silver lining, and this is perhaps the best thing ever to happen to Stu's family; as, I expect, the Day's Inn will want to settle this quickly.