Tales from the Cove: Toy-Boy

by Hunknown

23 Feb 2021 1062 readers Score 9.6 (27 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

The images in this story are an excerpt from the PictureBook I created for it. Check it, it’s hot! 😉 I also provide a PDF version of this story; you’re welcome to download it, but I kindly ask you to rate and comment the story at GayDemon, so to give me the feedback that all us writers always crave for 😉  


≈ TOY-BOY – Part 2 ≈


~ The airman’s boy ~

The next few weeks weren’t always easy for Rick, as Stewart had a rather authoritarian attitude, and definitely wasn’t a fine psychologist, as apparently didn’t even notice when Rick was tense or had to force himself not to come back to the man’s dismissive tone. On the other hand, Rick, too, had anything but an easy attitude: he always had problems with authority and with anyone trying to tell him what to do or not to do.

But no matter how hard the day, in the end it came the night, when Stewart made love to his boy in such a passionate way that any problem just vanished in the steamy air.

Day after day, they explored their new life with marvel and passion. Rick cooked delicious meals for his man, happy to take care of him and eagerly waiting for the moment he would come back from the military base, in the afternoon. And Stewart bought to his boy new clothing and occasionally small gifts that never failed to make Rick feel on cloud nine.

Both of them, as a matter of fact, were playing by the ear, as the entire “boy” situation was new to them. Stewart, when he asked Rick to stay, had only a vague idea of what having a boy meant for him; and Rick didn’t have a clear picture of what kind of relationship he was supposed to have with the airman: he felt loved and taken care of, and that was the only thing that really mattered.

Unfortunately, the uncertain boundaries of their relationship, coupled with the sharp traits of their character, were soon about to put a strain on their mutual affection.


~ Fareed, the Lebanese stud ~

One day, Stewart called Hendrick to tell him they were going to have a guest for dinner, a visiting Marine who he had met at the base. Rick happily prepared a special meal, dressed up with great care and tidied up the house, as he sensed that Stewart wanted to impress this guy and make his stay in town as pleasant as possible.

When the airman came back home with his Marine friend, Rick was hit by the guy, who looked handsome and exotic, with his olive skin and his big dark eyes; he was tall, a little older than Stewart, had a very fit body that perfectly filled his camouflage pants and the tight tee-shirt, and exuded an exuberant, confident virility.

Stewart introduced him to Rick as Fareed, and explained that he was in town for a week, being in charge of a shared operation between his Marine base and Stewart’s Air Force base. At dinner, Fareed told to the boy he was originally from Lebanon, but he was a naturalized US citizen, and charmed his hosts with tales from his exotic native land.

Actually, Rick thought with a sense of uneasiness, Stewart looked a bit too charmed by the guy, and flirted with him way too openly, commenting about how sexy the Lebanese men were and shooting at him lustful glances.

After dinner, the men moved to the living room, while Rick tidied up the kitchen. When done, the boy rushed to join the company, eager to listen to more exotic tales and… feasting some more his eyes on the gorgeous Marine.

But as soon as he set foot in the dining room, he froze, seeing Fareed reclined on the sofa and Stewart on top of him, passionately making out. He looked at the two men entwined in a hot embrace and felt a turmoil of feelings raising into his heart.

Part of him considered that Stewart wasn’t married to him, he was just his… whatever («If I’m his boy» – Rick thought – «what is he for me?»); but no matter how hard he tried to rationalize and convince himself that Stewart was free to do whatever he wanted with other men, his hurting past and his rueful attitude took over, and he felt a rising anger feeling his heart and mind.

The boy felt tears stinging behind his eyes, but forcefully pushed them back, like he had learned to do during his tough childhood and, above all, during his toy-boy days. He just turned around and fled upstairs, to find refuge under the warm covers of his bed.

«He said he loved me!» – Rick found himself think – «He said he would’ve loved me forever!». But apparently, Stewart’s love for him was not as long-lasting as he hoped…

The boy heard the men coming upstairs, whispering and giggling, to then move to Stewart’s bedroom. Soon enough, unmistakable grunts, sighs and moans came from the room, and Rick, despite his efforts, couldn’t ignore them anymore.

Irrationally, a hope came to Rick’s mind: «I’m sure Stewart just wants an ass to bang good and hard, a hole to fuck senselessly, he surely won’t make love to him in the sweet way he makes love to me

Almost against his will, Rick got off his bed and went to the corridor; Stewart’s door was slightly ajar, and he couldn’t help but take a peek. And what he saw made his eyes open wide and his heart thump furiously.


~ «It can’t be!» ~

Stewart was kneeling on the bed, his torso leaning down to the mattress, and held his own ass cheeks wide apart with his hands. Fareed was behind him, his olive skin glistening with sweat, and was rolling a condom over his cock. Rick had to stifle a lustful moan, watching in awe the Lebanese’s toned body, his rippling muscles and the fat circumcised cock.

The boy looked mesmerized at the Marine’s hand spreading some lube over his hard, throbbing member, ready to spear Stewart’s ass. He couldn’t believe that Stewart was offering his ass, and in such a blatant position, to the guy! «It can’t be!» – Rick thought, feeling his mind reel – «Stewart is all man, he always topped me with such a dominant masculinity!»

Rick couldn’t understand what was happening under his eyes, because for him giving his ass to a man was an act of submission, and sometimes it was even a humiliating and demeaning act he was forced to do. And now Stewart… Stewart…

Stewart’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts: “Come on, stud! Shove that thick club of yours into my hole!”.

The boy knew he was not supposed to stay there, peeking at the two men, but his feet were rooted to the floor and he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the astounding sight of the muscular Marine in heat, nor from the equally astounding sight of Stewart’s ass in full display, ready to be split open by a huge cock.

“You asked for it, man…” – the Lebanese growled, pressing the tip of his lubed cock on the airman’s hole – “…and here it comes!”

With a single forceful thrust, the Marine shoved his thick meat all the way into Stewart, burying his meat into the tight hole to the hilt. Stewart bucked wildly, reacting to the sudden impalement, but not a single sound came out of his clenched jaws. Fareed pounded the firm ass with quick, powerful thrusts, holding the man’s hips in position with his strong hands.

Rick saw Stewart panting, resisting to the onslaught without uttering a single moan. “You wanna play hard, airman?” – Fareed said with a confident tone – “I’ll break you, man! I wanna hear you beg for mercy!”

The boy looked with wide eyes the impossible scene developing in front of him: Stewart being fucked senselessly into his ass, subjected to a vicious, powerful pounding that would’ve broken any man! He felt his heart shrink, as he knew he couldn’t stand his man, his wonderful powerful man, begging for mercy…

But then he saw Stewart turn his head to the Lebanese, looking at him with a confident smirk: “That’s all you got, soldier? I thought you were a man!”

“Ah! You ain’t seen nothing yet!” – Fareed said aloud, with his exotic middle-eastern lilt. He stood up on the bed, placed his feet outside Stewart’s legs and forcefully pushed the man’s back down, forcing him to open his ass even wider. “Here comes the rest!”

The Marine squatted behind the bent-over airman and shoved again his hard tool all the way into the proud ass, pounding it even harder.

From his secluded point of view, Rick could perfectly see Fareed’s back, his spread buttocks, his heavy balls swaying back and forth and slapping on Stewart’s perineum at each thrust, his thick meat pumping furiously into the tender hole. The boy looked mesmerized at the pornographic scene, at the erotic tug-of-war taking place under his eyes, and felt his own cock throbbing hard into his pants.

Instinctively, his hand moved down to his crotch and started massaging the stiff bulge restrained into his jeans. He looked with rapt and lustful eyes the dark-skinned man moving his hips back and forth, with powerful and sensual thrusts, digging deeply into Stewart’s insides.

In an effort to make Stewart beg for mercy, he paced up even more his already frantic fucking, but it turned to be a boomerang, and suddenly he couldn’t restrain any more the juices boiling into his plump balls. “I’ll fuck the cum out of you!” – he yelled, in a last attempt at making Stewart explode – “I’ll… I… AWW FUCK!!”

The Lebanese stiffened and stood still for a moment, trying hard to hold back his orgasm, but he was already past the no-return point. He quickly pulled out and made Stewart turn on his back, pointing his spurting cock directly to the airman’s face: “Quench your thirst with my milk!” – the Lebanese said aloud, and Stewart gladly obliged, sticking his tongue out of his open mouth and welcoming the white creamy shower.

~ Raw masculinity ~

When drained, Fareed recoiled and heavily sat on the bed, panting, resting his back on the headboard. Stewart rose to his knees and stood in front of the Marine; his face was drenched with sperm, but his proud cock was still hard as steel: despite his strenuous efforts, Fareed couldn’t make him beg and couldn’t force him to cum.

The Lebanese smiled, looking at the smirk of pride spreading on Stewart’s face. “Come here, man…” – Fareed said with a friendly tone, patting on the mattress between his legs – “…and let me take care of you”.

Stewart sat down, laying his back over the Marine’s toned torso, and let the man’s hands roam over his pecs, titillating his nipples and caressing his abs. He rewarded the guy with a soft moan, feeling the prying hands reaching down to his swelling cock and his plump balls.

Fareed caressed and fondled the airman with tenderness and reverence, worshipping his muscular body and paying homage to his undefeated manliness. With caring hands, he started stroking the throbbing meat, while he massaged the man’s ball sac, pinched his nipples and licked his neck and shoulders.

“Ooohh, man…” – Stewart moaned, closing his eyes and reclining his head over Fareed’s shoulder – “This is when I truly surrender to you…!”

Stocked as he was, it didn’t take long until Stewart gasped loud and all his muscles stiffened: “Fuck man… Yeah… Make me cum… aaahh…  NNNNGGHHH!!”

A fountain of white cream erupted from the stiff cock and landed on the airman’s torso. The man moaned loud, while Fareed’s hand kept on milking the throbbing member with a tight grip. Relentlessly, the guy’s hand kept moving up and down, until Stewart was completely drained and spent.

But even then, Fareed’s hand didn’t stop. “Aww… fuck!” – Stewart protested, trying to push the guy’s hand away – “Stop it! Nnngghh… I’m too sensitive!!”

“Show me how much of a man you are!” – Fareed replied, with a tone that wanted to sound defiant, but betrayed the awe he felt for the airman and his raw masculinity; an awe that didn’t go unnoticed to Stewart, who forced himself to move his hands away and accept the sweet torment.

The sensations coming from his oversensitive cock, relentlessly tortured by Fareed’s strong fingers, were almost unbearable, but Stewart resisted stoically, keeping his legs apart and his hands away, without doing anything to make the torment end. Only his gasps and the frequent spasm of his body betrayed the powerful effect Fareed’s caresses were causing him.

They were interrupted by loud boyish moans of pleasure coming from behind the partly open door: such a proud display of manly control and sexual endurance were just too much for Rick to witness, and he couldn’t restrain himself from creaming his pants.

He was still cumming when his gaze met Stewart’s, and he felt embarrassed for being spotted while peeping, and felt angry for the way Stewart let Fareed fuck him in the ass and give him a torturous hand job. Covering his crotch with a hand, Rick turned around and ran back to his room, locked the door and threw himself on the bed. It took a while until his need for sleep could overcome the turmoil in his mind.


~ Grudge ~

The next morning, Stewart and Fareed went downstairs to have breakfast. Rick was in the kitchen, finishing to wash the cookware used to prepare the breakfast.

“Good morning, Ricky Boy!” – Stewart mused, but in response he only got an unintelligible mumbling. The airman was surprised by the cold reply, but kept an amused tone: “Did you enjoy the show, last night?”

“Yeah, quite a show indeed…” – the boy said, heading to the door.

“Wait, don’t you have breakfast with us?”

“I’m not hungry.”

Stewart stared for a moment at the door closing behind Rick, unable to understand what could’ve annoyed the boy so much, and frankly pissed off by his lack or respect, in front of his guest. “Well, apparently someone’s got off on the wrong foot…” – Stewart said, looking embarrassed at Fareed. “But he’s a real gem, take my word” – he soon praised the boy, unwilling his guest to think ill of him.

Beyond the closed door, a faint smile appeared on Rick’s frowning face. “He’s always so caring with me, and he’s a great cook, too! And his ass… mmmhh, his sweet ass can make a grown man weep!”

Stewart regretted his words as soon as he spoke them: he was so eager to sing the praises of his boy that he actually went too far. Unfortunately for him, the damage was already done. «My ass!» – Rick though ruefully, while the smile quickly faded on his face – «I was wondering what I am for him, and here’s the answer: a sweet fuckable ass!!»

He rushed upstairs and went to his room, and didn’t come out until he heard Stewart and Fareed go to work.

During the morning and the afternoon Rick tried to focus on his tasks, tidying up the house and prepare the dinner, but his mind ran in circles. Somehow, Stewart had thrown him totally out of his depths. Not only he brought Fareed at home precisely to have sex with him, but he didn’t even try to do that out of sight! He and Fareed made out on the sofa, right in front of his eyes! He even asked him if he’d enjoyed the show!!

And then Rick visualized Stewart, kneeling on the bed, bent in a shameful position of blatant offer, allowing Fareed to fuck the crap out of him and spurt his seed over his face! Rick was completely unable to conciliate the man’s demeaning behavior with the commanding and brave attitude he always showed, since the night they first met: it was that attitude that made Rick fall in love with him, and now… now Rick didn’t know any more what he felt for Stewart.

He was still nursing such rueful and confused thoughts when, few minutes past five, Stewart came back home. The boy pretended to focus on the vegetables he was cutting and replied with a grunt to the airman’s greeting.

Stewart’s workday had been a nightmare, he was already nervous, and he felt utterly pissed off by Rick’s attitude. Stewart wasn’t by any means a fine psychologist and he didn’t have a clue about what was going on, but nevertheless he restrained himself, putting a great effort in not get angry with the boy. «I know what could make the two of us feel better…» – he thought, feeling his cock twitch in anticipation; he moved close to Rick, hugged him from behind and pressed his groin on the boy’s ass: “Come upstairs with me, Ricky boy, let’s have some fun…!”

“I’m busy” – Rick replied, wriggling out of the man’s arms.

Stewart totally lost it and his repressed anger exploded: “I had it, kid!” – he yelled – “I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but I don’t give a fuck! You’re my boy, I need to have some fun and goddammit I’m going to have some fun!!”

He grabbed Rick with his strong arms and forcefully raised him off the floor, and he held him tight until they weren’t in his bedroom. There, he threw the boy on the bed and hastily got naked, under Rick’s scared eyes. Realizing that Rick wasn’t stripping off like him, he reached down to him, unbuckled his jeans and forcefully tore them away.

“Sir, please…” – Rick whined, trying to soothe the man’s rage – “I’m sorry, sir, please…”

But Stewart’s furious hands gripped the boy’s white briefs and tugged them so hard that they almost got ripped. When Rick saw the man’s stiff cock menacingly pointing at him and felt his legs forcefully held apart he panicked: “No sir… Please sir, don’t do it!”

His plea fell on deaf ears, and he gasped loud when Stewart pressed his stiff cock on his exposed boy hole. Rick looked with desperate intensity at Stewart’s eyes and whined with chocked voice: “Sir, don’t… I’m begging you… I can take it from anyone, but not from you. Not from you, sir! I couldn’t bear it…”

Stewart froze. The restrained desperation he heard in the boy’s voice was the same desperation he heard when he talked about the rape he had to suffer when he was still a toy-boy. The man felt sick: he was about to rape his own boy!

He recoiled, speechless, his cock quickly going limp, and let go of the boy’s legs. Another man, at this point, would’ve asked for forgiveness, would’ve apologized, but Stewart was not inclined to admit his faults. “Fuck off boy!” – he growled instead – “Get out of my face!”

Rick didn’t need to be told twice: he jumped off the bed, picked up his clothes from the floor and rushed to his room, locking the door. After few minutes, he heard Stewart go out, slamming the front door.


~ A mighty hero ~

The next morning, Rick woke up early and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The house was silent, as it was Saturday and Stewart always used to sleep in on weekends, so the boy was sure not to meet him. He still wasn’t ready to face him.

It was a hot morning, and he was working in the kitchen in his underwear. He bent over to check the cupcakes in the oven, and was so concentrated in checking them that he didn’t hear the footsteps behind him.

“Stewart was right…” – said a deep voice with an exotic lilt – “That ass can definitely make a grown man weep!”

“Fareed!” – the boy gasped, turning around and standing up – “I… I didn’t know you were here… I… I…”

Rick felt embarrassed, as he was wearing only his underwear. And he was even more embarrassed because Fareed wasn’t wearing anything at all. His dark-skinned cock was semi-hard and the man looked at the boy with unmistakable lust.

He took a couple steps toward Rick, and the boy stepped back, staring at Fareed with wide eyes, while his mind recalled images of the Lebanese guy mercilessly shoving his thick cock into Stewart’s ass.

“Sir… I don’t think…” – Rick tried to say, but the man was quickly over him: “Come on, boy!” – he growled, while sliding a hand inside Rick’s briefs, groping his ass – “Won’t you give me a kiss? Just a kiss! I’m your man’s guest, I’m sure he would gladly share his boy’s sweet ass with me…”

“Leave me alone!” – Rick shouted, trying in vane to get free from the man’s strong grip – “I don’t want to do it!”

But Fareed didn’t stop, and shoved him hard, face to the wall. He forcefully pulled up Rick’s wrists and pinned him to the wall, while pulling down his briefs. “No… NO!” – Rick shouted, when he felt the man’s growing cock pressing against his buttocks. He wriggled hard, trying to escape the man’s hold, but he couldn’t move and felt lost.

“What the fuck are you doing to my boy?!” – Stewart’s voice thundered out behind them.

“Where is your hospitality, man?” – Fareed replied, turning his face but without releasing Rick – “I’m just going to taste this sweet ass…”

“The fuck you are!” – yelled the airman, throwing a punch with all his strength at Fareed’s lower back. There was an audible crack, when the hard knuckles hit the equally hard backbone; Fareed uttered a chocked whine and crashed to the floor, and for few moments he seemed unable to move.

One second later, Stewart was holding tight his boy in his protective arms: “Did he hurt you, Ricky boy? Oh god, tell me you’re not hurt!” – he asked with a voice that revealed all his worry, his guilt, his concern for the boy’s safety and even his shame, as what Fareed wanted to do was what he himself, few hours before, was about to do.

“I’m fine, sir…” – Rick replied, looking with adoring eyes the man who came to rescue him the moment he most needed it – “He didn’t… touch me, sir. I’m fine… now that you’re here”.

“And you, fucking bastard…” – he said to Fareed, melting him with an icy stare – “You have sixty seconds to get out of my house! Fifty-nine! Fifty-eight!...”

Fareed jumped on his feet, scared as hell, rushed upstairs to grab his clothes and ran out of the house without even wasting time to get dressed, and leaving the door ajar. Stewart went to close the door, and heard Rick’s feeble voice coming from the kitchen: “My cupcakes are all burned… They’re all burned…”, and then the boy burst into tears.

The airman found his boy crouching in front of the oven, his shoulders shaken by irrepressible sobs, and locked him in a tender embrace: “Everything’s fine, Ricky boy…” – he said with a soothing tone, understanding that the cupcakes had nothing to do with the boy’s sudden breakdown – “Everything’s fine. I love you kid…”


~ A long-due talking ~

Ten minutes later, they were sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a cup of coffee. Stewart shot a sorry and uneasy glance at Rick and said: “It’s about time we talk, Ricky boy… I’m sorry, I’m not inclined to talk like this, but I have to, there are so many fences to mend…”

“First and foremost, my boy…” – the airman said with an unusually contrite tone – “…forgive me, if you can, for what I tried to do to you yesterday…”

“Sir, please, let’s never mention it again, it was entirely my fault, I should’ve never been so disrespectful, especially in front of your guest…”

“No, kid. That’s not an excuse for what I’ve done. And I hate thinking that I may have lost your trust and your love. You have already suffered enough in your life, and I swore to protect you, and in the end I acted like… those men who abused you”.

Rick lowered his eyes to his cup of coffee, as Stewart’s words had rekindled the sorrow, the shame and the pain of that night. But Stewart gently took his hands, across the table: “Look at me, Ricky boy… Don’t lose your trust in me. Please. I made a terrible mistake, but I swear… I swear it will never happen again! Don’t stop loving me…”

“I never stopped loving you, sir…” – Rick replied with passion, looking at his man with adoring eyes. But a fleeting frown darkened his face: “…though sadly I can’t say the same for you. I understand, sir, I can’t offer you much, I’m just a boy…”

“What are you talking about, Ricky boy?” – Stewart exclaimed, suddenly alarmed and surprised.

“I understand that I’m not enough for you, sir, and you decided to look… elsewhere to find the love you need. But it was not easy for me watching you and Fareed… I mean… You even asked me if I enjoyed the show!” – Rick said with strained voice, putting a great effort to hold his tears – “How could I ever enjoy see you love Fareed instead of me, see your love for me fading so abruptly under my very eyes…”

“Were you… jealous?? Of Fareed?” – the airman gasped, holding the boy’s hands tightly – “Did you think I didn’t love you any more? No, kid, no! It will never happen! You’re my boy, we have a special bond than cannot be broken that easily, I never stopped loving you! Not for a single moment!”

“But you see, kid…” – Stewart continued, now aware of the very roots of the boy’s grief – “…sometimes a man needs… another man, he needs having fun and rough action with a buddy his age. A man’s heart is so big, kid! Fareed is just a fuck buddy, and I’m frankly not inclined to have a steady partner, but it would ever happen, you won’t ever stop being my boy, and our love will still be strong and passionate as always. You too, when you feel too, will surely find a mate your age, a young guy to love and be loved back, and you won’t stop loving me for that. Do you understand what I’m trying to say, Ricky boy?”

Rick nodded affirmatively, unable to talk for the rush of love he felt, now that he knew that Fareed had not taken his place into Stewart’s heart. But still the boy’s frown didn’t fade out.


~ What makes a man a real man ~

 “Is there something more, kid? Tell me, tell me everything, don’t hold back, my boy…!”

“Well, sir…” – Rick said with an uncertain tone – “I felt… uneasy, seeing you submit to Fareed, letting him fuck you in the ass so roughly, and spray his seed over your face, and then torment you so viciously. It was hot, I have to admit it, and I… uhm… creamed my pants just looking at you, but… I don’t know… I’ve never seen you so submissive, overpowered by another man…”

Stewart stood straight on his chair and flashed a confident smile: “Submissive, you say? Overpowered? I don’t remember anything like that, quite the opposite, actually! Well, Fareed is such a hot stud, I can easily guess why you missed what really happened in that bed. Yeah, it was quite a trial of strength, you’re right, two proud men confronting and trying to overpower each other. But it was not I the one who got off that bed defeated, not at all!”

“Yes, I offered my ass to Fareed, but you see, giving your ass to a man is not an act of submission, it’s actually the manliest thing a guy can do! It’s easy to shoot at an unarmed man, but if he fights back and can overpower you using your own weapon, well, that’s a real man to me! I offered myself to Fareed in the most vulnerable way, and incited him to do his worse: you saw him saying he wanted to hear me begging. But have you heard me begging? No, kid, not at all! He wanted to fuck the cum out of me, but I fired back, and milked his cock so hard that he couldn’t restrain himself anymore!”

“I welcomed his cum on my face” – Stewart continued – “because it was the sign of my victory over him: I forced him to cum, not the other way round! You may not know, but when he said ‘Quench your thirst with my milk’, he meant it as a traditional sign of respectful hospitality, as in his country only the most important guests are offered fresh milk. And he then paid homage to my manliness, worshipping my body and servicing me in the sweetest way…”

“But he tormented you” – Rick exclaimed – “and you did nothing to stop him!”

“And you think it was easy for me? Not at all, kid, and I think you know what I’m talking about. He wanted at least to have a little revenge, making me beg him to stop, but I didn’t give him this satisfaction. I couldn’t restrain my gasps, as I’m extremely sensitive after an orgasm and his hand was torturing me, but I stood there, forcefully keeping my legs apart and my hands away. It was a supreme act of manliness, if I may say it myself! Though… I have to thank you, kid” – Stewart concluded with a shy grin – “because your timely interruption came right when I knew I couldn’t resist any more. I’m not a superhero, you know, I have my limits…”

“I don’t think so!” – Rick exclaimed, standing up and throwing himself into his man’s arms – “You’re nothing less than a superhero to me, sir! I love you so much!! I’ll be a good boy for you, sir, I will never be jealous or disrespectful again! I want to be… like you!”

He covered Stewart’s face and mouth with tender kisses, and the man squirmed a little, as such “lovey-dovey stuff” always made him feel a bit uneasy, but he didn’t stop the boy, and smiled with relief for their newfound happiness and affection. Now that they had made things straight and clarified the boundaries of their relationship, both the man and the boy were sure that their life would’ve been perfect.

But their perfect life was not going to last long…

To be continued...

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024