DbD: Potential Energy

by Kato Hu

14 Dec 2023 529 readers Score 9.2 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It’s always so eerie in this realm.  The fog is always present, the sense of heightened danger resonates through the trees.  The feeling of always being watched by something or someone lingers over your shoulders.  This realm is so odd.

David steps away from the campfire at Vittorio’s request.  Vittorio had mentioned to David that he has possibly come up with a way to combat the deadly Killers that haunt them day after day.  No matter how much David has tried to punch and batter the Killers, they’ve all proven to be so insanely resilient and deadly that he’s only met with repeated deaths over and over again.  All David can really do is hope that he can get out of the repetitive trials intact and with his friends and allies in one piece, though he’s no stranger to taking several hits for the safety of others.

It took some time for David to start remembering these hellish trials that he’s been subjected to over and over again.  Other survivors are still having difficulty remembering, but there are others that do remember the pain, the carnage, the absolute dread that is the Entity’s realm.

Through the dark treeline, David can see the bright blue glow that he’s grown to associate with Vittorio.  Vittorio stands at the border of a large magical circle filled with symbols and equations that only Vittorio could truly discern.

Noticing David’s arrival, Vittorio turns to the young man and greets him, “Ah, just in time.  Thank you for making your way out here David.”

“It’s not like there’s shit else to do around here,” David mutters.

Vittorio cracks a bit of a smile.  “Well, if you are ready, I have made my preparations.  If you could stand in the middle of the circle.”

David does as Vittorio instructs, lackadaisically sauntering into the glowing blue circle.  Vittorio holds his hand out, his tattoos glowing a bright blue from under his shirt.  The more Vittorio concentrates, the more the light glows brighter and brighter, almost blindingly so.  David watches the circle around him glowing brightly, his clothes shuffling by the gust of wind emanating from the circle.

The circle glows brighter…and brighter…and brighter until it suddenly stops.

David looks at Vittorio, a raised brow.  “Is something supposed to happen?”

Vittorio pants for air, sweat falling from his brow.  “Damn.  There may be a flaw.”

“I would say.  I don’t feel any–”

David is interrupted as he’s suddenly suspended into the air.  Glowing blue circles rotate around both of his wrists and ankles, keeping him in still no matter how much he’s struggling to move.

Vittorio looks at David in surprise.  “A delayed effect.  That is a flaw, but at least something came from my hours of inscribing these symbols.”

“That’s great and all, but how is this going to help against the Killers?  I was hoping you could make us some weapons or something to fight back, not just some magical holding shit,” David criticizes.

“It’s a work in progress, I must admit.  However, it is good to know that it has a halting effect,” Vittorio says.

“Great, wonderful.  Let me down,” David says dismissively.  His expectations were far too high for what Vittorio delivered.

As Vittorio attempts to cease the holding effect on David, the big circle glows brightly once again.  David’s body trembles in place, the wind blowing violently.

“Vittorio what are you doing!?” David yells.  The more he fights to get out of the magical circle the more it holds him back.

“I am trying, this appears to be more of a side effect,” Vittorio says.

The wind blows so violently it shreds David’s clothes to scraps and rags.  David’s strong muscular chest is bare under the realm’s moon, his muscles tense as he tries to fight his way out of the circle.  The wind continues to shred at David’s clothing, his pants and undergarments torn away.

“This is unexpected,” Vittorio mumbles, a bit surprised from the violent gale.

“What the hell is this spell!?” David yells.  “Get me down Vittorio!  I swear once I’m out of this I’m gonna–”

Vittorio’s circle appears at the base of David’s cock.  David can feel some sort of force or presence massaging his cock until it fully becomes erect.  The force continues to stimulate his dick, squeezing and touching him in ways that he has never been touched before.

“Wh-what the fuck?” David lets out, moaning a bit from the pleasurable sensations around his cock.

“This is most definitely unexpected,” Vittorio states, confused at his own work.

“Y-you better f-fix this!” David groans.  He fights to not give into the pleasurable feelings that are wrapping around his hard erection, but every passing second makes it more and more difficult.  This realm doesn’t provide much for pleasure–even after hearing the ventures of Dwight and Claudette in some beach paradise–pleasure is typically only an illusion here, a temporary one at that.

“Yes, I will try to fix this, please hold on David,” Vittorio says.  He tries to calculate any sort of way to break his glowing circles to free his friend, but he’s coming up short.  Though he needs to try something.

Vittorio holds his hand out, his tattoos glowing again.  He focuses and trains all of his thoughts and energy into trying to help his friend, he needs to help his friend from such an odd state of affairs.

However, the more Vittorio focuses and wants to help David, the more the pleasurable pressure David feels.  David can feel the massaging force around his dick traveling up, down, and around the entirety of his hardened shaft almost as if he was fucking someone.  The pleasure is so nice and feels so good that precum begins to leak out of David’s cock and drips onto the ground.

“Fuck…fuuuuuck,” David breathes out.  As much as he’s trying to hold onto the last bit of control he has over his body and mind, he’s losing the battle over pleasure.

Vittorio continues to focus as much as he can to break the circles, but to no avail.  If anything, he’s made the circles stronger and more formidable.  David is unable to move at all while his cock is being tightly squeezed and massaged.

The intensity of the pressure around David’s cock grows more powerful by the second.  The speed of the sensations are fast, it truly feels as if David’s dick is sliding in and out of the most pleasurable hole he could imagine.  Despite his protests of wanting to be released, his body is enjoying the reprieve of pleasure.  David is about to break and fully submit to the pleasure.

David’s cock leaks so much precum that the dirt below him is drenched.  Each drop of his wasted precum makes the circle grow more powerful.  The hold around David’s cock is so intense that it is becoming painful.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” David moans loudly, his body fully submitting into the sensation.

As much as David wants to buck his hips to simulate the feeling of him fucking, he can’t.  He can’t move.  He’s at the mercy of Vittorio’s spell, he has no control in this matter.  He doesn’t care at this point.  What he cares about is cumming.  He needs to cum.  The pleasure has been building so much through his cock that he knows that he’s at the brink of cumming.  Just a bit more and he’ll be put over the edge.

Except that edge keeps growing more and more.

“Vittorio I need to cum,” David pants.  All of the muscle fibers in his body visibly tense up.  The painfully pleasurable pressure building through his cock grows more and more intense, his cock aches.  His whole body shaking and begging for release.

“I’m trying David,” Vittorio says.

David can feel the cum building in him.  It hurts.  It’s painful.  It’s too much to keep in.  The pleasure has fully transformed into pain.  It feels like his cock is about to explode.  He can’t keep holding it in.  He doesn’t want to hold it in, but something is forcing him to hold his cum in.

“Let me cum!” David yells.  His eyes rolling back.  His muscles bulge and glisten from the sweat that has been dripping down his forehead.  “I need to cum!”

The pressure inside of David builds more and more, almost breaking the brink of David’s capacity to remain sane.  His entire cock feels so sensitive and the massaging pressure feels like painful needles jabbing at him at every moment.  The pain is pleasure just as much as the pleasure is now pain.  David is having a hard time distinguishing if he’s in ecstasy or agony.

Each inch of David’s cock quakes and swells in pain.  His cock is so much larger than it was before as it tries to contain all of the built up cum that refuses to shoot out.  His cock is slick with his own precum that can’t be enjoyed by anybody.  His breaths become quick and sharp.  He’s unable to move.  His control sapped.

“Vittorio please let me cum!” David cries out.

David’s mind shatters.  He can no longer tell if he’s in bliss or in misery.  His body is feeling sensations, whether painful or not, all he can focus on is his cock ready to explode at any given moment.  Every touch hurts yet makes him moan.  Every squeeze is painful yet makes him want more.  David doesn’t know what he wants anymore other than to cum.

Vittorio grits his teeth, attempting to help his friend who appears to be in absolute agony.  With more focused breaths and inner recitings of what he knows, Vittorio clenches his fist and punches the ground before him.

The glowing circles gradually crack and then shatter into light fragments.  And it is here that David’s roar echoes throughout the whole realm.  Thick ropes of white cum shoots out of David’s engorged cock.  David’s whole body spasms and his abs can be seen flexing as he pushes out as much cum as he possibly can from all of the built up pressure.  Shot after shot, there was almost no end to the amount of cum David just shot out.  Each push of release easing David back into his more normal state of being with pleasure washing throughout his body.  His cum is thicker than normal, he shoots more than normal.  Nothing about what just happened is normal.

David’s body drops to the ground after he finishes shooting out every last drop of cum he could.  His heaving breaths are audible mixed in with the light moans that escape his lips.

Some of David’s cum splashed onto Vittorio, the salty sperm accidentally finding its way at the edges of the man’s lips.  Vittorio ignores it and tends to David, making sure his friend is okay from what he just experienced.  Vittorio checks on David.  He seems fine, no harm done.  Though this experiment only makes Vittorio think of another way to help everyone’s cause in the realm.

by Kato Hu

Email: [email protected]

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