Dance of the griffin

by Daniel Berasaluce

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I was wandering deep in thoughts around the thick forest which surrounded our villa and at last I thought that I should stop when in the distance I saw something.

First I thought I was watching somebody totally nude till advancing some meters, I guessed it was a naked boy for I saw something dangling which of course must be his dick. But that naked boy was not jacking off, he was totally nude yes, but he was dancing, spinning and in a curious position with his elbows raised under his face as if his nose was sniffing his arms, but all the time spinning.

It was when I advanced about two hundred more meters that I saw that naked boy dancing there was my brother. He’s in fact a famous dancer, so that’s why I will not say his real name and will call him Roland, as the character he soon told me he would play.

So I advanced till I reached my brother and he saw me, but kept dancing, so I had to ask him.

-Hey bro, why are you dancing naked?

-Oh hi, Gilbert, well hope you’re not shocked but I’m rehearsing and since I cannot dance naked at home out of respect for you, I’ve come to the forest to rehearse.

I’m his brother and I’m not called Gilbert either but that’s the name I choose for myself. Let’s say I’m Gilbert Osborne, though that it’s not our family name either. I’m a year older than him, 29 and I work as an actor, though being sometimes so difficult to get a job, now I work as a clown in a circus.

-But you have to rehearse naked? -I was aware that I was getting a boner looking at my brother’s naked body.

-You know our friend Clark Lackerby. His whole life he’s been a composer and has finally written a musical. It’s called The Griffin’s Nest. And all actors, only actors and no actresses, have to dance and sing totally nude the whole musical. It’s an avant-garde musical, so avant-garde that now you know we’ll have to dance totally nude. And imagine me costumed as a griffin. You know what griffins were?

-Mythological animals in Greece, I think.

-Not only in Greece but it’s that. Now imagine me with a beak, with feathers all over my body and even with a lion’s tail for those were griffins, half eagles, half lions. I’ll play Roland, the protagonist. He’s all the time looking for a partner, male griffin in this case. I guess you know our friend Clark is gay.

-I know that -and it was stronger than me now but after my eyes had been resting in my brother’s cock for ten minutes, I had to whip out my dick and masturbate.

-Sorry, Roland, I cannot help it.

-Well, bro, I could never expect to see my brother one day beating his meat looking at me. But I’ll tell you something now. Roland the griffin will live many adventures and it’s not clearly said but it is hinted that he’s in love with Olivier, his father. Clark got the names from the old Chanson de Roland, where the protagonist is precisely called Roland and his best friend is called Olivier. And maybe I shouldn’t be telling you this but as I’m seeing you right now incestuously aroused and Clark is one of our best friends and I know you appreciate him, I’ll tell you that Clark is in love with his father, Reuben, you know him, and with Chad, his father’s husband. But Reuben and Chad are also in love with Clark and now they are three. And as you can guess it’s not only love but mutual sex among them. So since Olivier stands for Reuben, Clark’s father and it’s an incestuous relation, maybe it will suit me well to see my own brother incestuously aroused. So -he sighed-, you can go on. I love you, Gilbert, whatever you are. I’ll keep on rehearsing.

Now I saw him raising one of his legs and dancing only on one of them, still spinning, so now I also saw Roland’s arousing ass, and still with his elbows under his nose as if sniffing them.

I could do no other thing than approach him and start touching him and knowing what he could tell me, I added.

-Just dance, you sexy griffin, and never mind what your brother is doing. Besides being sexy you’re open-minded enough and are showing it to me again having accepted to play in a musical where you will have to dance naked, so just let me go on touching you. What is it to you?

-I still have a lot to rehearse and of course after now I’ll rehearse being naked. I cannot help to arouse some of the men in the audience and when I accepted this job, I intuited that even some men in the theater might be jacking off looking at the actors. I’ll keep on spinning and I certainly like you, Gilbert and you won’t hurt me for touching me. You can go on.

In all this long speech I had been running my hands down everything in my brother’s sexy body, had even touched his ass and he did not complain and now I was sure I needed to go even further and hoped he also allowed me. And it was then that I grasped his cock, still surprised of how easy it was for me to grab a different dick from my own and just as naturally I started pumping it and masturbating Roland.

-It’s not gonna be easy to keep on dancing, let alone spinning as I am being masturbated, but since this is what apparently you feel like doing, just go on. I’ll never get angry at such wonderful brother.

Having never seen Roland naked before, of course I couldn’t know how strongly his body could turn me on but after this first masturbation, I knew well that Roland’s dick was the only thing I needed to play with. But it was a short time and after just five minutes I felt his sexy cock spilling his first load with my hand and it was so erotic to see him cumming and still spinning.

-Thanks for this, Gilbert -and so that I could not think that he was angry at me for having masturbated him, he came then to my lips and affectionately thanked me by kissing me.

-Now it’s me that must thank you, Roland. Will you come home now or would you rather rehearse more?

-Not only do I have to learn all the different dances now, but I will soon rehearse soon some of the songs I have to sing.

-Good, keep on dancing, griffin -I told him as unexpectedly for him, I took now his dick into my mouth.

by Daniel Berasaluce

Email: [email protected]

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