College bros

by tmac

5 May 2024 3778 readers Score 9.0 (32 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The sun was setting as Tommy lined up to do his final wind sprint of the afternoon. It had been 4 days of practice with dictator Amir at the wheel. The practices were all the same first they’d do extensive stretching and warm-ups, then they’d do ladder footwork, followed by ball handling, shooting drills, and then Amir would bring out his whiteboard and teach Tommy different plays and explain lingo and formations to Tommy, lastly, core conditioning and wind sprints until Amir decided they’d done enough.

It had been quite a busy week and school hadn’t even started. Tommy was finding he really enjoyed football. Baseball was great, but football was fast-paced and more fluid. He was surprised to find he took to it much easier than expected, that or Amir was a really great coach.

The days had flown by and it had kept Tommy and Han from any real shenanigans in their dorm. Both had been absolutely exhausted after Amir’s practices and Han had them waking up early to hit the gym as it was the only time that really made sense to go with practice at night.

That didn’t mean that Han didn’t make use of Tommy’s mouth at least once a day…. It was usually after practice and before showers. If they had time he’d have Tommy do some worshipping of him and suck Han at a relaxed pace, but when Han was super hungry he’d fuck Tommy’s face until he shot his load deep in his mouth. Then they’d hurry and shower and go get some grub.

However, today was Friday and they finally had some time to kick it and hang. They’d probably hit the pitch at some point over the weekend but no mas gym for a couple days and they were all ready for classes which started Monday. It was their last and only weekend before the chaos of the semester took over.  Tommy’s TV had come in the mail and Hasan had been itching to bring his PS5 over and kick it.

Apparently Amir and Sarah were hanging out frequently in Hasan’s dorm and he slowly just moving into Han and Tommy’s dorm. Which was another reason they fucked so little. Hasan was almost always with them. Neither of them minded they both loved Hasan it was just tough to make it happen. Tommy could tell Han was losing his patience and he was more an more ballsy in front of Hassan.

They had set the TV up over Hans’s bed so they can sit in Tommy’s bed and play. They could have put it up over their desk and sat in office chairs, but Han enjoyed laying in Tommy’s bed especially after the gym and practice and it seemed that Hasan was taking up the practice as well.

Tommy heard Amir yell to finish strong and at that he took off sprinting his ass off to the other side of the field. It felt good to be active, to be fit, to be young, and to feel the sun hitting his back on a late summer evening. The boys almost exclusively practiced shirtless and the three of them were as tan as Tommy had ever seen them. Meanwhile he was as pale as ever. He didn’t tan well  just freckled and so he did his best to use SPF. That being said his shoulders had a solid tan and his face was flush with a tasteful amount of summer freckles. He’d loved the shirtless practices for so many reasons less laundry, watching his half-naked friends, and feeling their half-naked bodies all over his. he found he excelled at defense and if he’d known how often he’d be pressed against them or falling on top of one of the three when sliding in he’d have quit baseball and joined the soccer team sooner.

He wasn’t sure why but the soccer kids cared much less about personal space and constantly hung on each other. Maybe it was the difference in cultures, either way Tommy enjoyed it.

Tommy finished and walked up to a grinning Han.

“Not bad sexy, though it’s more fun to watch you run the other way.” Tommy punched him.

“Ok boys!” Hasan said putting his arms around both of them. “It’s time for pizza and a FIFA tournament tonight! You boys ready to get your cheeks clapped!?”

“lol Hasan you ain’t winning shit without spamming France, without Mbappe you’re TRASH!” Yelled Tommy.

“Ohhh Tommy said you’re trash!” Han yelled punching Hasan and they began to wrestle.

Tommy looked over at Amir, “Hey bro are you joining!?”

Amir was staring at his phone looking like a god among men. His wolfish hair was freshly cut but he had a goatee stubble coming in on his face. His brown eyes shined in the glow of the sun and his hairy chest gleamed with sweat. He’d removed his cleats and socks and his beautiful brown feet were planted in the grass. Tommy had always loved Amir’s feet they had such a unique look. The best word to explain them was maybe animalistic or muscular. His feet were incredibly vascular and incredibly well developed it made sense why he had such great footwork and strength.  The boys loved to put gorilla emojis in their Instagram gym thirst traps and well Amir was the embodiment of that beast persona. He was wearing his serious face as he texted, but his eyes softened as he looked up at Tommy.

“Oh sorry Tommy,” he said in his thick accent and raised one hand and put it behind his head and flashed his beautiful toothy smile, His black hairy pits showing. “If  Hasan is hanging with you guys,  Sarah is gonna come and… ehhh spend time… ehhh you know date night.”

“Ah haha right…” Tommy said not bothering to hide his disdain. “Have fun or whatever”

“Tommy… I.. It's Friday… I gotta see my girl, but next time bro. Next time!”

“Yeah… cool man sounds good!” Tommy said walking away to grab his bag and stuff. Sure on the surface he was annoyed because he had feelings for Amir, but he was also annoyed as his friend as well.

It was so hard to be around Amir sometimes. It just was hard to be around Amirbin love.

He glanced back and saw Amir giving him an uncertain frown. Tommy knew there was some sort of mutual feelings between him and Amir, but Amir had chosen Sarah and it Tommy felt more the stranger by the day.

Sometimes it felt like old times just for a moment. The whole world would stop and his stomach would twist, but it was always fleeting and then he was right back where he started. Tommy was ready to be over Amir, but he'd yet to meet a man that made him feel so squirmy with just a look.

The four boys gathered their things and started heading back to the dorm. Hasan told them he was going to grab a shower then bring his console over. Han and Tommy were on pizza duty. It was funny highschool most weekends had been a party but so far it was just bro downs and playing video games. It was kind of a nice change, there’d be time for parties later. He was happy to goof around with these guys for now.

Han and Tommy got back to their dorm and were alone for all of 10 minutes before they heard Hasan knock at their door.

“Yooooo!” he said walking in with his console still in his shorts and tank, but now wearing slides. “Sarah showed up like 10 seconds after we got back. I was gonna grab a shower and then come but they were already making out and I could hear Sarah whispering in his ear….I just had to get out of there.”

Tommy’s mood went sour he didn't want to hear about this. Hasan could almost sense it…. “Well I did mange to grab this from Amirs stash before I left!” he said holding up a small bottle of vodka and grinning. Tommy gave him a grin.

Hasan continued, “Ok I'll set this up, Han order the pizza, and Tommy take some cash from my wallet and go grab some mixers from downstairs. Then it's time for Fifa tourney 2024!”

Tommy slipped in his slides and headed down the hall he could always count on those two to make him smile. He decided he'd rinse off real quick before grabbing drinks. It'll take them a second to order pizza and set it up anyways he thought. After a quick rinse and a run downstairs to grab drinks he strolled back into the room.

“Dude! There you are! Awe what the heck you showered? Should have taken Hasan he stinks!” Han said red faced. Apparently they'd taken a shot or two. Hasan lifted up an arm sniffed himself and shrugged. “I like how I smell!”

The both of them were shirtless and shoeless laying on Tommy’s bed and playing Fifa. Tommy made them all a drink and was forced to take a catch-up shot while Han explained pizza would be a while because it was Friday.

“Where am I supposed to sit?” Tommy asked looking at them sitting in his small bed. They both grinned and patted the spot in between them. Tommy laughed and said no way before plopping down on the floor between them thinking it was safer. He was wrong.

“What are you doing down there Tommy?” questioned Hasan.

Han chimed in while he stared at the game, “To give us foot rubs as thanks for the pizza, drinks, and football knowledge!”

“Ohhhhh right!” grinned Hasan, “Good because the practices we’ve been doing to get you up to speed have my feet so sore. Both boy threw their feet up on their knees which positioned them right near Tommy’s face. Tommy knew Han would often use sock for a couple days and he suspected Hasan did the same both smelled strong. His face got red, but not just because he was living his deepest fantasy, and not just because the vodka, but because Hasan was right… they had been busting their ass for him. He felt guilty the guys were happy to pick up the slack for him when it came to money and now they’d spent hours trying to help him with football practice.

“Alright….” Whispered Tommy.

Han gave him a surprised look. He was probably just trying to tease Tommy, but hey if Hasan wanted him to rub his beautiful big feet Tommy was happy to oblige. Tommy rotated leaned on Hans the side of Han’s bed and pulled down Hasan ls foot into his lap.

“Oh bro I was just joking!” Hasan said in surprise.

“Nah man it’s the least I can do, I’m happy to, you just play fifa. I got you!”

“Ehhh alright….” Said Hasan clearly uncomfortable. However as Tommy started he groaned… “Oh fuck that feels good. Honestly, I needed this, you know I’ve never had my foot rubbed. It feels great.”

“Anytime man…” Tommy said coyly

“Haha ok bet!” Responded Hasan relaxing into the massage.

“Oh yeah Tommy gives the best foot rubs!” Han started with a wicked grin on his face. He’s given me one every night since we moved in together. Right Tommy?”

Fucking Han…

“Really?” Asked Hasan, “explains why he’s so good.”

“Oh yeah but that’s nothing, Tommy do it properly like you do for me!” Commanded Han.

Tommy knew what he meant, he wanted him to service Hasan's foot with his mouth like he did for Han. That would be way too far right? Hassan was raised lrettyy conservative and something like that would be way too far. Yet there they were in his hands…. this big Egyptian studs foot was right there and he couldn’t help but try. He could always laugh it off after but he had to try. He promised he'd take chance in college so he went for it!

“What do you mean…. Ohhh shitttt!” Yelled Hasan as Tommy took his big toe into his mouth and began to suck. “Wait… ahh Tommy what the fuck… man I… I don’t know…. OH shit that feels good!” As Tommy worked another toe into his mouth.

“Chill broooo!” Tommy heard Han say and glanced up to see him holding his leg in place. Tommy slid his tongue in between he goes and Hassan threw he was back. Han coo’d, “ just relax man it's intense but you'll learn to love it.” he removed his hand and Tommy felt his leg go slightly slack.

So Tommy went to work taking more in licking and sucking each toe and sliding his tongue in between his toes. Han asked, “you gonna be alright…”

“Idk how to feel about this but man it feels so fmrelaxing I don't really want to think…. Pass me my drink!” Han laughed and passed it.

After a while Han said, “Yah bro it’s great Tommy loves it too just look at him!” Hassan who had been avoiding looking at Tommy glanced down and his face went red.

“I was wondering why you two were getting along so well recently!” Hasan laughed hesitantly

Han shrugged, “Yeah he’s not so bad when he’s sucking your cock and being a good little slave. I’m happy to share him if you want.”

“Wait what!?” Hassan sat up “You've been having Tommy’s do what?” Tommy felt Hassan’s eyes on him and he felt his face reddening.

“Oh Tommy is a natural… he loves it!”

Tommy couldn’t believe this he just focused on worshipping Hasan’s big brown hairy foot and let himself enjoy the intense taste and smell of it. Hasan’s feet were addictive they just reeked of pure man smell. He'd definitely skipped a couple of showers. They were big and floppy almost like he hadn't grown into them yet. They were the least size 13s and unlike some tall guys, they were wide not narrow and misshapen.

Tommy got his mouth full of Hassan’s toes getting 4 of them in and the ball of it in his mouth then used his tongue to slowly rub the ball and crevice of his soles. All while he rubbed the arch and heel with his hands. Hassan had stopped talking and way laying back with his eyes rolling to the back of his head. He let Hassan enjoy himself as Tommy enjoyed his foot before he felt Hasan pressing his other big foot into Tommy’s face and cover it. Burying Tommy’s nose in between the crack of his toes. He looked up to see Hassan glaring at him with a cruel look he'd never seen before.

Han had switched to playing fortnight buy himself while Hassan enjoyed and Hassan was finally finding control again and slid into comfortability.

“Man I used to beg my ex to rub my feet after practice all the time. She always said my  feet smelled and wouldn't even if I showered. I never even thought about having all this done. Fuckkkk…. It feels so good!”

Han laughed while he played, “yeah dawg I can smell your feet form up here I don't blame her!”

“Yeah they always smell strong after practices but bro in my defense I forgot to bring socks in the move my mom is sending me some but I've been using the same pair to work in all week! Tommy, bro I feel bad man you sure you're alright down there?” Hasan asked with a guilty grin.

“LOL bro he's in heat down there, I'd say you made his day!” laughed Han

“Yeah man it's weird…. Im not interested in guys, but I do really like being worshipped like Amir yelled at me about how bad my feet smelled but I kinda like my smell and shir it's not like his don't…. Anyway, the idea of having a lady obsessed with my musk and servicing me is so hot but women are not into all that. I never considered a guy but it just feels different with Tommy… somehow it's…”

“Fun to bully and tease him!?” interputted Han, “yeah same if he was a girl id never share him, but since he's my bro I kinda like the idea of seeing how many times I can get my boy laid.”

“Haha true! If I was gay I'd hope y'all help me out.”

It was so weird hearing them talk but it just made him even hotter he became completely lost in Hasan’s big foot. Drooling and letting Hasan take the lead and rub his foot into his face and shove his toes in his mouth. Then before Tommy knew it the other beautiful tan hairy foot was placed in front of him and he started all over again. He'd occasionally glance up and look at Hasan. Sometimes he'd be eyes closed with a big dumb grin on his face, but a few times when he looked at him he saw Hassan watching intently as Tommy worshipped his big feet.

Tommy entered a trance like state lost and completely obsessed with Hassan’s foot. The young stud’s feet were almost too big for his body and gave hint to just what a stud he would be once he caught up with his growth. Tommy realized he enjoyed seeing how much of Hassan’s foot he could fit in his mouth. He slowly slipped one toe in after the other and was surprised he could get all but the last on in his mouth. He pushed Hasan foot deep into his mouth and could feel his big toe touching his throat. Hassan flexed his calves hard in intense pleasure. Tommy then began using his tongue to massaged the ball of Hasan’s foot while his hands rubbed the arch and heel.

“Jesus dude… that is so intense…. fuck don’t stop that!”

Han glanced over, “woah Tommy boy leaned a new trick definitely gonna be doing that for me later!”

It was hard to tell who was enjoying themselves more Hassan or Tommy.

After a while of enjoying his feet being serviced Hassan decided he needed more he meekly asked, “so like if I asked you to suck my cock right now you’d really do it for me? I've never had one tbh just handies…. I wouldn’t have to do anything back or anything?”

Tommy gave him a shy smile, “I’d be happy to and no man it’s just me doing the serving…”

At that Hassan hooked is thumbs into his boxers and slid them down to reveal his package. Hassan cock was not as thick as Han’s but it was long well over 6 inches semi hard. It was cut but there was plenty of give in the skin and his head was more brownish than pink. He had big low hanging hairy  balls and thick Curly bush at the base of his dick that thinned as it reached his hairy legs and belly. He slapped it against his belly as it stiffened and gave Tommy a grin before leaning back.

“Alright dude this is my first time so don’t let me down!”

Tommy nodded gravely and slowly slipped in between Hasan’s hairy legs before bowing down and taking a sniff at his tip. The smell was good, but potent. He took it in his hand feeling the heat and length of it. He couldn’t believe he was holding his friends cock like this. He brushed  it against his face before lifting it up and giving it one long lick from base to tip, which got a grunt out of Hassan.

Slowly he slid the tip in and let Hassan fill his mouth. The first thing Tommy realized was Hassan was either very pent up or he naturally pre-came like a faucet. His tongue could already taste the strong essence of Hassan’s  spunk and his mouth watered more. Which allowed more of Hassan to slide in.

After several inches he could feel the tip begin to press against is throat. Tommy was slowly becoming an expert of his gag reflect and took a deep breathe and encouraged Hassan’s cock further.  His big hands slid through Tommy’s hair as Hassan’s started to hump his dick deeper into Tommy’s mouth while he groaned. Everytime he slipped into Tommy’s throat he went deeper and more slavia covered his cock. Tommy let Hassan get lost in the fuck and focused on moving his Tongue and relaxing his throat and drooling while Hassan fucked his face.

After a few minutes and a couple of persistent thrusts Hassan got all the way into his throat and all at once,  it slid right in and Tommy found himself buried in Hassan’s thick black bush.  “Holy shit dude!” He moaned

Hassan held Tommy's head steady and started flexing his cock hard in his throat testing out the feeling. Tommy tapped his thigh and Hassan resentfully let go of his head Tommy slowly slid the long cock out of his throat and watched as a tidal wave of drool fell from his mouth.

He took a sharp inhale and was stunned by the strong smell of Hassan’s bush. It smelled like pure male teststorone. It had Tommy panting in heat and quickly he was working Hassan’s pole back into his throat.

As he slid back in Hassan’s hands retook control and he felt Hassan take one leg and place it behind his neck. He didn’t think he’d be getting his mouth off again anytime soon.

“Fuck dude my cock could just live in here!”

“Haha trust me Tommy will do anything to keep a cock in his mouth.” Jeered Han.

To Tommy’s relief Hassan didn’t get the joke but instead tighened his foothold and let his dick sit buried. Tommy began attempting to swallow and milked Hassan with his  throat.

Hassan seemed very content to let Tommy practice his throat skills on his cock for the time being. He’d hold Tommy down for about 70 seconds or so before letting up. Tommy would come up breathe deep few times then dive back in. This went on for some time until Tommy tried a new trick with Hassan still in his throat he slipped his tongue out of his mouth and slowly started to lap what he could of his hairy balls.

At that he heard Hassan grunt like a bull and then he could feel he unloading what was a weeks worth of cum straight down his throat. Tommy was clingy he’d he really wanted to taste his stud friend's cum, but it was hot to be so carelessly used. Either way, the choice wasn’t up to him and he felt the firing hose flex hard many more times.

As Hassan finished he loosened his grip and Tommy was able to slide his cock out but he stopped just short at the head savoring the taste and gave Hassan puppy dawgs eyes sad he didn’t taste any. Hassan had his eyes closed leaned back enjoying the haze of his orgasm. After a while he cracked an eye open and looked down a Tommy and grinned. Tommy was lightly hold Hassan’s mostly hard cock still in his mouth and looking up waiting for instructions.

Hassan looked at him for a second then slid his foot back up behind Tommy’s head and slowly pushed in forward; sliding his cock deeper into Tommy’s throat. Then he settled back and pulled out his phone scrolling and responding to text. Tommy was in heaven left to be his cock sleeve and relax feeling his member occasionally flex in his throat. He say their lightly sucking and being as good as he could be.

Soon he heard the start of a porn video and Hassan’s hand was back on his head and he found himself bobbing on his cock yet again but this time with more speed and force. After 5ish mins Hassan was back to full on face fucking Tommy and very quickly reached another massive climax but this time Tommy got his wish and had his cheeks filled with a large load of Hassan’s runny cum. After savoring it he’s swallowed everything last drop. His tongue felt thick with his seed. Hassan laugh as Tommy cleaned his cock still enjoying the feel of it in his mouth.

“Tommy bro I’d hate to take away your favorite toy but I gotta piss and the pizza guy will be here soon.”

Han leaned over from his game, “You’d be surprised man Tommy will do a lot to keep a cock in his mouth.”

Tommy blushed hard and heard Hassan say, “Bro what I’m not gonna pee in his mouth that’s crazy!”

“Suit yourself but it’s a far walk to get to the restrooms from here” Han shrugged acting like this was a daily occurrence.

“Damn true…. And he won’t care? I doubt I even can…. Let me try….” At that the room got quiet but Tommy could feel him trying to flex his dick to relieve himself in his mouth.

Tommy wasn’t sure how to feel about this. It wasn’t something he’d ever really wanted and maybe fantasized about it once or twice but now for the second time this week he found himself close to wanting it. He felt truly split.

Before he had any more time to consider or chicken out he felt a slow stream start to start. “Haha this is hard man!” He laughed at Han.

“Bro I know feels weirdly good tho right!?”

“Yea ahah it does like I’m almost cumming!”

The good thing about this was the boys were so constant hydrated it might as well have been water and it was probably the only reason Tommy could handle it. Hassan pee tasted fine but it was erotic. Slowly the current thickened then would stop and thicken again. Then after about a min or two  it’s turned into a full flowing current and Hassan was a just straight up pissing.

“Fuck man I really had to go!” He hissed

“Sheesh dude you’re really giving it to him… I only have him a little taste of mine.”

“Shit should I stop?” Hassan asked strained “a shit sorry Tommy I didn’t know you just wanted a taste…. My bladder is still full as fuck and I don’t think I could stop if I wanted to.” At that Hassan strained up and stood. He held Tommy’s head steady and let it all go. Hassan was not lying this was like one of those car trip pees that would just never end. Tommy had fallen in to a rythem and glazed over. What was happening to him he felt like his brain was being rewired? He was loving this.

He heard him moan fuck yeah several times

Then finally with a shiver he finished then he pulled his cock out and Tommy held out his tongue he spurted a little more hitting Tommy’s face and shook his cock slapping Tommy face lightly.

Hassan collapsed back and then grabbed his underwear with his foot and offered it to Tommy to wipe his face.

“Sorry bro are you ok?”

“Ye-yeah I guess….”

“I liked it but I’m not sure I want to it again anytime soon.”

Han laughed and said, “well that’s good you sicko!” And the all giggled nervously.

“Hassan is the pizza here yet?” Asked Han “I’m starved!”

“Yeah I think he’s pulling up I’ll got get it” Hassan  said sliding on his slides and heading out. After he left Han gave Tommy a look.

“You alright kiddo?”

“Haha yeah I’m fine just surprised myself is all. It was hot just didn’t expect to do something like that this soon. I don’t regret I thought. Just hope Hassan doesn't expect me to do it again soon.”

“Well that’s good, yeah just relax man gotta cross the line a couple times to see how far you like to go…. Want to service me while we wait? Help take your mind off it”

He then thrust a foot at Tommy’s face.

“Come on man you can’t expect me to watch you do all that and not expect the same in return!”

Tommy could barely pretend like he didn’t want it. In no time Hans's foot was in Tommy’s mouth and being sucked lick and rubbed. Han leaned back and played with himself.

Then check his phone. “Hassan will be up in 5….. Tommy, I gotta use your use your mouth too….”

“Quick let's do it before Hassan gets back! He had to lay down on the bed and hang his head over so he could fuck his throat. then he slid his cock into Tommy's mouth. “Ready bud?”

Han slid his cock in slowly angling it to find his throat. Then once he found his throat he stepped up and started thrusting. Tommy focused on his breathing and tightening his throat when he could. Then Han put a foot up next to Tommy's head and started really thrusting but he wasn't done after about 10 strokes or so Han brought his other foot up so he was squaring in the wood siding of the bed and humping Tommy’s face. There was not an inch to move away. Tommy raised his hips and paused letting Tommy catch his breath and inhale deeply. At this range, all he could smell was Han’s heavy balls and taint. He took one last inhale and Han slid back in and started literally fucking his face. At this angle Hans's ball stopped slapping his face they just rested on his nose while Han used his throat. Soon Tommy’s face was covered in drool and sweat as Han strained fucking his mouth. Then finally his cock flexed his balls rose and Han was unloading. Han was loud as he came completely enjoying himself. He pulled out and rubbed himself all over Tommy’s face while he panted and Tommy laid there in a daze.

Then they heard a knock at the door and Han held Tommy's head steady and told Hassan to come in. Hassan took in the sight and laughed.

Then Hassan said, “ Tommy my boy want to help with the tip?”

In walked the pizza guy behind him.

Tommy tried to get up as the pizza guy looked at him. “Jezzz man y'all were kidding….”

Tommy was mortified…..

Hassan laughed, “Tommy Abdul here says I til like shit, so I told him there was a white boy uo in the room that might make uk for it with his mouth…”

“Lmao you really took to getting Tommy as much dicknas possible” Han cackled.

“Haha yeah we both spoke Arabic and he passed the vibe check. He needs a quicky though. Abdul was skinnier slightly balding early 30s man with a light tan completion a dark 5oclock shadow and thick chest hair bunching out of his shirt. He walked uo to Tommy undoing his belt.

“Sorry I work all day and it's August…” he grinned at Tommy before undoing his zipper and pulling out his cock and balls all which were surrounded by a matt of hair.  Hassan rubbed his belly, “damn you're a gorilla!” and they all laughed.

“I'm in a hurry now but if you like you can suck me longer after my shift or let me fuck that ass….” at that he popped his uncut dick in and started using Tommy’s mouth. His scent was stake and pungent. He couldn't decide I'd he liked it but soon. It was over powering his brain and he submitted. With his face buried in the fur in a cock sliding hin his throat he didn't have much choice. Abdul was quick as promised he pulled out and shot all over Tommy's face and tongue before having Tommy clean him off and lick his sweaty balls.

On his way out he and Hassan spoke in Arabic to each other and laughed. Then he was gone. “Dude Tommy that was crazy man! It's going be so easy to get you so much cock man!” Hassan laughed.

“What did he say?” asked Tommy

“That most of the delivery guys are Arabic and very closeted but love getting their cock sucked and will allow it if they meet another arab who tells them it's safe. He also said to ask for him to deliver when we want pizza. He said you have a great mouth and he wants more. That you could suck him more in his van tonight…… he said he'd like to do more but I told him you were just getting started with all this and maybe later down the road…… I did tell him you're a sucker for some nice sweaty feet though….. He laughed at that….” He explained all cocky but kinda sheepishly at the end.

“Ok bud let's take a break from the sex talk for a while and have some normal fun!” said Han.

Tommy was in for a semester!

by tmac

Email: [email protected]

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