Candy Cock Men - Enter the Candy dream

by GreatBallzNCock

1 Dec 2023 652 readers Score 8.7 (4 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I’ve just got back to my apartment after visiting the best candy shop ever. My girlfriend had just dumped me and I was feeling low. To curb my sadness I went to grab anything that I could eat. That’s when I saw it. 

At the end of a narrow alleyway was an illuminated bright pink sign reading “Gobbles Candy Store”,in fact the whole place was illuminated in a very bright rainbow colour not unlike the gingerbread house in that folklore tale except no witch. 

Upon entering I am entirely satisfied with the layout. It is filled with loads upon loads of candy left right and centre. I can’t stop looking around. 

Then a whisper is heard in my left ear. So soft I don’t jump. 

“Welcome! Like what you see? Try a piece, any piece.”

I look left to see a small, round, moustached, balding man in a pink chefs uniform. 

I don’t reply just take a piece of what’s in front of me. It’s a liquorice wand with sugar. 

Again, the whisper is back.

”Tbe best way to enjoy that particular piece of candy is to suck first until all the sugar dissolves and then chew the rest.”

Upon seeing that I look confused the small pink chef takes a liquorice and swallows the entire piece without missing a beat. Then his lips squeeze together as a sucking motion whirs away inside his mouth. Then his jaws work away chewing. 

“There. You see? You have just witnessed a Candy orgasm. One of many you can have when you buy from me, Mr Pirelli Gobble, owner and chef of what you see here.”

I stagger back still clutching my piece of liquorice lace totally gobsmacked at the word he just used.

”Orgasm?” I croked.

Pirelli smiled and then laughed. 

“No you didn’t mishear me. A guaranteed orgasm with every piece of my candy you buy solely from my shop. If you don’t believe me then go ahead and try the way I showed you.”

I took the liquorice lace and did exactly that. 

Oh my god! He was right. A sharp but tickling sensation went down my body. It felt as if the lace had a mind of its own. There I was having just eaten it in front of the owner, who grinned at me, and my whole body went into an orgasmic sensation as if there were many hands upon me, squeezing every bit of flesh they could find under my clothes. My cock became rock hard and soon a pleasant sensation of tickling ran through my cock head giving me no time to pull my pants down before I ejaculated all over myself. 

“WOW!” I stammered.

Pirelli grinned. 

“I know, I know my boy. Seems like the both of us have made cream in our pants. If you don’t mind can I take your cum to use as an ingredient along with my own? That’s a special ingredient I put into every piece. Hence the orgasmic pleasure you’ve just experienced.”

”Sure, take it. This has been amazing.”

After buying a shit ton of candy I thanked Pirelli and headed back to my apartment. 

I couldn’t wait to tuck into these incredibly potent candy sweets. Just as I was about to open the pink paper bag I noticed a label on the front. It read;


“Strange dreams?”

Well I wasn’t going to be put off by that. I’m a greedy person by nature, maybe that was what drove my girlfriend away, and so I delved into my bag of candy and gobbled ever last one in one go. The sheer bliss I was getting was unbelievable. Just then my tummy rumbled and I knew this wasn’t a good thing to eat all at once since I knew what one piece could do to me but again greed took over. 

I quickly got naked and lay back on my bed when out of my cock came a huge amount of cum. Then I passed out. 

I awoke to a wet sensation and thought that it was my huge cum load from the night before. To my surprise I saw it was not my cum soaked body. It was what I was now lying on. It looked like a bed made of pink jelly. I tried to move but my hands and legs had been secured into the jelly bed. 

There I was spread eagled and naked just like before the dream but now I apparently was in the dream from overdosing on candy and was stuck to a giant piece of pink jelly for my bed. 

I felt like a fly in a spider web. What is going to happen now?

From were I was I could see I was in a very colourful place. I could see I was outside on this sticky jelly bed but there was unusual nature all around me. 

There was big trees that were transparent, rocks that looked like little cakes, the sky looked blue but seemed like it was coated in marshmallow clouds. 

Not far away I saw four jelly statues. These statues looked extremely weird. They were of men that I could be sure of since they had cocks but not just one cock. Each jelly man had cocks for limbs including for their heads. Imagine jelly bears just all cock. 

Just then they moved. One by one they came alive. I got a little worried but could not escape my vulnerable position. 

Then they came over to my struggling body, climbed on me and then the cock onslaught began. 

I was fucked by their jelly cocks. One of their jelly cock hands sucked me. It was funny seeing a cock suck in my cock. One had its cock over my head but I could still breathe. 

Overall it wasn’t an unpleasant experience as it felt like I was being stuffed with dildoes. 

With a shudder all the cocks exploded cum so that I was caked in it once again. However it tasted just like candy. Then a familiar voice was heard.

”Greed will get you pleasure that you have never felt before. Now you have chosen the path of eternal happiness and pleasure. Whenever you wish it to stop just eat the black candy. But I’m sure you never want to leave after you’ve had the full on experience I have in store for you in this dreamland of mine.”

With Pirelli’s voice playing in my head I drifted off into a deep sleep still being buggered and sucked by the candy cock men. 

What will this dreamland have in stall for me next time I wake?