
by Hunknown

10 May 2024 947 readers Score 9.8 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

≈ Ch. 32: NEW DEAL ≈

Who’s Who in this chapter

A broadcast message invites the entire Cube to attend a special event at the Rainbow Pavilion, the events arena located on the 2nd Floor; McLaughlin, with Kareem’s help, announces significant changes for Cube; Kareem takes a step further up the path to man-sex.

~ Broadcast message ~

Alastair, the ‘imperfect’ technician living on the 4th Floor was sipping his mid-morning coffee at the communication center when his hand stopped mid-air for the surprise. On his screen was flashing an urgent request for a high-priority broadcast message.

Being in charge of the communication system, he had to manually approve and forward any message sent to multiple recipients at once; usually broadcast messages were sent to a specific group of recipients: the ordinary guests living on the 1st Floor, or the elderlies living on the 3rd Floor, or maybe the owners of the venues on the 2nd Floor. But this specific message was addressed to each and every man living at the Cube, including the rich guests living on the top floor and – incredibly enough – even to the ‘imperfect’ guests living on the 4th Floor.

On top of that, the content of the message was puzzling:

“To all the guests of the Cube – You are kindly invited to a special event that will be held this afternoon at 3 PM at the ‘Rainbow Pavilion’, the events arena on the 2nd Floor. In consideration of the large number of attendees, please reach the destination in advance and use all the six entrances located on Ni and Ro Avenue and 7th Street.”

Alastair couldn’t guess what kind of ‘event’ required the presence of the entire Cube, and he also felt a shiver of anxiety and excitement, because for the first time the people of the 4th Floor were allowed – no, they were kindly invited! – to exit their prison within a prison and freely go to the 2nd Floor to attend the event. It was unprecedented.

Anyway, the message came straight from the office of the Captain of the Sex Police, so he immediately approved and forwarded the message: the last thing he wanted was to piss off O’Rourke and suffer for the consequences.

Lance and Kareem, at home, after reading the message on their phones, exchanged a puzzled glance when they got a second message, this time from Sean McLaughlin, asking them to get to the Rainbow Pavilion at 2:30 and meet him in the changing rooms behind the stage.

“What is this ‘Rainbow Pavilion’?” – Kareem asked – “I’ve never been there.”

“It’s the concert hall and events arena of the Cube” – Lance explained – “It’s not huge, but it’s a big place nevertheless, as it can host about 4,000 people. In the five years I’ve spent here, I’ve been there only a couple times. I don’t know what the creators of the Cube had in mind, but people here don’t feel to attend concerts or events, much less holding them. The Pavilion is closed most of the time.”

“Well, not today” – Kareem joked, making Lance smile.


~ The Rainbow Pavilion ~

At 2:30 PM the streets around the Rainbow Pavilion were already quite crowded with people flocking in to attend the mysterious ‘event’. Lance grabbed Kareem by his hand and swiftly dragged him toward a small door on the back of the building: “This is the artists’ entrance, it leads straight to the backstage and the changing rooms. Sean said we had to meet there, right?”

They wandered a bit in the backstage, until they saw a row of doors; one of them was open, and they saw Sean inside, pacing nervously the small room. “Hey Sean!” – Kareem greeted him with a friendly smile – “What’s happening? Should we worry?”

“No” – Sean replied, visibly relieved to see his friends – “You’ll know everything very soon, but I asked you to come here because
 damn, these last days have been hectic for me and
 I needed some moral support, that’s all.”

“You are a wonderful man, Sean. Just as wonderful as your father” – Lance said warmly – “And whatever you have to do, I’m more than sure you’ll do it at best. Trust me, you’ll do great.”

“Lance, thank you so much for your words. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate them.”

A voice coming from the door interrupted them: “May
 May I come in?”

Lance turned around and gasped, alarmed: “Alastair! You
 You shouldn’t stay here!”

“It’s OK, don’t worry” – Sean said, smiling, and Lance looked at him in disbelief: “Is it?”

“Look, I don’t want to be mysterious, but in a moment you all will know everything. It’s time to get this show on the road. Come, the three of you, there’s a nice viewing point from the side of the stage.”

At 3 PM sharp the lights of the Pavilion, that was full to bursting, lowered, and a sharp spotlight shone upon the center of the stage; with a deep sigh, Sean came out from the backstage and reached the cone of light. The dark-green uniform of the Sex Police caused a sudden, respectful silence to fall in the hall.

“Good afternoon everyone, and thank you for coming here. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Sean McLaughlin
 Acting Captain of the Cube.”

A low buzz spread across the audience, and Sean raised his hand: “You heard it right: as per order of the Chief of the Police Corps, I’ve assumed the command of the local Sex Police station, and therefore of this Cube. And if you’re wondering what happened to O’Rourke
 here he is!”

Sean clicked a button on a small remote control and the giant screens of the Pavilion lit up, showing a mugshot of O’Rourke, standing in what was clearly a detention area, wearing only a pair of white briefs and a furious grimace.

The sudden ovation that exploded in the hall made it shake to its foundations. Sean forced himself to a professional, authoritative expression, but he had to put a great effort in restraining the wide smile of satisfaction that the cheers inspired him. After letting the audience express its joy, he raised a hand to command silence: “Former Captain O’Rourke, along with former Officers Wilde and Reeves have been relieved of duty, stripped of rank and discharged from the Corps with dishonor. They’re not anymore, and won’t ever be again, Police officers. In addition to that, they all have been arrested with charges of Uranian Behavior. And, only for O’Rourke, charges of murder. The murder of my father, Officer Dougal McLaughlin.”

“I claim a very little credit for that” – Sean went on, pointing at the photo of O’Rourke in jail – “We all, and I in particular, must be grateful to a bunch of wonderful men who helped a lot, not without suffering a great deal, to fight O’Rourke and expose his misfits. Please let me introduce them: the first one is Mr. Kareem Bashir! Kareem, come here!”

With a great surprise painted on his face, Kareem stepped out and reached the center of the stage, looking around with wide eyes at the thousands of people cheering and clapping their hands from the floor seats, the middle gallery and the upper gallery. He waved his hand, wearing a tense, shy grin, and murmured to Sean through his clenched teeth: “You’ll get that back, ex-friend

Sean chuckled and turned around to the backstage: “And here is Mr. Lance Maynar!”

More loud handclaps echoed in the Pavilion while Lance got to the stage and confidently walked close to Sean and Kareem, greeting the audience. He loved being in the spotlight! And, apparently, the audience loved him being in the spotlight

“And last but not least, Mr. Alastair Hewitt!”

Alastair timidly set foot under the lights, and the thunderous ovation went on for a short while, to then quickly trail off, replaced by gasps and outraged exclamations. Someone from the back rows yelled: “Freak!”, and a few other men echoed him: “Who let this freak come out of his lair??”, “Freeeeak!!!”

Sean opened his mouth a couple time, paralyzed by the tension, as he didn’t expect such a negative reaction. Of course he knew that the ‘imperfect’ men living on the 4th Floor weren’t exactly popular, but apparently the situation was much worse than he’d figured. Kareem gently pushed Sean aside and got in front of the mic, pointed his finger toward the back row and yelled: “Faggot!!”

The audience was pissed off by Kareem’s insult, but Kareem went on pointing his finger at random people and yelling again: “Bottom-boy! Cocksucker! Man-whore!”

People started yelling back at him, outraged, and Kareem listened in silence at the insults they were throwing at him, wearing a smug, knowing grin. After a while, he took again the mic and said: “It’s not that funny being on the receiving end, uh? We hate when they call us ‘faggot’, ‘bitch’ and other horrible names, right? Because it’s not our fault if we are into men, it’s our nature, and I put myself into the number of the man-lovers, despite being mostly straight. We were born this way, it’s not our fault! Better, it’s not a fault at all being as we are, so by what right do they insult us?! Well, guys, here’s the breaking news: this man here was born this way! Do you think he chose to have his handsome face marred by a birthmark? Do you think it’s his fault being the way he is?”

The entire audience, by now, was drinking from Kareem’s lips, and he went on: “No, my friends! We must be heartless to harshly hit a man right on his weak point. Heartless! But I know you’re not heartless, I know how much love, respect and friendship your hearts can hold! I’m proud to be regarded as a friend by Alastair and some of his fellow ‘imperfect’ guys living on the 4th Floor. And I’m also grateful to them, as they run this fucking Cube! We all should thank them for their constant efforts to make our life easier! You send a text to a friend? Thank Alastair! We all got here following a broadcast message? Let’s thank Alastair! The lighting system, the recycling system, the A.I. cooking service, everything we have comes from the people of the 4th Floor.”

Kareem shot around a passionate glance, made a dramatic pause and concluded with a heartfelt tone: “Do you know how they call us? The ‘beautiful people’. The ‘beautiful people’, for goodness’ sake
! Well, my friends, it’s about time we start deserving being called like that

The silence that ensued was broken by a voice from the middle gallery: “Sorry man, I didn’t mean it
”, and other followed suit, saying loud “Yeah, I’m sorry”, “Thanks man”


~ The New Deal ~

Sean patted on Kareem’s back to thank him for the wonderful and passionate speech, and took again the stage: “I’m just an Acting Captain, it’s a temporary position and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep my role, but I’m going to start a whole ‘New Deal’ here at the Cube. I want to change many things in such a deep way that the next Captain won’t be able to take away from your what you’re going to get now.”

“And since the wise, powerful words of my friend Kareem are still echoing in this hall, let me begin with the most important change: effective immediately, the unjust and insulting prohibition for the guys of the fourth floor to freely go to the other floors is lifted. From now on, they can go wherever they like, they can visit the venues of the 2nd Floor, visit their elder friends or mourn their loved ones at the 3rd Floor or take a walk on the streets of the 1st Floor and visit its shops. As a matter of fact, the prohibition has already been lifted, as most of the guys from the 4th Floor are here with us.”

Loud cheers, whistles and handclaps came from the upper gallery, and the guys sitting on the other levels were a bit startled, at first, but then clapped their hands to express their sympathy.

“And yet” – Sean continued – “the secret elevator code to climb to the 4th Floor will stay in effect, because that code was first introduced to protect the people of the 4th floor, not to prevent them from going away.”

“And now” – Sean continued – “moving on to something I know will make you all happy: all the venues of the 2nd Floor are open for business again!”

A standing ovation welcomed Sean’s last words, and after a short while he raised his hand: “It’s not over. The Sex Police is here to protect the guests, not to harass them; therefore, I’ve given strict orders to the Police Officers to always be respectful, and use force only if strictly needed. No more sexual punishments, the horrible ‘throne’ that some of you, including my friends Kareem and Alastair, had to endure will be dismantled. If an interrogation will take place, it will be recorded and sent to the Police Corps for review.”

While the crowd cheered, Sean turned to Kareem: “Nice show, uh? I thought that it would be easier for me to explain what was going on to all the guests at once, rather than sending out a cold dispatch. Now that O’Rourke is behind the bars, we can relax a bit

“But you don’t look much relaxed” – Kareem noted, and Sean nodded: “Being appointed Acting Captain all of the sudden, and being ordered to arrest my predecessor was a bit overwhelming. And also, I should now find a nice way to end this event

“That’s the easiest thing” – Lance exclaimed, taking the mic and addressing the audience: “That’s all, folks! Let’s go and celebrate the New Deal! You heard the Acting Captain, the venues on the 2nd Floor are all open for business!”


~ A magic sparkle of joy ~

With loud cheers, the crowd flocked out of the ample hall, and after a while Kareem and Lance followed them. Outside the Pavilion, people were joyfully heading to the different venues nearby: some went to the Silk & Lace to enjoy the sweet love of the boys living there, some went to the Nebula Palace to relax and make love in the beautiful underground spa, some other headed to the many seafront bars and bistrot; a few rowdy groups headed toward ‘the barren’, the partly undeveloped southeastern corner of the 2nd floor where the most lowdown dives where located; but most of the people went straight to the Virtual Beach, as it was still early in the afternoon and the artificial ‘sun’ was still shining bright.

Many people stopped Kareem to congratulate him, or just to know him better, wishing to become closer friend with the ‘straight stud’ on everybody’s lips. Lance seemed restless, and after a short while said to Kareem: “I didn’t see Bryniar at the Pavilion, I’m going up to the 4th floor to check on him and share the news about Sean’s ‘new deal’”.

“OK, see you later” – Kareem replied, but then, looking at Lance going away, he started feeling uneasy. That Bryniar was the northern stud Lance had sex with, and for some reason Lance had always been reticent about him, until yesterday. Why? Maybe Lance didn’t have sex with Bryniar only once, as he said; maybe he was a regular client, or why not, even a very special client
 But what if he wasn’t a client? What if Bryniar was just ‘very special’ to Lance?

Without thinking twice, Kareem curtly said goodbye to the people crowding him and walked fast toward the elevators; a couple minutes later he stepped on the 4th floor, that was immersed in the usual twilight, and realized that he didn’t know where to go, because he didn’t know Bryniar’s address. He started walking along 5th Street, willing to reach the Communication center and ask the address to Alastair, but soon he heard Lance’s voice coming from the recessed entrance of a building on Delta Avenue.

Kareem cautiously moved closer, until he could clearly hear Lance and another man chatting. “I wanted to come to the Pavilion, but I couldn’t” – the man said – “Events at the Pavilion require a lot of energy, and I had to cut down the daylight here on the 4th floor, and be sure that the accumulators didn’t get overloaded”.

“Well, it was moving and exciting listening to Sean McLaughlin talking about his ‘New Deal’” – Lance replied – “and I’m sorry you missed it; but now you can go down to the 2nd floor and anywhere else at will!”

“My goodness, it’s almost too beautiful to be true
 It’s as beautiful as the first dawn we had here at the 4th Floor
 I remember that night, Lance, it’s one of my fondest memories
 I wish we could do it again! Please, Lance, this amazing ‘New Deal’ deserves a proper celebration, don’t you think so?”

There was such a deep desire in the man’s tone that Kareem couldn’t stay put anymore, and quickly made his presence known, walking into the building entrance. But as soon as he turned the corner, he was hit by what he saw.

Bryniar was sitting on his wheelchair, as he didn’t use his prosthetic leg at home; Kareem recognized him, but the only time he saw Bryniar, at the Stud Stable, he was standing on his feet, he seemed perfectly normal, while now, seeing him on a wheelchair, made Kareem’s warlike intention waver.

And his intentions completely crumbled down when he looked at Bryniar’s eyes and spotted in them a hesitant expectation, a deep admiration and the ‘sparkle of joy’ that only Lance could bring into the other men’s lives.

Lance turned around, saw Kareem coming closer and said to Bryniar: “Er
 No, I don’t think it’s a good idea
 You know, things have changed since that night

“Ah.” – Bryniar curtly replied, turning to look at Kareem – “I can guess what ‘changes’ you’re talking about. Fine. I don’t want to come between you and
 your man.”

Kareem stood in front of them, looking at one, then the other, and was deeply hit by the expression of painful disappointment painted on Bryniar’s face, and the sorrow painted on Lance’s. «How could I let it happen?» – Kareem thought, shocked – «How could I clip Lance’s wings so cruelly?»

“Lance, do it” – he said with urgency, looking straight at his lover – “Do it, if that’s what you and Bryniar want. I’m fine with it. When I saw you make love with Adam, on my first days here, it was so sweet, so beautiful, and I wish
 I wish to witness that magic sparkle of joy once more. Oh, if Bryniar doesn’t mind having
 an audience, of course.”

“What, are you curious to see how a freak fucks?” – Bryniar replied, bitterly, and Kareem couldn’t prevent a deep frown of inner pain to darken his handsome features: “You don’t really think that
 Please, tell me you didn’t mean it.”

It was Bryniar’s turn to feel bad: “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. Forgive me, life hasn’t been always kind to me. I look at you and I see what I once used to be, what I could’ve been, if the accident didn’t take my leg away. You’re handsome, successful, confident. I was like you, long ago, but now

“Now you’re still handsome” – Kareem interrupted him – “Gorgeous, even, judging by the way Lance looks at you. And successful: the entire Cube relies on you! If it wasn’t for you we would live in a scary, permanent night.”

“And with regards to your supposed lack of confidence” – Lance added with an urchin grin – “you didn’t seem a shy guy when you made love to me, that night
 What do you say, Bryniar? Shall we show to Kareem that ‘magic sparkle of joy’ that never fails to move his heart?”

The three of them exchanged glances, to be sure that they all were fine with the idea, and then Bryniar said with a seductive smile “Be my guests”, and turned around, making way to his apartment.

~ Unexpected twist ~

Bryniar didn’t stop at the entrance, nor at the living room, he went straight to the bedroom and stopped, glancing at his guests with an impatient smirk; but there was a moment of general embarrassment, as Kareem wasn’t sure what to do, and Lance didn’t want to scare Kareem going too fast.

 Let me break the ice
” – Bryniar said, quickly maneuvering his wheelchair to the bathroom. He came out a couple minutes later, walking on his feet, wearing
 only his prosthetic leg.

” – Kareem murmured, staring at Bryniar’s muscular torso covered with a light blond hair, at his massive biceps honed in years moving around in a wheelchair, and at his hefty manly member, dangling between his two undistinguishable legs. In Kareem’s eyes, Bryniar looked like a powerful Norse god, and felt a pang of jealousy, knowing that he and Lance were about to make love.

And yet, even the jealousy made way to the surprise of seeing Bryniar wearing his prosthetic leg, that was absolutely identical to a real one, with its twitching muscles under the skin, the light hair and his fair skin. “It’s a marvel
” – Kareem commented, looking at Bryniar’s lower body, and the man chuckled: “You’re not talking about my manly endowment, are you? Do you want to take a close look at my leg?”

 I’m not sure it would be appropriate” – Kareem objected, feeling instinctively uneasy to get so close to a naked man. “Come on, dude, it’s perfectly fine” – Bryniar insisted with a friendly smile – “Come closer, there’s no need to be shy between us.”

Kareem moved closer and slowly knelt down in front of Bryniar, looking at his prosthetic leg with great interest; he even placed a hand on the soft skin and was surprised to feel it warm under his fingers. Focused on the leg, he leaned forward, to take a close look at the skin, but suddenly froze, realizing he was no more than a couple inches apart from Bryniar’s flaccid cock.

“Smell it” – Bryniar said softly – “No need to touch it if you don’t want. Just smell it

Kareem hesitated, but then leaned forward a bit more, inhaling the manly scent emanating from the thick manhood; and then inhaled again, deeply. And then closed his eyes and pressed his face on the warm, soft meat, grabbing Bryniar’s glutes to steady himself. Bryniar didn’t say anything, he just caressed Kareem’s hair, in a respectful and thankful way: he knew well, from what the Cube’s guests said, that Kareem was taking a huge step to overcome his dominant attitude in matters of sex, and also his uptight education in regard with man-sex.

Kareem recoiled with an uncertain smile, and stood up: “I’m here to watch, I’m not supposed to

“We’re supposed to do whatever makes us feel good” – Bryniar smiled – “And what would make me feel good is seeing you getting naked
 And Lance, too

Lance and Kareem took their cue and quickly shed their clothes, dropping them to the floor. Lance climbed on the bed looking at the Norse stud with shining eyes. Bryniar knelt on the bed in front of Lance, offering to him his stiffening cock, and murmured softly: “Do your magic, sweet Lance. Make me feel the sparkle of joy you can bring in anyone’s life

Bryniar moaned and tilted his head back, when he felt Lance’s lips closing around his cock; an experienced tongue started dancing on his sensitive mushroom head, playing with the frenulum and brushing on the corona over and over. Kareem looked at Lance with rapt eyes, admiring the skillful way he worked Bryniar’s tool, making him shiver with pleasure; and when Lance inhaled and took all of Bryniar’s length down his skilled throat, Kareem almost held his breath, because Lance’s passion and tenderness were turning the sexual act into something sublime.

Lance closed his eyes and gave all he had to give, to service his man in the best way, and went on sucking on the fat head and stroking the stiff shaft for a while; at some point he opened his eyes and was surprised to see Kareem’s face next to Bryniar’s hips, looking intensely at the passionate blowjob, as if he wanted to be part of the picture and not just a spectator. But Lance knew that Kareem wasn’t exactly fond of sucking other men’s cock, so he took Kareem’s hand and curled his fingers around the base of Bryniar’s cock.

Kareem uttered an almost inaudible moan, won by the utmost sensuality of the scene, where he was
 “feeding” Bryniar’s cock to Lance, for him to suck it with passion. Lance inwardly smiled to himself, as he managed to make Kareem join the sensual act without forcing him to do anything he wouldn’t like.

 Suck it
” – Kareem murmured to Lance, throwing an arm around Bryniar’s hips and holding tight his stiff cock – “Make love to this cock like only you can do, Lance
 Make Bryniar feel your passion

Bryniar, far from feeling objectified, looked down at the scene and thought it was hot as hell: in his life, he had his cock sucked many times, but having his manhood “served” that way by another man was incredibly erotic.

“You two are going to make me shoot way too soon
” – Bryniar said after a short while, feeling his juices boiling into his balls – “I’m more than ready to move on to the next step. You don’t need more lube than your spit, Lance, do you?”

“You know I don’t need it” – Lance replied with a seductive smile, reclining on his back and raising his legs, to offer his beautiful hole to the sexy Norse stud. Bryniar returned the turbid grin and glanced at Kareem: “Maybe this sexy middle-eastern hunk can help me some more

Kareem opened his mouth with surprise; his first instinct was to refuse, but then the image of himself holding Bryniar’s cock and watching it disappear inside Lance’s depths enflamed his mind, and made his own cock throb with anticipation. Hesitantly, Kareem grabbed again Bryniar’s cock by its base and pointed to Lance’s waiting hole. He felt like a farmer making a stallion breed a mare, and to his uptight mind it seemed lewd and hot at the same time, debasing and reverent, and his heartbeat raced.

Bryniar slowly moved his hips forward, and Kareem held his cock tight, aiming it at Lance’s wrinkled hole. Lance looked straight at Kareem and murmured: “Fuck me

The long cock set in motion, the engorged head forced open the elastic anal rings and effortlessly plopped inside, still held tight by Kareem, who couldn’t tear his gaze off of Lance’s eyes. He was feeling like it was his own cock, and not Bryniar’s, the one sensually stretching Lance’s hole. Inch by inch, the long shaft disappeared into Lance’s fiery chute, until Kareem had to reluctantly let go of Bryniar’s manhood. Unwilling to be left out of the sensual act, Kareem reached between Bryniar’s legs, from behind, and grabbed his balls, rolling them between his fingers, until Bryniar’s hips were firmly pressed against Lance’s buttocks.

.” – Lance moaned, still locking eyes with Kareem – “Thank you

“Oh, fuck
” – Kareem breathed, always deeply touched by that sensual ‘thank you’ that made his hidden strings resonate. And he had no doubts that the ‘thank you’ was for him, despite being Bryniar’s the cock filling Lance.

Bryniar’s powerful hips started rocking back and forth, and Kareem couldn’t keep holding the man’s balls any longer, so he stepped back and stood kneeling on the mattress, watching with wide eyes Bryniar make love to Lance, while slowly stroking his own cock. And that was when he saw it: the thankful, tender glare in Bryniar’s eyes, the very same ‘sparkle of joy’ that Kareem had spotted into Adam’s eyes, the two times he could see him making love to Lance.

Lance moaned and squirmed for the pleasure under Bryniar’s body swaying over him, and Bryniar’s hips rocked with manly confidence back and forth, easing the long stiff cock in and out of Lance’s welcoming hole. Kareem watched them making love with wide eyes, focusing now on Lance’s delighted expression, now on the concentrated frown on Bryniar’s handsome face, now on the powerful hips slamming with dominant attitude on Lance’s ass.

!!” – Kareem murmured again, letting go of his own cock, lest to shoot his juice just watching the sensual act taking place under his eyes. He was happy to be there, to witness again the magic Lance could weave around his male partners, but something stirred into his heart: not really jealousy, but a deep desire to be in Bryniar’s place, to be the one giving such a deep, intense pleasure to Lance.

His frown didn’t go unnoticed to Bryniar, who slowed down and recoiled, reluctantly pulling out of Lance’s warm depths. “I think your place is here” – he said to Kareem, who briefly shook his head: “No, I promised I would’ve just watched, I don’t want you to stop

“Shut up” – Bryniar mocked Kareem, grabbing him by his cock: “Let me return the favor

Kareem took place between Lance’s splayed legs with an eagerness that disproved his earlier statement that he wanted to just watch, and Bryniar held his throbbing cock pointed to Lance’s loosened hole: “No need to fiddle around, stud. Shove it in!”

Kareem didn’t need to be told twice; but he didn’t really shove his cock all the way into Lance with a single powerful thrust, because he was having a hard time holding back his orgasm, due to the intoxicating sensuality of the weird three-way he got caught into.

He started pumping into Lance’s wet chute slowly, savoring every moment of it, and he felt at home, in his element, in the place he was supposed to be: with the man he loved. He parted his legs a bit, to ease the pressure on his prostate and let his building orgasm subside. He locked eyes with Lance and smiled, reading in his lover’s beautiful eyes an unrestrained joy, a desire and a pleasure that Bryniar couldn’t make appear in them.

But his tender smile quickly morphed into an alarmed expression when he felt a wet engorged helmet knocking at his back door. Bryniar had been kind, earlier, to let Kareem take his place, but he was clearly determined not to be left out of the game.

Kareem froze and stiffened, turning his head around to look at Bryniar.

“One word” – Bryniar said warmly, placing a comforting hand on Kareem’s back – “Just two small letters: ‘No’. Say it and I’ll step back and finish myself off watching you two. A simple ‘No’ is all you need to say.”

Kareem opened his mouth
 and then closed it. If Lance had ever taught him anything, it was that in love you have to give as much as you get. Possibly, give even more than you get. And yet, Kareem was not used to give his ass to anyone, and Bryniar’s endowment wasn’t exactly a needle

Bryniar pressed a bit harder his stiff cock on Kareem’s clenched hole and warned: “It will hurt a bit. Can you take it like a man?”

Kareem was holding his breath and just nodded yes, feeling his heart thump like a drum into his chest. The pressure on his tight hole increased and suddenly the fat mushroom head forced open the stiff anal rings, causing to Kareem a fiery pang of pain. But he didn’t scream, he didn’t protest: he sucked in a deep breath and shut his mouth, waiting for the pain to subside.

He felt Bryniar’s loving arms envelope his torso, and the man’s voice whisper into his ear: “You’re such a stud
 Here, I’m inside you, all the way
 Are you feeling better, now? Then it’s time to pick up where you left off

With those words, Bryniar pushed his hips hard on Kareem’s buttocks, gently forcing him to shove again his cock into Lance’s waiting hole. Kareem almost succumbed under the pleasure radiating from his cock and the delightful pain coming from his overstretched ass and started moaning “Oh god
 oh god
”, exhilarated by the weird feeling of fucking and being fucked at the same time.

Lance smiled and looked at Kareem in awe for his confidence and his manliness; and when he spotted a doubtful glimpse into Kareem’s eyes, he just said a warm “No labels”, and Kareem found back his beautiful smile.

“I can’t hold back much longer
” – Kareem said with urgency after a while, and Bryniar paced up his thrusts into his ass: “Cum with me, stud
 You are the most beautiful of the beautiful people I’ve ever met
 Nnnngghh!!! Fuuuck!”

The explosion of hot semen that flooded Kareem’s fundaments instantly sent him through the roof, and with a loud moan he stiffened and started unloading his balls into Lance’s hole; but despite the mind-blowing pleasure he was feeling, he reached to Lance’s cock and started stroking it in earnest, quickly bringing him to a body-shaking orgasm.

When drained, they all crashed on the bed, heaving and glancing to each other with satisfied grins on their faces. Bryniar placed a hand on Kareem’s shoulder and asked: “Everything’s OK?”

Kareem smiled wide and replied: “I think I want a leg like yours!”, and they all burst into a loud, joyful laughter.


In the next chapter: Alastair shows to Kareem and Lance a juicy scene caught by the security camera placed in O’Rourke’s cell and they all rejoice in seeing the evil Captain and his two buddies behind bars. But the three inmates don’t stay in jail for long...

by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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