A Road Less Travelled

by Denis1

2 Jun 2023 5571 readers Score 6.3 (47 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This whole thing started when I received an email out of the blue from a Asian Belt League fighter. His name was Hamza and he was currently back in his home country Oman for winter training. He enclosed his ABL Profile picture for reference as I hadn't met him or had any correspondence with him previously.

His proposition appeared very interesting to a person in my position.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Denis, I'm 18years old and my job is

the  wrestling tryout trainer for the UK Belt League, one of my tasks being to look for new aspiring talent for the league, as there's a constant flow of boys leaving the ABL when they become to old at 20 as it'sa junior competition. And yes before you say it, I do have the best job going!

Hamza's suggested I might want to travel over to Oman (All expenses paid!) As some teenage boys had started wrestling training in his local gym and he thought that one or two of them had enough potential to join the ABL.

Well as you can see it was a no brainer!

A week in sunny Oman tryout wrestling with a bunch of  fit teen boys. I immediately texted him back to make arrangements. I also spoke to my boss to see if he was cool with the idea. He said he was fine with it but suggested I speak to Neil the ABL tryout trainer as he had met Hamza when he did an assessment match with him on joining the league.

I spoke with Neil who thought Hamza wasn't too bad a kid with his attitude when compared to the other Arab fighters in the league. As for fighting he warned me that he was a master wrestler who was merciless in the ring, his specialities being cruel crushing holds using his powerfull arms and legs. I must say I mostly didn't listen to the last bit as I was certainly not interested in wrestling with him! Neil then went on to say that Hamza had confided to him that he was actually gay, but it was impossible for him to be open or meet anyone in Oman as its illegal. I myself as a bisexual man felt for him and his predicament. He certainly wasn't my type, but everyone should be able to be who they really are in this world.

The tickets duly arrived next day and I set off for what I thought would be a fantastic experience. Not having been to Oman before I was very interested in seeing the sights and sampling the local culture.

After a long flight from Chicago I arrived at Muscat International Airport. It had been arranged Hamza's older brother Aziz would pick me up from the concourse. He spoke excellent English and helped me with my bags into the boot of his car. I did notice between the conversion on the journey he sometimes looked at me strangely, almost as if he felt guilty about something.

It was a good hours drive to Hamza's gym and on arrival Aziz said that he had some work to do but would be back later in the day to take me to my hotel.

The gym was definitely not what I expected, a low roofed concrete building with no apparent windows or natural light. As I entered the building I could see a dimly lit ring in the centre, with practice matts at various points across the floor. Then from out of nowhere Hamza suddenly appeared. MR DENIZE he boomed and very firmly shook my hand.

I certainly taken aback by his appearance, especially as he was dressed only in his wrestling leotard which was now far too small, as it was obvious he had grown a bit and put more muscles on since his ABL picture. MR DENIZE WE WILL BE FRIENDS, YES, he said in halting English. I assured him we would be.

As I couldn't see anyone else in the gym I equired about the other boys.


I was definitely not planning on this turn of events, but as they say when in Rome. I quickly got changed into my blue speedos. I then noticed from the corner of my eye that Hamza was watching me very intently while he tried without success to make the leotard fit a little better. It was definitely lacking in the groin area as I could see one of his very large and heavy looking balls trying to escape it's confines. His poorly concealed package did look very impressive though. I climbed into the ring and we shook hands. It was then that Hamza dropped his bombshell! MR DENIZE I THINK WE WRESTLE NOW, I REALLY LIKE YOU LOTS, YOU ARE WEAK SOFT WESTERN GIRLY BOY, PERFECT FOR HAMZA!

Parden Hamza! Was all I could manage.


I was almost in shock, totally taken aback, I attempted to explain that although I have had relationships with men and I was very flattered by his interest but I just didn't think he was the one for me! Hamza's expression immediately changed from this point onwards

IT MUST HAPPEN, HAMZA CANNOT DO IT WITH OMANI BOY, IT IS YOU MR DENIZE, YOU WILL BE HAMZA'S TOY WILLING OR NOT! Before I got the word NOT out Hamza launched himself across the ring towards me.

From the look of him he had at least 40lbs of muscle more than me and both his arms and legs were covered in bulging muscle. I'm sure each of his astoundingly muscular thighs were as thick as my waist!

He crashed into me with a shoulder charge that straightaway flung me back onto the ropes. It was like being hit by a truck! HA! MR DENIZE YOU FEEL POWER OF HAMZA NOW WEAK SISSY BOY, He roared.

As I bounced back off the ropes he caught me in a reverse headlock and proceeded to march me around the ring, yanking his big biceps into my neck at every opportunity.

I was already in big trouble, my breathing was restricted as he often clamped his strong thick fingers over my mouth whenever I tried to get a big breath. More worryingly in the position my head was in I could only see his lower body and shocking it was! Both those heavy balls had come loose from the almost thong like gusset of his tiny leotard and there was a huge wet patch where the head of his now firmly erect penis was beginning to poke out from the top of it. Collecting myself and realising that I'm in the fight of my life, I uppercut a right into Hamza's breadbox. He only gives out a slight moan and cranks up the pressure even more with those massive arms on my rapidly failing neck muscles.


With that he bulldogs me over to the centre of the ring and with amazing speed switches the hold around so he is now behind my with his arms around my chest. He then moves his body right up to mine so his now massively engorged glans are pressing against the back of my speedos. NOW MR DENIZE YOU FEEL POWER OF HAMZA YES! It feels like a thick iron bar is rubbing up my butt crack, I try squirming to the side to lesson the effect, for both of us!

Suddenly I'm airborne, as Hamza executes a perfect German suplex on me. My head slams into the canvas with dizzying force! Through glazed eyes I see Hamza get up and pull the thong like gusset of his leotard fully to one side.

OMG.. His penis is huge, not just that thick vein ribbed shaft! His engorged corona and glans are definitely twice the size, at least 4 inches across! dripping with sticky pre cum that's literally ousing out of the glistening pink head in rivulets!

NOW IS TIME FOR HAMZA AND MR DENIZE TO BE REAL FRIENDS, He says as his powerfull legs encircle my head and neck in a frontal headscissor. In my dazed state I try to dislodge them, but it's impossible!

HA, WEAK WESTERN GIRLY BOY CANNOT BREAK HAMZA'S SCISSOR! NOBODY EVER GET OUT OF HAMZA'S SCISSOR! Slowly he inches towards my mouth with his giant dripping cock head.

I lock my jaw closed so he cannot force it into me, still desperately prying at those immense columns of thigh muscle that are slowly cutting off my blood flow. HAMZA NOW SHOW MR DENIZE SPECIAL TRICK!

With that he dug his powerfull thick fingers into the pressure point under my jaw.....ARE...Was all I could say as my jaw opened wide...help...My god he'd got the whole head of his throbbing penis into my mouth, I desperately tried to pull back but that deep ridge behind the engorged corona and his veiny shaft was too big! My jaw just couldn't open any further without being dislocated! I was stuck fast on the corona of his glans unable to move forward or back! NOW WE MUST MAKE SPECIAL LOVE MR DENIZE, YOU ARE WEAK WESTERN GIRLY BOY AND HAMZA STRONG ARAB BOY!

And with that he shifted his legs to a figure four headscissor so one of his thick calves was resting against the back of my head. Being on my front my head was cranked back at about ninety degrees and I could start to feel the vertebrae begin separating.

Hamza must have noticed this as he rolled over onto one side, allowing my all but broken body to regain a more natural shape. Shlop...Shlop....Shlop..he sets up a steady thrusting motion flexing his calf muscle on the inward and his strong abs on the outward.I feel my head sliding up and down the thicky ribbed shaft as he face fucks me using his abdominal muscles and legs only.  HAMZA IS FAIR BOY, HE GIVE WEAK MR DENIZE PLEASURE TO!

I then felt him gently starting to masterbate my cock with just one finger and thumb on either side of my shaft just below the head! OOOHH...I let out an involuntary moan!

His touch was perfect those strong fingers kept in rhythm with his cock sliding into my achingly distended mouth!

Slowly Hamza forced his glistening penis deeper and deeper into my throat .On each long slow thust I could feel his ribbed veiny shaft throbbing with blood in time to his rapid heartbeat! Now I was choking, again struggling to breathe as the sheer amount of his thick pre cum was overwhelming me, leaking back out around my mouth and dripping from both nostrils. In my extreme distress I managed a glance up to Hamza's face. I saw he had propped his head and shoulders on the bottom rope and was doing an incredible biceps flex with the arm that wasn't slowly stroking me off.

His arm had such a crazy big peak for someone of his age and must have been at least 17inches.

He roared as he saw me looking at his flex.

MR DENIZE HE LOVES HAMZA'S STRONG BODY YES! I was fading fast now, my eyes fluttering closed.

Hamza must have realised for he increased the pace and power of his thick penis strokes so much his heavy balls started slapping into my already badly damaged neck, each heavy slap causing my windpipe to collapse further. Hamza also quickened his wanking stroke and gently pressed his little finger into my urethra. Unable to resist his overwhelming power anymore I placed my hands onto Hamza's beautiful strong legs and just began to lovingly carress them. One last look at his devastatingly strong body was enough for me and I orgasmed like I'd never done in my life before, huge ropes of hot sperm erupted from my cock, a cock that had never been as big and hard as it was now!

AH THE LADY HAS CUM! NOW THE STRONGER MAN WHO WAITS WILL! No sooner than Hamza said this I felt his penis suddenly enlarge even more.....

GRRRKK.....Was all I could manage to say as my whole body seemed to fill up with Hamza's juices pumping hot and hard into me. I felt my stomach distenting from the sheer amount of cum he continued to unload into my wrecked broken body. I had no air left in my body at this point and no way of getting any! The last thing I remember is Hamza shouting.


Some time later I Awoke still in the ring and alone, there was no sign of Hamza.

Barely able to stand I managed to get to my clothes and phoned Hamza's brother Izas. He would be there in ten minutes, and he was so glad I was still ok! Which was a little strange unless he knew what was going to happen! I decided I would not stay in Oman as there were never any girls to wrestle and on questioning Aziz more it turned out his brother had seen a poster of me on the gym wall one day advertising the PBL and decided the ruse about the girls would be the best way to get me to Oman and his clutches! I angrily said goodbye to Aziz at the airport, as it was obvious he was in on the whole plan. But at least he did provide me with an orthopaedic neckbrace for the flight home.

I have recorded these events as they happened here, as I'm still trying to process it all and cannot speak about it publicly. Hamza is still Oman's ABL fighter and I'm still the UKBL trainer. But I do realise I have questions to answer. Such as could I have done more to stop this?

What I don't understand also is there were times when I was trapped in Hamza's leggy embrace, and definitely had more than some enjoyment of my predicament as witnesesed by frankly the best sexual experience I have ever had !

by Denis1

Email: [email protected]

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