A Picture is Worth About a Thousand Words

by mushrush

23 Nov 2023 4400 readers Score 8.9 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

A Glimpse of 1126

The staff at Fletcher House are professional and well trained. I say this in their defense. The decisions that staff make for the training regimen of each slave are made strictly for the benefit of the institution. This is the official line and I know of very few exceptions. But here’s the thing: 1126 was born with attitude. Staff here understand their job and almost always rise above the petty irritations encountered in the everyday business of training, feeding, grooming, and directing of slaves, but there is on that rare occasion what amounts to a stretch of standard policy by staff. I do not say a breaking of the rule, but an interpretation.

Take for example this morning’s contretemps in the stalls. Trainers were entirely right to move 1126 from the stalls after first call. 26 made it clear he thought to resist. A hard jerk on the neck leash produced a “Fuck!” from 26 and which is, of course, entirely unacceptable: weanlings are prohibited from resisting any command, but especially they are prohibited from speaking.

So, there will be a punishment, and it will be specified by the duty officer, who as it happens, is the trainer involved in this morning’s set to. The standard punishment for the first offence for speaking is two rounds of whipping, and this was assigned. But because this trainer is also responsible for 26’s daily training program, including training for volume cum and precum production, he has ordered the program to use the Workman’s Protocol for all four periods today and for the rest of the week -- an old and mostly obsolete but still-allowed practice that can cause great stress and discomfort to the slave.

In practice, this means that four times today, and four times every day for a week, for an hour each time, 1126 will be brought to within an inch of climax, and then left to calm himself when that doesn’t happen. This will be repeated as often as possible within that hour, and then the cock will be put in a short flat cage until the next round four hours later. The picture above shows 26 early in the day, still being cleaned up between rounds. Still not clear on the calm down part.

The training requires that at all other times, 26 be locked in a cock cage and not cum for a week. Years of observation confirm that this has the effect of making the slave very edgy after two or three days. A week can have serious physical and mental effects. Wet dreams are largely prevented by waking the boy periodically throughout the night for the entire week. This further compromises the slave’s concentration and general behavior, and can often lead to further failures to follow orders and thus lead to further punishments.

No doubt all this is understood both by staff and serai, and that’s why of the four current players, it’s only 26 who still tries out attitude. i love him for it, though. He’s just so cute and stupid at the same time he’s just irresistible.

Now, as for the punishment, I can tell it in a few words. The punishment and whipping of slaves is usually a matter between master and slave and most members pay little attention to the discipline of each other’s slaves -- except when it comes to the players. Here, whippings have become an attraction. And once the punishment schedule for a player is posted, the whole dining room and all the club rooms take note and empty out around show time. And such was the case for 26 when it was time for his two rounds under the lash.

The East Round Theater was appointed for 2:30 in the afternoon and nearly everyone on site was present, including several officers and directors. The gamekeeper himself presented the lash to the officer of the watch and read out the offences and remedies. Of the remedies, it was determined that the officer of the watch should lash the offender until the gamekeeper should call a halt. And thus it began. And, I should say, also began 26’s own performance, and which will be remembered if I am any judge. The lashings began apace, consistently hard and unrelenting and then tentative, smooth and slow and then harsh and fast again, then one powerful smack after another until finally screams erupted after resisting for so long. And once let loose, scream after scream followed as the tailed lash repeated a blistering series of strikes and the back and hams and butt became a seething matrix of red stripes.

Each further lash brought burning gurgling protests from the boy, but there was no surcease, and as the blows came, so arched and stretched every muscle in the back and legs, in the neck and shoulders. Everything moved, looking for relief that was still out of sight. And finally came the “O God stop! Please. Stop, O God stop!” And which brought applause from the audience, some standing. And the blows continued, and the screams.

And little noticed by the audience, mixed with spit and sweat, a copious and steady stream of precum flowed to the floor from a fully hard cock -- exactly what’s wanted by the gamekeeper and training staff. After another few dozen lashes or so the gamekeeper raised his arm and declared an end to the first part of the punishment. 26 was then sluiced with salt water to produce a continuous scream that was met with more applause from the audience.

The next round of edging was scheduled for the East Amphitheater a couple hours later (I’ll have more on that another time). And then the second round of whipping in the same venue after that. The first round of punishment is hard for a first-time offender. They’ve likely never felt pain of that sort, or sought vainly for relief from it. It can affect the mind. But the second round, lashes on top of lashes? Even hours later the pain of hundreds of lashes will not have gone away. And to take further lashes on the pain that won’t go away brought tears and sobs and screams and no end of squirming and wriggling to get free from the pain, the lash, the bonds on wrists and ankles.

After a while, each lash produced a long trailing scream. The punisher kept his blows in time with the boy’s breathing, sometimes leading, sometimes following. Sweat and spit and precum and snot pooled on the floor, the cock stood up hard and drooling. And through it all, 1126 cherished in the fury of his suffering not that he broke rules, not that he was wrong to bring attitude and resistance to his masters, but that in the second round of whipping, at the very end of his endurance, he found the fundament and source of his happiness and came and came and came until he passed out.

by mushrush

Email: [email protected]

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