
Alphabetical list of sex & porn terms starting with B, from Backleg to Buzzcut.

Boston Marriage

Where two women, sans any male help, live together in a relationship, that does not necessarily involve sex.


A person who prefers to be penetrated, rather than doing the penetration.

Boy Toy

Slang for the younger partner of an older person.


Generally referring to a younger aged male.


The permanent and painful marking of a human, generally using hot metal on the flesh, in a specific design or symbol, as is done to livestock by farmers.

Breath Play

The deprivation of air during sexual role playing games, including choking, hanging, and other such oxygen deprival acts.


Slang term used to denote a heterosexual person, as used by homosexual persons, in either a derogatory sense, or joking manner.


A place where 'johns' can meet and engage prostitutes. A business that offers a more acceptable service, primary intended for 'sex for hire' arrangements.


Males who share a common parent(s), either natural or adopted.

Bubble Butt

A bubble butt, as referencing one's buttocks.

Buddy Booth

A portioned booth where one can intereact with another person anonymously, with a barrier in between. No physical contact occurs.

Bug Chaser

Those who actively seek out others, that are infected with HIV in order to become infected themselves.


Legal crime of where anal intercourse occurs, but ejaculation is not a requirement, for the charge to be laid. Similar to Sodomy Laws.


One person being ejaculated on by several other men.

Bust a Nut

Slang for when a person strokes or masturbates to the point of ejaculation.


A more 'masculine' or 'dominating' figure in Lesbian society, though also used to describe a macho gay male. Generally a 'top' in both Gay Men and Lesbian community.

Butt Plug

The cone shaped object, shorter than a dildo, that is inserted into the rectum, for anal stimulation.

Butterfly Board

A board, used in SM, that has a hole cut out, to allow for the penis and scrotum to be inserted through.

Butterfly Queen

A slang term for a homosexual whose favourite sex, is engaging in mutual cock sucking.


Common reference to the fleshy part of a human's anatomy, which one sits on.


Used to describe a particular hair styling, in which the hair is trimming extremely close to the scalp.