What does gay paraphilias mean?

What is Paraphilias?

A sexual arousal to objects, situations, or individuals, that one could say was not normal, by society standards.


Generally, a disorder in which one achieves a sexual arousal, to objects, situations, or individuals that are considered, not just unnatural, but that cause serious problems for those afflicted by the disorder, or by those around such individuals.

Not an exact science, as Homosexuality was originally considered to be included in this area of mental disorders. (Until 1973 in fact).


From the Greek words 'para' and 'philia', 'Para' referring to "besides" and 'Philia' referring to "love".

The term originated in the 1920's by Wilhelm Stekel. It didn't become popular in use, until the 1960's thanks to John Money. Up until the coining of the word, and its subsequent popularity in the 1960's, most commonly these disorders were classed as Perversions.

The reason for the change, is due to the word having different connotations in a scientific surrounding, versus the legal community.


Due to the legal definitions of sodomy and perversion, Paraphilias were created, to provide a distinct difference to the legal definitions. A means to clarify the differences between the legal system and the medical profession. Psychologists and Psychiatrists added Paraphilias as Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Commonly referred to as the DSM. This is usually followed by its edition, such as DSM-II.

Practice (Associated Acts): In DSM-III they describe a Paraphilia's as having an intense sexual arousal, in fantasies, in behavior, and in urges, that involves all or some or one of the following:

Noteworthy: It is difficult to determine the number of Paraphilias, in one list they name about 547 Paraphilias. Part of the controversy over the use of Paraphilias, is that lack of distinction between an actual disorder, or simply abnormal behavior.

Scientific and Political arguments abound today, about even whether or not, sexual disorders, Paraphilias, should even be included within the DSM.

They also argue, that use of the term is belittling, to the person so diagnosed. Females are rarely diagnosed as having any Paraphilias, though there are some published instances of female Paraphilia sufferers.

In earlier times, CASTERATION was the common CURE for many of the sexual Paraphilias (most notably for rapists andpedophiles).

Other forms of treatment today, include psychotherapy, drugs, and self help groups. However some of those, also have come under fire by the nature of their application.

Similiar Terms

Not fully standardized, the degree of a Paraphilia is listed to falling under three sets of categories. Optional which basically means that under most conditions, they are able to achieve fulfillment without resorting to their particular disorder's criteria, such as say wearing woman's clothing during climax.

Preferred is just what it means. They seek out to achieve their arousal, based on their preference, even though they may still achieve satisfaction in more so called normal means.

Exclusive refers to where the Paraphilias must be followed, such as wearing woman's underwear while performing penetration. (merely an example)
